Frankie Boyle makes sick joke about Harvey Price

I have also been shocked by some of these comments that have been made!

Im glad im ignorant as at least I can have a laugh about things most of the time and not get so het up on other peoples behalfs.

Shock horror, my whole family love Frankie Boyle. Katie Price PUSHED harvey into the limelight. This is a woman who wanted to give birth to him live on the internet, but found out things were complicated so couldn't. She's all about the money and to be honest, she's probably liking the publicity at the moment.

Yes, she REALLY is that shallow.
[Is it these days though? I rather thought we'd moved on from that and comedy generally had a more 'intelligent' and original feel to it now.

As for 'we shouldn't censor'. Are racist jokes OK then? As I said, I doubt Ch. 4 would be defending his right to come out with racist crap, so why is this seen as OK?

Because who decides what is right and what is not? He didn't tell a racist joke hence C4 defending him.[/QUOTE]

I didn't call you ignorant. I mentioned having to deal with ignorant people in general and then went on to elaborate by saying how my friend doesn't even feel she can take her son out due to the comments made by them. Unless you are one of the people making those comments, I don't see how I am calling you ignorant?

As for him not telling a racist joke. No, he didn't. However, you are saying he shouldn't be censored/who should decide what gets censored etc and for that reason he should be able to tell whatever jokes about whatever subject he likes. Surely logic therefore denotes that if he (or anyone else) wanted to tell racist jokes then that would also be OK as we shouldn't censor people? Only, no one with any sense thinks racist jokes are OK do they, so why are disablist ones?

[I am sorry about your Mum. There is a fundamental difference though between making jokes about cancer and and making jokes about/belittling those with disabilities. People in general don't think cancer sufferers are stupid or shouldn't be a part of society, yet people do think that about disabled people and people with Downs Syndrome. A lot of that is because of the sterotypes.

However, I don;t know why I am suprised people find it acceptable. I don't really let what ignorant people think bother me, but a friend of mine is rather more fragile and rarely takes her disabled son out because she cannot deal witht he spiteful and nasty comments made by people every single time she goes out. If there are enough people in society to make spiteful comments about someones disabld child in front of them, why wouldn't there be enough to laugh at Frankie Boyle's jokes....

Why is there a fundamental difference? The joke was not about disabled people not being part of society. In fact the joke doesn't mention disability. It's other people who are picking up on the disability connotation. And believe me, people do stop and stare when they see a woman with no hair walking through Tesco. People do point and make comments. I'm sorry - I do not see the difference, and cannot see why making a cancer joke is "okay" in your view, but a joke about Harvey is not. What gives people more right to be offended by that joke than by a cancer joke. It doesn't make sense.

If you are talking about avoiding all controversial subjects, then maybe we should just have "knock knock" and "doctor doctor" jokes. In my view, as I have said, that particular joke was not funny. But if FB wants to tell it, then so be it. I am not going to get offended on someone else's behalf.[/QUOTE]

I have pointed out the fundamental difference. People do not thinkt hat cancer sufferers should be locked away and not be part of society. They don't complain about them being in their child's class at school, they don't make nasty comments when they see them. Yes, people may make comments, but are they comments like 'you should have just had a abortion instead of having a f*ckwit like that for a child'? (One of the many nasty comments made to my friend. (incidentally, the same friend lost her ten year old son to leukemia after he had battled it since a toddler. He had no hair for a long time, but she never felt unable to go out in public with him as the general feeling once one of sympathy, not contempt).

As for him not mentioning Harveys disability. He has made plenty fo jokes about disability in the past, including a particularly vile one (several in fact) about people with Downs Syndrome.

There are loads of very popular and current comedians who do not use offensive material. Instead, they think outside the box and are, IMO, funnier as a result. As I said before, there's nothing clever about Frankie Boyle. For a start he's trawling out the same old material and again, as I said before, he is just like a young boy who trawls out 'wee, poo, bum, farts' when he realises it gets a reaction from his parents/adults.
Just wondering why people aren't up in arms about the other joke's made!?

Like the ones about Michael Jackson and his moonwalk.
Or is it because it has had no media coverage?!
Midori you have cut and pasted incorrectly as I never said what is credited to me above.

However, I don;t know why I am suprised people find it acceptable. I don't really let what ignorant people think bother me,

I defended what he said so I presume you imagine me to be one of the ignorant people.
Midori you have cut and pasted incorrectly as I never said what is credited to me above.

