^^ 13 weeks overdue?! God, I hope that was a typo! can you imagine?!! :O
Hi :wave:
I'm due October 21st, but really hoping not to get that far. Our son was born at 38+1 so i am keeping everything crossed that this little guy has a similar idea!
We're planning a homebirth though so he's got to make an appearance some time between 30th September and 31st October for it to work out really!
I think your chances will be really good that you will deliver early. I had my first child at 38 weeks also. Asked doctor if he thought I would make it to 40 weeks or beyond and he said chances are low that with second child a women goes to 40 weeks and beyond. So let keep our fingers crossed that he is right
Hey there Rebaby!
Sorry for anyone whos read this on the other october threads but .......
TMI but today when i went to the loo, when i wiped there was a load of my plug on the tissue ... no blood /streaking etc but deffo plug! Fingers crossed this means my cervix is doing something productive xx
Hope everyone else is well