
Sorry to hear Blessed but be safe first! Do you take birth control to get em down again or no?
Yeah, it's a bummer but I understand the reasons. No bc pills, just time. Once I am ready for FET, I'll go on bc pills for two weeks.
:( Sorry to hear that, Blessed! I am sure that you are feeling frustrated! We are thinking of you. Keep that positive attitude that we all love about you!

Hopeful - I hear ya about the house. My hubby works shift, so he is off during the week at times, and when I got home from work today he was cleaning the house. LOVE IT. He was cleaning all the stuff I had been avoiding. LOVE! I had to buy a few pairs of new pants yesterday. My jeans still fit because they sit below my belly, but my dress pants sit a bit higher and are really starting to hurt, so I bought some with an elastic waste. I have a hard time buying pants as it is because my inseam is 36" so I am NOT looking forward to the pants search!

Tainted - wow, halfway!! Hard to believe....although I am sure for you it seems like longer! How long is Phil home for now? Hope you guys are getting some good quality time.

ER - Wow. Unreal. I can't believe some people! Good for you for sticking to your guns though, your baby is lucky to have a strong woman as a momma!!

AFM, I had to tell my boss at work today because I was scheduled to go the school that has fifths disease for a meeting. He was really happy for me! Can't wait for the next dr appt on Friday!! Hope you are all having a good night!!
Hey gals...
Blessed nope my math is right! I'm 5 months! 20 weeks today! Believe it or not! I dont know why they say a woman is pregnant for 9 months.. It's really 10 with all the extras they add! But they count 2 weeks before implantation when you aren't pregnant... Whoever they are.. Lol and really we are only preggo for 38 weeks! Anywho... Half way party happenin over here in the last time zone! And the doc was a douche bag BC she forgot I was in the room and I waited 45 minutes for her to come listen to my heart and screw up all my info and tell info the nurse told me differently and then corrected herself! She was just really unprofessional to me and a first time mom that could be scary for... It's a good thing im so cool! Lol jk!
Blessed that's a bummer! But miracles can happen and they can happen over night! Thank goodness you got those 9 eggs frozen! But I totally understand the frustrations of wanting to be pregnant NOW!!!!! I shall keep u in my prayers! :)
ER... Boys for the most part think women are stupid an that we don't know anything other than cooking cleaning and having babies!! Show em whose boss, girl!
Sugarlys.. Phil is home til the 1st of May and we are Sooo busy changing rooms around so we and the baby's room will be upstairs so we dont have to walk up an down stairs carrying an infant considering I've broken my wrist and tail bone BC of the dumb stairs! Lol but this time round we seem to be bonding the most that we ever have! I'm glad your boss was excited for you!!:)
AFM... I'm a walking furnace lately!!! If you look at me I over heat! It's stupid I hate it. Oh God help me thru the summer lol. The ony other new thing is... I'm 'needing' sex often! It's new BC I was so sick for so long that that was the last thing I wanted haha! So I dunno if it's BC I'm feeling better, if it's hormones, or if it's cuz Phil is home that I feel this way.
We continue to fight over boys names! Lol the winners so far are Landon, and Jett... Beyond that I have no clue! Lol
Night girls... Or good morning since I'm the last time zone you're all probably sleeping!!
Lol- no Tainted I know your 5 months (20 w), I was referring to the time that baby will come. You said the next two months at at work, then one month away, one month back then baby, hence the 4 months (16 weeks), but you skipped the last month.
Anyways it doesnt matter, baby will come when HE feels like it anyways, could be 38 could be 41!
So I think you've warn off on me. I was so sick last night and threw up! Ugh, thought I was over this now! Hope today goes better. I've got a docs appt at 2pm, get to hear a heartbeat! Yeah :)
Hi my preggo friends. Yes, I'm anxious to join you but the timing now really does work out better. However, I want a BABY!!!! I've got nothing new to report, I will be studying all day/night so that's my life at the moment.

Tainted, I'm so glad you're feeling good. You've certainly earned it!!! (BTW, I think it was me that said you'd be better at 20 weeks!) :winkwink:

Hopeful, I'm sorry you're sick. Hope it's not a daily thing and you're feeling better already.

Sugarlys, I'm getting so excited for you to be able to tell everyone. I'm also glad your DH is being so helpful.

Have a lovely day ladies! :flower:
Can't sleep... Phil is snoring! I kinda wanna punch him! Just thought u guys should know!!!
I went through that last night too. K snores every night, some days I'm impressed with my self restraint from the previous night but the crazy thoughts I have, wow.

Well I'm struggling ladies. Somehow i have lost my happiness. This court crap, k's stupid actions lately (I don't want to get into it) and money being wrapped up in case, not being able to move till it's settled. All this with being pregnant and hormonal, I am a mess at best. I hope I can pull myself back together but right now it's not good.

