
Hi girls!
Tainted - are you feeling any better? I am hoping you are getting there!! :(

Blessed - whats new? Busy with school?\

ER - 40 page term paper...I do NOT miss those days!! How have you been feeling?

Hopeful - when are you telling the rest of the world about baby #2?

Mirna - hope all is well with you!

AFM, today is the last day before March Break so I get a week off. So happy! I am looking forward to resting up...I am so freaking exhausted. I guess that is just the tip of the iceberg. I also learned I can handle chicken. Yikes. Of course I say all this and am still thinking of you Tainted, and realizing that this is NOTHING.
Anyway, enjoy your Fridays!!!
**And by "can" handle chicken I meant "can't"!!!!*
**And by "can" handle chicken I meant "can't"!!!!*

:haha: I had wondered what you meant! Like you had to wrestle one or something!

Yes, I'm just busy with school. I take boards in about twelve weeks and am freaking out. Crazy to think I'm going to do IVF between now & then! K gets a week off of school in two weeks but he still has to work so it's just a more relaxed week for him! It's really nice that you have a week to just rest up!

Tainted, any updates? :hugs:

Hopeful, how are you?

ER, hope the paper is going well. Is your stomach staying strong against throwing up??

Have a great Friday everyone! K & I are REALLY looking forward to our date tonight. We can finally have sex since my surgery! Whoo-hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :winkwink:
Blessed- ooh date night! Have a blast :) I hear Marvin Gaye playing in my head now, lol

Sugarlys- do you mean you can't touch/prepare chicken or can't eat it? Hope you enjoy your week to relax. Sleep baby sleep, get as much in now as you can cause your going to live many moons without!

Ersurgeongirl - good luck with the paper. Hope your stomach is bring nicer than mine.

Tainted - I'm going to assume they checked you in at the hospital and are taking good care of you. I hope things improve for you, it shouldn't be this bad for anyone!

Mirna- still MIA??? I hope your back soon

AFM- still sick/vomiting and except yesterday which was a pretty good day. got a haircut yesterday but not sure I like it, will try to strait iron it today I'd not good I'm going back, something I have never done as I usually have the best luck. Going to tell everyone in about 3 weeks or so, not sure how though. Okay TMI alert, I'm fainting a really super slow colon and hate the feeling being this backed up brings. Oh new symptom, I get headaches daily now, fun fun. I think I may kill my husband in the middle of the night for snoring and keeping me up, he just won't do anything about it. I wear earplugs and am still getting woken up, even got a double ear infection from them once. I don't know what else to do.
Thanks for the well wishes on the paper, I'll need it! As for now, no puking. Not even a hint of queasiness! Makes me kinda worried that something is wrong because ive also regained almost all of my energy too.... Hurry up Wednesday so I can see baby again!
Hopeful, hmmmm...haircuts can be tricky. What don't you like? Did you get layers? That can be screwed up, one time, a stylist gave me a mullet!!!! I'm not sure about your colon, are you saying you're constipated? I think that is pretty common w/ pregnancy. Can you take anything for it? Sucks to be backed up, makes you feel icky. Booo! I hope your morning sickness is over soon! I'm so lucky K doesn't snore, I'd probably go insane too.

ER, I think it's great you're feeling good! Everyone responds to pregnancy differently. After watching Tainted, it's wonderful to see someone that can enjoy their pregnancy! I can understand wanting to see baby though! :)
Okay... Sorry girls! Last night I was exhausted by the time I got home to update you guys!
Apparently I have vertigo... Which is something some women get in getting used to the blood volume at my stage. So I was rehydrated with 2 bags of fluid and gave two different meds. Maxeran was the first and did nothing for me! Second was zofran... Omigosh It did miracles! Took the headache mostly away the dizziness almost away and the nausea completely away!
I got a script for them to take sublingually and it's like magic! I haven't thrown up today and I feel freaking wonderful! So Phil and I decided when and if I get to a point when I throw up too much to just go get rehydrated and rest and I feel like a different woman!

I hope all is well with all of you ladies!
Thank you very much soooo much for all the prayers... I believe they worked! :) Hallelujah!!!!
Hooray! Tainted, everything is crossed that you actually have a drug that works for you. What a wonderful, smart doc. :winkwink: Please, please, please let this continue so you can actually begin to enjoy being pregnant!!!

Oh, and I completely agree that when you need fluids, you go get fluids. Then you can go on about your day!

That's great news tainted!!! So happy you are feeling better :)

Blessed - the haircut was by a guy (not a gay one either), it was weird but I thought 'don't judge a book by its cover, maybe he's good'. Well I got a wash too which he took a really long time with, perhaps he was trying to impress. Then he barely toweled my long hair dry do my cape was soaked, it was a bit chilly while he slowly clipped away for 40 minutes! He really didn't cut off all that much. My issue was its too much hair still, I tried to flat iron it and it took an hour and I still wasn't done. It's so much better now, she relayered and razed scissored the crap out of it. I feel a few pounds lighter now.
Your right about the snoring, it's horrible. He has sleep apnea and was prescribed a cpap machine but does he use it? Nope. It's ultimatum time I think. Wear it or sleep downstairs! Lol :)

Yes I mean constipated, lol. Going one every 3-4 days sucks, but I know it's normal. I have stuff but I prefer not to take it if possible.
Haha wrestle a chicken...good times
No, I can prepare it but as soon as it goes in my mouth...nope! I gag.
I am really looking forward to the week off! I'll write more later..gotta go eat din. Tainted, so glad you are okay!!
Sorry I didnt writelast night. I was so tired. In bed by 9.
Blessed ~ hope your date night was wonderful! I didn't realize k was in school too! Must be stressful at times. Sorry, I forget again when u start ivf. I know u had to wait for your next cycle to begin. Exciting.

