
Blessed, boys are big babies. They really are. Mine has been picking fights with me and I was super hormonal last week when he was home... So glad he's gone again :)
sugarlys, I had a light brown spot at 8 weeks too. It was tiny and I didnt think much of it. As long as you feel fine, I'm sure everything is okay.

A sleepover or even a day meetup would be awesome this spring/summer when school is out!

I miss you ladies!

I had my maternal fetal medicine appt today. The second time I seen them... They are stalking my blood sugars and making adjustments in my insulin as needed. Good news... I haven't gained an ounce so far! Holy crap, I feel huge like I've gained a million. Baby's heartbeat was detected again by Doppler, 150-160bpm. And my a1c aka 3 month bloodsugar average is 6.3 which is like 145ish...the lowest one I've had my entire diabetic life. The mfm doc said that so far I had the lowest a1c out of all newly expecting diabetic mommies that they see so he's not terribly worried about me making sure I stay in tight control... That's an amazing complement! But damn, those other moms... Those poor babies!

Back to trying to write all these stupid papers. I think I'll watch hotel rwanda in an hour since it will be on Showtime...and that's what one of my papers is on.
Haha men are quite hilarious indeed. Blessed, I laughed so hard picturing you "breaking the news" about the blood tests. However, I cannot complain. My hubby has been so amazing so far...!!

ER - that is great about your blood sugar - you are definitely doing the right things for your babe! How long is your man gone for this time?

Blessed - wow, that is quite the schedule! I love how you have such a positive attitude...that is a rare quality these days!

Tainted - hope you are doing better today. Still feeling good?

Hopeful - did you get outside today? Amazing

AFM, a long day at work, so I stopped and got a small tub of Haagan daas ice cream....polished off more than half of it while sitting in the porch and then fell asleep! Lovely. I am feeling HUGE in the evenings. Like some of my zip up sweatshirts don't fit at night because of my bloat. I literally feel like a pig. And then I step on the scale and I have only gained 2 pounds. Have a good night :)
Hey girls...
Sorry about my momentary lapse of sanity last night! It was a tough night and Charlie didn't even want to sleep with Excuse me!
Sugarlys the dr told me when I went in for spotting that some women spot thru their entire pregnancy and like hopeful said no known reason! I spotted enough to show A LOT on the tp but never in my undies! So don't frett even if you do spot a little more! How is everything else going?
Blessed... Lol K sounds like quite the iron man there!! Lol I however dislike needles more than anything in life! Which is why I hope I can do natural child birth BC an epidural scares the holy terror outta me! Lol I'm so excited for you that the process is starting and going so well!
ER... So glad that your doing so well in papers and appointments! I've never seen that movie... Is it good?
Hopeful.. How are the headaches and nausea?

AFM... I'm green with envy about how the rest of Canada is right now.... Nova scotia today was plus 29... Honestly like where was my hot weather it was only +6! Blah! Yesterday my friends took me for a pre baby present and got me a pedicure so my toes are ready for when Calgary catches on to the rest of Canada. I think they realized how hard it is on me when Phil leaves... SIGH!!!
Charlie is all curled up on his bed again hatin me for some reason... I'm not the one sending dad away... Lol
My belly is growing daily now! And did I tell u I felt the baby move? Next week is my appt to get the recquistion for the baby anatomy ultrasound... EEEEEEEE!!!!
The baby is as long as a pencil and as plump as an avocado! CUTEE!
K gotta pee and sleep! Miss ya girls!
So exciting that you felt the baby move!! That would definitely make you realize how "real" it is. I bet Phil leaving is so hard....especially with pregnancy hormones all over the place.
No more spotting for me. I've been feeling good...except for being super bloated at night. I am really excited for my appt tomorrow. A long day today - we have a parent info night tonight from 6:30-8, so I will be at school until the end of that.
Hope you all have a good day!!
Hiya! :wave:

Tainted, sorry about the rough night. Wonder what was up with Charlie??? LOL if he was punishing you for sending Phil away! At least this time you won't be so darn sick!!! The nice thing about the epidural is that it's inserted behind you so if you need one, just tell them not to show it to you at all!!! I love hearing that your belly is growing and how exciting to feel your baby. Such an exciting time... I got a pedicure yesterday too! :thumbup:

ER, boys ARE big babies. Has your man apologized for picking fights? That's not cool at all, especially when your hormonal. Tell him that the courts will recognize your fragile state and not hold you responsible for your actions if he does it again! :ninja:

Congrats on having good A1C levels. Keep up the amazing job, you and baby are going to be the epitome of health! :flower:

Sugarlys, good luck on your long day. That means tomorrow will be here even sooner. Yay for your dr appt! :)

Hi hopeful! What are you guys doing this weekend?

