
Just to be sure, you could change your photo to an anonymous one. If he knows your online name, I'd create a new one. I wouldn't want K on here either!!!!
Ooo that's a tough one Tainted. I don't think I'd like that either. This is my lady chat time, not for male eyes. Hopefully that's all he was doing was googling something baby or pregnancy related and bnb came up. If you do a search yourself you'll find bnb in lots of your searches too. Easy though to check on that, just check his search history, unless he erased that. I couldn't imagine if K started reading this stuff, it's bad enough he already calls it 'crazy baby mommas .com' whenever I tell him I'm talking to someone on it. Really he's just jealous that I have people to talk to other than him, and lacks the understanding of that need. His way is to make fun of it, but he always apologizes when I tell him it pisses me off.

Sugarlys- hope you are doing well. I totally get you about the less sex drive thing. I had that first trimester too. But now it's back, but I still don't feel 100%. It's weird with a puffy stomach, makes you really realize you are pregnant and getting bigger and more awkward.

Blessed- that's weird about the pains. Hope it was just a one off. Perhaps just the uterus contracting woke up the soreness you assumed was gone. Maybe be sure to work things back to normal slowly...might actually make it more fun! Good luck cramming for the boards!
I'm still here. Just really busy... Found out last minute that my thesis needs to be 30 pages, I'm at 20, it's due by Tuesday... Yikes. The sperm donor and I went on a tour of the OB floor at the hospital I'm delivering at. Somehow he thinks he's the support person? And that his parents will be in the room while I'm birthing the child? He is so dumb. I don't think I realized the full extent of his dumbness until today. Good thing I found out... The nurses are more than willing to physically remove people from the room if I don't want them there. I'm already seeing myself not wanting his parents there... I can't stand them! he's sooo pushy, I'm just agreeing to everything he says at this point and convincing him that we can work things out and tell the courts how we want things just so he doesn't go get a lawyer. Then I'll go for the jugular and get my lawyer to fight for me... I know it's a filthy fight but that's okay with me. Really, I'm not worried about not getting sole custody because we were never married, so sole custody should be automatically awarded to me. He doesn't want sole custody because he doesn't want to pay that much in child support.... So stupid!
Hi everyone! I got my period this weekend and was looking at the calendar and realized that if we waited for me to get my next period in May, we wouldn't be doing the actual FET until early July when I'll be in clinical rotations and unable to do it. So I called the clinic and they put me on BC pills and I go back in two weeks to see if we can begin! FX'd that I'll be good to go.

Happy Monday to all!
OUUUUUUU blesse that is Sooo exciting!!!! I hope all goes well!!:) I'll say a prayer for u!

This weekend has been wonderful! Like amazing! I had a great time with old friends an my family came to visit yesterday! I think lots of people are visiting BC they know I'm alone often and pregnant! The weather is Sooo amazing Friday was 21 sat was 21 yesterday was 23 today is 26!!!! And I have to work! No fair!

ALSO!!! While the kids were here yesterday the ice cream truck came along and it was so cute BC my dad was the one running out of the house to try and stop it! He was the most excited! My goodness I love my family! I'm just feeling so good lately! And I'm dealing well with pregnancy etc right now... So ima enjoy it until I start getting uncomfortable!

We are off to another ultrasound tomorrow! :) this baby gets its picture taken quite often!!!
Love ya ladies!
I'm glad you're finally enjoying it!

I just got home from Mr.FWB's place. Well it's not his, but his dads, and he sneaks me downstairs from the back door... But eh, that's why he's a fwb kind of guy. We watched a few more episodes of lost, had really hot sex, and watched more lost. He's a really good, smart, kind guy... Just shitty situation (divorced, paying child support on 3 boys). Man I've been sooooo horny the past couple of feels so good to uh, give in to that feeling... And lay in my own bed still smelling like him. Ahhhh, good times.
Blessed- hooray! Here's to hoping things have calmed down enough in there to get this show on the road! Can't wait till you get to join our pregnancy brigade :)

Tainted- glad things have improved and you get to enjoy life again. It's pretty important as soon enough you'll have to only focus on your little guy. It's funny how easily they become th absolute center of your universe and you wonder what took you so long to do it. I still am so baffled with how much love I can have for my child. He may drive me nuts at times but I wouldn't change it!