Tainted ~ I am so happy that u found a med that works. I hope u r feeling good today! Are u still able to work?

Hopeful ~ glad the haircut is fixed. U must have thick hair if it takes that long to flat iron it. Sorry that uhave bee sick!

Er ~ I wouldn't worry about to feeling sick, but I get your point. Hope u continue to feel good.

AFM dh has gone snowmobiling today so I have the house to myself. Going to get some breaks and go back to bed to read. I have been feeling queasy in the morning so all I can usually manage to eat is a banana. Hubby and I r going away for the nite tomorrow. Gonna do some shopping, watch a movie etc. looking forward to it! Anyway, enjoy yoursaturday!
sorry girls been away for so longggggggg i travelled and came back and was super busy and was trying to take my mind off ttc for a while!!!!!
blessed how was the surgery??? glad u can have sex tonight go have fun with huby!!!!
sugarlys tell me allllllllllllll about it!!!
illl read ur posts later i have to run to the hairdresser i have a wedding tonight!
im still waiting for my positive OPK and its cycle day 16 no positives yet!!
missed u allllll soooooo muchhh
ok was reading a bit backwards ladies u r soooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet for checking up on me i had no internet access at all we went to turkey for a break!
i will read more later!! blessed when is ur IVF appointment?? sugarlys tell me allllllllllllll about it
tainted and er girl and hopeful hows ur pregnancies?? tainted sorry uve been ill just think of the outcome and all of it will be worthy at the end :hugs:

love u all!
Hiiii Mirna!! :yipee: I'm so glad to hear from you! I hope the traveling was for fun, did you go somewhere beautiful? It's great to be able to take your mind of TTC, since my surgery, haven't really thought about it since we couldn't even do "it" and it's been really nice. The surgery went very well, I had 3 uterine polyps which he removed. I now go for a follow-up visit on Tuesday where I get the DVD from my surgery (how cool is that!) and we'll discuss the ins & outs of IVF. So happy to hear you're doing okay! :hugs:

Sugarlys, you're right, I do have to wait for my next cycle which should begin next weekend!!! Enjoy you day at home, hope the queasiness subsides as the day progresses. You know, I'm kinda surprised that chicken is what you can't handle, it's so bland!!! Oh well, I love learning how everyone is different! ;)

Tainted, I hope that you woke up this morning and are feeling like a new woman.

Hopeful, so glad you got your hair fixed. When we went out last night I didn't do mine and when I went to the restroom I saw how flat and in need it is of a major trim! It's a shame your K won't wear his cpap, it should help both of you get a good night's sleep. Hmmmm...

Hi ER, hope the paper is going well and the writer's juices are flowing! (I'm terrible at writing!)
Mirna!! We missed you!! Glad you were enjoying yourself!!
So I got a BFP last Saturday when my AF was due. Feeling great so far except for queasiness in the morning. I have my first dr appt March 23!

Blessed - yeah, I was surprised at chicken too. It is pretty much the only thing I can't do. And it isn't really the taste, its the feeling of it in my mouth..haha strange. Its a shame too because it is a good source of protein.

Anyway, I am in the house cleaning mode so I had better get at 'er before I lose it!! :)
I just lifted a heavy bag of I am nervous because I was told that heavy lifting is not good. I just completely forgot.
Hopeful since you have done this before, any tips?
Yeah Mirna, your back!
Turkey huh? I hear they have to die for beaches there. Hope you got some much needed R&R. I need a vacation like nobodys business but it won't be happening for quite a while I think. Being pregnant, dealing with court, going to need to search for a new house with more space, it's kinda going to eat into the budget for a while.

Eventually things are going to work out for us. I know it :)
So the pregnancy is going well. Still feel sicky most of the time but I know I can handle it and keep thinking, it's only for a bit longer then things should be much more enjoyable. I've been getting some cramps, I think things are growing in there, probably going to show early as its a second child. Still bloated but it feels a bit harder deep underneath. Food is hit or miss. I like what I like at that moment and when I eat, I eat half of what I normally would. Then a couple hours later I'll finish the other half. I get headaches now daily and I think it's because I have trouble with water, it doesn't sit well in my stomach. I know I have to force myself as fluids are important but it's hard when you keep throwing it up.
Ah well, overall I'm pretty good, I can get food in me, and some drinks.

Sugarlys - the chicken thing I used to have too. It's that sticky against to teeth texture for me. It's worse with thighs than breast, but I still eat chicken usually mixed in with something. So how far along now based off LMP?

Tainted- hope you are still feeling fab and relishing the moment!

Blessed- enjoy your time now with your man. Try not to stress about what's to come, one day at a time :)

Ersurgeongirl - disappearing symptoms isn't bad, just means you are adjusting now to those hormones. Don't worry unless you are cramping or spotting, everything is fine :)
My LMP was January 28, so its 6 weeks today. But I don't know if it counts as 6 weeks since I have a 36 day cycle. Maybe I am only 5 weeks. I guess the DR will be able to tell me more in two weeks.
Heavy lifting if fine. If you were looking to lift a heavy couch I might avoid it, but you can pretty much keep up on regular tasks. It's in the later stages that it can be an issue. I used to get yelled at by ppl cause I shoveled snow 8 months preggers. But you gotta do what you gotta do to get the car outta the drive In The winter :) all was fine, I just took my time, small scoops and took breaks.

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