
Ooo, exciting. A little boy :) congrats, boys are fun, but busy and oh so addicted to mommy. You two will be close.
Just wanted to post about my crazy day so far.
I hear ya. I must've twisted weird yesterday cause my inside of my knee as just killing, it hurts to bend and to lift it, or to push on it. It's a bit better today but turning over in bed last night was just torture!
Everything was going good this morning, fed my son some banana and a veggie/fruit muffin and had one myself. Let the dogs out, brought them back in and head downstairs to feed them and something is leaking from the ceiling tile! Eek, it was white so I thought, crap it's soapy water from the dishes I just washed, go up and check under the sink, pipes are just fine. Start scouring the kitchen and notice the liquid leaking from the fridge, open the door to an empty milk bag, three shelves covered in it, it drained all through the fridge to the floor by the baseboard and right through the basement ceiling. F$&#!! is all I can say. Cleaned what I could, chastised DH over text for breaking the bag as he was last one with the milk bags this morning, and had to run out the door to my docs appt! Was almost late getting myself and DS ready admidst all this was just crazy! Now I get to look forward to cleaning what I can't now later on when DH is home to move the fridge and such.

So my appt with my allergist was pretty useless, nothing has changed, just keep up with the same things, but only use the one if really necessary as I'm pregnant. My nose is very dry and irritated (hence the odd nosebleeds as of late). Anyways, since the appointment was at 11, had to skip Xavier's nap. He did really well till we got back. Tried to put him down at 11:55, he refused to sleep. Got him up and fed him lunch, we played and now he's in his crib.

So I am enjoying my downtime, and deciding what to make for dinner. I think shepherds pie sounds yummy. I'll sneak some veggies in the sauce on the meat and purée some into the mashed potato! Sneaky mummy I am :)
Yuck blessed! That sucks! Especially milk! I hope ur day gets better from here on out!
ER congrats on the boy! Hopefully things don't change between now and when ur half way!
Ok ok I gotta jump in the shower and head off to my own ultrasound... My god I have to pee! How am I gonna hold this for another 2 hours! Lol
Yay for a boy ER!

Hopeful, that sounds exhausting, trying to run around put out fires and missing nap time. I actually had an 1 1/2 nap today, I blame the fact I'm still recovering. I feel a bit better today but still feel like a donkey kicked me in the gut. Hope everyone is still sending positive thoughts to our embies that they keep growing and survive the freeze!

Tainted, I'm so excited to hear how it goes! One question, why do women talk about having a full bladder for egg transfer and now for an US???
Okay, they overexaggerated. The instructions say to hold it for ages and drink like a liter of water. Soooo unnecessary! You only need it moderately full, I learned that the hard way. Just drink a glass of water before you head out and don't pee right before you go, works every time for me. It helps them push the uterus into the right place, I think.
Hey girls!
Sorry I have been MIA...I have been busy/exhausted!!

Blessed - glad you are feeling better! Excited that 10 are fertilized. That is a great number!! How goes the studying? Luckily you have that to keep you busy and hopefully you can keep your mind off of the wait!

ER - how exciting ... a boy! I love the names you chose! How are you feeling? Glad to hear you are out of the hospital!

Tainted - can't wait to hear if it is a boy or a girl!! :) I wondered all day!!

Hopeful - sorry you had a hectic day - hope your knee is doing okay! Are you still feeling good?

AFM, a busy few days at work, but I am feeling good. I really feel like my "gut" is noticeable so I don't think I will be able to keep the secret much longer! My next Dr appt is next Friday (20th) so I am looking forward to that!

