
Hopeful, I'm sure the pregnancy isn't helping keep your emotions under control. Definitely call your doc and see what they recommend. I bet it's going to be some kind of yoga class. Is it possible to have someone watch your son while you do something like that? How about buying a punching bag for home? That really lets you let off some steam! Don't worry, everyone going through all this stuff would be really emotional. You're strong enough to ask for help which is the main thing!

Sugarlys, we now chill for until our post-op appointment in two weeks. Then, I think I'm supposed to call when I get my period to begin the IVF process but I'm not sure what that entails. I think I start giving myself shots to make as many follicles grow as possible. My next period should be the weekend after our post-op visit so that works out well. :) Fx'd the witch stays away for you!!

Mirna!!! You don't have to talk about TTC, just hope you're doing okay!

Hi ER, is your stomach still holding out? Hope all is well.

Tainted, how'd the doc appointment go?
Hey gals!
Hope you all had a good day.

Hopeful - I am sorry that you are having a rough go. I am sure you are exhausted with all the stress and hormones...don't feel bad for venting - we all do it!! I agree with Blessed...go for yoga, or go to the spa or something! You deserve to be pampered!!

Blessed - very won't be long now :) How is the workload for school right now - more exams anytime soon?

AFM, no witch yet, but I don't usually get pre-AF symptoms until the moment it starts! I would be really surprised if I were preggo since my sore boobs aren't sore anymore and I feel completely normal. We will see!! I will let you all know in the AM!
Blessed - I suppose I could do yoga classes or something. I know spa is out of the question as we are on a tight budget so I can stay home with the baby. Either way I feel much better today, less nausea as the day progressed, our legal advice made me feel much better, I am much more optimistic, and I even baked a banana bread today :) yum yum.
I think I am on the mend, and I think hormones were playing a huge role, maybe I'm adjusting now.

Sugarlys - I can't wait to hear. Dont discount yourself just yet, I hear lots of ladies say they didn't suspect a thing. So will you test in the morning or wait out the whe day and test tomorrow. Good luck!!!
Sorry I've been a little absent.... Had a few good days and I wanted to do stuff... Lol I ended up catching up on sleep!! Lol
We are fine he was being a penis head and he knows it and recognized it!

Hope you are feeling well blessed...
Hopeful I don't know how you are keeping it in this long! I told my mom the second I found out! Lol
Sugarlys ... FXed like mega for no AF and tons of babydusties!!!!

Mirna.. What's up girl!
ERgirl.... I'm outta the first at 12 weeks... Hallelujah!!!! Almost 14 weeks now and starting to see the slightest bump!

Ok mama needs to pass out!
Night ladies!
I woke up feeling period crampy, but didn't have it, so I figured I'd take a test and a plus sign popped up INSTANTLY. Funny enough the period cramps are gone...haha...shows how when you are expecting something you can feel it!! I am in complete shock...what do I do now?!
Thanks for all your encouragement ladies :)
Haha! I knew it!!! Congrats!!! :happydance:
I'm so thrilled for you. Take a pic, I want to see that lovely 2nd line!
Did you tell DH?

Tainted - I know, I just wanted to keep a little secret this time, less chance of someone slipping up and telling everyone when I wasn't ready. I think well stick with moms, dads, siblings of ours and that's it for now. DH is gonna be thrilled, he's been dying to let it out.

Blessed - I'm still better today, perhaps it was just a bad few days. I'm feeling less sick which is helpful. It was all just too much at once my for my hormonal self to take. Hope you are well and looking forward to your post op appt. we are getting so close to everyone having BFP's!!

Mirna - we miss you. You can talk about anything and if you prefer not to talk about ttc we'll understand. Let us know your okay. With what you told me about your homeland I'm thinking the worst. :hugs: hope you are fine and just having a break.

Ersurgeongirl - how is pregnant life treating you?

OMG Sugarlys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats, congrats CONGRATS!!!! I'm soooooooooooooo excited for you! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! That is such wonderful, fantastic news!

Thanks girls! I really can't believe it. I keep checking the test to see if it was true. I took a pic and I'll load it up tomorrow - picking up my new computer tomorrow!!

Hubby was on nights...he usually gets home around 7ish. I took the test shortly before that..I went back to bed and then he got home [BACKSTORY - here in Muskoka hunting is a big deal...hubby hunts moose second last wk of Oct and deer the first two weeks of Nov...I think I will be due beginning of Nov-ish]...anyway, so he came in to say good morning and I said "I'm sorry" and he was like "what for?" and I said "I think hunting season is going to be messed up this year" and showed him the test...he was so excited!! We just found out a few weeks ago that our best friends are expecting their second in the middle of Sept.....haha hubby's first question was 'why haven't you thrown up yet"...oh so much to learn ;)

So, what do I do now? Do I make a Dr appt?? THanks ladies for being excited with me. I want to wait till end of Tri 1 to tell ppl so it is so nice to be able to share!!
Oh and I agree - Mirna! I am worried about you, too! Hope all is well with you!
Get a few more tests to pee on first then make the appointment! Ahhhhhhh congrats!!! I knew it!!! And you used the mucinex this month too didn't you? I o'd early the month I used opk and we caught it! Omg omg omg!! I'm soooooooo excited for you! FXed that u aren't gonna be like me! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY babies...