AFM, school sucks for the next three days. I'll be so happy when Sat morning is done! :wacko: You ladies take care and have a wonderful day!
Morning ladies.

Sugarlys - yes I spent time outdoors again yesterday :) so beautiful. It hit 27, 28 in our city yesterday, with humidex 31. Summer is so early!! I actually wore shorts and a tank. Hope you night was okay and you got some rest after the extra time put in.

Tainted - nice of your friends to do that for you. I no longer go for pedicures, used to all the time. I can pretty much do them at home, have all the tools. So you felt the baby move, such an experience isn't it? Just wait till you get to share it with those around you! It gets them more involved. As for the growing belly, you hit a point where random strangers come up to you and touch your stomach, it's weird and uncomfortable and I don't get why ppl's respect for personal space goes out the window with pregnancy but it happens.

Ersurgeongirl - lol, men. Mine has been a bit better as of late. He spent late last night (9-11 pm) installing me a new ceiling fan in our main room cause it's been so hot and uncomfortable. So nice of him after he worked all day and had to get up early again today.

AFM - sickness has subsided to only a couple times a day now, when I first wake and usually around 3-5, the headaches are less now but still coming. I'm noticing so many differences with this pregnancy and my last, I am not hungry like I was my last one, I am barely eating meals besides dinner, I seem to hate veggies right now which I normally love them. My fix is veggie cocktail drinks cause I still love them, I think it's a texture thing. Water is a challenge as it along with most food is giving me heartburn. Ah the joys, things are good baby is good, my son is good, I'm overall happy. Plus my scan is less than a week away now!!!!
My long day was good - I was happy to be wearing a baggy shirt since I am so bloated by nighttime...haha.
Yesterday morning and this morning the MS has been hitting a bit vomitting thank goodness but it just takes me a little longer to get going.
I have a meeting away from the school today and then hubby is picking me up for my dr appt. Can't wait!! I will let you all know how it goes tonight!! Have a good day
Hey girls,
I had my appt - everything went well. I gave some blood etc. Looks like I am 7 weeks, 6 days. My next appt is April 20.
The only thing I am confused about is the extra screening for downs, spina bifida etc...I would have to go out of town to get the testing since our town doesn't do them. Did all of you get this done? I don't know if I would want to know....very confused.
Other than that, a great appt!!
Evening ladies, I'm tired so I'll try to be brief.

Blessed - I am planning a get together with a friend tomorrow as its been forever since we all hung out. She's coming over here with her bf for dinner. It'll be interesting as K and I have never hung out with him or know what he's like. I've made deviled eggs, am marinating chicken, macaroni salad, quinoa and corn salad, and fresh bread. Should be yummy. Hope your doing well with your IVF stuff, goes the medicine work, as in when, what, etc.

Sugarlys - glad you had a good appointment! So do you not go in for an ultrasound or will that be next time? The genetic testing is basically bloodwork and ultrasound done at a certain time. They look for genetic markers that can show a predisposition for certain diseases, like downs. I believe they measure the neck and skull? It's another way to see your baby at least! Some don't do it as if it turned up positive they wouldnt go further with the testing (amnio). I would rather be prepared for what I was going to face than not know.

Tainted - hope your doing better now and adjusting to Phil being away, and hope Charlie has forgiven you :) how r u feeling? Still not sick! It's amazing how a drug can help so much! You should take a bump picture and post it. I did but havent got my courage up to show it yet, lol
Sugarlys, I opted out of all the genetic testing. I decided that even if baby is sickly, I wouldn't terminate the pregnancy anyway... So why waste my time and money? This baby is loved... Be it healthy, sickly, born alive, or not.
I think I wait until the next appt which will be at 12 weeks ish.
Yeah, I guess I could look at it like another way to see the is my own belief that even if I found out something was wrong, I wouldn't terminate...again, just my belief, that is clearly not the right choice for everyone. In my line of work I see lots of kids with those types of disabilities and I see that every child is a gift regardless of the issues or problems.

