
Morning all!

Hopeful, sorry the little guy isn't feeling well. Hope he's better soon. I'm struggling with constipation too. I haven't been normal since the egg retrieval and I'm starting to get concerned. Prune juice (I mix it w/ grape juice for taste) works wonders for me but it works too good and then I have cramps and diarrhea. Can't wait to actually feel normal again. When will that be????

Sugarlys, yay for the cat being out of the bag. How nice that you don't have to hide your wonderful news anymore.

ER, sorry he's being a butt.

It was so nice to spend the evening out to dinner w/ bro & DH. We had a very nice time but now I have to study for a small exam tomorrow. Sugarlys, my boards are June 11th. It is the most important exam of med school. It is a major determining factor of getting a residency when you graduate. I have "shelf exams" beginning in two weeks. They are national subject exams, like the behavioral science I already took.
Wow, Blessed, med school sounds horrible!! Do you go to school through the summer, too? I'll send you some good study vibes...I know you'll do great!

Hope everyone is doing great. I am! Exhausted tonight, but feeling good. Anything new anyone?
Sugarlys, med school is horrible and I'm in the worst part of it. It will be much better after June 11th! Then I'll be doing rotations in the hospitals not just sitting on my butt. I have no news, just studying. I go to the doc next Monday to see if we can start IVF. FX'd!
Me too, no real news. In two weeks I have my ultrasound, so I'm just waiting.... As for Xavier, he's doing better today, still stuffy and a mild cough but he's his active self again. Had his 15 month checkup today, he's grown almost 3 inches in 3 months! He's 24 lbs now too (had a feeling cause he's getting heavy to slug around). He got two shots, brief crying episode, quick cuddle and he was back to his happy self exploring the office. He's perfecting his walking now, really trying and going a much longer distance before losing balance. He'll be running in no time! Oh
I'm doing okay, a bit depressed today. The neighbors across the street got their roof done today. 5 guys from 9-4 and it's complete. They tarped everything, did a great cleanup. It just made me so mad and upset over our court situation that'll take forever to get delt with. Settlement hearing is end of June, if it goes to trial it could take another 6 months if not more to get a date. Ugh....if it could just be over with quickly it wouldn't be hanging over us, preventing us from moving.
Blessed, sorry med school is a bummer right now, but it will be worth it, and you'll be preggers and trying to do your rotation while coping with morning sickness, lol.
Sugarlys- I feel bigger too. My belly is there and only going to get bigger. I've got my yoga pants and two pairs of mat jeans for now. I'll cycle through that and get some capris and shorts once I'm huge. Should be fun.
ER- what's new with you? Get any money? How's living with your folks going? Is your bump getting big yet?
Tainted-still waiting on at least one bump pic from ya :)
No money, parents driving me nuts, I feel and look huge already...

I applied for a mortgage today. Should find out more by the end of week. I could afford a 20k little house on my pt paycheck...
Hey gals.... Sorry I've been MIA!! Just spending the last few days with Phil! He left today for 3 weeks:( but all is well minus the freakin indigestion. Lol I should really upload u guys some pictures! Too bad I couldn't do it via my phone, cuz then it would be simple! I'm doin both yoga and mat clothes... I hate mat clothes tho, it makes me sweat like crazy!
I make yoga pants look like black dress pants tho! I'm all professional every where else! Lol well except my newest fashion faux pas! I'm wearin sneakers gave in and bought new balance today BC my feet at the end ofthe day were just killing me and swollen so here's hopin! And if anyone cares they can pound sand!
Oh our ultrasound last week went well.. Shows the baby is due August 30th now... I'll take that! I wish it was today!! Phil asked me of he thought I would have PPD... I laughed and said hell no!!! I hate being pregnant and I can't wait to not be pregnant! But all worth it in the end of course! We still fight over a name.. We've picked out 3.... Jett, Landon or Silas!
Woo almost 23 weeks!!
Ok ok.. I hate sleeping alone! How are all you gals holding up?!? Anyone else puking yet or was I the only poor sucker?!?! Lol
Love ya ladies but gotta sleep!!! Nighhhhht!!
ok... here are some pictures. I had a student for my ultrasound so she got really shitty profile pictures of him. but thats his beautiful head with an ear and hand by his face... hope you can see it. And that is my 5 month bump. Its almost time for a new picture.

Have a great day ladies! :)


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Hey girls...can't write much cuz I am exhausted.
Just got home from the hospital. I went to the bathroom today and when I wiped it was super clotty and dark brown. I got so nervous. Anyway, I called my doc and she said to go straight to emerg. So we went and I was there for 4 hours but I had 2 ultrasounds and they discovered all seems to be perfectly normal. The baby was fine and the heartbeat was normal. The dr thought it could be a burst blood vessel. No more bleeding since. I am exhausted but I am glad I went because I would have stressed all night. Anyway, heading to tired. I will write more tomorrow! Hope you are all doing well xoxo
Sugarlys- wow, eventful day. So sorry you went through that scare but happy to hear your little one is okay :) least you had ultrasounds and got to see your bean, so exciting!

