for our rainbow groups catch up Xx

lol ya I did.. last night and this morning and both :bfn:. I dont have anymore IC's left and I only have two CB digis left and I dont want to use those now I wont be doing that. Those wont be used unless I miss a period or something like that.
Amy, I just went to baby center and read a poll from women in your same position and almost all of them got bfps later. Some got them much much later. Like at least 7dp 5 dt and much later! Please try not to test until at least next week or blood test.
Laura, pho is Vietnamese. All the Asian foods are great though aren't they? We go to Chinatown when DH is home and try something new all the time!
Oh no how much will it cost to fix the car?
Poor Simon- give him hugs and kisses for me. And don't be hard on yourself for eating junk- I eat garbage when DH is gone. When we are tired and dealing with sick or grumpy babies we need to make everything else as easy on ourselves as possible...which is where pizza always enters the picture for me! (...I'm eating a pop tart right now lol)

Amy, *puts tape over your mouth* don't give up yet or else I'm going to make you watch Dude Where's My Car all day! (Is that a sufficient punishment?)
But seriously, don't lose heart. The internet is full of bullshit. Trust in your doctors right now. Keep visualizing those babies anchoring to you and growing. Don't give up on them yet.

Angel, Ecuador you say? I will definitely suggest it to DH. After his time in Venezuela though he might be off of South America for a while. Though get this, ever since he came back he fancies that he can speak Spanish. He can't. And when he tries it sounds terrible. I don't even know how a person could spend over half of their life in Texas and butcher pronunciation of Spanish like he does.
Haha has Pierce been patient with you today?

Jess, HI! *waves happily*
Amy I think Bethany may show up at your house to stop u if u test anymore
Hee hee
.Angel s usually is sick with me, so at least he is cuddly
Hope u feel better soon x

Not sure about car
I've already put 400 into it in late 2 months
Don't want to waste that
But also don't wanna throw good money after bad
Um pizza.
I'm hungry again :-D
I had a cheese sandwich.
Chinese is too far away
involves waking Simon, getting dressed and Car
So not happening :-D
I've put up 5 pounds again
Bethany, how about this. We have lived in California, little Mexico and my kids are 75% hispanic and my oldest daughter speaks Spanish like a total white girl. lol. It almost seems like she tries to butcher it on purpose. Natalie pronounces it pretty good through. My mom didn't raise us speaking it, I wish she would have. I speak pretty fluently, but I have an obvious accent and feel shy to speak it in front of other native Spanish speakers because they have made fun of me, can be pretty mean actually. So I prefer to speak it in front of non native speakers who seem impressed when they see I can speak spanish. lol. How did your dh enjoy Venezuela. Did he like the food? I have never tried Venezuelan food.

I use to visit SF Chinatown a lot as a child. Don't like going there now, too touristy and crowded. I hear some of those hole in the wall Chinese places are pretty good though. Have your tried Lumpias Bethany? They are a filipino but I believe Chinese origins. Its pretty good if made right. I remember as a child going to china town and loving the barbecued pork buns. They are a bit harder to find now, but were pretty yummy.
Laura, how far is the nearest Chinese restaurant from where you live? Is there a lot of diverse cuisine near where you live? i have been eating junk food today also. Its just convenient at times. Although I feel like utter crap after indulging in this stuff.
Bethany, I can totally picture you showing up on Amy's doorstep with the "Dude, where's m car" dvd!! lol. Too bad us ladies aren't neighbors!
Laura, sounds like you had a great car to last so long! What does your OH think of maybe getting a new one?
It is nice when the babies want to cuddle but always a shame when it is because they aren't feeling well :(
So did you eat pizza? :D I am so glad that we live somewhere that has Chinese delivery. Though it isn't worth the traffic in this special hell of Texas lol. What are your favorite foods to get where you live? (Wants to know about all the Irish foods!)

Jess, do you think that she does try to but her it on purpose? My ex deliberately did because he didn't want to learn/speak Spanish ever. What kind of accent do you have? I'm sorry that you have been made to feel self-conscious about it! There is so much judgement when it comes to Spanish. I have a friend who is a Mexican and was yelled at by a Cuban once because she couldn't follow what he was saying! And my ex-in laws were Puerto Rican and Mexicans were always telling them that sounded like they talked with a lisp. I couldn't hear a difference myself.
DH did not enjoy Venezuela. Nor the food that he had there. There is a Venezuelan restaurant here that he likes but they have all of the ingredients for dishes if you know what I mean. He even has a picture somewhere of a giant roach that he fished out of his food when he was there. He became so ill. When he came home he was thin and hairy and honestly he scared our baby because she didn't recognize him anymore :(
I haven't seen a Lumpias but that doesn't mean that there isn't one! We tend to go to the same area of Chinatown every single time. Normally we would do Japanese hot pot but we have also branched out to Malaysian, Vietnamese and Korean. And then we go to the Japanese dollar store afterwards. I love it. I try to pretend that I'm not in Texas when there lol.