However, I don;t know why I am suprised people find it acceptable. I don't really let what ignorant people think bother me,

I defended what he said so I presume you imagine me to be one of the ignorant people.

Oops, sorry about the misquote. :blush:

As I said previously, I went on to elaborate what I meant by ignorant people, eg. the kind of people who make spiteful comments about disabled people/children. I also said that due to this I don't know why I am suprised people would find the things he says acceptable.

Do you also think racist jokes are acceptable?
I'd just like to say that I find ALL jokes funny. I mean ALL of them. Some of them shock me yes. But it doesn't mean I share that belief, if that makes sense.

Most comedians don't either. I don't think racist jokes in an everyday situation are acceptable no. But I do think when in a controlled environment and they are clearly made by a comedian who is paid to write this sort of material. I do yes.

Frankie Boyle and a number of other comedians take the mickey out of the English. Im not offended. I find it hilarious!
I am over and out in this. It is going in circles and I am not going to justify myself any further as I have been saying the same things over and over.

For the last time, I did not like that joke. I did not find it funny. But I do not believe that we should censoring comediens as I am not sure where the line in the sand would be drawn. No more comedians telling any jokes which may offend anyone? But once that is done, do we use the same powers to stop other things being braodcast that we do not like, we do not approve of and do not want to hear or see? It is not a path that I cannot support. It is my opinion and I stand by that.

I do not like this constant hinting Midori that I am a closet racist. I have no time for racist jokes. They are not acceptable to me.
Another one in the minority here. I love Frankie Boyle. I loved him on Mock the Week and I love his stand up. I like comedians with a dark sense of humour when some of their jokes make you think, omg did he really just say that? But I am not offended by him or any of his jokes. They're JOKES. It's not a basis for comparison to real life.

I'm naturally blonde but I'm not thick. I'm from near Liverpool but I don't steal. I was a teen mum but I didn't sit about a council flat drinking cider and watching Jeremy Kyle. If I hear a joke about any of the above I'm not offended because I know it's a joke and I know that for me, it isn't actually true.

I'm not saying I condone people who mock disabled people, black people, gay people or whatever. But I think people are missing the point of it being a joke. I saw Tramadol nights and there were a lot of things on it that made me gasp. Like the murdered children and the little weird creature fucking a rabbit. The Harvey joke made me gasp as well but on the whole I enjoyed it because I enjoy his comedy. And I may be wrong but he didn't actually refer to the fact Harvey is disabled. And Katie Price is one to talk because she's as foul as they come. All she cares about it money and fame and how much botox she can get into her trout like face. She jibs her kids off to do half naked photoshoots abroad fgs.

But anyway, like has already been said, Channel 4 put up a specific warning before FB's show telling people that some viewers WILL (not might, will) find it offensive.
Another one in the minority here. I love Frankie Boyle. I loved him on Mock the Week and I love his stand up. I like comedians with a dark sense of humour when some of their jokes make you think, omg did he really just say that? But I am not offended by him or any of his jokes. They're JOKES. It's not a basis for comparison to real life.

I'm naturally blonde but I'm not thick. I'm from near Liverpool but I don't steal. I was a teen mum but I didn't sit about a council flat drinking cider and watching Jeremy Kyle. If I hear a joke about any of the above I'm not offended because I know it's a joke and I know that for me, it isn't actually true.

I'm not saying I condone people who mock disabled people, black people, gay people or whatever. But I think people are missing the point of it being a joke. I saw Tramadol nights and there were a lot of things on it that made me gasp. Like the murdered children and the little weird creature fucking a rabbit. The Harvey joke made me gasp as well but on the whole I enjoyed it because I enjoy his comedy. And I may be wrong but he didn't actually refer to the fact Harvey is disabled. And Katie Price is one to talk because she's as foul as they come. All she cares about it money and fame and how much botox she can get into her trout like face. She jibs her kids off to do half naked photoshoots abroad fgs.

But anyway, like has already been said, Channel 4 put up a specific warning before FB's show telling people that some viewers WILL (not might, will) find it offensive.

I am over and out in this. It is going in circles and I am not going to justify myself any further as I have been saying the same things over and over.

For the last time, I did not like that joke. I did not find it funny. But I do not believe that we should censoring comediens as I am not sure where the line in the sand would be drawn. No more comedians telling any jokes which may offend anyone? But once that is done, do we use the same powers to stop other things being braodcast that we do not like, we do not approve of and do not want to hear or see? It is not a path that I cannot support. It is my opinion and I stand by that.

