For those in limbo...

Thank you. I feel like I'm going through the grieving process already. I was sad and now I'm just mad. I'm mad that some women who don't do right their entire. Pregnancy and do drugs carry babies to term. But I also know that God has a plan for me.... I dunno. I'm so full of emotion. I'm having a d&c tomorrow. I can't just let it happen naturally.

:hugs: and come join us in the miscarriage section. It's an awful place to be, but you'll find a lot of support there from women who have been through the same thing. I had a miscarriage at 9w2d on 12/13/14 and it was the most heart wrenching thing, but that forum (as well as the TTC after a loss) has gotten me through many tough days. And know that what you are feeling in terms of sad, angry, etc., it's all normal. There are so many different emotions that one experiences with a loss like this. More :hugs: Hope you have your rainbow baby soon.
It's normal to feel angry, I have so many times. I'm sure you will have your rainbow very soon though. Will keep everything crossed for you x
The things are you feeling are absolutely normal. Be gentle with yourself. I'll be hoping for the best for you and that you have your rainbow soon :hugs:
I have my scan later this afternoon. Hoping that the heartbeat has dramatically increased (it was scary slow last week- a mere 40bpm, so they weren't sure if I'm just a little earlier and heart just started or if it was a soon-to-be miscarriage). I was super scared at first and felt like it was doomed (I couldn't even figure out how I could be more than a week earlier with my dates, too). But now, I'm feeling a bit more hopeful. I had some spotting last week, but no blood since. My nausea has been getting worse all week, which is kind of reassuring to me. I do just feel like the baby's still progressing, so I'm hoping and praying the ultrasound shows that today.
Good luck today Daisy! Keeping my fingers crossed!

AFM, I hate that my scan isn't until Monday. I just don't feel pregnant, and I know that the sac will still be empty. Monday I'll be 7+4 by the original dates they gave me or 7+1 by the scan dates. I know that if they don't see anything by then, it's just over, and I just strongly feel that they won't. I don't feel like I'll end up with a baby from this pregnancy.

I've pretty much just spent the day in bed. It's 1 now, but I just wish I could stay there the rest of the day and not have to think.

I'm scared about finding out that it's still an empty sac. I have class that night (and every night through Thursday), so it's not like I just come home and hide in bed the rest of the day. I have to be able to function and get through the week, and I have no idea how I'm going to be able to do that.
Well, I had both good and bad news at my scan today. There was progress, but not enough. I'm still in limbo. He gave me a high chance for miscarrying, but said there is still hope. I go back in 2 weeks to check on progress again. Crazily enough, I'm still feeling positive- I'm not out yet. Baby progressed, so there's still hope for this little one. Praying all the time.

Spunky- I hope to goodness that you see improvement on Monday's scan!
DaisyAnne :hugs: keeping positive thoughts for you! If you don't mind me asking, what were they saying wasn't progressing enough? I'm really glad you're keeping positive. I think that's great that your doctor said there's still hope. Hopefully the next 2 weeks will go by quickly for you!

I've been checking obsessively this afternoon for your update :)

I'm probably going to pick up DD early from daycare. She's great at getting my mind off things and I miss her so much. DH knows I'm struggling today, so he said he'll make sure we have a really fun night with her to help cheer me up. I feel really grateful for DD and don't know what I'd do without her. She's the one thing that keeps me level headed through this.
Leafy and maryanne1987: How are you guys doing? Has the cervix pain eased up at all? Thinking of you both!
Hi spunky, hope your holding out ok! Children are great at taking your mind off things, I know my son has been a little star this past week. He doesn't know what is going on obviously but always seems to give me a hug right when I'm needing one :)

Yea I'm ok thanks. Having good days and and not so good days. Just wish Wednesday would hurry up and get here. No bleeding, cramps have died down but the cervix pain makes me nervous. Feels similar to the feeling I had before I went into labour with my son so I'm convinced it's a bad sign. Maybe I'm just over thinking things though. Only a few more days to go and then I will get some answers. Hope everyone else is holding out ok.
DaisyAnne :hugs: keeping positive thoughts for you! If you don't mind me asking, what were they saying wasn't progressing enough?

In the last week, the HB went from 40bpm to 80 bpm. The baby measured at 5w 5d a week ago, then 6w 2d today (the doctor said 6 weeks, though, but the tech gave it the extra 2 days). Baby has some catching up to do if he/she's going to make it, but I'm hoping they just measured off a day or two, and that the heartbeat just keeps increasing.
DaisyAnne, keep positive, at least there's a heartbeat which means there is hope :hugs:

My cramps & spotting have also gone (for now) still getting the odd 'tightening' feeling low down - it doesn't last very long though, it's hard to pinpoint.

Last night I felt terrible, just really ill. I stayed on the settee all day. I went to bed early wondering if it was pregnancy sickness or not and woke up feeling normal today. It's so weird going back & forth like this- some days normal and others cramping, bleeding and generally unwell. What is going on?!?!!?!? :nope:

Well, tomorrow is another day closer.
Daisyanne stay positive, sure your little one will catch up very soon :)
Girls i'm really struggling tonight. I'm feeling really shit. I've got no symptoms, i feel 'normal'- i just know whats going to happen Thursday and the thought of it is making me feel sick with dread. This is so depressing :(
I'm sorry, Leafy! I'm praying for good results at your scan. If it makes you feel any better, I know lots of women who had little to no symptoms in the first trimester (and very jealous of one neighbor who felt normal the entire pregnancy! everything went so easily for her!). Lots of women also just have symptoms come and go. I really, really hope that's just the case for you. I know, though, while being in limbo it's much nicer to feel those symptoms for some kind of reassurance.
Try and keep your chin up Hun! I know it's easier said than done but I bet your little bean is just fine :) crossing my fingers for you!
maryanne1987: I agree about children. I'm so grateful for DD these last couple of weeks.

I'm glad the cramps have died down. Really hoping the cervix pain is just some normal stuff going on! Unfortunately when you're already in limbo, the things that could be normal just seem to make things more difficult. I'm really hoping Wednesday comes quick enough for you. It's such a tough wait.

DaisyAnne: Sounds like baby is a little fighter :) But baby is going in the right direction, so that's a great sign! Hopefully baby is just a slow starter and will catch up.

Leafy: I wish I had something positive to offer you. I'm really in the same positions with the symptoms and not feeling pregnant, so I know how it's feeling. I want to say that everything will be okay, but I would feel like a hypocrite when I'm feeling the same. The best I can offer is that I'm praying that things turn out positively for you, and I'll keep thinking positive thoughts for you :hugs:

AFM, pretty much in the same boat as Leafy. No symptoms. Before I at least had bloating and constipation, and now nothing. I feel like any kind of hope that managed to work its way in has been sucked out of me. I just don't see how things will turn out good. I'm dreading Monday. I'm not sure I'm ready to know, but at the same time I want closure.

Friday afternoon/evening was very hard. I stayed in bed until 1 on Friday and then spent the rest of the afternoon crying. I was able to be somewhat okay before DD went to bed, but I ended up getting really clingy and needy with DH. I'm rarely clingy or needy, and never this much. I actually had him sleep on the couch next to me until I could handle being on my own until bed.

Thankfully today I was busy with DD and school work, and most likely tomorrow. I just don't feel like my heart is ready for Monday. DH and I have already discussed our options, so we'll hopefully know more about what's going on Tuesday morning at what was our original first appointment. I've already told DH that I want a D&C because I don't think I can handel mc naturally, especially while trying to juggle DD and school. I'm too scared that it'll happen while I'm at school or that it'll take several weeks to happen which I wouldn't be able to handle either.

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