Jess, more like she chases me or the cat. By the end of the day I just want a little peace!
and you should always you ya'll! It works!
Sophia looks adorable! And look at that hair!
You may try seeing a derm about the butterfly rash! They should be able to recognize it as being lupus. It is hard to get a diagnosis for lupus though so I am so sorry
Leslie, how are you doing?
Angel, yes we are still planning to vacation somewhere next spring but haven't decided! When DH went to Thailand for a project recently he said the flight would be too nightmarish with L so we are looking for somewhere closer.
Pierce is such a cutie!
You tell that man (your DH) to suck it up on the sleeping! We definitely handle things as best we can alone. My DH has learned not to cross me
Amy, telling your beans to bloom! Haha if I was nearby I'd come over and read The Very Hungry Caterpillar to them to let them know that they can sprout into beautiful butterfly babies!
Well Lorelei was happy. And then I dressed her and that pissed her off. Then she calmed down. Then she just started screaming (she has back teeth coming in) and actually let me wrap her up without complaining in Simlish in my ear the entire time. As she becomes more independent she wants to be worn less but some days she still needs to be close to mama.
She is down again and happy. We shall see how long this lasts. Sigh. I need some soda. Is it nap time yet?