Ersurgeongirl - glad you are happy. I'm sorry I don't have much else to say as I'm not one to have done that. But I think you should do what makes you happy, and to look out for you and your child's best interests, whatever that may be. Good luck dealing with your other pinhead, and his parents. Have you spoken to them at all? I wonder if they have expectations in all this.

I gave my boy a haircut last night. Not too bad for a first try. He was somewhat cooperative and let me, (thanks to The Gigglebellies DVD I put on). I need to fix the sides s bit but I'm pleased I was able to do it without having to run to a hairdresser to fix it, lol. Kev wanted to justbuzz cut him but I said no, crew cut is too cute.
Ah, I've been slacking!! I have been so tired and busy the last couple days!!

Hope you are all doing well. I am doing great...our secret is now out and it feels good! Good thing, too because I am really showing...most of my pants don't fit. I ordered a pair of maternity pants online (since my inseam is 36" it is hard to find pants that are long enough in my town, let alone long mat pants!). I got them yesterday and they are so hideously ugly. I came out of the bedroom and told hubby if that is what I have to look like, I won't be wearing pants...hha. I am excited for warm weather because I can buy capris anywhere! It has been freezing...woke up to a few inches of snow yesterday morning and more snow again today. Depressing!!

Anything new with all of you? Tainted, I hear you guys are getting a heat wave! Hope it comes our way!
Sugarlys- we had a gorgeous day here today! Spent most my afternoon out in the grass, though now I'm paying for it with itchy arms and a runny nose. I'm allergic, but that won't stop me from playing in it with my son. I pulled out loads of weeds and feel like I hardly made a dent! As for your hideous pants, I'd take a drive to a city and go try stuff on in store. You may be surprised how long they come as most people have to have their pants hemmed from extra length. If not just buy a few belly bands and leave your pants unbuttoned/unzipped under it. It'll get you by until Capri and short weather :)
Went to the clinic for my bloodwork for second part of IPS screening. Crossing my fingers they don't call me in the next week. No news is good news! Then took my son to the early years center to play with other kids, he has a blast there but I'm so germaphobic there, it's just not clean enough, and some kids I just have to move him away from, the snot pouring down their face says to me they shouldve stayed home rather than spread their germs!!
Just waiting for sleeping child to wake and DH to get home so we can eat and go to the park for an hour before bath and bed. Busy day but I'm loving it!

Hope you are all well and enjoying life.
Sugarlys, I'm laughing at the image of your super ugly pants. I have a pair that I LOVE and are sooo ugly! I guess they're the pants equivalent of granny panties. I wear them when I don't care and want to be super-comfy. They got a lot of wear the past month!

I'm just studying. I study, study, study and then study more. Doesn't matter though b/c I forget what I studied 15 minutes later. :dohh:

Hopeful, playing in the grass sounds lovely. I'm allergic too but agree that it won't stop me.

:hugs: to all!
Sorry gals been so busy! And today I'm Feelin the emotions! I wanna quit everything from work to pregnancy to relationships and just crawl in a dark hole ... Stupiddddddd

I don't like Phil's brother. He's loud and obnoxious and he wishes that phil was still with his ex wife so like.. He doesn't like me without knowing me! So I am ranting about that today BC he was invited over for supper and I wasn't!

Eh! I don't care right now... Sorry just down today and u gals know how to listenN
How is everyone else?! Did you get your pants yet?!? Lol
Stupid Phil's brother! Who wouldn't adore you??? He should respect that Phil is with you regardless and not just invite him for dinner. Phil should make it clear that you guys are a package deal. :hugs:

I am exhausted. I am struggling to focus so badly that I just want to sleep all day long. I worry that I may be anemic b/c I'm always fatigued! I may just take tonight off even though I'm taking tomorrow night off too. My brother is visiting tomorrow night. Had to hide all the meds, the clinic ordered me everything in case we get the go ahead for FET. Also I have lots left over that we're going to donate to the clinic. Good thing insurance paid for the drugs or I'd be soooo pissed off that they ordered way too much. That stuff costs thousands! Anyway, my brother is actually in town for a martial arts tournament. If he arrives all bloody, I'm going to want first dibs at suturing! :winkwink:

Gonna finish a casual review and quit for the night.
Ok so living with diabetes is expensive... Being diabetic and pregnant is super expensive. So I asked the ex if he could help me pay for some of my medical supplies... He asked how much and if it's a loan or a gift... Wtf?!?!

