For those in limbo...

nugget80: I really hope things are still just a little bit early! Did they say if you were still measuring 7+1 or did they put your dates back at all?

I'm glad that you're able to get a follow up here relatively quickly (even though I'm sure it feels like a lifetime!). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you get some good news. Please keep us posted on how things turn out!

maryanne1987: That had to be scary hearing that about your son! I'm glad that things went well with him! :) How old is he now?

I really hope the next 10 (or so) days go by quickly for you! I'm sorry about your previous loses :( I can't imagine having the Hyperemesis gravidarum on top of all of the worry! I'm glad you're staying positive :) I think the hardest part is knowing that there is no control over what's happening. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your dates were a little off or that your little bean just needed to catch up!

DaisyAnne: It's definitely tough :( I really hope that it's just a case where the heart started beating. I feel like this would have to be one of the more difficult situations to get through, knowing there's already a heartbeat :( I'm glad that you're keeping positive!

I really give props to those that are able to keep positive through these things. It's very hard to do, and I think it's amazing that there are those that can still hope for the best in these situations.

Thinking of you, and I really hope you post back here with you're beans awesome heartbeat :)

Leafy: Being positive is so hard! I feel like it's going to hurt more if I stay positive. Not that it'll hurt less, but I think finding acceptance kind of helps the blow.

I only ever had bloating, constipation, and gas. That was it. But then when the spotting started, the bloating stopped. Still dealing with constipation, but not as bad. The gas isn't as bad either.

My boobs are starting to hurt a little today, but I can't even get excited about that because I know that even with a blighted ovum or a mmc, you can still have symptoms because the body still thinks there's a growing baby in there. I really thought because of my levels, too, I'd have something more :shrug:

What have your levels been at? Mine were 11,652 at 5+5, and not sure what they were 2 days later (I'm calling tomorrow to find out).

Puppylove52: I hate seeing so many in here, too :( I had seen a few posts around about being in a similar situation. I started the thread hoping we could give support and encouragement since there were so many of us. It makes me sad that so many have to go through this. Even before I ended up here myself, my heart just went out to those that were in this position.

My fingers are crossed, too. I'm really praying that within the next couple of weeks we'll be seeing some positive updates!

shellideaks: So sorry that you're in the limbo, too :( I hope the time passes by quickly until your second scan! I'm glad the bleeding has stopped! Where they able to determine what the bleed was from?

Kind of a general question for everyone, if you've had spotting or bleeding, has anyone been able to tell you the source (even if from a different pregnancy - were they able to identify the source) or has it remained a mystery?

AFM, I know this is going to sound so irrational and superstitious, but I just think January is a bad time for me to be pregnant! I had a miscarriage January 18, 2008. I had another miscarriage January 23, 2010. Thankfully DD made it through January :haha: and then now these issues. I think next pregnancy I'm going to try and avoid January all together :haha: Not that this one was planned to begin with, but yeah. January seems to be taboo for me lol

Um, my spotting has seemed to decrease throughout the day, but I'm trying not to get too excited about that since it seemed to start decreasing Thursday after the 2 clots, but then seemed to go right back to normal and then back and forth between increasing and decreasing. But my fingers are crossed in hoping this is at least the last of the spotting. It's been almost a week now.

My boobs are starting to get sore (as of this afternoon/early evening). Part of me wants to jump for joy over it, but the logical part of me is reminding me that even with blighted ovums and mmc you can still have symptoms as long as the hcg is rising. But that kind of makes me believe that my levels rose Thursday (which makes me more concerned that nothing was seen on the scan!).

When I go back on the 26th for my scan, I'm going to ask if I have a tilted uterus. As far as I know, I didn't have one before DD was born. I heard that it could happen after a csection (not 100% sure though as I've not really found proof). I had a scan after she was born due to some abdominal pain, and that's when they said it was tilted. It was a shock since I hadn't heard of it before then since I'd had a few scans before she was born.

In all of my research and reading on blighted ovums, a tilted uterus can change the measurements in early pregnancy. I was reading about several misdiagnosed blighted ovums because of a tilted uterus. I've not been diagnosed with one nor has it even been mentioned. This is just all based on my own researched based off my numbers, scan, and everything going on.