Yes I would show up at Amy's thumping the DVD case menacingly in my hand. "Watching this will hurt me just as much as it hurts you." LOL
I myself, just don't speak like a native. I wouldn't say I have a horrible accident. To the average non native speaker I pronounce pretty well, but to other hispanics they like to laugh and correct me. They are where the harshest criticisms are. My mom and husband have lived here in the states so long that they don't even speak like the average person from El Salvador, but they still speak it perfectly, just not with the heavily thick central american accent. Maybe my daughter does the accent on purpose, so if people tease her at least she can think she talked with the accent on purpose as opposed to actually trying to speak it correctly and then being laughed at. If you get what I mean. Yeah, spanish speakers can be harsh. lol. Ewwww to the cockroaches. your poor dh, Venezuela nearly killed him!! Tell him no more Venezuela for him!
Caught up but,need to get up.
I hate having to wake munchkin
But he needs his medicines and. Physio,appointment
Bethany I'm pretty rural.
Nearish a town Jess, 1.5 km but too much effort to go in crappy weather with squish
I think they deliver actually but not a habit I wanna take up
I'm bad enough as it is.
My small town only has Chinese, chipper and pub grub.
City I used to live in has lots more options
But nowhere like ur Chinatown:-D
My fave is Italian
I hve about 5 words of Spanish from hols in Spain
D that count. Hee,Hee
I'd Def get laughed at
I did French in school for 5 yrs at higher level
Thought I wasn't awfull till I went to France
They hate tourists
Also hate people who are shaky on the language
They do haughty and disdain very well :-D

The Spanish are miles more friendly and encouraging
Jess ~ I <3 Filipino food! We've a large Filipino population around here, so lumpia is easy to come by! Yum! (Bethany, lumpia is like an egg roll only it's normally thinner and filled w/ meat, light veggies seasoned with oyster sauce)

Isn't it interesting how Hispanics can be discriminatory based on the sounds and flow of the language itself? My ex is from Ecuador and they used to say Mexicans had horrible accents, "butcher the language." I suppose it's similar to how the US has varying dialects & accents. My BIL from Northern MN doesn't understand my sister with her NC draw :haha:

Bethany ~ Ecuador is stunning...the volcanoes, hot can go to zero-zero (longitude, latitude). They even have those little monkeys! Or go to the coast at Guayaquil <~~though it smells fishy :fish:

P is all in my face right now...guess he wants my undivided attention!

Amy ~ No testing!!

Laura ~ Hope Simon is well enough today for physio!

Hi Leslie!
So it looks like I'm cooking for 20 this Thanksgiving :dohh: I'm cheating and paying someone else to bake my desserts (pumpkin pie, apple pie, assortment of cookies & pumpkin rolls)! DH is going to smoke one turkey and deep fry the other. This will be his first year using his Green Egg to smoke a turkey, so my sister is bringing a ham as back-up! Lol!

Any suggestion for sides? What is your favorite? I'm def doing sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes and brussel sprouts w/ bacon.
Angel potatoe gratin and onion stuffing, yum yum
20 people. I'm,impressed.
Well done

Went yo Doc instead of physio
He is mildly dehydrated
Trying to convince him to drink

My payment has been stopped without warning
They say my form from work said I was off one year
Not two
They could hve,wrote yo warn me
No new car anyway
No Xmas presents either
Stupid idiots
I'm so fed up
Feels like everything is going wrong
I will get it aback,
But I don't know how long it will take
Potatoes gratin sound delish! And OH NO Laura :hugs: I thought you were on Carer's Pay! Not a good time for them to not pay you and without warning *sigh* Too add to it sweet Milky is dehydrated--did they say if it's just a cold? Please drink something little prince! Do you still give him a bottle? (Pierce gets his milk these days in a cup, kid just never took to a bottle!)
It's,a mixture of reacting to meds and a tummy bug
How u feeling x,
Oh no Laura!!!! For dehydration, is he too young for something like pedialite? Hope little S feels better... drink up little guy! and that is ridic about the pay! can you appeal or submit the paperwork from your work that shows you are off two years???

Angel, 20 people... YIKES! I have desert recipes but not meal recipes :( I would be catering that myself too! lol Everything you and Laura have mentioned so far sounds so yummy though!!

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