
Thanks Hopeful!! I realized today that I am so happy that I am working full time because at work I don't have time to worry about being pregnant, but when I am at home I am worrying. I know it is pointless - I am doing everything I can and some things I have no power over. So, I am going to try and keep busy over the March Break so that I don't turn myself crazy!!
No prob Sugarlys :) I know, my first I was pretty worried and did a lot of research! The main things are don't overheat yourself, no alcohol, smoking (even 2nd and 3rd hand if possible) avoid caffeine, beware consumption of certain foods (minimal fish that may contain mercury, no unpasturized cheeses), don't change kitty litter. Just keep healthy, eat well but not too much, and be your usual happy self! Your right working is a good distraction.
Yes, that is what I figured - as long as I do what I can!
Thank you :) So glad you have done this before!!
Yayyyy Mirna!!!!! Welcome back! I'm glad you are taking a break! It's the best thing! Take your mind off it and you'll just miss a period one day!! Turkey.. It's crazy that you can just jaunt over to another country... Canada is so HUGE!!!! I hope you had a great time and relaxed!!
Glad to see you back we missed you so much!

Sugarlys how are you feeling now?!? Still no chicken?? Red Meat turns me right off so I know where you are at my love!

Hopeful and ER how are you girls doing?!?

Blessed.. I would love to see your DVD! I'm into that sorta stuff I love bio it was my minor in Uni but I would love to go back to school and teach high school bio!

Afm... I am doing so great! The ER dr saved my life!!! I threw up this morning but I felt fine afterwards! I felt so good Phil and I went to see 'friends with kids' then we went shopping at thyme maternity! Ladies go if you have one around you! They are having a 50% off everything sale this weekend even off already sale prices! I got 2 pairs of pants 1 Capri and 2 skirts for less than 32$.... Holy mumma!!!
It was so nice today and yesterday! 16 yesterday ad 14 today! We bbq'ed supper! And ladies I actually ate veggies.... I haven't been able to look at them let alone eat them! Oh thank you ladies for your thoughts and prayers!
I'm sure Phil is happy that I'm feeling better! Lol
Talk to u tomorrow ladies!!!
So glad you are feeling better! Now you can start putting on the pounds!! How did you know what size to buy for maternity clothes? I am no where near buying yet, but I wonder how that works.
DH and I are going away for the night some shopping, go see a movie and out for din. I am looking forward to it!
Talk to you girls soon!!
Lol, Sugarlys go to Thyme you'll have a riot. They have a strap on bump that can help you guage hoe thingll fit. It's more fun just to picture yourself pregnant, it feels weird, but it's such an experience.

Tainted- thanks for the tip! Love that store! Are the bras included in the sale? I could use a couple pairs of jeans, maybe I'll go :)

I feel good, haven't thrown up in a couple days although I felt like it. I did just a bit when brushing, as that's normal for me as I brush my tongue. We are going to spend some family time out in the sun today since its gorgeous and spring all of a sudden. Enjoy the day ladies :)
Hi all!

Tainted I'm soooo glad to hear the drug is still working. FX'd it keeps on helping!

Sugarlys, if you go maternity shopping can I add a :baby: to my siggy? I haven't b/c you're still "trying to conceive" and it's still early on so I didn't want to rush you.

Hi Mirna & ER! Hope all is well.

It's been so beautiful here. Sun is shining and it's like Spring! Yay b/c I get to sit at my desk and look outside! :growlmad: At least K & I went for a walk yesterday and are grilling out tonight.

Enjoy your Sunday!
What a great day, walk in the park downtown, driving with the windows open, did some yard cleanup in the sunshine, bbq'd homemade turkey/salsa/feta sliders with macaroni salad. It hit 18 degrees today! I can get used to this, too bad rain is on the way.Now I'm getting ready to bake banana chocolate chip cookies. Hope they are good, it's an experiment for me.

Hope you all enjoyed the day! Lots of love for you all! :flower:
Haha I didn't go mat shopping today....hubby hates normal clothes shopping so I can't imagine how he'd do with me trying on bellies haha. Had a great day, just got back from dinner and going to go to the movies. Such a beautiful snow here in Barrie which is a nice change cuz we still have tons at our house. Feeling great today! Talk to u all later
OHHHH look at your little signature miss Sugarlys. CUTE!! 6 weeks.. how crazy, That seems like yesterday but was like 9 weeks ago for me.. wow this is flying by. At the end of the month I will be able to find out the sex of the baby and almost half way!! WOW!! *huge sigh* I can't believe I have made it this far! I thought I would have died from dehydration by now lol. jk

Thanks for all the well wishes... so far so good. The meds turn me around almost immediately when im not feeling well. This morning I got sick, and felt shitty after, popped a pill (dissolve under my tongue) and moments later I feel like Mariah, which is so wonderful.

We did NOTHING today! It was awesome! We sat on our patio and enjoyed the sunshine, it made it up to 15 today! This is really something. I love the warm weather and I am always so extremely happy in this weather, so maybe I should move to like Mexico or something... Bali?