I really hope you ladies update us on your follow ups. I'm praying for positive outcomes for everyone.
The nurse who scanned me said vessels can burst when implantation happens and it's quite common to have bleeding because of that. Apparently a lot of women have blood in their womb but some reabsorb it whilst others bleed. And some never know about it cos it usually resolves itself before 8 weeks.
Spunky... nothing was said about dates or anything to that matter. Sonographer just said really sorry can't see anything except sac. Which she pointed out. She went on to say as the measurements were borderline she has to put inconclusive on report and I need a follow up in 5-7 days. That was all the info I was given. I to have a tilted uterus which I found out about with my mmc but she didn't say that would affect anything. Have been off work since scan (tried to go in but feeling quite sick still). Just waiting til weds now for follow up...
It's interesting, that I have also been told I have a tilted uterus in the past (at smears etc) I didnt know it made things difficult to see on scans.

My levels were 25,000 which i thought was high but according to google anything between 1,000 - 56,000 is normal for this stage.

I'm cramping quite a bit today. Feels like when my period is here, but no more spotting....yet. I just feel like it could start at any minute and i'm constantly on edge- its impossible to relax.
We are stuck in limbo as well. This is my first pregnancy & we have only got this far through IVF, we were over the moon when we found out & were just so happy.
We went for our first scan on 7th Jan & i should have been 7+4 according to the clinic, we were told that they could only see an empty sack measuring 8mm & that it looked like a failing pregnancy & they were 99% sure that i would miscarry. We were devastated I went home & didn't go back to work for the rest of the week.
They referred us to the Early Pregnancy Unit a week later for another scan. We went for the scan last week & they could see a bigger sack, a yolk sack & a 4mm fetal pole but no heart beat so said that they had to say it was inconclusive. We are booked in for another scan this Friday 23rd & they will make the decision then on whether they think it will be viable or not.
We really didn't know what to think when they said that things had progressed from what we were told the previous week we thought it was all over. They have still said to prepare for the worst but we are praying for a good outcome.
The nurse who scanned me said vessels can burst when implantation happens and it's quite common to have bleeding because of that. Apparently a lot of women have blood in their womb but some reabsorb it whilst others bleed. And some never know about it cos it usually resolves itself before 8 weeks.

That's really interesting! For all the reading I've done about bleeding in first tri and the percentage that actually ends in miscarriage, I was honestly wondering about sources in those that do have healthy pregnancies (aside from subchronic hematomas, which I think they can see on scans?).

The only other (normal) bleed that I really knew of was implantation bleeding. I wonder in the situations of where it's brown instead of red spotting (for the implantation bleed) is because of it not reabsorbing (like where maybe some don't have the implantation spotting, so it gets reabsorbed?).

Aside from it being scary stuff to deal with, I think it's actually interesting to hear about the different sources of nonthreatening bleeds. I feel like the more knowledge the better. I mean, more knowledge can sometimes be worse, but I think if there was more information out there on what can cause a normal bleed, it might help some people get through it since most of the information (even though stating it can be normal) seems to show bad outcomes.

Spunky... nothing was said about dates or anything to that matter. Sonographer just said really sorry can't see anything except sac. Which she pointed out. She went on to say as the measurements were borderline she has to put inconclusive on report and I need a follow up in 5-7 days. That was all the info I was given. I to have a tilted uterus which I found out about with my mmc but she didn't say that would affect anything. Have been off work since scan (tried to go in but feeling quite sick still). Just waiting til weds now for follow up...


I don't have absolute facts about the tilted uterus, but I was reading a website (misdiagnosed miscarriage) where I think I read that information. There are several stories of misdiagnosed blighted ovums. Even with hcg levels. So like they couldn't find an embryo on the scan by so many weeks with a higher hcg level, but then like 10 days later they found a heartbeat. Some of them were well into 10+ weeks.

Hopefully they'll get a better look on Wednesday. I hope these next few days go by quickly for you. Please keep us posted on how things go!

It's interesting, that I have also been told I have a tilted uterus in the past (at smears etc) I didnt know it made things difficult to see on scans.

My levels were 25,000 which i thought was high but according to google anything between 1,000 - 56,000 is normal for this stage.

I'm cramping quite a bit today. Feels like when my period is here, but no more spotting....yet. I just feel like it could start at any minute and i'm constantly on edge- its impossible to relax.

I'm honestly curious as to how many have a tilted uterus with the same issue. I really hope that it's just the tilted uterus that made it more difficult to see everything.

Are you feeling any better with the cramping? :( I know it's impossible to relax. Is there anything you can do to try and distract yourself for a bit? I know distractions can only go so far.