I do not like this constant hinting Midori that I am a closet racist. I have no time for racist jokes. They are not acceptable to me.

Don't worry hun. I do think FB's jokes are for more of a niche market, but at the same sense, he's making a lot of money and is quite a well known household name.

I think people just assume if you like dark comedy, then you must be a racist, disabled disliking, ignorant person. When infact, all you have, is a different more obscure sense of humour.

I don't find nicey nice jokes funny in the slightest.
I am over and out in this. It is going in circles and I am not going to justify myself any further as I have been saying the same things over and over.

For the last time, I did not like that joke. I did not find it funny. But I do not believe that we should censoring comediens as I am not sure where the line in the sand would be drawn. No more comedians telling any jokes which may offend anyone? But once that is done, do we use the same powers to stop other things being braodcast that we do not like, we do not approve of and do not want to hear or see? It is not a path that I cannot support. It is my opinion and I stand by that.

I do not like this constant hinting Midori that I am a closet racist. I have no time for racist jokes. They are not acceptable to me.

I am not in any way hinting you're a racist and you know that. I am simply pointing out that if it is acceptable to make jokes about the disabled, then it should therefore also be acceptable to make racist jokes, only, it's not acceptable is it?

Appleblossom. No-one is missing the point of it being a joke at all. The point is that just because it is a joke does not mean it is harmless.
But I don't get why people are so up in arms about one joke? He didn't say it because he is disabled. It wasn't a joke aimed at a disability. It just happened to be aimed at a child that is disabled. Which again, I'm not saying is right and I'm not saying it was funny. But why do people feel the need to be offended all the time? Maybe it's just me :shrug:
I imagine that people are so up in arms about it because sexualising children (and lets face it, talking about a child ****ing it's own mother, or anyone else for that matter, is sexualising children) is appalling. The fact that the child concerned is also disabled and therefore already more vulnerable, just makes it even worse, if in fact, it could be any worse.

For me, it's not just about this one joke. It's about 'jokes' referring to dead children or disabled children that I find appalling. I am not offended by it, but I just don't think it is acceptable in any way.

There's also the bigger issue that the children of those in the public eye are seen as 'fair game' when this shouldn't be the case. I cannot stand Jordan at all. I think she is far from the best mother and I do think she has involved her children in her very public life. She is an idiot for doing so. However, that doesn't mean that her children should then be open to public ridicule to anyone who feels like it. What happens when they are old enough to understand the jokes?
I agree with you AppleBlossom. I pretty much think that you and I are thinking along the same lines. I posted a few pages back, but haven't done since as I don't feel I am putting across my point of view very well!
I agree with you AppleBlossom. I pretty much think that you and I are thinking along the same lines. I posted a few pages back, but haven't done since as I don't feel I am putting across my point of view very well!

I hadn't read all replies, glad someone sees where I'm coming from :)
If he just made the joke to be 'funny' and wasn't almost mocking Harvey's disability, if it WAS just for the laugh.. why wasn't the joke about Junior?

I don't like Katy Price and I don't like Frankie Boyle. But I DO like Peter Andre and I bet the 'joke' upset him. IMO there's a difference between generalising for example making jokes about 'dumb blondes' and coming out with attacks on individuals. Especially seeing as Harvey is a child. Disabled or not, why pick on him?

Give me Michael McIntyre any day, harmless fun.
I didn't like the joke. It didn't personally offend me, but I can see how it would have offended the parents of that particular child and other people who have disabled children or could feel personally affected by the tone of the joke.

However, I also believe in the right to freedom of speech and if we start censoring one comedian, where do you draw the line? Comedians have been sailing close to the wind for a long time and this is no different, I guess if you don't like the joke, don't watch the program. Just like comedians have freedom of speech, we also have freedom of choice to turn the telly channel over.

I generally don't like to listen to comedians that get their laughs from making fun of other people and situations, I kind of feel like it is a low form of wit to have to stoop so low to get a laugh. Although some comics like Jimmy Carr do it pretty well, others like Frankie Boyle and Ricky Gervais turn me off completely (I remember Ricky Gervais did a sketch about people with AIDS that turned me right off him).

But, I understand they make other people laugh so there's a place for them in the industry, I just have to choose not to watch it!
I didnt watch it last night but I also found his joke with the dwarf with the dildo and the guy who went back in time by ' getting off' to be in very bad taste and just not funny
I watched 10 minutes of his program yesterday and was cringing the whole way through...

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