Ersurgeongirl -
I am so sorry you are facing this amidst all your hard work in school and a pregnancy. What a rotton situation! Wow, this guy is caught flying someone to him with his credit card and still won't admit to it. I'm sure he'll concoct some BS story that they are just friends, blah blah blah. As for the other password, I'm sure he'll give it to you once he's cleaned everything out first. You need to just tell him he is no longer welcome there and focus on finishing your school and taking care of you and your child. He made his bed and don't let him guilt you into letting him make it up to you. If there is anything I have learned about men who lie, it's that the only way things will ever change and improve is to show them you will follow through and they mean nothing to you for what they have done. Sometimes they don't realize what they had till its gone. If he still actually loves you he will still work to getting you back. If its unforgiveable to you, then move on and focus on life without him. Either way I am so sorry and if you need our support we are always here! Lots of love
Sugarlys - our weather was all rain yesterday and now sun today, it's a big temp change from all that hot weather but it's at least around seasonal. Did you end up deciding what you are doing regarding testing? I think you were leaning to not.
Blessed- hope the shots are going well and I am excited to hear of how your ultrasound monitoring follies goes! Get to studying lady, no time to think, remember
although it may be time to round up that posse you offered me before for ER!
Tainted- I feel okay, Ty for asking
I've been pretty emotional off and on, am still nauseous here and there but no puking! That sandwich sounds interesting. What colour is the furniture?
AFM- well this weekend was interesting. I've discovered I can only seem to spend one nice day with my DH per weekend as that seems to be his nice capacity. He was a meanie again last night, it put a whole damper on the telling ppl thing. We did go to his grandmas and our luck only she his mom and one set of his aunts and uncles were there. We told them but it would have been nice to have more ppl there. Then when we got home I asked him what he wanted to do about telling people now, he said 'do whatever you want'. It hurt that he doesnt want to be involved or doesn't care. Then he proceeded to pick a fight with me cause he didn't like how I said 'I don't know' in response to his question of how to spell some stupid slang word. He stormed off to bed, I cried, Wth?
He sent a text saying sorry he was grumpy, but I don't feel like forgiving him. He's put a whole damper on me wanting to tell anyone now. I don't want to bother as it doesn't feel special anymore. Whatever, I don't care, that's a lie....I so do.