
Hiya Tainted! I love that your family surprised you with a visit. Hope you're feeling well (not vomiting) and get to enjoy it.

AFM, I have had a bad headahce since the injection and it's constant. I'll ask about it at my appt tomorrow but if it's a permanent thing while I do these injections, I'm gonna wanna be drunk for the next 8 or nine days!!!
I think that children should be allowed in a fertility clinic. That's like going to a zoo and not wanting to see animals or going car shopping but not wanting to see cars you can't afford. Rediculous!

The bf and I are.... Idk. We were laying in bed last night trying to talk things out but we were both tired and the topic kept getting changed somehow? He's at a concert with his brother for his bros bday.... Which isn't until the end of next month! Ah stupid!
Ladies- thanks so much for answering that. You made me feel like I'm not a bitch after all. It's like no one will touch what I wrote with a 10 foot poll on that thread. Probably afraid to express their opinions that they will hurt or offend someone. I just needed to hear it wasn't only me feeling that way, ya know? I definately know I am friends with the right group of ladies, we all see the world in the same light.

Blessed - headaches are no fun, and hormones can most def cause them. I know, as ive been getting the pregnancy headaches for a bit now. Felt pretty off today again. I honestly think (tmi alert) I am too backed up again and just need to clear out the bowels!!! It makes me feel bloated and overall just icky and unhappy. Its so not normal for me to be going every three days! Time to take the milk of magnesia, I've had it.

Tainted - yeah family time! Hope you enjoyed the ice cream!

Ersurgeongirl - hmm, talk about weird for the two of you. I think perhaps both of you may just not be ready to face it. Subject changes and avoidance are a defense mechanism at times, and for you being so busy with school and pregnant, maybe that's just one too many things to face up to right now. I would plan out carefully what you wish to say and even write it down in point form so you make sure it gets delt with. I had a friend who had a similar situation with her bf. she actually found the name of a guy who performs lie detector tests, went to her bf and said, 'if your telling the truth then you won't mind doing this for me at all'. He fessed up to kissing another girl. She kicked him out as she then knew that was only the tip of the iceberg to avoid getting caught for the rest. Might be worth suggesting to see how he reacts. Good luck! And if it gets too heated get out or tell him to go!

Sugarlys- hope your pregnancy is treating you well. As for the telling your family do you know how or are you just going to come out and say it? The lengths you go to in order to avoid ppl finding out make me giggle. I just have a virgin drink. Like cranberry, no vodka....etc. plus if I pull the breastfeeding card ppl think nothing of it! Tomorrow is the day the cat will be out of the bag. Wish me luck tomorrow night!
Hopeful, you are certainly not a bitch. Remember that you keep going there to offer your support and encouragement so whatever emotion they evoked came from a good, genuine place, not one trying to be mean. You also happen to be right!!!!
How exciting that you're going to announce it tomorrow, have so much fun with it!

ER, I don't know what to tell you. Hopeful is right that you have so much on your plate that ignoring it may just be easier but it's going to make it worse later on. It seriously pisses me off that he's partying with others and not spending time with you. Hopeful has a good suggestion about writing things down, I do it just to get my thoughts in order. It may help you see how you want to deal with this situation and may bring out questions that you need answers too. :hugs: I'm thinking of you!

Sugarlys, are you going to act all tipsy too? Not too much or they'll all whisper behind your back about how much you drank while you were pregnant! :rofl:

Ladies, I'm embarrassed to admit this but when I was trying to put the safety lid back on the needle before disposing it I pierced my finger on the fatty pad and it went clear through in a flash. Didn't hurt but boy did it bleed from the entrance and exit points! Scary that I'm going into the medical profession! good lesson to learn to SLOW down before I'm dealing with other people's blood. :blush:

Ladies have a wonderful night, I'm off!
Wow, it was a busy evening on our forum!

Hopeful - regardless of your opinion you should still feel supported in that group..I think that true maturity is when you can give your opinion and know that even if no one else agrees, they will at least respect you for what you say. Honestly, it seems a bit childish that no one will respond to what you said. There is a way that the topic can be dealt with without people getting in a snit. Good luck telling your news!!

We have two ways to tell our families. For my family (where this is the first grandchild) I bought my mom a little figurine that says "__ weeks until I'm a grandma" and you change the blocks for the number of an advent calender at Christmas time. So I am going to wrap that up for Easter. For hubby's parents (who have 2 grandkids)..they are a dog ppl bring their dogs everywhere...we got our dog a tshirt that says "I'm going to be a big sister"..and she is going to where it to dinner. I'm waiting for someone to say "you're getting a puppy??" haha.

