For those that have had an induction?


1 beautiful little lady.
Oct 2, 2009
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Id love to hear your stories. How it was done? How your cervix was before? How long it took? Hours or days? Was it more painful? Anything else you can think of.

I'm due in on Monday and praying it won't take days.

Thank you
I was induced with my first baby. Although the process was really long from having the pessary put in to giving birth (2.5 days!) it wasn't at all traumatic or hideous. Definitely painful, particularly as they kept upping the induction drugs (not sure what it's called) to get things going and I opted for an epidural in the end I don't know whether that was my threshold or induction, but I felt relatively in control and the epidural was fabulous for me!I wasn't even remotely dilated or anything when I went in so could account for the time it took too.i also had to have a forceps delivery with episiotomy but that was just my daughter trying to exit really awkwardly. It all sounds horrible written down like this but it's left me pretty positive that if I need another then that's OK. I'm more fearful of spontaneous labour :haha: I also know people that were induced with just the pessary and breaking of waters and that was as far as the intervention was. Good luck for a positive experience. Xxx
I was induced with my first baby. Although the process was really long from having the pessary put in to giving birth (2.5 days!) it wasn't at all traumatic or hideous. Definitely painful, particularly as they kept upping the induction drugs (not sure what it's called) to get things going and I opted for an epidural in the end I don't know whether that was my threshold or induction, but I felt relatively in control and the epidural was fabulous for me!I wasn't even remotely dilated or anything when I went in so could account for the time it took too.i also had to have a forceps delivery with episiotomy but that was just my daughter trying to exit really awkwardly. It all sounds horrible written down like this but it's left me pretty positive that if I need another then that's OK. I'm more fearful of spontaneous labour :haha: I also know people that were induced with just the pessary and breaking of waters and that was as far as the intervention was. Good luck for a positive experience. Xxx

Thank you.

This sounds fairly positive. 2.5 days though, wow! I'm dreading it taking days. I've been told different things about my cervix by different doctors. Im very soft though. Did you have to stay in hospital for a few days after you delivered?

I had an induction - internal showed my cervix wasn't favourable for breaking waters so I had a pessary at 9.30am on Tuesday and they said that if nothing had happened in 24 hours, they would look to break my waters. I had some mild contractions (didn't know I was having them - thought baby was arching it's back!).

At 9.30am on Wednesday, my waters were broken for me - this was fine (just a little embarrassing as I thought I kept weeing myself - nobody told me it just keeps xoming in 'waves'!). I dilated to 4.5cm but was induced due to high bp so I wasn't able to move around as much as I wanted to (both baby and I were being monitored). Anyway, I regressed to 3xm and ao was put on the drugs to bring on contractions and then I experienced some pain. I didn't move forward and baby's heart rate dipped so I had an emcs but it was absolutely fine and I had a beautiful baby girl at 9.35pm almost immediate skin to skin and we were breast feeding within 90 minutes.

So all in all, it was 36 hours but tbh it was only 12 (worst but was being stuck on the ward after pessary... I just wanted to go for a walk! So take a book / iPad)

Best of luck for Monday!x
I'm in the US so I know things are a little different for us but the process overall is the same.
I had an induction due to a failing placenta (they said it was over worked by my 10lb 11oz boy :) ). I was 3cm and 70% effaced when we started. I went in at 8:30am for paperwork, stared pitocin IV at 10:30, they broke my water at 12:30, the pain started at 4pm. Got epidural at 4:30 and he was here at 10:55 that night. So all in all a pleasant experience for me.
I'm having another induction a week from tomorrow for my daughter due to her being big and a failing placenta again as well. Hopefully it Will go just as well as last time :)
Good luck!!
I had 2 inductions ......

1st baby - 6 yrs ago....I went in not dilated at all and only 50%effaced..... It took me approx 12 hrs to dilate to a 2..... And another 12 hrs to fully dilate, ended up pushing for 3 hrs and they needed to pull him out with forceps .... It was really rough because my body wasn't ready or already working on it's own.

2nd baby- I went in already dilated to a 4, they started induction at 10 and I had him by 1:30 and pushed 3 times! Easy breezy !
I was induced after several days of contractions that weren't doing anything. I was 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. They started pitocin at 5:30pm, I was in active labour at 10:30 and had baby at 7:30 the next morning. I didn't have any pain medication and had a really positive birth experience. I am really hoping to not be induced this time however but that is mostly because of minor annoyances (the constant fetal monitoring, not being able to use the shower, having an IV in)
Thank you ladies :)

I no it's different for every country but how long did you stay after you had delivered?
Just overnight for me but I had a midwife, if you have a doctor here they want you to stay longer but since a midwife comes to check on you at home it's not a big deal to leave soon after.
I've had 1 I was 38+3 and cervix was soft but long and about 2cm dilated. got a sweep and induction scheduled for 48hrs ahead. went for induction got prostin gel pessary at 4pm..mild contractions from 10pm-2am when real contractions started. waters were broken for me around 4am...epidural at 6am and baby arrived at 8.47am.

baby 2...same sweep on Wednesday and was scheduled for induction on sat 8am...waters broke friday morning...assessment unit confirmed all waters were gone and gave me a second sweep. contractions started almost immediately..this was 5pm they were unbearable and labour ward finally took me at 7pm when I was 7cm dilated...couldnt gt epidural as anesthetist was in theatre and baby wasnt hanging around..born with the aod of gas.and.air at 9.39pm.

good.luck x
I was induced with DS1 at 41 weeks.

