Laura, I became less active on here due to trouble with the site. Feel your pain with the phone giving you trouble
I totally missed that your thyroid was autoimmune! Glad that you have answers to that finally but sorry for that diagnosis. Did I ever tell you about my own autoimmune troubles? I probably never did as it was years and years ago but a patch of my skin on my back had started to thicken. Doctors had never seen anything like it and sent me to a dermatologist who diagnosed me with localized schleroderma. I haven't had patches in a few years though.
I am glad that Simon is doing better and eating well. I just love your pictures of him. He is so beautiful. I am also hoping that you guys get good news!
Amy, I agree with your parents. Be patient and wait please
I know that it is a difficult thing to ask of you though!
Oh her birthday was filled with caramel apple cheesecake and tacos so it was a good day for our little family
Jess, haha we are similar then except that I'm short! But yes, when small I still weigh more than people think., ya gonna do the no pants dance?! Please remember that we are here for you
I hope that size 6 does the trick for Pierce!
Yep those toddler tantrums are pretty fun. Lorelei is grunting at me in annoyance right now because I'm not feeding her her snack fast enough.
My child is currently terrorizing me. She is screaming Simlish in my ear that I am pretty sure could be translated to "MOAR SNAPEAS!"
Started reading her The Legend of Holly Claus today. When we come to a picture I show it to her and she exclaims either "daddy!" Or "kitty!"