
Sugarlys, the problem is with the ovaries becoming overstimulated which can happen with very high levels of estrogen. It can lead to a medical crisis called OHSS where I'd be hospitalized. If my ovaries become over stimulated they will begin to secrete fluid into the abdominal cavity. I will swell up and look about 6 months pregnant. This enormous amount of fluid, along with too much hormone in my system is a medical crisis as well as very painful.

Currently, I feel okay. My ovaries are sore but that's normal, they're really big right now. I'm not swollen and I feel fine but if my estrogen level doesn't go down and then I got pregnant, the amount of hormones and fluid my great big ovaries would produce would land me in the ICU. As well as monitoring my levels through blood work, they'll do an US on Wednesday to see what my ovaries look like and if there's any fluid. For now it's just coconut milk, medication and broccoli for me!

I LOVE that your mom is already wanting a four door! That's really why I think if we get pregnant I will want to move back to Missouri, to be near family. It's just so great to be able to include them, especially when they're as excited as yours. :hugs:
Oh gottcha. Wow, that sounds serious!
How are you feeling today? I hope all your levels have gone down!! Thinking of you today.
Good luck with another blood test and with egg retrieval. I sincerely hope your levels have dropped in response to your meds. It just has to work out!
So I'm being held at a local hospital overnight. I woke up with what seems to be food poisoning... Extreme diarrhea and vomiting. My blood sugars are fine but they need to observe me to make sure my blood doesn't become acidic from extreme dehydration and lack of food. But good thing is that they did an ultrasound on me and I'm measuring 13 weeks. Baby was using my uterus as a trampoline, it kept kicking and jumping! Soooo amazing.
Hope you feel better. Food poisoning sucks! So baby is right on track?

Blessed- I am thinking of you, hope the anesthesia went okay, and you are recovering nicely with lower estrogen numbers.
Thanks, yeah no definite diagnosis yet but it's either an international bug (i work around travelers) or food poisoning but no one else in my family has gotten sick. Baby kept moving so it was hard to do a crown to rump measurement, their measurement put me at 13w0d and I'm actually 13w2d, so not much of a difference.

On a romantic note, new guy and I hung out last night. We got wrapped up in the moment and ended up fooling around. We enjoyed every moment of it, it was magical. He's only been divorced since march of last year, but he hasn't been with anyone since then. His friends try hooking him up with dates but he said the connection wasn't there, but he feels it with me, which is mutual. It's awesome.
Hi guys. We got 13 eggs and they'll call tomorrow with how many fertilized. They won't do a transfer this week, all will have to be frozen. I'm so upset. It'll be almost two months due to the process before we can even try. Now I'm worrying about how many will fertilize and how many will make it through the freezing process. The RE said the success rates of frozen are a little better than fresh but I'm so sad that it will be so long.:cry:

ER, I'm sorry you're in the hospital and hope you feel better soon. Food poisoning is awful. :hugs:
Aww blessed, it's going to be okay. Good things come to those that wait. They are just waiting for your extra special embryo to be ready
Blessed, so sorry it can't happen yet. So are you okay? Like the estrogen/hyperstimulation thing....any word? 13 is just wonderful! It should be great with lots fertilizing, you'll definately have 3 to put in there, you should even have 6 for two goes, not that you will need it. So why is frozen odds better?
Blessed, so sorry it can't happen yet. So are you okay? Like the estrogen/hyperstimulation thing....any word? 13 is just wonderful! It should be great with lots fertilizing, you'll definately have 3 to put in there, you should even have 6 for two goes, not that you will need it. So why is frozen odds better?

I'm okay. They didn't tell me what my estrogen level was today, I guess when they call tomorrow I can ask. He gave me a study to read about why frozen works better but I haven't read it. Thank you for the kind words, I'm just bummed! I really hope you're right and many survive the freeze.
Sorry Blessed :( I am sure that you are disappointed...waiting is the worst. Hopefully being frozen will give you that extra "umph" that you need! Fingers are crossed for some fertilized eggs!!

ER - feel better soon - I am glad you are where you can be well taken care of! Get better soon!!
Very adorable names, Er! And it super sucks to have food poisoning I had it in university for a couple weeks... Yikes couldn't imagine doing it while pregnant and diabetic! I hope u heel quickly! And good for you for moving along with your life!!!

Blessed... That really sucks the bag! I don't quite understand every thing that is going on! Is it ok that I ask why you have to wait and it's 2 months from today? That's really tough, but if anyone can do it, it's totally you!

How ya doing Sugarlys? Any new stuff happening??

Afm... I'm sick with a headcold it's like one thing after another! I'm feeling better tonight than when I woke up this morning! I had chainsaw throat which made my ears hurt and my nose was plugged! Now my nose is mega runny and it's sore from blowing it! My right ear is a bit sore and my throat is pretty much better!