When I went in, I was already at 4 cm dilated, and fully effaced. They broke my water at 12:30pm, started Pitocin at 1pm. Contractions came, and were very painful (especially for me when I hadn't felt any before they broke my water). I asked for an epidural at about 2pm or so. Tried to nap. By about 4:30pm I was ready to push, which I had trouble with. I was exhausted, and epi was wearing off, making it extremely painful. I had him at 6:15pm same day. My induction was very fast.
Thank you ladies :)

I no it's different for every country but how long did you stay after you had delivered?

I had DS1 on a Thursday, we left the hospital Saturday afternoon. They had cut me, so they wanted me to stay the full time for monitoring of my stitches.

This time with DS2, I could have left the day after I had him, but I wanted as much help with bf as I could. Had him on Wed, we left on Friday afternoon.
I was induced all 4 times. My cervix was soft and dilated each time, so only had to use pitocin. # 1,2&3 were all pretty straightforward . Delivered within 10-12 hrs of starting. #4, we actually tried to induce a week before he was born. I went in, they started the process, and I only dilated 1 cm in the 10 hrs I was there. Because it was an elective induction, they gave me the option of staying, breaking my water, and having to deal with a possible c-section if I didn't progress, OR going home and trying again if necessary. I chose to go home. She wanted to me to come back 3 days later, place cytotec on my cervix to start the process. I declined that. I was going to wait it out, but when I went to my regular appt a week after the failed induction, my bp was up, so they induced again. Fortunately, it worked without any issues.

As far as how long I stayed, it was 48 hrs after each delivery. That's standard here in most places, in the US for a vaginal delivery. U can request going home sooner. Usually they allow it if there's no complications.
Hi, When I was induced with my daughter I had a pessarie at 10am, had my cervix checked throughout the day and was only dilated to 2cm.. Was having very mild contractions all day!! They popped my waters at 9pm and I delivered her at 2am. Xx
Hiya was induced with dd2, was 3 cm already so they broke my waters, contractions started pretty much instantly, 47 mins later she was born xx
I was induced with my first baby. Although the process was really long from having the pessary put in to giving birth (2.5 days!) it wasn't at all traumatic or hideous. Definitely painful, particularly as they kept upping the induction drugs (not sure what it's called) to get things going and I opted for an epidural in the end I don't know whether that was my threshold or induction, but I felt relatively in control and the epidural was fabulous for me!I wasn't even remotely dilated or anything when I went in so could account for the time it took too.i also had to have a forceps delivery with episiotomy but that was just my daughter trying to exit really awkwardly. It all sounds horrible written down like this but it's left me pretty positive that if I need another then that's OK. I'm more fearful of spontaneous labour :haha: I also know people that were induced with just the pessary and breaking of waters and that was as far as the intervention was. Good luck for a positive experience. Xxx

Thank you.

This sounds fairly positive. 2.5 days though, wow! I'm dreading it taking days. I've been told different things about my cervix by different doctors. Im very soft though. Did you have to stay in hospital for a few days after you delivered?

The 2.5 days were fine really as at least a day of that I wasn't in any sort of labour so no pain-just boring waiting mostly, and I needed to stay in 2 nights after, the first for me for general epidural recovery and the second just because my daughter hadn't started feeding properly. You'll be fine, just take each stage as it comes xxx
Thank you do much ladies. My mind is eased a little and I'm hopeful it won't take too long :) x
I was induced and have a good labour story

I had a pessary in the morning and started having contractions in the afternoon. I had my baby girl within 2 hours 17mins!!
I did go to McDonalds across the road from the hospital against the advise of the midwife but I really believe that al the walking helped as I was 5cm when I got back t the hospital! (yes, my labour started in McDonalds).

I started drinking Raspberry leaf tea at 34 weeks and plan on doing the same with this one :)
I was induced at 40 weeks. Cervix was soft but not at all dilated. Had pessary at midnight. By 4am I was 4cm and they broke my waters. By 7am I was 7cm. For me, by that time the pain was unbearable, so I ended up having an epidural. This brought my speedy dilation to a halt! Took another approx 12 hours to get to 10cm with the hormone drip, by which time the epi had totally worn off my bump. Ended up with episiotomy and forceps after 90mins of pushing. HOWEVER, I strongly believe that if I hadn't had the epi I would have progressed much more quickly and possibly not needed instrumental delivery. I really want to try and avoid the epidural this time around.
Sorry it's not the most positive of stories but it is honest. All the best with yours xx
I had her at 9.35pm on weds and left on Saturday morning (partly because they were still checking my pb and hydration levels)

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