

Sugarlys, I pretty much feel like I did before surgery. Not in pain at all, maybe a minor cramp here or there. I'm sooooo glad it's done. Hopeful was right, "easy-peasy"! :) It also has made me much less anxious about the egg retrieval process they do w/ IVF b/c I'll be under again for that. Bring it on!!!

I know it could mean nothing but the spotting you're describing could be IB. Here's hoping more than anything that Saturday brings you a BFP!!!

Ok, back to my regularly scheduled program...studying.

Oh, I did want to add how much I love my ER. The nurse assigned to me for Pre & Post-Op, Sarah, has twin 11 year-old boys from seeing him. She was super nice too...
Very quick update: just saw baby's flickering heartbeat and heard it too! 141bpm! Over the moon!
Glad to hear it went well blessed! I knew you'd do wonderful!

Sugarlys - it's killing me to find out if you are. I'd say :test: as I'm a bad influence but I know you won't :)FX for you!

Ersurgeongirl - great news. Hearbeat is amazing isn't it!

Mirna - where are you? Starting to worry about you...

Tainted - hope today is a good day :) enjoy your time with Phil before he leaves :)
We had a huge fight last night! I don't even know why we had a fight:( I feel sometimes I pick fights now with these stupid hormones.... I NEVER FIGHT... Like never! He was pissed off enough to sleep in the spare room and leave to go somewhere all dressed up this morning without talkin to me... Breaks my heart into a million pieces... Ugh! I detest these hormones...

Ugh! Sorry girls I'm kind of debbie downer this morning! Just needed to tell someone who will listen! Thanks or being my ears!

It'll be ok, you two will talk and you'll be able to clear the air. Stupid hormones! Given all your going through for this baby, he can take being a punching bag once in a blue moon.

I agreed with Blessed, with all thE sickness and him being away, he can take a few shots. He should realize its not always you talking but the dreaded hormones and dismiss it instead of fighting.
I threw up again today. Funny thing is, I was crappy all morning, then at noon when I finally let it happen I felt so much better, and now I'm just starving and slightly queasy cause my stomach is empty. So your DH isn't the only insensitive, I told mine I was getting sick again and he responded with 'lol, you wanted another baby'. Nice huh? I told him he needs to realize its hard for me and he wanted this baby too, then he apologized and said some encouraging words. Sometimes they don't think before speaking or just need reminding we need their support.
Okay I'm not freaking out but am a tad bit nervous. I threw up again, but that's not the bad part. The last bit that came out had a bit of blood (bright red) in it. It was very minimal more like a few small drops, but still, it stood out like a sore thumb as I ate nothing red or remotely close. I know ive probably just irritated my esophagus or GI tract and probably had a small fissure on it, but still. Since then ive been having the worst indigestion and heartburn like an inferno. I just braved a glass of milk to coat and I hope it stats put.

Tainted- did you ever get blood? You've done more tossing of cookies than anyone so I thought I'd ask.
A few drops of blood is okay. Bright red is fresh, so maybe something scratched your esophagus... Not all scratches hurt. If it's a significant amount of blood, go get checked out. If it's tar like blood... Thick and dark... Go get checked out because that could mean bleeding in the stomach, like an ulcer.
Yikes hopeful - I don't know what that means. I hope that you are okay! I am sure it is just that - something irritated!
Tainted - that is definitely bound to happen. I hope you guys work it out soon so you can enjoy your time together. Relationships are such give and take....I usually end up giving in and apologizing first just because I hate when we aren't getting along.
Blessed - glad you are doing better. Dumb question, will you still need IVF? Or was your problem the polyps?
ER - how exciting!! It must really make it more real!!
Mirna - hope all is going okay with you - how many more days till o?

AFM, you are right, Hopeful, I won't test before Saturday..haha. I would be shocked if it was a BFP though....we will see!!
Hopeful, that would make anyone nervous. I would definitely call your doc & let them know. I'm sure it will be okay, just give them a call and let us know what they say.

Sugarlys, it's not a dumb question at all. We are going to do IVF for several reasons. Our RE said eventually we'd get pregnant but it may take 5-10 years and since we're starting at 38 & 39, we don't have the luxury of waiting and seeing. This was before I had surgery and he found those polyps. If we were in our twenties, I think we'd try to get pg naturally.