Blessed - hope everything goes well tomorrow! I am sure you will be happy when its done! How are the shots going?

Hopeful - enjoy your catch up with your friend - I hate how easy it is to stray away from friendships...everyone is just so busy!!

ER - hope that all your papers are going well - are you off school for the summer, or do you go right through?

Tainted - I hope that Charlie likes you again..haha. Still feeling good?

Anyway, I am heading to bed...tomorrow I am going to clean my house (it is a disaster!!) and then we have dinner tomorrow night at hubby's parents...another night of sucking in my gut and pretending to drink alcohol. I will be so happy when the secret is out. 2 more weeks and then I think we will tell our families!
Hi everyone. So tired.

Sugarlys, I think people do testing for different reasons. My friend is married to a pediatric anesthesiologist and he insisted on the testing, not to terminate but to be prepared for whatever. I don't know if I would or not, I hope that I get to make that decision! Did you hear the heartbeat?

Hopeful, I hope you like the guy, it's always awkward if your friend is with someone you don't like. Your foods sound delicious!

HI ER! How are the papers going?

Hi Tainted!

Hi Mirna, hope you're around somewhere! :)

AFM, had an exam this morning and then did my first pelvic exam tonight. Tomorrow I do my first male exam (including the prostate). I'm at a hotel near the school last night and tonight b/c I have too many things that are morning and night to go home, we live too far away. I will be very happy when I'm done tomorrow and can go home to K. I don't start the shots until around Thursday so that hasn't begun. Just found out that the national behavioral science exam that is worth 20% of our grade in that class is Wed and not in two weeks like I had thought. Things are going well, I'm just exhausted! Going to bed, love you ladies! :)
Yeah, I don't really know what I am going to do about the testing. Hubby and I are leaning towards not getting it done. I have to think about 'what will I worry about most' and if I found out something was wrong while I was still pregnant, knowing me and how I react, it really wouldn't be healthy for the baby. I am still not 100%. Luckily the money doesn't even come into play since all Ontarians have coverage for stuff like that. I will pay out nothing for all of the tests I have and when I give birth. My husband has benefits for things like medication and stuff so we are very lucky. I have to decide soon since you have to get it done between the 11w and 13w, 6 day point. I need to call this week to set up the appt if I am going to do it.
No, I didn't hear the heartbeat :( I actually was a bit disappointed when I left because I didn't see my doctor, there was a student doctor in, and he was great but I would have liked to see my dr. Of course, it is completely my fault because I need to learn to speak up for myself and say what I want...not really my personality type.

Anyway, good luck with your exams, Blessed. I am sure you will be happy to get home!
Love you all! I am so happy that we have such a safe space where I know whatever I believe is valued regardless of others opinions.
Have a good day all!! :)
hey everyone... It seems like when I come on here there are no posts or an overload! Lol

I'm doing much better now that it has been a couple of days without my boy and Charlie has forgiven me fully... So fully that he took over my pillows last night and woke me up really early because he was snoring.. I literally had to close his mouth BC it was gaping open! Hahah
I am feeling well still I get sick about every 3 rd morning now but I take my pill and that's that! And I'm ok with that I feel good for most part of the day! We are good!:) as for the pic... I'll take one but it may take me awhile to upload it. I always post on my phone...

Sugarlys.. I got tested! I would never abort however we wanted to know to prepare ourselves for it. It doesn't hurt and I feel better without the wonder, ya know.... It's totally your choice:) and I'm sure none of us ladies are here to judge you... But to support you fully!
Blessed.. This all is Sooo exciting! You must be busting at the seams with excitement!! Yet trying so har to study! Lol I would have such a focusing BC that's how I roll and I guess also why I'm not a dr! Lol good luck with your exams and hey Thursday is right around the corner!
Hopeful... Blessed is right.. Your food ALWAYS sound so tasty! Where in the world do u find the energy to do all this stuff?!? I barely have the energy to get to work! Lol
ER girl.. How's the papers and the baby?!? I hope all is well...
And Mirna. I miss you! Hope all is well!

