
ER- what a moron. How'd his parents react when you told them? I can't believe he couldn't even fess up to his own mother. Real men cannot lie to their mothers like that! Anyways time to get moving on with your life and enjoy being preggers. It'll be time soon to start feeling the baby move! Those moments are indescribable, and oh so special!

Sugarlys- :hugs: hope it went okay.
I'm at his house packing my stuff. I haven't shaved my legs in like a month and I haven't trimmed the hedges either. I just had a feeling he was cheating, but I didn't know if it was a true gut feeling or hormonal pregnancy stuff... So I haven't slept with him since my bfp... And I didn't shave anything either, whats the point lol. So here I am packing and his shower has been running for a good 30-40 minutes now and I'll be talking a good 30-40 min shower
Enjoy it! You need a mommy massage. I think I do too! After all this stress I'm getting a docs note and going for massages and claiming them under insurance. It's going to feel amazing! Are you planning on shaving? You'll probably clog the drain with the hair, lol, it'd serve him right.
Hey ladies... Just wanted to say I Am going through a backwards cycle now... I was awake almost all night last night with extreme nausea felt great all day and since about 6 I'm extenemly nauseous again... Almost to the point of vomit! So I'm in bed and I'll be back later.
Oh man tainted, so sorry!

I really need to catch up with everyone.
The ex's cousin's gf who is/was like3 or 4 weeks behind me has been diagnosed with blighted ovum. She goes for 1 more ultrasound to see if there's growth. But there's no heartbeat.

The ex is now laying in bed with her.... ugh.
But last night I had a very attractive coworker reach out to me and somehow we ended talking on the phone for like 3 hours! He's a good guy, but I know that I would only want a physical relationship with him (damn hormones are making me crave sex :lol: ) as hes 11 almost 12 years older than me, divorced, with 3 kids he pays child support for. Not exactly upgrading from the ex.
Very busy day. Blood work, ultra-sound, two quizzes and I learned how to suture. I also found out that I did very well on that national exam I took last week. :thumbup:

ER, good call on not hooking up with a coworker for "just physical". That would become very awkward!!! I've heard that you become very horny during pregnancy...guess the rumors are true! :winkwink:
I still think we might engage in a friends with benefits type deal... He knows I'm hurt and not ready for anything serious but we are already planning to go to baseball games and helping me move when I'm ready... When I see him at work all I think about is...well, you know ;)

Oh shitballs, I bought a maternity bra yesterday and it fit fine, upgrade to a 40 D from a 38 large C... My boobs grew overnight. They are over flowing! Omg, good thing I only paid $15 for this one sheesh! But this is going to sound horrible, but maternity bras can be fun... I mean they have clasps to pull down the cups but still provide support!
Hey girls... Feeling a bit better!
Ergirl! I'm proud of you! I don't know that I would have the strength that u have to not just forgive him for the baby! And that would be wrong of me! So I am very very very proud of you! Older guys are great my last bf was many many many many many years older than me and one of the better relationships I've had! Keep up the strength! You rock. Oh an tell your friend to keep going for ultrasounds.. I read up on this and there are lots of women who don't listen to the doctor and a couple weeks later the heartbeat is found.. I cat remember why it happens that way but the babies are perfectly normal too!
Congrats blessed I'm proud of you too for doing so well and going through all of this too. You are a pretty amazing woman! :)
Sugarlys.. Tomorrow is the day right??? I'll bet you are bursting with excitement to tell them! Yay!!!
Omg tainted you're so far along already!

I'm pretty much done talking to the ex until he comes home, he just keeps sayingnthe same things about money and taking his house and etc. Not really productive.

I had a convo with my coworker last night...I confessed that I'm not sure what I want or need right now but I don't want my 2nd trimester libido increase to influence our starting relationship. He understands, I mean him and his ex wife have 3 kids, the youngest being 4, so he kinda knows pregnancy stuff, which is nice. He told me he's been attracted to me since he first met me back in November/December and he asked my coworkers about me (we work at the same place, just different locations in the building. My location closes before his does so if I'm working late, Im assigned to help his location out) and they told them I had a fiancé. I secretly been attached to him since we first met as well. He looks like he's 27 at the oldest, but when I found out he's divorced with 3 kids, I was like ehhhhh, that's drama. The ex and I were in a rocky position because he wanted to start a family back then but I didn't because I don't hit my one year mark at work until September so starting our family before January would mean no fmla. I wish I knew what I did now but then I'm okay because I'm growing a beautiful human being. He's picking up his boys today, he has today and tomorrow off, I'm not sure if we are hanging out late tomorrow or Sunday when his boys go home. He says he gives excellent massages... Hehehe.
Presentation next Tuesday, doc appts/ultrasounds Wednesday..woo hoo!
Sugarlys - are you getting excited? I know you were planning on Easter but what day? Can't wait to hear!

Tainted- that's weird that things have changed around, maybe try moving your pills as sleep is really important? Hope you are okay, your so far along, before you know it youll be halfway there.

Ersurgeongirl -I don't know what to say, justbe careful I guess. Co worker relationships even the friends with benefits type have a way of spinning out of control quickly. I think you should take some time for yourself to evaluate what changes have happened in your life, but I'd this is what you want and see as best for you, then have fun. So hows life at the 'rents? They taking good care of you?

Blessed- sounds like lots of increasing pressure in the midst of the final part of injections. Talk about hectic. Hope you are well and congrats on the if test high score! Knew you could do it!

