
I trigger tonight!!!!!!!! Egg collection Monday morning!!!! There are 12 follicles that are about 20x20, maybe a few smaller ones, I hope it's enough. Sooo excited. :happydance::happydance::happydance:

ER, I was thinking the same thing about meeting the kids. That's definitely a big thing in any relationship and not a "friends w/ benefits" thing. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Hopeful, the typo "ate a doc" made me laugh out loud! You're right though, once I'm actually a physician, my schedule will be a lot nicer! :haha:
Blessed - what does trigger mean? So Monday they take an egg and mix it in a petrie dish? Sorry, I know you have explained this before, but I forget it!!
Very exciting stuff - I am sorry you are spending the weekend studying!! What year are you in of med school again? I am sure it will be worth it when you are all done!
No apologies necessary Sugarlys! My follicles are at a size that the doc wants to retrieve them from my ovaries. In order to do this, they have to be primed, as if they were about to be ovulated. So, to get them primed I have two shots of hCG that I give myself at exactly 11 pm tonight. That's the "trigger", the two hCG shots. Then, 36 hours later, around 10 am on Monday morning, they knock me out, take out the follicles (with hopefully mature eggs in the centers) and hand them off to the embryologist who immediately injects one of K's sperm into each mature egg. (That process is called ICSI) Then we see how many fertilize.

I'm 6 weeks away from finishing my second year. Third year begins July 3rd.

have you talked to your mom today?
So hard to study!!! :wacko: I hope all of you are enjoying your weekend. :flower:
Hey blessed, I am thrilled for you! So Monday is the retrieval, then later Monday you have a test? Wow, you are crazy busy! I hope they all develop into nice blastocysts for you. So they plan to put three in right?
As for my typo :haha: lol, typing in a rush on my iPhone is not always a good thing. My best by far was talking with another group of ladies. I commented on sperm analysis results and put 'lab worker' but somehow autocorrect made it 'lab wiener' without me noticing. At least I made lots of stressed out ladies nearly pee their pants :)
Wow blessed this is all so exciting! How long does it take for them to mature? And when do they do the actual IVF? Jeez! You are doing this plus school! You are an amazing woman! I'm very proud of u!
I'm so happy that you mom was ecstatic Sugarlys! I sure am happy for you! How are u feeling lately? And sickness? Tiredness? Ya know ... Anyone out there like me? Lol
Hopeful I can't wait to see your pic! I'll upload one when I get home!
ER how is the whole situation? And how are YOU really doing?!? Is this effecting your health at all? Gosh your strong id be such a mushy mess! I'm so happy u are doing well-ish

AFM... I was hit with the tired wall.... Finally! I just wanna sleep all the time! And I started throwing up again.. Twice this am! So cruel! Lol I'm in Edmonton at my sisters place! And I'm 19 weeks Monday.... Half way in a week... Isn't that nutty? And frig I'm Sooo excited for Wednesday.... What do u ladies think I'm having? I think it's a boy! Phil thinks its a girl!
I'm not too bad even tho I'm throwing up... I don't feel shitty in between for the most part!
I get to hide eggs tonight for the kids... EXCITED!!
Ok happy Easter ladies! Night!
Lab wiener :lol:

So movie night with the boys was awesome. They are sooo cute, aged 9,7,4. Half way through the movie 2 of the joys fell asleep, one started snoring so he laid him across his lap to sleep. He's such a good dad from the moments I got to see, he's very sweet and caring. Speaking of sweet and caring, he held my hand during the entire movie, something the ex did once in 4 years. It was a really nice night.

In a way, it's good that he has his boys because I don't want to distract him from his boys or take away time from them so it allows me to leave some space between us and take things slow.
Hey everyone,
Yes my parents are so excited. But, I told them they can't tell anyone for a few weeks and they are dying at that! haha.

Tainted - sorry you are feeling rough, you have not had an easy go of it! I am thinking "girl". What does Phil have? Girl and a boy? Hope you get feeling better!

Blessed - wow! I am so excited for you! I also thought you had an exam Monday? Wonder woman!!

ER - I hope you are doing okay!

Hopeful - hope you guys are having a good weekend..hah lab wiener...hilarious!

AFM, I am feeling good. I can eat breakfast again. But, I am in the YIKES stage. Like, wow am I ready to be a mother? Will my body ever go back to normal? Will I ever get to sleep in again? haha I guess these are normal emotions! Anyway, off to my parents for lunch later on...enjoy your day!
Hoppy Easter everyone! ;)

Hopeful, that was very nice of you to make stressed out ladies laugh. Can't go wrong w/ a "lab weiner". lol Yes, they are putting three in (FX'd we have three great embies to do so) and then hopefully freezing some. I rescheduled my Monday exam for Tuesday. I'll be under general anesthetic and couldn't drive anyway.

Tainted, hiya sweetie! The embryologist will be able to tell if the eggs w/in the follicles are mature immediately. Mature eggs will have a barr body, a tiny clump of material in the outer membrane. The mature ones get a sperm. My RE likes to do IVF on day three with 8-cell embies. If you wait for day 5, there is a higher risk of the embryo splitting and getting identical twins. Identical twins have higher safety risks, not to mention the fact he's putting in three embryos already!!!!

I'm so bummed that pregnancy is so rough for you. You know what I hope this latest bout is? The finale of your allergic reaction to pregnancy. You know when something puts up one last battle before dying out completely? I so hope that after this, you really ARE better and can FINALLY enjoy being pregnant. BTW, I'm guessing girl. :pink:

Sugarlys, that's so funny that your parents have to wait now. You were dying to tell them and now they can't wait to tell others. Heehee!