Tainted- yeah, bump pic :) looking good. How do you feel? I currently am changing drastically. I went from that cute little bump to a definately there bump. And it's getting hard. I know my uterus is the size of a cantelope at this point but I'm having trouble with the sudden change. Hope it's all in my head and I just go back to feeling pregnant and not chunky lol.

This evening I took a nice bath, when I got out I leaned over to towel off my wet hair, and to my surprise, the baby kicked me. It was very clear and felt just like when Xavier did it, though milder. I think he/she was telling me scrunching over was compromising much valued space to move. Can't wait to feel more!
Hopeful I'm feeling ok! I throw up almost every morning! But I've been feeling great after the puke! Sunday and Monday I was feeling shitty indigestion like crazy! I am noticing shortness of breath and my teeth are aching sometimes wen I wake up I must be clenching in my sleep which is new!
Baby boy is mega moving. He likes to kick me in the cervix.. We watched him do it in the ultrasound.. Lol and I can feel him rolling! We could feel him for the first time on the outside of my stomach on Saturday:)
Uhhh I gotta lay down my tummy is gurgling! Nightttt
Sugarlys, so glad everything is ok..That is really scary.

Hopeful, that's so neat you felt the baby kick! I hope you have a great day, a pregnant feeling, not pudgy feeling day. :winkwink:

Tainted, I never thought about maternity pants making you sweat but all that fabric could certainly do it. Love that he's so active and I like the names. I say you get two votes b/c you are giving birth.

Ok, off to study, that's all I do.
Blessed- :haha: I feel less pudgy today. I'm excited to hear of your docs appointment, hoping you get the go ahead!

Tainted- it sucks to still be sick, but at least you've adjusted to just get it over with and feel better the rest of the night. Do you sleep through the night? I know girls who struggled with sickness and got up and ate a small amount in the middle of the night so when morning came their blood sugar wasn't quite do low.

Sugarlys- I hope you were able to relax after your scary incident. Make sure you take it easy for now, just in case. Did they tell you to do that?

ER- sorry living with your folks has become a strain. So where on earth do you live that you can buy a small home for 20,000? We couldn't even get a trailer for that out here. Or did you mean on your wages of 20g per year? I've bit a bit baby brained lately so bear with me :)
Went shopping for my nieces first communion gift today. It's sticky hot out today. 28(33 or so with humidex). I think we are in for a wicked hot summer. Ugh, and I'm going to be big through it. Boo! Thank god for a/c. My son is turning into a little monster. He's walking but still unstuffy at times. He has bumps and bruises already. And recently when he gets mad or doesn't get his way he either throws himself back or forward, head to the floor. Temper temper....ah well not insane tantrums yet, but we've got ages 2 and 3 for that.
Here!! Have been busy and haven't had a lot of time! I guess everyone else is in the same boat!

Not much new here. I guess I didn't know that being pregnant made you burn faster? I have literally never burnt in my entire life and yesterday after being out for an hour I burnt. Now I see what the big fuss about burning is!! Ouch.

Since my scare last week, everything has been fine thank goodness. I don't think I realized how attached I was until I thought something was going wrong. Not that I don't want the baby or anything but it still hasn't hit me yet. I think now that my stomach is growing it is hitting me for sure and I am getting more excited.

Work is busy but there is only 37 days of school left!! Anyway, I hope you are all doing well! Anything new with anyone?
Had my niece's first communion yesterday. She looked beautiful and so grown up. Had a nice appetizer meal for lunch (I love those, easy but yummy). As we were at church Xavier wouldn't sit still so K and I were taking turns going out the back doors with him. When Kev had him out there I heard him crying like he was in pain. I ran out and found my little boy had fallen on the stone step area and had a big goose egg forming and a scratch up his nose. My poor boy. Guess we'll be holding off longer for pictures :( it doesn't look too horrible today but is definately noticeable.
So you know how I was talking about constipation before. Well my doc told me to take stool softener daily. I did and I swear it had opposite effect on me. Well today I decided I felt like decaf coffee, and guess what. I've found the solution! If you can stomach it, it works :)
So after the festivity we went looking at houses. The area my sister lives in is a 15-20min drive from where I live. The houses are new and cheaper there and we think it'd be a good option for us. Not so sure K agrees. He likes the fact that he only has to drive 10 minutes to work and his drive would be anywhere from 20-30 minutes, possibly double that in bad weather. Problem is we cant afford what we need here cause its overpriced in London. I'm just frustrated with his outlook though I get his point about missing time with the kids. We argued/discussed our sides to it and I think we both ended up a bit frustrated with the other. There is basically two single lane highways to take 80km speed limit, he says those roads are too frustrating to drive, he wants to open up the search to even farther and along the 401. I don't want to have to commute with two young babies on the 400 series highways to do anything for safety reasons and cause I just don't like it and the added speeds. Once and a while is fine but all the time, I just can't do it. I think he's being selfish and thinking of just him and his preferences, not of the kids which is where my mind is at. We'll see how this saga ends soon enough. First things first, get the procrastinator extreme to finish what needs doing here.