Me? Well I'm grumpy today, not feeling good does that, especially when the DH got up early on his day off and woke both me and the baby an hour early. Just my luck, he doesn't even get why I was upset about that lost sleep. The baby was cranky all morning (wonder why) and I told him that I've had one day he let me sleep in in like two years. He doesn't seem phased. Well it's my niece's birthday today and my brother in laws was on Wednesday, so we are heading there for a BBQ celebration, indoors as its pretty chilly out. He got a smoker as a present from his dad (a Texan) so he's doin up ribs and chicken! Yum :) now just trying to do laundry and pack up everything necessary, while cleaning. I love my husband but he can be a real lazy ass. He's downstairs playing video games while life happens without him. Men make women into nags!
Anyways Happy Easter to you all, enjoy your families and time off, if you get it :)
Hi guys. I'm getting quite achy. I'm not in pain for the most part, just uncomfortable and my belly is looking like a pincushion. I'm moving like an old lady!!! To think they're going to get bigger for about four more days, but if that's what they need, so be it. I think retrieval will be on Tuesday which works out well, I have an exam on Monday. I'm going to look funny moving like a snail to my assigned chair in the auditorium. :jo:

Hi Sugarlys, hope everything is going okay. So exciting you're going to share the new!!!

Hiya Tainted! What's shakin' in your life? Sorry you're not feeling great, hope you spring back fast.

ER, good luck with everything. I've never been successful at "friends with benefits". I was never able to be physical with a man without becoming emotionally attached. How are your parents handling everything? I hope they're spoiling you. :hugs:

Hopeful, sorry you didn't get to sleep in. What if you and DH agree that tomorrow (Sat) he gets up with the baby so you can sleep in? That BBQ sounds fantastic. I have family in Texas and in Missouri that own BBQ restaurants, LOVE it! You're right about men, I've told K that it's his fault I nag!

K is going to his brother's for Easter weekend since his wife has to study all weekend for Monday's exam. My mom is wonderful and loves babies so she got K's niece, 8 months old, a little dress sewn by local villagers when she was in Belize. Who thinks she's ready for more grandchildren???
Hey girls!
Sorry I have been absent for a few days....worked yesterday and then went to friends for dinner last night. This morning we went to church and then out for breakfast.
Tonight is the big night to tell my family and I am SO nervous..haha not sure why, because I know they will be excited but I still am. We are telling hubby's family on Monday. I will let you know how it goes.

Blessed - do you have to have the needles in your stomach?? Yikes if you do! Good for you for doing well on your exam! Hope you are feeling okay other than that - good luck with studying!!

Hopeful - sorry that your day didn't start out good...hope you enjoy your bbq afternoon!! It is really sunny here today, but still a bit chilly. We are having a bbq at my parents tonight...steak!

Tainted - sorry that things aren't going well for you again!! Man you have really had a rough go! When does Phil come home next? Getting excited for your us?

ER - I hope you are doing okay and all I would say is be careful. Emotions can be such tricky things and it is so important that you do whatever you can to take care of your baby's mother!! I am so glad your family is able to be there for you.

AFM, just about to go have a nap, clean the house (maybe!!) and then head to my parents! I'll tell you all about it tonight!!
Good luck!!! I forgot to mention to you ladies that yesterday when out shopping with my sister we stopped at Thyme maternity. They had a deal that if you bought a pair of pants and a shirt you get $20 off. So I found some jeans on sale for $29 and a shirt for $19, so $28 for a new outfit! Love it, the jeans are soooo comfy.
My bump is growing a bit I took a pic I'll have to load it up when I get on the CPU, which is rare. I'm in a better mood now! Enjoy the sunshine!
We are taking his boys out for ice cream tomorrow night after I get off work. The ex wants to buy me a new car as part of his child support payments, which is greatly appreciated since my car is slowly dying/costing me a lot in repairs. I told him I wasn't sure because if he starts missing payments and the car gets repo'ed I'm screwed. So I'm trying to convince him to get a line of credit and then pay for the car in full from the line of credit so I don't have to worry about repo and he won't have to communicate with me about it, but he wants documentation... I'm like... Okay, well opening the loc is documentation, paying the car in full is documentation, and ur monthly payments are proof too, but he wants it to be recognized thru the courts. I don't think they do that, but I'm playing dumb and saying sure... We will make sure of it. We'll see how that goes. I'm not a horrible person but when Kobe Bryant cheated, she got a what, 10 million dollar ring? A car is small change compared to that ;)
Hey everyone!
Well it went great!! They are all so excited - especially my mom!!
A great evening...heading to bed! Hope you are all enjoying your long weekend! :)
Great news Sugarlys, now on to his parents :) have a wonderful Easter!

Great day with the family yesterday. The smoked ribs and chicken were sooooo good! My son went haywire after the carrot cake, was all over the place squealing for almost two hours! He slept great last night, let us sleep till 8! That was so nice, haven't had that in ages!
Sugarlys, so happy that telling your family was great! How fun that you can now share your experience w/ your mom. :flower: And yes, I give myself the shots in my belly fat below my belly button.

Hopeful, I think you've found the answer, carrot cake for the little guy and you'll get to sleep! :winkwink:

K left this morning for his family's get together. This is a the worst part of med school, missing out on family time. Well, have to get ready for my doctor appointment, TMI: my nipples hurt! Wasn't expecting that during the shots. Is that normal??? :shrug:
Could very well be normal! Hormones do crazy things! Good luck at the doc's and cram hard. It's really too bad you'll have to miss out on family time, but hey, when you ate a doc and get paid super well you can take long vacations and spend loads of time with them and little one then :) keep us posted on how it goes!

Ersurgeongirl - sounds like relationship. Meeting the kids is a step that I wouldn't take till I was more serious with a guy. For a physical relationship I would stay far away from that type of situation. Just my two cents, good luck!

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