Blessed - haha, good thing you are getting to practice on yourself!! That sucks about the headaches - hopefully it isn't related to the shots because that would be a bummer. No, I did not act tipsy...haha since I drove I would have only had a few glasses one was the wiser. I did have to turn down the margaritas that were being offered but I said I was looking forward to my wine. The worst part about going out in the evening is that I am so bloated and look seriously pregnant. So I had to suck it in all night and by the time I got home, phew, I was so happy to breath!

Tainted - glad you and Charlie are still alive and that you had a surprise visit from the fam! How nice!! I hope you are still feeling good!

ER - Wow. I don't even know what to say. I can't imagine your emotions right now...I'm getting emotional over the silliest things, so I don't know how you are handling it. I hope that you are able to get out everything that you want to say before he leaves again (I think you said he was just home for the weekend?) Thinking of you friend!

AFM, still feeling pretty good. Lounging around here today...we got snow last night gah!! We are having a family dinner at my parents tonight with a bunch of my Dad's siblings to figure out the funeral etc.
I hope you all have a great day!
Ah Sugarlys, I remember now you told us those. I knew you had something but wasn't sure if you were still doing it based on the emotional state of the family. I still think they are wonderful ideas!
Had my US and they've lowered one of my injections, Follistim, from 150 to 100! I had lots of follicles, I think I'm responding too well!!! Go in tomorrow for blood work again. I think it's everyday from now on. PLUS, they helped me get K for April Fools Day. K got me really good last year so I asked them to type up a letter saying his blood work came back and some of the panels were positive so he needs to have more blood work to follow up. It was great, you should have seen the look on his face when I yelled "April Fools!" It was sweet revenge. :haha:
Blessed - ah sweet revenge! He must've gone pale! That's okay you are responding well. The more the merrier, they just don't want to hyperstimulate you is all.
As for stabbing your finger, guess that's why in the hospital they just have sharps boxes and protocol is to not re-cap the needle huh? Lol. I did it too, not stab myself but recap. Didnt feel right leaving it off.
Quick update... He's still not coming clean. He gave me the username and password to one of his accounts (but somehow he forgot the password to the other... Yah right!) and there on his credit card statement is a transaction... He flew this girl out from Virginia, where his last project was, to here in Detroit and back to Virginia! That's all I really need to know :( I'm devastated. I'm not crying yet, maybe because I'm so mad, I need to write these damn papers. Fuck my life.... I have a baby with a lying cheating asshole.
Wow ergirl! I feel so bad for you! Are you positive this is all happening?!? What a sin! And he wanted to have a baby with you while this was going on? Oh my I wish there was some way I could make u feel better! You've always got a shoulder here!!:(

Blessed.. Wow! That's a lot going on! I'm glad everythin is going well with you! And great april fools! What did k do last year?!?

Hopeful how are u feeling now? Getting sick often?

Sugarlys those are cute ways to tell your families and it's happening soon! I don't know how you girls held it back! I found out and called my mom like 3 minutes after peeing on the stick! How are u doing? Throwing up yet or am I the only unlucky one?!? Lol!

Afm.. Went to my dr Thursday all is well I'm feeling a shit loa better but she is shocked that I'm still throwing up even if it's only like every 3rd day! I feel so lovely lately!!! Ouu Ouu.. Bought the nursery furniture today! All we need is stroller and car seat! That's a reality slap in the face lol! But makes me happy too!
My US for the gender is on the 11th! That's like so soon. Phil won't be here:(!
Oh hey any weird cravings anyone? I want meatloaf RIGHT NOW and that's not happening:( lol or ritz with peanut butter! And I LOVE lettuce tomato avocado mustard sandwiches! Lol

Miss u fellas! :)
Clarification... It's worse than I thought... He didn't fly her here... He's flying her from Virginia to Omaha where he's currently at... She has a layover here in Detroit on her way out there to see him on 4/4
Oh my gosh ER...I feel so horrible. I wish there is something I could do to make it better. Did you confront him about finding the transaction on his Visa? Do you guys own a house together etc? All I can say is that YOU and your babe are the most important right now. Stress isn't good for either of you, so do whatever you need to do to relax...get a massage, do prenatal yoga, anything. Is there anyone around that you can talk to? Maybe find a counsellor? Wow. I can't even believe that.
My thoughts are with you, my friend. Know we are all here for you and praying for you!
I appreciate it. I still haven't slept. She's 11years younger than him, white trash looking for sex, booze and money. I can't believe he'd downgrade!
ER, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I agree with the other girls, you & the baby are the most important thing to take care of. Do you have family nearby? That's just absolutely awful. We're here for you, if you want to vent, yell, cry... we're here! :hugs::hugs::hugs: :hugs:

I'll respond to everyone else when I get to the coffee shop after my blood work this morning. :flower:
Ok, I'm set up at a coffee shop for the next few hours. Had my blood drawn, tomorrow begins daily ultrasounds and blood work until retrieval!