I'm doing a little dance and got really excited and told Phil he was less excited... 'oh cool!' is what he said lol!

Hopeful since u are the only mom in here... I wanna hear about your birthing story!! Since I'm first in line to burst... Who knows if I'll be first to go but.... I wanna hear bout your experience! I'm curious!

Oh did I tell u guys I have a lil bump now? Lol
Haha my dh doesn't get excited either...haha.
So should I test each morning for a few days before calling? I think I am like 5 weeks based on when I got my period last.
Yes, I used the Mucinex but I only used it for about the 3 days before I ovulated. Thanks for the tip!!

Crazy..I am still in shock
Sugarlys - you can call and ask them for a blood test to confirm. Just tell them that you got a positive pregnancy test. You don't need to recheck, but we all do it as its hard to believe its real for the first while.

Tainted - take a pic of the belly! As for my labor/birthing story, you are opening a can of worms there. I feel a need to put a warning lable here, do not read on if you are worried.
It wasn't at all how I expected and it was pretty emotional. Well the day I was due nothing happened. I was pissed and super uncomfortable the next morning that I made DH get up early and said take me places we can walk. We went to a farmers market, two malls, etc and by 3 pm I felt nothing so I gave up and said lets go home.

When we got in the car to go home, I felt something but wasn't sure. When we got home I looked over my packed bad and realized I had forgotten to wash my maternity track suit. So I carried a pile of laundry downstairs and got to work. I dropped a sock, bent over to pick it up and my water broke! I called my sister who said why are you cling me call the hospital, called them, finished my laundry (I know right! Lol) and off we went.

They confirmed it checked me in and so began 23 hours of labour. I got to 4 1/2 unmedicated, got in the jetted tub for pain relief, it helped but when I got out I almost collapsed with a horrible contraction. Then I got my epidural, it helped sooooooooooooo much!!!! I was still getting sharp hip pains because of how he was situated, but it was bearable so long as I turned frequently. So I got to 6 cm, they started pitocin as it was taking too long to progress, got to 8 1/2 cm then no change. Xavier's heartrate started to drop with every contraction, got put on oxygen and told I needed a c section. I cried my eyes out said fine and was wheeled off. They doped the hell outta me, Kev was bawling outside waiting while they prepped me. The surgery was me comforting Kev telling him everything is fine. Once they were trying to get him out, they pushed so hard on my ribcage I couldn't breathe and thought they were breaking my ribs.
And then our sweet little prince was born, they took him in a room to check him, I could hear him crying, then he came out all wrapped up and was put in kev's arms. I was shaking from all the meds but was happy :) once wheeled to recovery they weighed and measured him, and I got helped up to breastfeed him. From that point things went smoother, saw my parents and kev's mom, got in our private room and had some quality baby time.

It was not what I would choose for anyone, but I am short waisted and he was a 9.04 lb boy. Guess it wasn't meant to happen au natural.
Hopeful, thank you for sharing your story! 9 lbs??? You deserve a medal girlfriend! :)
Oh my gosh! That's big!!! I'm gonna try as long as I can drug free... If I don't progress I'm ok with drugs... I'll do what I can tho! I was a month premature and 7.14 ... Hahaha! Oh boy
I was pissed at my ob as he even scheduled the late ultrasound to check the size. He knew it was gonna be a big baby but my last 3 appt's he brushed if off, ' see ya next week'. He should have induced for both our sakes. Ah well, I'll get a new ob this time. Wonder if I'll get recommended to schedule another c sec, or if they are cool wit vbac? I don't want to go through another rollercoaster but would love if things could happen natural. My contractions were so strong they squeezed him so much his heart dropped though. Kev is a big guy so it explains the large baby :) my dad was a 10 lb baby!
My recommendation is if you make a birth plan, just plan for things to go differently, life likes to throw curve balls, but hey I'm going for it all over again so it's not so bad.
I think totally unmedicated would be super hard, although I did go halfway it was not easy at all!
Wow...quite a story!! I think my kids are going to be monsters....I am 5'11 and my hubby is 6'6. Feeling a bit crampy in the uterus region - normal? ( I am a severe hypochondriac so I will be asking that OFTEN..haha)
Feeling crampy is very normal. I stopped for a while but I feel things moving in there today.
So apparently baby is about an inch now, the size of an olive.
I just remembered, with my son I loved pickles and olives.
Wonder what this time will be?
Congrats!!! Cramps are normal. So normal that my ob said period like cramps are expected, but call if there's any blood. I better change my signature, huh?
Oh, thats good to know, ER!

What else is new with everyone? Blessed - any exams coming up?
Hope you are all having a great weekend!

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