As for all of you, I feel like my comments will not do justice as my mind is elsewhere and I apologise for that. Know that I do care and hope and wish all the best for each and every one of you. I felt you should know that :hugs:
Hopeful u aren't alone!! Trust me! I think it's mainly pregnancy hormones! There are a lot changes happening and all so fastly! And with being so sick the way I was I was miserable with everything.. And Phil didn't seem to quite understand that it ha nothing to do with him so he made it all about him! Which is why I said this time round we are really bonding... Etc!
I still question my abilities to be a mother and I feel crappy often mentally but I'm trying to make the best out of this situation and keep telling myself its just dumb hormones! So maybe it is for you too?!?
I'm tired didn't sleep well with snorey mcsnorerson from snoretown! And the weather is gloomy!

We will stick together!!:)
Sorry you're unhappy Hopeful. :hugs: Tainted hit the nail on the head saying how men make it all about themselves.
I'm sure I'll recoup, just feeling helpless today. So I baked muffins, made dinner in advance, have a loaf of fresh bread in the breadmaker. All this cheers me up.
Leave it to my amazing little boy to know just what to do to make his momma smile! He started walking after dinner tonight! God I love him soooo much :)
What a great night!
Aww, that's adorable! What a great ending to a blah day for you!!
Hope things are going better now!

Blessed - how are you feeling? Hope you are doing okay!

Tainted - glad you and Phil are enjoying your time together!

AFM, things are going good! Only 2 more days until my dr appt. Really looking forward to it! I'll write more later. I have energy right now, so I am trying to get some housework done!
That's wonderful Hopeful!

Sugarlys, I'm not feeling very well. My pants don't fit and it's not fair b/c I'm not pregnant but I look like I am. I'm also FREAKING out about my board exams. I am so far behind and it's a terrible feeling. Nothing to do but just keep studying! glad you're feeling well, hope you get lots of cleaning done. :)
Where'd everybody go?

I got my body back & it's wonderful to feel normal. I can twist from side to side..hooray! On the down side, I realized that I miscalculated the weeks I had to sstudy before boards by TWO weeks!!! I can't believe I was so flaky and had a bit of a freak out. I pushed my exam date back a week and made a daily study schedule until June 11th. It's helped calm me down but goodness it's a bit wild around here.

I hope everyone is feeling great. Happy Friday!
Good to hear you feel normal Blessed :) talk about piling on the pressure with your boards! Sounds like you are going to have a busy few weeks.

So had a busy day yesterday, spent time in the morning at the park with my sister, nephew and my mom. Did lots of outdoor maintenance, then got Xavier in his baby pool for a short time since it was a super nice afternoon, had a visit from his grandma (k's mom) for dinner. Not sure what to do today. Maybe relax for once or just get some indoor home maintenance done.
Hey guys!!
I had my dr appt today! Everything is looking good. The doctor tried to find the heartbeat and it took her awhile, but after awhile we could faintly hear it. She figures I have a tilted uterus which makes it harder to was so surreal though! Like communicating with an alien life form..haha.
Then we went out to celebrate with my family, picked up Chinese and hubby and I watched 'friends with benefits'...pretty funny movie! Made me miss sex..haha. I have ZERO drive for that right now and it is sad :(
Anyway, looking forward to a nice quiet weekend! Hope you are all doing well. Glad you are feeling better, Blessed!
Glad your feeling well and that you're appointment went well... I'm feeling shitty with weird stretch pains and other things which I'm pretty sure I can't talk about on here anymore....
And that sucks!!! You guys are my me place.... U know say what I can and how I feel....
Talk soon
Why can't you talk about it on here anymore??? I'll go first, I was feeling better so K & I decided to have sex and it was fine until afterward. It was so scary b/c all of a sudden I started feeling a lot of pressure in my pelvis. I was so afraid we had caused an ovary to twist and I'd have to go to the hospital. But then farted for about a full minute and felt much better!!! (Kinda ruined the post-sex afterglow though!) :blush:

Sugarlys, sorry the sex drive is at a low. Mine was the whole time I was doing shots and for the last two weeks after retrieval. It's no fun, especially when you're newlyweds and feel like everything should be roses. FX'd that loving feeling hits you soon. :hugs:

Hi Hopeful! Hope you have a fun weekend planned.

How are you doing ER?

Well, off to the library. K is heading out of town for the day to see a friend who's neck has gotten so bad it's literally put his life on hold. He was in a car wreck years ago and it's become progressively worse until he can't even drive a car. He had surgery on it and it's not getting better. He has two young kids and 6 bicycles b/c he loves to race. He can't play with any of them, just lay on the couch. :( So sad. It's good that K can get out of the house b/c his wife is sooo boring!
I thought Phil was reading my baby and bump... I glanced over at his phone and he was on it.... So I freaked and we ha company do I couldn't say anything! So I confronted him about it later and he researched why I was having these pains and someone posted on BnB they were having the same pains... I told him he better be telling the truth BC this is where I come to vent and sometimes it's about him and it's just a way to feel better... He assured me he wasn't!
Hormones again?!? Lol

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