
ladies miss u sooo much hope all is well with all of u m on day 4 of my cycle i did not ovulate the last cycle since ive gained some weight so trying to walk the weight off this cycle and to get things back on track!
Mirna! Welcome back!! Sorry that you didn't O last month but good for you for working on getting healthy!
Outlook today is better so no posse necessary. I'm not sure why he was being so rotton, but I blame male hormones! Today I was sick this morning, threw up again and I haven't done that in like a week and a half! K said to take a nap so I did, woke up when the baby did and I was starving as nothing had made it to my belly since I was sick. Got my son and us some lunch, my son fussed and would only eat his yogurt, then had a massive screaming fit and would not calm down. Since he felt warm I took his temp and he had a mild fever. After Tylenol and a walk in the fresh air he's doing okay but really not himself.

Mirna- good to see you back :) sorry about no o last month, but walking is a wonderful way to get in shape. Once Xavier was born and the weather improved I took him for 2-3 45 minute walks a day. Helped me get back to a more normal size and was great to get him napping.

Sugarlys - I hope you are spared the sickness stuff! Its not fun. Also the idea of writing every question or expectation down I think is wonderful. Then just go over the list. I did that with questions about my son at his well baby checkups as when there I would forget.

Uh oh, baby is awake and crying, write more later
So spent some quality time with my babe. K cut the lawn and replaced the water piping to outside. Think he feels he needs to do stuff to make up for yesterday's bull.
Ate dinner and now the baby has a little energy even though he hardly touched any food. Ah well, least he's happy for now.
Hope you all enjoyed your weekend ladies :)
I on the other hand will get back to changing diapers for a baby with the runs, yuk, poor little guy.
Ugh that doesn't sound fun, Hopeful! Hope baby feels better soon! Glad things are calmed down between you and K!
Had dinner at my brothers tonight...found the best remedy for the "no alcohol" thing!! I found this "MADD alcohol" (mothers against drunk driving)....they have this line of alcohol free bevvies that they sell at Shoppers Drug Mart...anyway, so I took that wine, rinsed out an old wine bottle that I had and transferred it into there. No one was the wiser and my sister even drank it and didn't realize. PHEW. Anyway, I definitely learned that baby does NOT like pain tonight!
Back to work tomorrow!
Hi all! A quick break from studying to say hi.

Mirna, so good to hear from you. I hope you have beautiful weather to enjoy your walks. We miis you! I'm sorry you didn't O last month, FX'd April is OUR month! :)

Hopeful, sounds like K is saying sorry in a very male manner. Sorry the baby is sick, hope he's better real soon!!!

Sugarlys, how happy will you be when you can just say you're not drinking!!! I'm amazed at the lengths you're going to keep it quiet, good for you. :thumbup:

Hi Tainted! Hope Phil gets that he was being a putz and is especially sweet to you too.

ER, good luck on the papers...yuck! :thumbup:

Back to studying, there is simply too much to learn by Wed. Crap.
Hey girls... Feelin shitty today! I think I may have eaten something that didn't at all agree with me! I laid awake most of the night with a sore tummy and it felt different than pregnancy sick... Feels like fluish sick! I got about 3 hours of sleep and Charlie isn't doing so hot either. He woke me up 3 times to go poop last night... He usually doesn't poop at all thru the night! Pray for me girls I gotta get thru the day and I'm not sure ima gonna make it!
Nice to see ya Mirna! I'll post after work if I feel ok! Ugh this sucks!
As that sucks tainted - hope the day passes quickly! What's up with the universe? My cat threw up her food and water everywhere yesterday too, before my son's fever came out. Now your dog and you!

This morning is going well! Xavier is happy so far, ate breakfast and is now playing and chatting like himself again. I hope he's on the mend! I feel okay, but my tummy is a little off, but I ate breakfast and all is well so far! So two days till my ultrasound! I have plans tomorrow afternoon to have coffee with a friend, so it'll keep me busy and hopefully my mind off the US and it's driving me nuts waiting.

Your not going to believe this but my other cat, male just barfed up all his food. Wth? I'm disinfecting the whole house today! If there is germs they will be gone! Have a good day everyone!
Oh Tainted, hope you don't catch the flu! You were just feeling good...stay that way!

Hopeful, your house doesn't sound like too much fun at the moment between sick pets and baby! Hope EVERYONE feels better now and you can enjoy your girls' lunch.

So my last BC pill was yesterday so AF might arrive tomorrow. One thing that I had really wanted to get done before IVF was the dentist. I had put off getting a cavity filled for a year and it was beginning to ache. So I went this morning and I am soooooo numb! Hope this wears off soon b/c I'm getting hungry! Also, I just pulled in too far into the garage and put a dent in the wall. ooops! Can I blame that on a numb mouth??? :dohh::dohh::dohh:
Charlie is soooooo sick! He is a white and black shih tzu poodle cross and when I got home he was orange.... He has shit and barfed all day and it was all over everywhere... My poor little guy! I disinfected everything (including Charlie) and ran down to the vet! He's on meds and special food! The vet says it sounds like a stomach flu! And he doesn't need to be seen unless blood starts happening from either end of him or it doesn't clear up in max 3 days!
He seems to be ok! Playing and bouncing just poor thing is pissing from his asshole still! :S

Me I'm ok little funky but feeling better than this morning!