Oh, and the in-laws are very excited! We had our dog dressed in the "i'm going to be a big sister" shirt...most ppl got it, but my husbands uncle, brother in law and nephew all thought we were getting a puppy!! Haha
Hope you are all doing well!
I'm good now Sugarlys, just was stressed earlier. It'll get cleaned up eventually, just had to wait for the non pregnant one to do the heavy lifting :wink:
As for the knee, it's better, I've tried to stay off it this aft/eve and it's not hurting as hch to touch. We made it to the docs, got out unscathed, he ate his lunch and thankfully had an hour and a half nap, which allowed me to make a shepherds pie for dinner.
The pregnancy is going well, I have round ligament pains when I move too suddenly, it's been for about a week, totally normal. It's like a sharp tearing sensation in the side/front of your tummy, that is quick but stops you for a second.
This weekend when we left Mandarin, we walked by a family waiting to be seated with a child who obviously had downs syndrome. It really got to me. I did some reading stain as now I'm concerned. I just worry that I wouldnt be able to be a good caregiver to a special needs baby, especially with my other child needing so much from me. I mean even without special needs it would be so difficult to deal with the shared time. I don't know wht I am concerned about this now, I am just thankful for the perfect baby we have and that we have been lucky so far this pregnancy. two gals that were ttc around the same time as me, one got her bfp on 3rd IUI, had a miscarriage and also had another implant eptopic and she lost both babies, her tube and ovary in one weekend. The other just got her first beta 60, 2nd beta 70, so they think she's losing it. Life can be so unfair sometimes. I ache for these gals but know I need to stay positive for my baby. Sorry, just venting a little. Ladies please say your prayers for these two, they need it more than ever right now.
Boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):)
Yay Tainted! This is a boy crazy thread! :haha: That's great you were right and we all were wrong. In our defense, you started out by saying all the girls in your family and such!!!! How excited is Phil? Did he get to come home?

Sugarlys, when would you like to tell everyone? Are you just trying to wear baggy clothes or something? I love that the boys thought you were getting a puppy, boys are straight thinkers, very linear! :winkwink:

Hopeful, You are a wonderful mother and no matter what both your little ones need, you'll still be a wonderful mother. :hugs: Are you guys going to find out the sex? (sorry if you already said if you were, I forgot!)

I am finally feeling better today. I wonder if my sky high estrogen increased the size of my ovaries or if all women are this sore after retrieval? Anyway, we will here how many embies survived to freeze. [-o<
Blessed- do you feel tenderized inside? That's how I described it after my last IUI when I ovulated and had a few eggies. I can only imagine with as many as you had. So today is Thursday! I'll be checking this thread like crazy to see how many frozen tots you have just waiting for you :) I go May 15 for an ultrasound and to find out, and I can't wait!

Tainted- i'll bet Phil is home and just thrilled. Enjoy time with him, but don't forget us :wink:

Sugarlys- hope you are feeling well, and not too much longer till your passed the first trimester and get to fess up to the world. Bet you are thrilled for that appointment, only just over a week away!

Ersurgeongirl - so do you plan on telling everyone the sex once you know for sure? Or is it going to be a secret? Any further developments with the sperm donor? Have you talked with the lawyer yet or must you wait till birth to pursue it?
I'm waiting closer to the birth to talk to a lawyer. He's nice then he's manipulative and abusive then nice, ugh. I can't stand him. We already told the family the gender lol
Ah I see, bet your folks are thrilled! That's smart waiting till closer to the birth as they can't really do much till then anyways. Just make sure you collect every receipt from anything you spend on baby or healthcare, and gather evidence from his behavior. Perhaps save phone messages when he is abusive or mean, etc. it'll all be important later.
Hope you are keeping your distance from speaking to him much, it's not good for you to be mind played like that. :hugs:
9 made it to freeze!!!!!!! :dance::headspin::wohoo::bunny::happydance: We have 7 that are 8 cells and 2 that are 6 cells. I'm so grateful!!

Hopeful, I absolutely feel tenderized inside. I think it was a combo of the needle going through my vaginal wall at least 13 times and then the swelling due to my estrogen levels. I'm so relieved to have 9 frozen embies though, it's okay! :) May 15 seems like a long ways away but the time will fly by I'm sure. Soo exciting! Do you think boy or girl?

ER, at least you can see that he's being manipulative. It's good that your eyes are open but it sucks that they have to be. :hugs:

I'm soooo relieved! Sooo excited we'll get a few tries for a baby! :flower:
I really don't have feeling this time of if it's boy or girl. It's been different, so I think maybe girl but my sixth sense is broken.
With Xavier from early on I kept saying he, so in a way I knew there was something behind that. Saying she felt wrong.

I am so happy for you and K! That is absolutely amazing that you have so many, you are a lucky gal! So you will be getting transfer shortly after I find out then?
All right, we'll go w/ girl for now but that's how Tainted got us before she switched it! :winkwink:

Yep, I should be doing a transfer towards the end of May. Studying hasn't been too productive today...I'm too excited!

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