Tainted, so so so happy you're doing well. I'm sticking by week 20, the vomiting should be all gone, you're almost there! How exciting to find out the baby's sex. Take a pic of the nursery once you have everything set up. Last year for April Fool's Kevin told me he's being transferred and I'll need to switch med schools. I am all about damage control so I was already in communications with another med school dean (in the area he said we were moving to) before he told me it was a joke. So embarrassing to have to tell the dean "just kidding"!!!

Hopeful, the cutest baby was just in the coffee house with his mom. It made me think about the other women you communicate with and thought how could anyone not want to see that!??? Crazy.

Sugarlys, I can't believe that it snowed there. It's so pretty here but I wouldn't be surprised if we get a surprise snow.

ER, I'm thinking of you and sending you lots of strength.

Mirna, hope you're doing well.
Ersurgeongirl - :hugs: I am so sorry you are facing this amidst all your hard work in school and a pregnancy. What a rotton situation! Wow, this guy is caught flying someone to him with his credit card and still won't admit to it. I'm sure he'll concoct some BS story that they are just friends, blah blah blah. As for the other password, I'm sure he'll give it to you once he's cleaned everything out first. You need to just tell him he is no longer welcome there and focus on finishing your school and taking care of you and your child. He made his bed and don't let him guilt you into letting him make it up to you. If there is anything I have learned about men who lie, it's that the only way things will ever change and improve is to show them you will follow through and they mean nothing to you for what they have done. Sometimes they don't realize what they had till its gone. If he still actually loves you he will still work to getting you back. If its unforgiveable to you, then move on and focus on life without him. Either way I am so sorry and if you need our support we are always here! Lots of love :)

Sugarlys - our weather was all rain yesterday and now sun today, it's a big temp change from all that hot weather but it's at least around seasonal. Did you end up deciding what you are doing regarding testing? I think you were leaning to not.

Blessed- hope the shots are going well and I am excited to hear of how your ultrasound monitoring follies goes! Get to studying lady, no time to think, remember :) although it may be time to round up that posse you offered me before for ER!

Tainted- I feel okay, Ty for asking :) I've been pretty emotional off and on, am still nauseous here and there but no puking! That sandwich sounds interesting. What colour is the furniture?

AFM- well this weekend was interesting. I've discovered I can only seem to spend one nice day with my DH per weekend as that seems to be his nice capacity. He was a meanie again last night, it put a whole damper on the telling ppl thing. We did go to his grandmas and our luck only she his mom and one set of his aunts and uncles were there. We told them but it would have been nice to have more ppl there. Then when we got home I asked him what he wanted to do about telling people now, he said 'do whatever you want'. It hurt that he doesnt want to be involved or doesn't care. Then he proceeded to pick a fight with me cause he didn't like how I said 'I don't know' in response to his question of how to spell some stupid slang word. He stormed off to bed, I cried, Wth?
He sent a text saying sorry he was grumpy, but I don't feel like forgiving him. He's put a whole damper on me wanting to tell anyone now. I don't want to bother as it doesn't feel special anymore. Whatever, I don't care, that's a lie....I so do.
Quick update, since I still haven't slept...

I talked to my parents this morning. They have 2 bedrooms and a full bath on the second floor that I'm now "renting"... I'm packing up all my shit and moving home where I will raise my beautiful baby by myself. My parents have a lawyer retained (lots of deaths and estates in the fam they had to take care of) and they are going to pay him to represent me and make sure I get everything I can get from him... including limited supervised visitations inside my parents house only. He has family out of state and he travels everywhere for work, so there's a huge flight risk. I realized the situation is for the best... I'm smart enough to play roles of mom and dad and teach baby the proper way of life. Now for a nap and paper writing.
I am so proud of you, ER. You are doing the right thing for your baby and for you.
Now try and get some well-deserved sleep!!
ER, You are amazingly strong and intelligent and are doing exactly what you need to in this situation. I know that doesn't help ease any of the enormous hurt but you are doing the right thing. I'm so glad you're getting help from your parents. I thought that you should contact a lawyer and you're already doing that. I hope you're able to rest and focus (well enough) to complete your papers. :hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry sweetie.

Hopeful, do you think K may be stressing about having another child and, like a typical man, isn't talking about it? Sounds like he's picking fights about silly little nothings instead of dealing with whatever is bugging him. :hugs:

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