I can't wait until the ultrasound on Wednesday! I'm going insane! I want to know so badly now that we've decided to find out! My sister is coming with me to the ultrasound and Phil comes home that night... So I'm about to explode! Yayyyyyy:)
Good night ladies!
ER, those are wonderful names. I hope you're feeling better!

Tainted, how exciting that Phil comes home the day you find out the sex...and that's TOMORROW!!! Have you thought of how you're going to tell him? To be honest, I'm glad you have a head cold instead of the hyperemisis coming back. Feel better sweetie, although I'm sure once tomorrow is here you'll be great. :hugs:

Sugarlys, how did telling his family go??? Can't wait to hear!

Hopeful, how are you feeling? Here's the link to the abstract of the article my RE gave me. It's just one study but 103 is a good study population and the results are staggeringly significant. It makes me want to do more research b/c if it's so much better to do FET, why does anyone do fresh. The reasons behind it were interesting, if you want the whole article I can scan and email it to you. It makes me feel better about having to do FET, that's for certain.

The reason it's almost two months is the damn protocol again. I have to wait for my period, which may take two weeks from now. Then I start BC pills for 10 days, followed by Lupron injections :)growlmad:) for five days. Then I have estrogen injections that apparently K has to give me, twice a week for two weeks to build up the lining. Then, we can pretty much pick the day to do the transfer.

This morning I'm waiting for a phone call to tell me how many fertilized. Ladies I am in pain, they should have warned me how sore I would be. It really hurts. It feels like I did 10,000 sit-ups and if I twist or move too quick, OUCH! But as long as I move slow I'm good. As long as we have enough to do FET, the scheduling actually works better for me...I just HATE waiting and I wanna be preggo w/ my gals too!
Thanks for the info Blessed. I'll definately read up as this fascinates me, plus id actually like to know what I'm talking about with you on here. :)
Sorry you have to wait, but let me tell you, even once your pregnant there is tons of waiting.

Right Tainted? Waiting to hear heartbeat the first time, waiting for ultrasounds, waiting to pass the first trimester safely, waiting to find out the sex! Can't wait to hear if we are all wrong and you right, or vice versa. Glad Phil is coming home the day of the good news, but too bad he couldn't be there with you. That is a pretty special ultrasound!

Ersurgeongirl - any signifigance to the names chosen? Or you just like them? I always like to ask that :) hope you are on the mend today!

Sugarlys- so can't wait to hear your baby's heartrate and see a pic :)
So is pregnancy what you thought it'd be?
Ten fertilized! :) :thumbup: :happydance: Now we all need to send positive mojo our embies way that they are all strong and survive the freeze. We'll get a call on Thursday to tell us how many made it. [-o<
Hey hey blessed!!! That's pretty great news! And it sucks that you have to wait that long but at least it's BC of a protocol and not just BC you have to wait in line for it or whatever... U can get the show on the road as soon as your period stops! Thanks for updating me BC I can be a lil duhhhh once n awhile! And I'll bet because it's YOUR eggs every single one of them will make it thru the freeze!!
I'm still sick but I can deal with it as long as my ears and throat dont hurt! The nose and cough I can manage without whining too much! Lol
OMG!! I can't wait for tomorrow... It's like time is in slow motion... Gah!!! Lol I miss Phil so much it's stupid! This set of 3 weeks felt like forever! He may be delayed 2 days for a course that he is doing! Here's hopin not!
And hopeful you're right you WAIT FOR EVERYTHING!!! Ahhhh!
Lol it's beautiful today! I love it! +14 is what we are Aiming for!
Anyways.. Off to work gals! And I have no idea how to tell him what we are having... Any ideas!?
Im out of the hospital!

As for names, leo was my grandpa, daniel is my father. Emelie just popped into my head, and kay is my middle name, my moms middle name, my cousins name, and my great uncle (my cousins dads) name
Blessed- I just knew you'd have a ton! Perfect, sounds like everything is on track. I've got positive vibes sent for those enbies :thumbup:

ER - see, I just knew there was something significant about the names. When you go for just names you like it takes much longer. I don't think we can have another boy, we can't agree on a single name. No issue with the girl list though, just needs narrowing down now.

AFM- I'm tired, did groceries today, slugging in the big load was not fun. On the bright side I got pizza to bake for dinner! Yum yum, and no work involved!
Hopeful, there's nothing better than pizza, especially when you're tired. Enjoy.

Tainted, I can't think of a great way to tell Phil. Hmmmm... maybe a baby girl or baby boy onsie that says " I love my daddy" or something like that?

ER, I'm glad you're out of the hospital and on the mend. :flower:

Sugarlys, what are you up to? :)

Mirna, I hope you're still around and doing well. We miss you!!!

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