How's the disinfecting hopeful! And blessed I have anxiety about the dentist BC I had a bad dentist once and now I cant go unless I'm sedated mega! Lol even for a check up! So no dentist til September! I went to a dentist and I felt the entire root canal...2 hour process.. Lots of tears and sweat.... Ouu even talking about it makes my heart race!

K gotta disinfect his kennel now... Its sitting on the deck in the rain!

Ciao Bella's
:( Poor Charlie! And poor you for having to clean all that up!! I'd be feeling a bit "funky" too! Hope you guys are doing okay!!

Blessed - hope AF comes tomorrow!! And yes, you can definitely blame the dent on a numb're a med student...make up some sort of wordy diagnosis and he will be none the wiser...unless of course he is in the med field too! haha

Hopeful - hoping you guys feel better soon too! The flu is no fun at all!! I bet you are excited for your us - is it your first one for this babe? Are you going to find out gender?

AFM, a good day at work...felt pretty good...wishing it was bed time but going to bed before dark would be a record..haha.
Yuck Tainted, sounds like your day was worse. Cleaning up a couple small piles of cat puke is nothing like dog diarrhea, and I know I've got two of em! Worst smell ever. At least the baby's gets trapped in a diaper. In fact you should get some depends and cut a hole for his tail, lol. Did that when my female was on her monthly before getting her fixed.

Sugarlys - I am excited! It's my second ultrasound but the first one where it will actually look like a baby! No gender yet but I will be finding out at that scan which is usually between 18-22 week area for best accuracy. Coffee girl time should be good except with a baby in tow it's a bit challenging. I'll just have to bring or buy him a snack to keep him busy. Food does wonders!
Hey girls...
Home from my busy day. Anyway around 2 I started to spot a bit. Not every time I go to the bathroom and it isn't red at all...more light brown cm...I called "telehealth" which is a bunch of nurses who answer questions..I'm sure you all have something similar. I don't have any other symptoms and it isn't red, so the nurse said at this point it seems normal but to monitor it and if it gets worse or lasts for over 48 hours to go to emerg. I am trying so hard to not freak out but it is tricky. I just keep repeating these few lines over and over again: "worrying about it will not keep anything from happening", "its not my fault" and "I am doing everything I can to keep this babe healthy".
I will keep you updated ladies. :)
Sugarlys, you ARE doing everything right. Keep us updated, hopefully it goes away soon. :hugs:

Tainted, how's Charlie? That is just awful, poor doggie. (Poor Tainted to have to deal w/ it too!)

Hopeful, how was lunch w/ the ladies?

ER, hope those papers are getting cranked out.

Mirna...hi! :wave"

AFM, no AF today, boo! Hopefully tomorrow. I have to get back to studying for tomorrow's exam. I have a countdown to when I can rejoin the living (after boards)... 10 weeks!!!
Sugarlys- :hugs: wishing you the best and fx it stops soon.

Blessed- hope AF comes soon for ya!

Tainted- hope sick dog is over it :)

Gotta run, too tired to look at my phone.
Thanks everyone for your support - the spotting seems to have stopped and I feel fine, so hopefully it was just a random happening. Of course I was up every hour last night to "check" if everything was still okay. It was.

Blessed - hope that AF started today!! And good luck on the exam today! You will do great!

Tainted - hope you and Charlie are feeling better! How much longer till P comes home?

Hopeful - did you have your US???

Have a good day everyone!
Hey girls
Quick question. So my next dr appt isn't until april 20 - I will be 12 weeks at that point. We are planning on telling our families next weekend when I am 10 weeks. Do you think I should wait until after my first ultrasound to tell people? Is it risky to assume everything is going okay before getting clarification in the ultrasound?
So I had my ultrasound done today.
Baby is great measuring a week ahead but she said this is one of the lease accurate times to measure for size as they stop crown/rump and start using circumference...anyways my due date is still oct 7th.
Two arms, two legs, one head, full face, nice steady heart rate, all looks great. Go for the second US part on May 16th to find out for sure the results and for gender scan. Before that I go for bloodwork again in late april. the great news about the next ultrasound is they use regular and also show you in 3D! Should be super cool!

Here is the pic she gave me, which she had way better ones, but beggers cant be choosers. :thumbup:
Also here is the bump pic I promised, but its over a week old now, but I really haven't changed much.
Sugarlys - it can be a risky thing, but keep in mind the chances of something bad happening are pretty low. K's brother and his wife told people at 2 months and at 10 weeks she unfortunately miscarried. She told me she hated everyone knowing and asking how she was, so the next two times she was pregnant they didn't tell a soul till 3 months, and both babies were born healthy and amazing. It really depends. If you only tell close family and god forbid something were to happen, least they can be supportive for you. That's what I did, only a select few. Now that we know things are great, I plan on telling K's extended family on Sunday and then we'll announce to the world of facebook so its out there.
Good luck, no matter what you decide I know it'll be right for you.
Hi guys! So glad that exam is done. I'm nervous b/c it was pretty difficult, I just hope I did okay. It drives me crazy when I take a test but don't have a feeling about how I did. I'm not studying tonight, just can't do it. I had the tiniest bit of blood tonight so I'll hear tomorrow morning if I go to the doc tomorrow or Fri.

Hopeful, thank you sooo much for sharing your photos. Love them! You have the cutest little baby bump. Any thoughts if you think it's a boy or girl? Oct 7th is a great due date! (my b-day is Oct 12)

Sugarlys, I think Hopeful put it perfectly. Maybe tell just close family members and ask them not to say anything for a few weeks.

Ok, going to spend time w/ K since I'm not studying. :flower:

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