
All these papers are due on Tuesday.... Omfg. I'm so behind.

And my first official bout of morning sickness happened today.... Eating breakfast and bam,had to puke... And didn't stop until I was puking bile. Soooooo nasty. Poor tainted for having to go through that all the time!
Wow ER that seems late for MS....that sucks! If I were at 11 weeks I would be sighing a relief thinking I had passed the point for ms!
Had some shocking news today, ladies. Found out my uncle died suddenly. It really shook me. I ended up leaving work to be with my parents....he was one of my dad's brothers and it was just a complete shock...only 58.
It made me definitely want to tell my family next week at Easter..could give some happy news.
Oh Sugarlys, I am so sorry for you and your family's loss :hugs: it's mysterious how these things happen. My grandmother had battled cancer and kept saying, 'im not letting this get me, I have a great grandchild on the way'. Sadly she passed when I was 6 months pregnant and never got to meet him. That hurts me to this day, but I know she is watching over him. I think your news will definately give some happiness back to your family, I hope you are okay in your time of grieving, it's difficult when hormones are affecting you too.

Ersurgeongirl - hope the sickness has passed and you are caught up. 11 weeks is late for that, weird.

Blessed- I'm sure you did fine on your test. Im one of those people too who go blank and am unsure after something big and nerve wracking like that, but I usually come out doing very well. That's great that you can get the show on the road, how much longer of bc pills?

Tainted - hope you are well and growing a nice belly. I showed mine, your turn!

AFM- tired tonight, long day after a terrible sleep, my boy tested his limits all day, and now I'm crying from talking about my grandmother, ah the pregnant hormones. I'm ready for a good nights sleep.
Sugarlys, I'm so sorry for your family's loss. :cry: Two summers ago, my uncle passed away suddenly from a stroke at 61. He was "healthy" and it was a huge shock. It's great that you can be with your parents, something like this shakes people to their core. It took a little while but afterwards, my mom & her siblings realized that you have to live for today and they began traveling together. My mom and her siblings went to Belize and are off on an African Safari in a few months. They never would have done anything like this otherwise. I'll be thinking about you and your news of new life will be wonderful.

ER, hope your bough of MS is just for a day! Good luck with the papers.

Hopeful, I stopped BC pills this past Sun, got my period today and begin shots tomorrow! Get a good night's sleep, have sweet dreams!

Edit: Can I just add that when I first came to B7B I thought MS stood for multiple sclerosis but got suspicious when so many women had it! lol :)

Back to studying!
Haha that made me laugh Blessed...must be contagious!
Thanks everyone. It has been a huge shock for my family. My uncle had just retired 2 months ago after working for 40 years managing a Canadian Tire store..worked himself silly and now didn't get to enjoy his retirement.
Hopeful - I am sorry about your grandma (and that this brought that up again). I know she is watching you raise your little one (and little one number 2) and is so proud of the mother you are.
Blessed - yes, the shock is what got me. All the other deaths in my family have been people who have been sick and so the shock factor wasn't there. I felt like a zombie. Sorry about your uncle too, but good for your mom and her siblings for living in his honour.
Back to work today...still feeling good. The bb's are starting to grow which is weird because I am a SMALL a cup! Have a good Friday everyone! xoxo
Sorry about your uncle :( I know it's tough, I lost 2 of mine from genetic heart issues no one knew existed. It's crazy how they go from healthy to deceased in a blink of an eye.

Cleaning the house before work so the OCD bf doesn't flip out when he comes home. He's coming home just for the weekend only so he can go to a hockey game and get drunk at a concert with his bro for his bro's bday. His coworker is sending my sister messages on fb saying how He has been cheating on me. My sister thinks it's funny because why wouldn't he just message me? I don't even know the guy. My sis is working him to get more info like name and phone number and these so called "messages/emails of her confessing her love for him". Oooooookay. The bf said this guy is off his rocker... They roomed together for a project for a month and this guy would get drunk and flip out on Him. Apparently he's manic depressive and was on meds, but once he felt better he stopped taking them? At least that's the story the bf is giving me. Idk who to trust right now, which is sad. I better go buy a vibrator (the dog found and chewed my last one.... Ewww!) because I told him he can't touch me until this whole thing stops/gets straightened out and he gets tested for sti's.

Good thing he's going to be busy all weekend. I need to write these papers.

The puking seemed to have stop. Idk if it's because I overdid it at work or what, but right before I went to bed I started violently shivering for a good 10-15 minutes but I wasn't cold. It was really strange! Now I woke up to chest congestion.... Weird.
Ersurgeongirl - these are not issues someone expecting their first child should have to face. Good for you for standing your ground on the 'no touch' and 'get tested' stuff. But let me ask you, is there a part of you that doesn't trust him? It seems so by what you say. If a person is going to that much trouble to ensure he is exposed, is it likely due to mental illness? It seems like a fishy story to me, but you know your guy better than me. You protect that baby at all costs!
What I don't get is why he's coming home to go out drinking with the boys rather than seeing his pregnant gf? Shouldn't he be trying to smooth all this over with you? I know your busy studying, but still.
Anyways, be the strong woman you are and don't take any bull!