I'm 18w1day. Only 8 more days till ultrasound! Woo hoo!
Sugarlys I'm glad that u are ok! I know how ya feel about the whole situation.. And some of us just bleed the doctor says lol! How nice!
Ya I burnt the last time it was really nice out and I was only out for 25 ish minutes... Lame! Lol
Hopeful.. It's a sin he fell but that's what kids do.. I still remember the dog dragging me down te road BC his leash was wrapped around my wrist lol! I was like 5! And the gravel burn I had EVERYWHERE!!! Insane! Yay to ultrasound! I hope u get good pictures to show us and not a student like I did! Lol
Oh and tell K to be happy he doesn't have to travel two days for work and be away for 3 weeks at a time.. He will be happy for the 30 mins

For me... I'm getting huge now! Like huge! Harder to do anything to walk up stairs sucks the big one... And I don't even wanna talk about clothes! Lol I only have a month of work left! Which is nutty!
My boobs are HUGE and are starting to leak a little... All fun! And Friday I kiss the 2nd trimester goodbye! I never thought I'd be here but it's happening fast:S! Before u know it we will all have babies.. I can't believe Im in my 23rd week! Oh and I can feel the baby no problem from the outside now! Lol

How's ErGirl and blessed?
Sugarlys, so glad everything is good. (Well, except for your burn!) What are you going to do over the summer? Do you get to go back in the Fall?

Hopeful, I know what you mean about location. We live outside of Chicago and everything take a while to get b/c of traffic. BLECh! Sorry Xavier fell. My brother is actually allergic to decaf coffee, something in the process of decaffinating it gives him really bad diarrhea so I can see how it could work as a stimulant. Glad you found something that works! :haha:

Tainted, I can't believe you're going into your third trimester either. I remember quite clearly the discussions when AF didn't show but you were getting BFNs on hpts. Time really is flying by.

AFM, I didn't want to post until I had gone to the doc and he gave us the green light to start preparing for the frozen embryo transfer! :happydance:
So I'm on shots (Lupron) everyday and in two weeks K will give me one shot of estrogen twice a week for two weeks and then we pick a day. So if all goes smoothly, we'll be doing the transfer at the beginning of June.
Blessed- that is we exciting! Sounds like all is falling in place now! Come on June :)

Tainted- yes I'm sure this one injury of many more to come. Kev and I spoke again about the drive and he agreed to the closer ones but not the other ones farther, so compromise is good. He realized that you get so much more it is worth it for us and out kids. He got a job interview with a big name company for his field so he's pretty excited and nervous all wrapped into one. It sounds really promising for the future as he can transfer to the position he really wants from this, as they only usually fill that one from 'in house' so to speak. Wish him all the luck in the world for later this week ladies, it'd really be good for us :)

Sugarlys- how's that burn feeling? I don't burn any differently while preggers. Interesting.
I'm here!

Sperm Donor- I flipped out on him a few weeks ago and told him to eff off unless it deals strictly with the baby... he finally texted me saying he'd be willing to take the dads only class that i mentioned and he laughed at, and hes willing to pay for my hypnobirthing class and my medical supplies. I think the silent treatment worked... hes even offering to help me finish packing and move all my stuff out once hes home. weird.

I was supposed to walk at my graduation ceremony today, but i worked instead... if I called off, thats one less day to spend on maternity leave... so meh. whatever.

I got pre-qualified for a mortgage, for 50k! there are a lot of short sale houses available between 20k and 30k and since its a fha mortgage, I can do some work to it and add it to the mort if needed.

i have the anomaly/gender scan this wednesday!!!!
YAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY blessed!!! I want June to come fast now! You get your transfer and I'm on my way to nova scotia. I am soooooo excited for you! I feel really good about it and I'm gonna keep prayin for you!!!:):)
ER girl... Yay for the mortgage! I am happy for you too!! Everything seems to be going in your favor my dear!
Hopeful I know what you are saying I hope it all works out for you guys and you get exactly what you want!!:)

Me.. I'm working away... Throwing up here and there.. Put in my notice yesterday for maternity leave! Stocking up on baby supplies... I can't believe it's getting so close! It's like only like 100 days away... Eeeeee!! We have been getting sleeping and outfits.. Etc!
Next to check off my list is some bottles! We are waiting for a pump til after the baby is born BC some women just can't breast feed and thats a waste of money if I don't need it!
We are stocking up on supplies for the house too only BC I don't wanna have to run out just for toilet paper or something dumb when I'm alone and he's at work! So like toilet paper paper towel cleaners laundry soap (for us and for baby) etc..

Have a great day girls!!!

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