My next appointment is March 28th where I will get the requisition to get the full anatomy ultrasound... weeeeee.
Phil leaves on the 20th for work... sad day! for 3 weeks to the Northwest Territories... lovely, Im jealous, I love it up there!

Anyways... just wanted to check in on all you girls. Sounds like you all had a wonderful weekend yourselves!! :)
It was a beautiful day today here too. I don't know if I am five or six weeks. It was jan 28 when my cycle started but it was 36 days long so I don't know. I guess I will find out for sure at my dr appt on mar 23. Obviously I'd rather be at 6 weeks than 5 so fingers crossed!
Well yesterday was busy! It was a beautiful, windy day. We also grilled out and at about 10 pm I asked K if he had left the grill on b/c I smelled fire. There's a field our townhome overlooks and it was all on fire! The wind was blowing it toward the forest preserve and our place. The firemen got it out but not before the whole field was toast. It then rained all night long (still is) so no worries about smoldering. It was pretty exciting, they said a train quite a ways away braked and threw up sparks that started it.

So anyway, it's a rainy Monday here and I've got an exciting day of studying ahead of me. Hope everyone has a great day. :)
Quick update:
Wednesday is going to be a long ass day. 10am ob appt, 12pm ekg appt (standard for diabetic mommies), 230pm maternal fetal medicine appt.
Sugarlys- glad you got to enjoy the nice day. As for hour due date, if you base off the first day of your LMP (if jan 28, then you'd be due Nov3, and be 6 weeks). What day did you Ovulate? It may help pinpoint better until you go for your scan. Time is flying!

Blessed- wow, some excitement close to home! Glad they got it out before it hit your place. I saw a train start a fire that way along the tracks once, it was wild, although that was in the hot as heck summertime. Mustve been a dry field.

Ersurgeongirl - get used to it girl. This is only the beginning of appointments. Wait till you get closer to the last two months of pregnancy, you live at appointments/doctors! The things to look forward to. I'm sure it'll be even worse for you with your condition.
Hopeful, I ovulated feb 16/17 so that would have me at five weeks. Who knows!

Wow, blessed! Glad no one was hurt! Fires are so unpredictable!

Er, u will be busy that day! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Sugarlys- you'll find out soon enough how far along you are. I have an ultrasound march 28th and I'll be 12w3d then :)

Blessed- what meds do you take for IVF? I've heard it's 6 days of shots or something? You must be getting excited/nervous.

Ersurgeongirl - is bf home with you now? I bet you as excited as me for your next appt. feeling better lately or sicker?

Mirna - glad you are back again. How did the wedding go?

Tainted- you must be sad Phil is leaving again, well at least it's a shorter time, if they don't try to extend it on him again. Let's hope not.

Me? Well not much. I missed everyone yesterday during the upgrade :) so now it's up again I can't post in tons of threads, no words of encouragement for those ladies :( its sad
I know! I was going through withdrawal yesterday!!
Not much new here - a very blah and rainy day. Just got home from grocery shopping..had to buy some snacks that will help my is insane how hungry I am. I got some trail mix etc...something with substance so that I'm not eating candy every time I am hungry!!
Wish I liked trail mix. I'm a sunflower seed fan (in shell), either that or nuts of some sort (but those are fattening so I try to watch it). Fruit is my fav, grapefruit for breakfast, grapes to snack on, granny smith apple a day. Gotta work on the veggies again, I've cut back (normally I love them) cause lately they are so unappealing to me.
Made bruschetta chicken bake for dinner and decided I didn't want it, lol. I ate a turkey slider instead and called it quits at that as I just wasn't hungry. So weird sometimes.

How is everyone else, perhaps no one has figured out things are back up and running again?
Hi everyone! I had my post-op appointment today and go the DVD of my surgery. It's so cool! Everything went great so now we just wait for AF to begin the IVF process. It's supposed to be here Sat but the surgery could mess that up. I hope it comes on time because I'm ready to get this show on the road! :thumbup:

So the day AF arrives I go to the office for an initial scan and they put me on BC pills for 2-6 weeks, depending on how stuff is going. Then I'll take shots of FSH for 9-11 days until the majority of follicles are about 10 cm. I also take a drug to block LH so I don't ovulate too soon. When the follicles are "ripe for the pickin'" :winkwink: , I do a "trigger shot" of hCG @ 11 pm and then go in the next morning for the egg retrieval. Kevin comes along to provide the sperm :haha: and then two days later they'll put three, 8 celled morulas in me. We have a 60% chance of success. I think that's what I'm most nervous about, all this for a 60% chance. Scary!

How's everyone doing? :flower:
Oh wow, what a process!! I have my fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly and that your AF comes Saturday as planned!! Do you have to give yourself the shots? Good thing you're a med student ;)

Hopeful - the only time I'm not hungry is first thing in the morning, so I'll have some crackers or a banana and then like an hour later I feel like I could eat a horse. I am trying hard to eat before I get too hungry but it is hard to keep up with!!

Other than that and being super tired, I am feeling good! Only 10 more days until my dr appt!!

Hope everyone had a great day!

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