:) have a great weekend ladies!
Okay, so I'm starting to feel you ladies on the men being big babies, and insensitive jerks at times. Today K decided to fight with me cause I asked him to watch the baby while I clean up for ppl coming here. He got into a huff and insulted me saying I shouldnt have left cleaning till the last minute snd done nothing, and now he has to drop everything and make a mad dash. Oops, sorry to make you put down the video game remote for a couple hours to play with your son so I can clean up again, after making all the food, vacuuming and dusting daily (we have 2dogs and 2 cats, the fur is rediculous), washing the kitchen floors every two days, hardwood was washed on Tuesday, laundry for everyone and clean sheets the night before! The F'n nerve! I am livid! Sorry just needed to vent. We had a massive blow up, I had to cancel on my friend :( and instead I packed up the baby and took my friend to the mall with me cause I felt like an ass. Now I am sitting here after eating a small amount of this mass of food, alone with baby, depressed. I took off 'fishing' apparently, even though it been six hours and he's still not back.

Enough of that crap. I miss positivity! So tainted, your dog sounds funny, want another? I have lots to spare.
Thanks to you all for the food compliments, it's hard to find the time, and some days it's chicken strips and French fries let me tell you. I try to take care of everyone the best I can. Food is love to me :)
Blessed good luck studying! You too ER. !
Hopeful, let me get this straight. You asked K to watch his son so you could clean and he got upset? You had to cancel the get together, your stuck with a whole bunch of food and he's not home yet? :saywhat:

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::nope::nope::nope: I'm so sorry he's being such a butt! There are no words, he better make this up to you! I hope everything is smoothing out as we speak. If not, we can always assemble the posse...

Sugarlys, get a piece of paper and on the top of it write, "THINGS I WILL ASK MY DOCTOR, NURSE, STUDENT, OFFICE ASSISTANT, BUILDING MANAGER" You put that in your purse and every time you think of something you wish to discuss you take that paper out and write it down. So next visit you don't have to worry about being confrontational or speaking up, just hand over the piece of paper or read from it. #1: I want to hear my baby's heartbeat :flower:

Tainted, hiya!!! So glad you're feeling well. We just studied hyperemesis and I couldn't believe I knew you were going through it! It did say that it usually passes by week 20. How far are you??? So glad you're feeling better and that Charlie is back to snuggling. I literally laughed out loud when I read his snoring woke you up, I could totally picture it. I look forward to a pic! :)

Oddly enough, the combo of a full home-life (complete with IVF) and the busiest time of med school is balancing really well. I can't get too worked up about anything b/c I don't have time. I have to move onto the next thing, whatever that may be. Right now it's learning behavioral science in 3 days. Thank goodness that a lot of it is psychology which once you know, you don't really forget. (Unlike drug names!!! :dohh:)

Ok ladies, back to the books for a little while before bed. I'm soooo tired, I didn't sleep well at all at the hotel. Bad dreams and I kept waking up. K says I'm whipped b/c I can't sleep well w/o him!!! :haha:
Phil is being a putz! Ugh!
I was at a friends house tonight watching her video from her recent trip to Dubai and he wanted to skype and I thought it would be rude so we could wait til I get home or skip a night.... Now he is mad at me!! Are we two here? Seriously! It's not like I am always hanging out with people or doing things... Ugh! MEN!!! And they say we are moody and emotional...
Just needed a quick vent! Night ladies!
Ugh, I am sorry that some of your men are being "butts" as Blessed put it. There is no worse feeling than fighting!! Hope you all got it sorted out and they are making it up to you somehow

Blessed - good idea with the list...I am sure at my next appt I will hear it. I know I have to have a pap and all that jazz. Being busy is definitely a good thing...keeps your mind off things for sure! Good luck with the next one - I don't know how you do all these exams. GAH.

AFM, we had dinner last night with the in-laws and I think my MIL saw me pouring a shot of water in my glass instead of rum...she came up and said "oh, you watered that down"! GAH. Can't wait till the secret is out...! 2 more weeks to go until we tell the fam!
Omg sugarlys, that has to be awkward.
Yes, men can be giant butts.

Finished 1 of 3 papers, still have to do 15 journal entries too. Yikes. Last night I bought a sonoline b fetal Doppler off eBay. I only have sensitive nips now, I even got back most of my energy! So I picked one up so I can spy on baby occasionally

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