I hope everyone has a wonderful evening! :flower:
Hopeful... Ohhhhh ya! Happens almost daily over here.... If not its coming out of my nose.... Remember u have more blood right now and bleeding is ok! You probably have irritated your esphogus... And that in the fun of it will cause heartburn... Well did for me! Us ladies with hypermesis.... It happens all the time! My friend had hypermesis and when she told her doc... He said get used to it my dear! Lol and like ER said if its bright you're in the clear!
We are all good... He is snoring in my ear right now... I can't sleep! Wide awake but I have a dr appt in the am so I should try sleeping! Lol

Night Chiquita's
Holy shit, 13weeks already? You're almost out of first tri Tainted! Hopefully the puking slows a it in 2nd tri for you....

I'm feeling nauseous... Kinda ho hum about what today right now. Yuck. I think the main reason why I'm not puking is because I have an iron stomach... I add hot sauce and hot pepper seeds (from habaneros, and other super hot peppers my uncles grow and dehydrate) to just about everything I eat. At least that's my theory and I'm sticking with it.
Blessed- sorry about catching a cold.

Tainted - thanks :) I got some responses from a nurse who said the same thing. Bright red blood means it's coming from the top of the esophagus or throat, and a small bit is nothing to worry about. Thanks for reassuring me.

so everyone(friends and family) think I have a stomach bug right now. This can't go on. I think I need to fess up. I think things are going fine anyways, had a good scan, morning sickness is a good sign, no sign of spotting or bleeding at all, nice strong heartbeat. I think we're fine to start telling. It's my nephews bday party on Sunday. Maybe I'll fess up right at the end of it, as I don't want to steal his thunder on his big day. Then we can pop by DH's moms after that and tell her. I'll ask him what he thinks tonight.
Haha Hopeful - they are starting to get suspicious, are they? How far along are you again?
Blessed - gottcha! So when are you guys starting that process? How exciting!!
Tainted - hope your Dr appt went well and glad that things are good between you and Phil!

AFM, so I did an OPK tonight since I heard that it can sometimes be used as a pseudo hpt....yeah it was negative...dang...I guess I will find out for sure on Saturday!
Sugarlys - I am 8 weeks 4 days. Time feel like its going slowly though, especially feeling sick. Hope things are well for you in the wait, only two more days right? Yeah!

I am not doing so well. Things have taken a turn for the worse. Only the last day of the 14 days the BBB provided they responded. They said things like we've been intimidating them, and that the night the father came to collect the ladder that we sicked our dog on him. We have one large breed dog and one grandfathered British Staffordshire. We told them what dogs we had when they were here working. They are properly registered and everything but if they were to call animal control and make this claim it would cause hell for us. If you ladies are familiar with pit bull legislation, or DOLA in general, dogs don't get the innocent till proven guilty thing. Nothing like this happened they are lying, but that won't matter much if they call. I'm scared for my dogs now, their lives would hang in the balance. This is just so wrong and goes to show the shady tactics these ppl are capable of. We are contacting our legal service and animal control ourselves tomorrow too see if there is anything that can be done to protect our animals. The funny thing is the third day they were here they were petting the dogs saying how nice they were.
What else can keep happening. I'm so sick of stress.
Hopeful, you're dogs will be okay. You have evidence of their crap work, they're just making things up. :hugs:

Sugarlys, really hope you're knocked up! :)

Mirna, hope you're doing okay. We miss hearing about your day! :flower:

AFM, my boobs are sore, what's up w/ that??? A side effect of the surgery or my cold? I'm not due to ovulate until this weekend so it's not a TWW feeling. Again, just weird. :wacko:
Yikes! I would feel just as scared as you if my dogs were threatened. But I think Blessed is right - it is clear with all their actions that they are crazy! Fingers crossed it goes okay!

Blessed - that's weird - must be from the surgery! So what is the next step for you and the IVF?

Mirna - where are youuuuuuuu

ER - bet you are excited for your man to come home!! Not long now! How long will he stay home this time?

I will keep you updated as to whether or not I will need to test tomorrow..usually AF starts early in the morning! Happy Friday!
Thanks for the support ladies. I'm just so scared, I slept like crap, and am crying uncontrollably. I'm starting to think about going to my doc to tell her about my situation and the stress levels to see if she has a recommendation. I'm pretty sure I'm depressed right now. I am not myself is what I know. I wish I was stronger to take all this in stride.
I almost wish we could just drop it and move on as I haven't even been able to enjoy being pregnant.

Sugarlys- I am excited for you. Even admidst all this junk I just want to hear your positive news. Do you feel any diff? Like AF is coming, or not?

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