
Wow, Blessed!! How exciting!! You guys must be thrilled!
Just quickly writing before work....
Yesterday we had a teacher transfer to our school because of an outbreak of fifths disease at her school. I got to thinking that if she had been exposed, could she expose me? So I called my dr and went for some blood tests to see if I am immune or not. Apparently it is passed by saliva not through the air, so hopefully all will be well. I have been washing my hands like crazy though! I am having a hard time finding clothes that don't show off my belly....I am quite slender so it is definitely obvious that something is going on there. I am wearing lots of little blazers etc to cover it up!!
Anyway, I will write more to each of you tonight when I get home! Happy Friday!!
My son got fifths disease from going to the grocery store. That is the only place we had gone during that time period. He was like 8 1/2 months. Had a few days of being fussy, slight runny nose and really red cheeks but we dismissed it to teething (the cheeks only were rosy for like a day or two, then a few days later he had this weird rash show up on his back, we had his 9 month checkup then and the doc noticed it. She immediately asked about it and said it was fifths. He got over the rash in like two weeks and that was it. Really not at all severe. Now he's immune.
That sucks though. I can imagine the panic at that school.
Phil the dirtbag get a hunting fishing partner!!! Lol he's extactic! We do not agree on boy names lol and deep down I really wanted a girl but healthy is far the most important!

The baby moves around like crazy now... Reacts to sounds an foods I eat and today I was really sick and he didn't like that... HE!

Congrats blessed! I'll post more later! Miss u guys!
So made a discovery today.
My son is part beaver. Sometime between last night and today he decided to try and take down his crib with his teeth! I'm so sad as its not s cheap crib but it's not gouged out so we can refinish it later, but for now I put his crib bumper over the entire top edge of the crib tied down. It's our fault really, as a family member had this issue with their son, we kinda put off getting the teething rail, and as he got his teeth we got sidetracked and forgot. Little man can do lots of damage in a short time with his chompers!
I've decided I'm starting to feel fat :( I just feel puffy and my pants are tighter, even though they still fit. Guess its time to start wearing mat clothes, the other stuff just makes me look puffy and is unflattering at this point. Ugh, I was hoping to at least hit 4 months and warmer weather before dealing with this.
Hi all! Tainted, glad to hear how much HE is moving. :)

Hopeful, I've heard that you begin to show sooner the second time, maybe that's what is happening? :hugs: Sorry your son gnawed his crib, never would have thought of that!
Hopeful I've heard so many of those stories! It sucks but I'm sure his teeth are ok! We got our crib and made sure it came with one of those teething thingies lol holy Moses this boy is active!!!!

I'm a snatch overweight and lost like 60 lbs right before we got preggers and I thought I would balloon up! When actually I've lost weight and the weight I'm gaining is just a round belly! I found cute shirts today! All cheap! I've decided yoga pants are all I'm gonna wear until dress season!

I think I'm getting better with the thought of becoming a mom! My best friend went into labor tonight. She is due tomorrow! Hope she goes ok!

Ok I'm starving again... Talk soon girls!
Ah, I brushed off the crib thing. It's just a silly thing, so there is marks on his crib, ah well. We'll refinish it once he's old enough not to reck it.

Tainteda haha, I have five pairs of yoga pants and I live in them now! I don't think I'd go out in public with them on though, I change to jeans for that :)
I don't care BC my jeans don't fit over my bump and I hate the feel of may clothes so much!! So tough titty public! I'm wearing em! Lol

I'm tired of throwing up! I did 3 times yesterday and once today! I think I'll be puking to the bitter end! It's snowing! How fun *rolls eyes*
Again Tainted? Ah boo! Did you trying moving the times your taking the meds to see if that helps? Lol, you go ahead and wear em in public :) its me personally who feels uncomfortable, same reason I avoid wearing track suits, except in the really big preggers stage then it's a free for all!
So here I am sitting on my couch while dinner cooks, in yoga pants and a sweater :winkwink: ,just waiting for my boy to wake up. We put him down late as daddy was drilling and using a nail gun in the bathroom so no way he'd sleep through that! So my new towel ring, tp holder, and framing around the window and door are done. It's coming together, very slowly but it looks great. DH redid the bathroom himself from the studs, new plumbing, cement board, tile everywhere, new tub, faucets, fixtures. He's done a lot, but if we ever Reno again we are paying someone as this has not been timely!

We have lots of painting to do around here too in order to sell. Ugh, there just isn't enough time for this all. I think I'm enlisting family.

Blessed- any news? How's cramming and exams going?

Sugarlys - how's hiding the bump going? How far are you now? Must not be too much longer till you can fess up.
Hey everyone!
Blessed - how are you feeling? Still studying like crazy? I hope that you have recovered well from your procedure!

Tainted - I'm sorry you are still feeling bad. Geez, you have had a rough go. Is Phil home? Hopefully he is and taking good care of you!

Hopeful - renos are a pain. We sold our house last year and it felt like we were never really finished any of it. Which is why we ended up going with a builder that finished everything for us, even the painting. My hubby is capable too, but it comes down to whether or not you want to spend all your time off working!