Woooooooow..... Unbelievable.
Ersurgeongirl - what extra things do you require now that you are pregnant? Personally I would be careful asking him for money. I would also say its not a loan and save the receipt for what was purchased or medically done in relation to the baby, for visit, ultrasound, meds that are pregnancy related. If not and you use it toward your own personal stuff it could come back to haunt you later in terms of court battle.
Good luck, hope your parents can help, and then you won't need his money till later when you win back support moneys owed in court.

Blessed- hope you are doing well with the calm down bc period and the plan works out okay. Get to studying now, you have a lot on your plate!

Tainted- hope you are still in pregnancy enjoyment mode. You must be getting bigger now huh? What are you wearing? Mat clothes? Or still the yoga pants and such?

Sugarlys- so is word out for you now so you don't have to hide it? I bought one more pair of mat jeans on sale and that should get me by for now.

I think I want to ask DH for a couple sweaters for my bday, just zip ups i can wear over shirts for now. I hate coats and these are great for even chilly evenings on hot days. I'm not really big at all. I only gained a pound when I went to the docs, it's just baby rearranged organs and bloat I'm seeing. I'm sure I'll start gaining soon but do far so good.
Hi everyone!
Hope all is well with all of you. I had a great and relaxing Saturday.

Blessed - hope you enjoyed your no study time. That is definitely essential...good luck getting back at it! How much longer until boards? (I think that is what they are called....). How big are these exams?? Good for you for working so hard...! I hope you are feeling okay and getting some energy back!

Tainted - wow, I am sorry you have such problems with Phil's brother. That is rude and annoying that you weren't invited for dinner. How are you feeling? Any more sickness??

ER - yikes, about the money! I hope that you are able to get something worked out so that you can get everything you need for you and baby. How are you feeling? Still seeing the new man?

Hopeful - when is your bday? How are you feeling? Have you had any ultrasounds yet?

AFM, I am definitely showing...I couldn't keep it a secret any longer because it is clear that I have a belly. I think one of the reasons why it is so obvious (unless its twins haha) is that I have an "s curve" scoliosis so the lower part of my back curves inward...forces my stomach out. I don't mind though, now that everyone knows! I am still feeling good. I have gained 6 pounds so far!
Well before I was pregnant, I was changing my pump site once every 3 days... Now I have to change the site every day, plus I had to go from testing my blood sugar 5-6 times a day to upward of 15 times a day, plus my insulin needs have gone up drastically. He knew this before we got pregnant, funny how things happen right before costs go up.
That was like me my first pregnancy, gaining like 5 or 6lbs early, that's why 1 lb shocked me. My bday isn't till July 18th, but I'm planning ahead :) his bday is even before mine(June 5). Sorry for tmi but I am soo constipated again. I talked to the doc about it at my appt Tuesday but it wasn't too bad then. She told me to take stool softener daily and I have but I feel worse now. Its like it had a negative impact. Ah well, another thing to complain about huh? I've got some energy back which has been nice. Been taking my son to playgroup, but today he started coming down with something, probably caught there :( he's coughing and sneezing and on top of it teething. I feel so bad for him and there isn't much I can do for him. Just snuggle the hell outta him!
Hope you ate all good. Have a wonderful night!

Wow ER that sounds crazy to deal with. If you two discussed it before agreeing to baby then ask away and tell him 'hey you said you wanted a baby'
I've said that... He keeps telling me he felt pressured because I've been diabetic for 15 years so far... Ugh, I wish this nightmare was over already, it gives me a headache.
Pressured to and only agreed cause he felt bad you've been diabetic so long? Thats bullshit, if your an fn adult no one forces you into anything. You were man enough to not use protection full well knowing what happens, then you are man enough to pay the costs too!

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