ER, hi! Hope you have a great Sunday. How are the papers coming along? When are you done with school?

AFM, I'm happy that I'm done with shots!!!! This morning I only go in for blood work and then I'm back to the books. I did have a question I'd like opinions on... What would you girls do in my position: Would you wait until two weeks after IVF to go to the doc and find out if you're pregnant or would you do HPTs at home. The argument for waiting is that if they're negative HPTs, you are miserable during your TWW, knowing it didn't work and just waiting for confirmation. On the flip side, one woman put it well that getting all the negatives was letting her down easy so she knew what was coming. Thoughts?

Ladies, have a lovely Easter (if you celebrate it) and enjoy your families. :hugs:
I'd poas. But then again, I was a poas addict in the tww. The sheer excitement of watching the tests get darker and and darker was amazing
Happy Easter! :bunny:

I'm doing okay. Felt ill this morning, but it's fading now. Have an Easter brunch at 11:45 to get to so put baby down for a nap and am just trying to get prepared to go. Flat ironed my hair this morning so I feel a little more put together today. Doesn't happen often anymore as being a mom time gets eaten up pretty quick.

Sugarlys- love that everyone is thrilled. Them keeping the secret now relieves you having to as much. As for your panic state, don't worry so much, it's all worth it.
Your body will never be the same but thats not so bad. Sleeping in, well if you've got a supportive guy it can happen, breastfeeding does make it tricky though. And you are ready, you figure it out as you go, and don't let other ladies fool you, that's what every first time mom does! It's a fun ride :) I'm a reader, I really liked 'the mother of all pregnancy books' by Ann Douglas. It's made for Canadians. I'm in the middle of 'the mother of all toddler books' right now. Knowledge is power!

Ersurgeongirl - glad you had a good time. I really hope his heart doesn't get wrapped up in this as it seems like he's a really good guy. As for you how's the school stuff? The pregnancy? You have a scan soon right?

Blessed- it sounds like you are ready. Well hope you are enjoying your Easter weekend studying, lol, and good luck tomorrow. We will be thinking about you! So that's great you can move the exam like that!

Tainted- I agree with Blessed, it's one last fight before it gives in. I vote girl, I'm not sure why, but I do. Maybe I should reserve my guess until the bump pic is posted.
Ladies, I need all your positive mojo. Went to get my blood test and they had a prescription waiting for me. Just yesterday the doc did my US and told me not to be concerned if my estrogen levels go down a bit b/c we had stopped the stimulating meds (shots) and are now just coasting to the retrieval. Well, my estrogen levels jumped to over 4100 overnight. They've put me on a max dose of a med to bring it down. My biggest fear is that if it doesn't come down before Thursday, we won't be able to do the transfer. So I'm drinking coconut milk (also supposed to help), gatorade and water. She's going to text me my numbers from this am this afternoon. What I do have going for me in this crap is that I'm not swollen and I feel fine. So no symptoms of OHSS but this was not something I was expecting. It also took ALL morning to get the damn Rx filled. This is not good. :dohh:
Oh blessed... I'm sending all the positive I possibly can!! It will all work out I'm sure of it. Just pop those meds and before u know it you'll have your head in the toilet too! I would poas and negatives don't mean negative remember... Lol I got negatives for more than a week!

ER glad you had fun! And keeping your mind off of everything! How was your Easter?
Hopeful everyone around me is saying girl... So u aren't the only one! I think there are about 3 people who think boy plus me! Old wives tales all point to female. The acne the throwing up the high heart rate... I dunno I just feel like its a boy!

Sugarlys it's cute how the tables have turned a little for your parents! Haha when do u tell his parents! And the stage u are at.. Totally normal! I think about that often! It's like I get waves of HOLY SHIT IM HAVING A BABY!!!! To I can't wait to be a mom I know I'll do awesome... Lol join the crazy train!

The kids had a ton of fun this morning! I woke up with a sore throat in hopes that it's just because I was snoring all night or something! I'm wrapped in a blanket drinking tea and gonna gargle with salt water! No vomit today! Got to enjoy life! Lol!
We are having turkey dinner and celebrating dad and my brother in laws birthday this evening!
Wish u girls were all closer! Lol have a great day!
Blessed :flower:
I am praying for you and hope that it starts to decrease soon. I'm choosing to think positive that they have already taken a downward turn from last bloodwork and that the new meds will further reduce it. I think if you had ohss you would feel it, so just keep you head in that book studying and try not to panic. Have you called K and told him? You need his support right now. :hugs: it's going to work out!
This morning's blood work: estrogen at 6373, but I feel fine! :shrug: Took my pills, hope it drops like a rock. K is home now, he's good at giving hugs.
:hugs: found this site
That is great Hopeful, thank you so much. I already forwarded it on to K and he's reading it right now before he goes to the store. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hey everyone! Wow, busy day on our forum!
haha it is killing my parents!! They are thrilled mom owns a two door suv and now she is looking for a new car because she wants something with 4 doors. We are telling hubby's family tomorrow night at Easter dinner. We have our dogs tshirt all ready!

Blessed - prayers for you! Why can't they do the transfer if your levels don't come down? Wow, so much to think about!

Tainted - thanks for the advice....glad you weren't sick today...hoping the sore throat is better!!

Hopeful - thanks! And yes, hubby is very supportive and at times I think that he is more excited than I am!! He was ready to tell people weeks ago! Glad you guys had a nice day.

AFM, one more day off still! Going to sleep in and relax for the day before we go to hubby's parents for dinner. I will definitely update you about how it goes!
Haha Blessed, if you eat all those fiberous and coniferous foods...look out!! ;)

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