Thinking of you :hugs:

We are stuck in limbo as well. This is my first pregnancy & we have only got this far through IVF, we were over the moon when we found out & were just so happy.
We went for our first scan on 7th Jan & i should have been 7+4 according to the clinic, we were told that they could only see an empty sack measuring 8mm & that it looked like a failing pregnancy & they were 99% sure that i would miscarry. We were devastated I went home & didn't go back to work for the rest of the week.
They referred us to the Early Pregnancy Unit a week later for another scan. We went for the scan last week & they could see a bigger sack, a yolk sack & a 4mm fetal pole but no heart beat so said that they had to say it was inconclusive. We are booked in for another scan this Friday 23rd & they will make the decision then on whether they think it will be viable or not.
We really didn't know what to think when they said that things had progressed from what we were told the previous week we thought it was all over. They have still said to prepare for the worst but we are praying for a good outcome.

I'm so sorry emz :(

I've not personally gone through IVF, but I have followed the journey of a few couples that have gone through it, and just from what I've read about the process and everything, it's very emotionally and physically draining. I'm so sorry you are having to go through this :(

It sounds like good news, though, that there was some growth! Maybe baby is just a slow starter and will catch up?

Thinking of you and please keep us posted on how your scan goes Friday.

AFM, I called the dr's office for my beta on Thursday. 18,373. I did an hcg calculator and at that rate, it would take 73 hours to double (which I read that after a certain level, it takes 3-4 days for it to double, so that at least sounds on track). So knowing that my hcg was likely in the 20,000s by the time of the scan, I feel like there definitely should have been something.

Right right boob seems to be getting slightly more sore (but only with a bra on???). I feel a little nauseous, but I'm also exhausted and get nauseous when I'm exhausted, so it's most likely from being tired (which is because I only had 5 hours of sleep, not necessarily from the pregnancy!).

I feel like since I lost so much sleep last Monday night, I just haven't been able to catch up on sleep (even if I got a solid 9 hours in - but I was like that during my first semester of classes too - I just started back on the 5th, so I know my body is still adjusting to the schedule again).
My son is 9 and wouldn't be without the cheeky little monkey! He's my world.

Praying the time flies by for all of us and we get some answers soon. Today I'm not having a positive day. To be honest I'd rather know what's going on now be it good or bad. I've never known time pass so slowly before.
Tilted uterus makes abdominal scans incredibly difficult. I know from experience. Mine is tilted way. Toward my back so I have had back pain throughout my pregnancy. Abdominal us have been so inconclusive bc of it. Transvaginal us is how I learned that I have 2 sacs.. One is showing empty and the other has a heartbeat. Sometimes an empty sac is misdiagnosed with tilted uterus so I have no clue what Thursday will bring...
Thinking of all of you with scans this week :hugs:

My cramps have been like a period-cramp all day and just saw some more brown-tinted stuff (discharge/blood- i dont even know) on the tissue when I wiped! It had gone for the last 2-3 days :nope:

Just feel exhausted from all the stress & worry of it now.
Leafy- I know any bit of bleeding during pregnancy is super stressful :hugs: Ugh, the stress!

Who else has a scan this week and what day?
Mine is on Friday.

As for me, my symptoms I felt like had faded a bit (even today I'm not as tired as I was for the first couple weeks), but then the last couple days my nausea and sore boobs have come back stronger than before. I know symptoms can fluctuate day-to-day, week-to-week and it doesn't mean anything one way or the other right now, but I do feel encouraged at any pregnancy symptom right now.
I'm still spotting brown here really hoping it stops soon, my midwife has arranged a scan for Wednesday morning (can't lie
I am panicing incase the sac is empty, no heart beat or stopped growing etc never been so scared of the results) I really am praying we all get positive news :) Fx crossed xxx

Also as for pregnancys symptoms mine faded Saturday but came back with nausea today and boobs hurting a little (not as much as the first few weeks but still full feeling and tingly feeling especially nipple area) I know these do come & go just doesn't help when you see blood as it makes it even more panic and you think the worst :-( xx
maryanne1987: Aw, I bet time flies (when they're growing up)! I can't imagine DD ever being 9 lol It just doesn't seem possible!

Sorry that today hasn't been a positive day for you :( I think that's what makes the waiting so hard; just wanting to know what's going on and having to wait to get an answer. And even then you have to wonder if you'll have an answer at the next scan or if you'll have to wait even longer. That's what I'm afraid of; having to go another week or two.

Puppylove52: Thank you for confirming on the tilted uterus! Keeping my fingers crossed for you Thursday! I really hope they'll be able to see what's going on with the 2 sacs and that things are still progressing well with the one with the heartbeat.

Leafy: I hope things are better for you in the morning :( The stress and worry really is exhausting.