Sugarlys- it's okay, I think of her often, and this is about you. I was more pointing out my crazed emotions while pregnant. Cry at the drop of a hat and such :)
I hope you are doing okay :hugs:
See idk who to believe... Why would a mentally ill guy do this? He gets nothing out of it. Plus, what if he's not mentally ill? The bf could be saying that to poke hole in this guys character. He's worked with him for 10 years and we've been together for 3 and I'm just now hearing about how this guy isn't right in the head? Seems like he would have told me sooner. I trust him to an extent, but there is a tiny part that says hey... He's in a hotel room alone (for most projects..) for over a month... And he has cheated on a girlfriend in the past.... So idk. I'd rather be safe than sorry and just keep distance for now until things are sorted and then we can rebuild trust from there.
Well good for you girl. Your being very level headed about this, I don't know if I could be. Broken trust like that is so hard, and really if it is true is he willing to face the mistrust until it can be repaired? It's hard to be constantly questioned and pushed. Men are terrible when it comes to being confronted. It's like their automatic reaction is to lie so as not face the consequences but they don't realize to us women the lies makes everything much worse. Especially when they have been given the option to come clean. I really hope it's not true for your sake. Just in case make sure you prepare for the worst though so you have a plan if it happens. :hugs:
Goodness, I go for an US and look at what I miss! ER, WTF??? I can't imagine being in your position being forced to deal with possible infidelity while you're pregnant. Whatever you do or decide, we're here for you! I think Hopeful is spot on about making choices that are right for you. His past behavior is what is most indicative about his future choices. I think you have your eyes open going in to the situation and that's the most you can do at the moment. However, I wouldn't be cleaning for a man that works away from home and is coming home to hang/drink with buddies instead of you. Go get a pedicure or something nice for yourself.

Having just taken the national exam for behavioral science, major depressive disorder isn't necessarily associated with telling lies. They may become paranoid and think that people are out to get them but that's more a delusional disorder that can accompany depression. Many just feel like life isn't worth living while others may show anxiety but not really fabricating stories about other people's lives. If the man telling on your bf is bipolar and having a manic episode, he may do some pretty outlandish things. He'll stay up all night, talk at a very fast past, have outrageous ideas only to move on to something else. It's possible that in a manic state, he may work himself into a frenzy about made up cheating but it's more apt to be about his life. It's usually about their own lives that they get crazy about. If he was acting that strangely, I agree that your BF would have mentioned it.
:hugs: I'm sorry you're dealing with this.

Sugarlys, how sad that he had just retired. Are you going to be with your parents this weekend? I'm glad that you're feeling good and are growing boobies!!! I bet DH is excited too! :haha:

Hopeful, any plans for the weekend? Did you get to share your US pics with family?

AFM, went to doc this morning and will get a call this afternoon regarding when to begin my injections. I think it's going to be tonight, the doc has to tell me what doses for each!!! now back to studying...
Blessed - how exciting!! I bet you didn't mind the pain at all! Any big plans for the weekend??

Hopeful - hope you guys are doing well. I hear ya on the pregnancy hormones!! Yikes.

ER - I am so sorry you are going through this drama when you should be enjoying your time being pregnant. I hope that you are able to get to the bottom of whatever is going on...I can't imagine that feeling. Yes, good for you for standing your now have to take care of more than yourself and I see you are definitely doing that. I hope that the two of you can sit down and have a good chat...priorities in your relationship will inevitably change once baby is here and that can definitely be stressful. Thinking of you!!

Tainted - hope everything is going okay with you - you still feeling okay??

AFM, it is 7:30 and I want to go to bed...trying to make it to at least dark. Thanks for all your well makes me realize that I definitely want to tell my parents at Easter as planned...even if something happens later on with least they will know. I was so happy to be busy and at work today...couldn't have handled another day sitting around! Hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Day one of shots complete! One of them stung and the other seemed like a bit came back out. I'm excited to actually be doing this, it took months of tests and surgery and follow-ups etc just to get here. Unfortunately, my weekends will only consist of studying for the next ten weeks. (9 weeks tomorrow actually!) Study, study, study for boards. Truly, it is great that I'm doing IVF now b/c I don't have time to obsess over whether or not it's going to work. Every now & then I go to the "Assisted Conception" forum but end up leaving quickly. So depressing and it only makes you anxious! I like my cozy, happy group here! So please share your fun, exciting weekend plans so I can live vicariously through all of you!:flower:

ER, I'm thinking about you and hoping that everything is going okay.