ER - hope you are still feeling okay! Are you with your parents now?

AFM, I am 11 weeks today...still hard to believe! I am starting to show...I need to buy some new dress pants....most of my jeans still fit because they are low rise, but my dress pants are a bit higher and are starting to hurt when I wear them. I think the secret will be out next weekend. That's when I told my mom she could tell her sisters/friends. I will be 12 weeks by then. I will be happy when it is out! :)

Had such a nice day..hubby is working so I cleaned, made dinner and read a good book. Enjoy your day everyone!
You're all getting too big for your britches! :haha:

The recovery has been a lot slower & more painful than I expected. The anesthetic has made me constipated and it doesn't help the discomfort of my swollen ovaries. I'm starting to feel better but it hasn't been a pleasant road. Of course the none embies is worth it but...I'm sore. The studying isn't going all that great, I'm distracted but I'm doing what I can.

I'll talk to y'all later!

Oh, I meant to add that I haven't been able to wear my jeans in two weeks. First b/c the shots made me bloated and then after the collection, I looked about 4 months preggo. Last night was the absolute worst and I insisted that we go get prune juice after we went out to dinner. I'm about half the size now, but still have a bit to go before I can get back into my clothes. It'll probably be shorts weather by then!!! :wacko:
15 weeks today! Feeling pretty crappy but that could be just the weather. It's so glum and rainy, I hate these types of days. DH went fishing with his cousin this morning so it's just me and my boy again. Hopefully they actually catch something and we can cook fish for dinner but somehow I don't have much faith. Every time we used to fish together I'd skunk him (I'd catch fish and him not a one), so I think he has a back luck thing with it, lol.

Blessed- hope the soreness is fading.

Tainted- hope you have had a puke free day.

Sugarlys- hope all is well with you and your munchkin to be.

Ersurgeongirl - hope you have avoided talking to that dumb sperm donor and have enjoyed 'me time' without him.

Mirna- I'm not sure what's become of you but every so often we are still thinking of you and wish you'd return. You are missed.
Oh ladies, how I miss you.

Last night the sperm donor took me out to dinner to discuss custody and child support. I picked a very expensive restaurant... The total bill (obviously I wasn't drinking...) came to $135. LOL!

He wants 50% custody... I'm like ur only home for one week a month... Him: yeah my parents can watch the baby for one week......

*blank stare*
oh hell no!!!!

Then he only wants to pay $200-300 a month, he makes $3000 a month. He doesn't want to lose his house that he lives in one week a month.

Omg. So. Fucking. Stupid.

So I'm just playing nice until I can take him to court and I plan on getting at least half his income per month and supervised visitation only. Sheesh
OMG ER, he actually thought that it'd be okay to take a child away from his mother to stay at the grandparents when he's not even there???????????????????????????

Good thinking to just deal with it in court.
Yeah he actually thought that. I laughed at him a few times during dinner
Did he expect an answer from you when he said all this? How rediculous of him. Plus how unfair of him to think that he automatically deserves to have you drop everything and allow access the week he comes home from work. What ifthose times didn't work for you?
Do you intend to breastfeed? If so it makes it harder for that baby to be away from you as not everyone gets much milk from pumping. It used to take me 3 days of getting up super early morning pumping to get enough for one feeding ( which bought me 1-2 hours away from baby). I think it's going to be difficult for you to get supervised visits only, but if you can then all power to ya. I think your in for a fun time with this goof.
Went to my first OB appointment today! The nurse was SUPER nice but the doctor was a douche bag... Thank god Im not stuck with her. There are 6 docs that rotate in the clinic so here's hopin she's not on call when I go into labour! Ha!

20 weeks today! Half way there.. Thank goodness! I hope the at least the next two months fly by! Then I'm off work and off to NOva scotia for a month! Then back for a month and then baby!!! Wow! That's gonna happen so fast!

Ok gotta go to work! Love ya ladies!
Tainted- what made the doc a douchbag? I think your math is off, 4 months is only 16 weeks, add one more month to hit your 40 week pregnancy!

Today- I am cleaning the obscure things and am not enjoying it in the least. The bathroom hidden spaces, the windows inside and out, washing my curtains, cleaning my sons closet. Ugh all the regular stuff still needs doing too. Are we due for a tornado today or something? The wind is coming in the windows and knocking stuff over!
Oh, forgot to mention my eBay mat clothes came today! 5 tanks/shirts for summer! Now all I need are hot days!
Tainted, yay for being halfway done. I do think that the time will fly by, how are you feeling?

Hopeful, I've got some nooks and crannies that could use a good scrubbing too but it's just not going to happen!!! Good for you for getting it done.

AFM, had my check up w/ the RE today. My ovaries are very large still, one is 7 cm and the other is 6. Normal are around 3. He said they would not get me pregnant while they are so big b/c I would definitely develop OHSS. I asked how long ovaries my size take to get back down and he said about a month. That means I'm out for the next cycle and will have to wait until the following one for FET in June. I'm bummed but I understand there's nothing to be done for it.

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