Has any of this been affecting your sleep? Ever since mine started, I feel like sleep has been horrible.

DaisyAnne: I'm glad your symptoms are increasing again. I completely understand feeling encouraged at the symptoms. What time is your scan? Hopefully it'll be early for you!

cherrished: I hear you on being scared of the results. What time is your scan? I'm really hoping for positive news for you! (well, for everybody! lol). I'm glad some of your symptoms came back. The bleeding just makes it so hard. It makes everything feel so uncertain, and it's really hard.

AFM, I almost made it 24 hours without spotting, but had some this evening during my break from class. Not a ton, but enough to feel the disappointment. I've gone once since getting home and there was just a tiny bit. So little that I had to hold the tp different ways to the light to even see anything (and it's still possible it wasn't there).

I slipped up today and somehow managed to be positive. Oops. lol But when I got home from class, I felt like my heart just sank and kind of went back to the "it's doomed" mode.

I'm really glad that you ladies are checking in here. I feel like it's really helped me in knowing that I'm not alone with this. I mean, I'd rather none of you have to go through this either, but if you have to be, it's nice to have the company.

I don't know what anyones taste in music is, but there's a song that I like. It's gotten me through many stressful, scary times. It's made me cry at my most vulnerable moments, but it also can kind of build me back up some. But I thought I'd share it in case it can help someone else out. It's called "What Faith Can Do" by Kutless.
Cherrished, I have my scan weds morning too. I am so nervous but I think the main thing is to get some kind of answer whichever way that may be as waiting sucks. I have been off sick since last week but at the moment lying in bed is what makes me feel best. Minute I get up I just feel so nauseous and its awful to think the sickness and exhaustion could be for nothing... (iykwim) don't think I'm going back to work this week whatever happens. Am lucky my head and partner teacher are understanding. They both know what is happening and have been great... hope everyone here is doing okay...
Spunky - I cant sleep properly either - it takes me hours to fall asleep and i'm tossing & turning all night. Last night my cramps were quite bad so i had the hot water bottle feeling sure something was going to happen in the night. But it didn't. First thing I did was check the sheets and couldn't quite believe there was nothing there. I've woken up without cramps today and have everything crossed they'll stay away. x
ps: never heard of Kutless, will check em out :)
I'm the same. Cramps are so much worse at night. Last few nights have been horrible. They seem to disappear come morning though bar the odd twinge here and there. In a much more positive mood today though. Going to try and enjoy this pregnancy for as long as it lasts, be it next week or full term. Currently looking through catalogues for nursery ideas so hoping lo might pick up on the positive vibes lol.
Good luck to all of you lovely ladies, heres lots of baby dust for sticky beanies xx
I'm really struggling today. I don't know why today is any different. I say that because I was sort of okay Sunday and Monday since I had my meltdown Saturday night, but today I'm just not okay.

I'm back to crying today and struggling a bit with focusing. I have a quiz and a test tonight. I just hope I can pull myself together before then.

It just feels like Monday is never going to come, and even when it does, it'll either be bad or inconclusive again. I can't go another 1-3 waiting this out, but I also don't want to move forward with anything unless I'm 100% sure it's not viable.

I've read so many positive stories, but I've read even more negative stories, and it's like no matter how many positive stories I read, the negative always wins. Whenever I read a positive story, I just say to myself that something good like that would never happen to me, and if it did, I'd be sure to miscarry before the first tri is over.
I'm sorry you're having a particularly rough day, spunky. I wish the answers were more cut and dry... it's so difficult the waiting and not knowing, dreading hearing that bad news. It's such a roller coaster! I know I could tell you to try and focus on other things to get yourself through to your scan, but I know it's verrrry hard to do! Hugs to you today especially!

P.S. answer to your question: my scan is 1:30 on Friday. I'm really just trying to get through today, and not think about how many days I have left!
Thanks :) Hopefully keeping busy will help the time go quickly!

I was able to keep myself distracted by studying my chemistry. I have so much chemistry homework to do tomorrow and Thursday that I think I'll have no problems keeping distracted those 2 days.

I've decided that (aside from studying/homework), I'm going to try and catch up on some sleep Friday. For one, it'll definitely pass some time. Also, I think if I could just catch up on some sleep and feel better rested, I think that'll help me handle things. The more tired I am the more likely I am to turn into a crying mess. And I've just been exhausted (start of the semester, no caffeine, plus everything that's happened in the last week and a half).

Spotting was minimal today, but after I got home from class it was back to it's usual spottiness.

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