Sugarlys, I think it's great you're going to be sharing you news over Easter. I think it will be wonderful! :hugs:

Hi Hopeful, Tainted (MIA again!) and Mirna. Have a wonderful Saturday!
Wow exciting Blessed! Yes, being busy will definitely help...otherwise you will go crazy! So you continue to give yourself these shots for how long? I think you said 14 days? Then...?

No big plans here this weekend. Hubby is working so I just got home from grocery shopping...going to try and clean the house. The house has taken a hit since I got energy at night at all! DH is helping a lot though...phew!

Tonight I am hanging out with some friends...I have just been emptying out a wine bottle so I can put non-alcoholic wine in...drinking is a per-requiset so they will notice if I'm not.

I am excited to tell my family...especially after this week, I think they could use some good news!
Anyway, have a great day everyone. I am going to go hang some laundry on the line....first load of the year...spring is here!
I still keep up with a couple groups on that forum (assisted conception) as I feel I need to stick by the ladies who stuck by me when I was down and out. Only a couple of them have got BFP's, the rest are still struggling. I really think a lot of their negativity comes into play. Some of them are just so angry and depressed all the times, it's no wonder their body doesn't think it's a good time for a pregnancy. I never want to tell them that, just simply give encouaging words and positive signs for them to hold on to hope. I really think you need to give in and let go to make things happen. By the 2nd IUI for me it was like, "if it doesn't work I keep going until it does, it will happen eventually". That attitude was the same both times I ended up preggers. Sure I had my down days but I was never giving in to defeat.

I want your opinions on something. Two of the gals remarked on how babies/children should not be allowed at fertility clinics, all this after one gal had a rough IUI count and left the clinic in tears to see a baby in someone's arms in reception. One of the clinics actally forbids them. This really upset me and I had to say something, in the nicest way I could, but letting out my opinion.
I stated that 'how can you dictate that the very thing everyone is out to create and claim to love is not welcome there? I feel like that is sending bad vibes. When I was in the waiting room at mine with ppl with a child with them it reminded me of what the goal was, and made me feel good wondering 'is that baby from the help received here?' that very child could be the product of IVF or IUI and that person still has fertility issues and needs help just like the rest of thrm. My clinic not only gets you pregnant but follows along by performing your first few ultrasounds during pregnancy. They encourage you to bring in your child once born and have an imprint of their hand or foot casted and place it on their wall of pride.

Are these ladies right? Am I crazy that my blood boiled with anger at their remarks? I just don't understand, I know it's really emotional time and jealousy is part of things, but are they really that selfish that they don't want to see a baby till its theirs? I promise I will not judge you for your response, I may disagree but feel free to explain to me as I am so not getting it right now.

Dinner was good but could have been better for a fancy restaurant. Great service though! Saw a buddy back in town from BC after a year, that was nice.

Blessed glad to hear injections went well! Your right keeping the mind busy will be super helpful!
I completely agree with you, Hopeful. How sad that some people have lost the "being happy for others" gene. You're right, I really feel like negativity can greatly impede SOME people from getting pregnant - obvi I am careful when I say that because there are legitimately some girls who can be the most positive ever but their bodies just can't do it. I feel like that type of behaviour is so childish...its like being jealous of a friend who has a better toy than you.

I try and stay away from most forums out there....they either make me angry, or stressed or annoyed. I have really been trying to embrace positivity because I feel like it really can be contagious.
I'm with you ladies. Hopeful, I am one of those women in the fertility clinic and I think it would be RIDICULOUS to ban children if that's what the end goal is. You're absolutely right that it is their own misery they have wrapped themselves up in that sees a child as painful. I love other people's babies, I don't have to change their diapers! :)

It's so sad that their unhappiness has reached a level that they don't want to see a baby. It's so twisted in logic and I'm proud of you for standing up for what's right. Your baby is a result of that clinic's help, it should bring joy, hope and happiness for another person. You have every right, as does your clinic, to love on that baby that was so wanted you all worked to get it. I agree that negativity really does affect you physically and will diminish your chances of conceiving. These ladies have become their own biggest enemy!
Oh, Sugarlys, I forgot to answer. I'll do shots for between 9 to 11 days, depending on how I respond. K & I both started an antibiotic to make sure we don't get sick & the butt-head had the nerve to say, "But I can get sick." NO, cause then you get ME sick!!! I'm happy he has to take at least ONE med. I think it may even make him feel like he's helping. (Once he figures it out that he can affect me!) :wacko:
Oh sorry girls!!!! My sister and her kids surprise visited me and they have been keeping me pretty busy and at the end of the day I flop in bed with exhaustion! Lol I'm not missing and I'll update more later lots to catch up on! We are going to the farmers market then for a drive for ice cream outside of the city! Just wanted to tell you I'm still alive and so is Charlie lol!
Miss ya gals!

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