
I found a cute little house! It's adorable and it's affordable but it's a short sale... And it needs a new roof/shingles. My friend, the realtor, is going to see if they would be willing to drop the price of the house a few thousand so I could afford to fix the roof, or if they would be willing to get it done, or even contribute half of the cost... So fingers crossed!
Good luck. So happy you found something so quick. Short sale shouldn't be an issue for you since you have somewhere to stay and wait for an answer. For us it'd be a problem as if we sell our house we'd need a place to go. I think the cheapest houses around here are like 70,000. Ours is over double that. Location, space, etc vary big time around here.
Wow... That's crazy!
The "owners" ( deceased owners family) is going to discuss replacing the roof and let my friend know tomorrow. Awesome

Anomaly scan today.... Baby is 100% healthy so far and confirmed a little boy! So my sister and I got my baby registry done today too. Now I'm just overwhelmed so I'm going to take a nap at 7pm and wake up at 9 so I can do my laundry and clean a bit
So a bad day for me. We had to say goodbye to our big old dog 'Chopper' today. RIP, and hope there is lots of treats in doggie heaven for you. We still have our female who's younger and has a longer life expectancy. Wonder how she'll cope as he's all she has ever known.

Oh wait, almost forgot the good news. The second interview DH was hoping to get is set for Wednesday next week. Woo hoo, hope he gets it.
Oh I am so sorry to hear that hopeful! Dogs are such a big part of a family, it's hard to imagine life without them. Hope u are doing okay :(
Not much new with me. Yesterday I was asked to go to a workshop for today and tomorrow. So I am at a hotel tonite...first time I've ever been at a hotel alone and it is delightful to relax! I am still feeling great! Hope u are all doing well.
Hmm, everyone is MIA again.
Oh well, warning, its a rant!
Well it's Saturday morning and DH woke up on the wrong side of the bed as always. What is wrong with him every weekend I'll never know. He just is incapable of being happy. He is all pissed off that he's got no clean clothes that he prefers to wear today, and he's acting like that is my fault. Hey, my job is our baby, not to wash all of your laundry. He's let it pile up for two weeks and I've done 3 loads of his crap, but apparently not what he wanted. He then ignored me during breakfast when I tried to have a conversation with him, then I flat our asked him, 'why are you so grouchy with me this morning?' he was like 'oh don't start with me'. Wth I did nothing to him.
Then he's going out to get some things as we are having a mothers day dinner for our moms here. He tells me he's gotta go out and get wine and flowers and to find something for me for mothers day cause if not I'll complain to my mom and make him look bad. Good job, make me feel like crap for mothers day and know that my gift wasn't out of love, but to keep up appearances. Now I'm all upset and just going through the motions. Cooking ribs and have salads and deviled eggs made. Dessert is in the fridge. I don't even feel like company now :( why can't he just be normal and not a cranky mean man to me? I know I take things extra personal now cause of hormones, but really?
Okay I'm done. As for everything else, I miss my doggie tons but I am just trying not to think of it, cause it makes me cry. Really hoping it doesn't rain out so we can ecjoy the day. Not feeling much movement of baby just tiny things here and there. Scan is Tuesday, so that's exciting. Well wish me luck with grump aster supreme over here.
Hopeful, WTH???!!! Why does he act like such an ass? Does he feel bad that he forgot to get you something so he behaves like a jerk? For the love of all things holy, you are making a meal to celebrate mothers while he's dumping on you. His behavior is not okay. It's not okay to be an ass b/c you're stressed or feeling guilty. He needs to apologize but more importantly, get his head on straight with regards to how he treats his wife so this doesn't keep happening. This happened when you guys were having friends over too. Is he embarrassed of something that he gets sensitive when people are going to come over? He picks fights while you are making a great meal for everyone. I just don't get it and if K behaved like that, I wouldn't let it go until I knew what he was so prickly over. :hugs: You don't deserve that!

PS: I'm MIA b/c I've got nada but studying going on. FET still planned for the beginning of June but right now I'm in the middle of test hell.
Not nice, Hopeful. I am so sorry that you are having a rough day. Especially since you guys have had a rough week losing your dog. I definitely wouldn't let him get away with it either...obviously I'd wait till after your mom's left! Hope you get it all figured out!

Blessed - I forgot to say how exciting that you don't have much longer to wait :) You must be so excited! So what will happen at that point?

Hope you are all having a great day! It was a beautiful morning here so we did some yard work. It is now raining which is really great because we just planted grass seed so hopefully it helps it!
Talk soon!
Thanks ladies. Yeah it hurt, we shall see what the morning brings.i am wiped and have no energy to deal with this right now. The whole time the moms were here he helped with everything, weird, but I think he felt bad. I just can't stand the action, then ask forgiveness later. He can be a right pain in my ass, I swear he's worse than me and I'm the woman. If he's hurting about the dog, okay but not cool taking it out on me. Dinner was awesome, my mom the sweetheart got me a few roses 'just cause your a mom and deserve it'. Kindest lady ever. My son is not doing the best today, very grouchy, warm, strange appetite. I think it's a reaction to his vaccines 10 days ago. He has a localized red ring on his arm, with a few swollen dots in it. I gave him Tylenol and will watch him closely. If it gets worse we are getting him looked at. Stupid google has some horror stories about bad reactions, even seizure and death. Way to freak myself out.
Happy mother's day you guys! Hope you all get spoiled silly today. :thumbup:
Happy mothers day! Busy day for me. Packed us up and hit Niagara falls, and the butterfly conservatory/botanical gardens. Fairly good day overall. DH let me pic what to do and it went well. Xavier was a trooper with the two hour car rides each way. We timed them so he could sleep for half of it. He was in awe of the butterfly's, was curious but tired easily of the falls, and enjoyed our picnic at a park on the water.
Hey girls!!

Sorry I have been MIA!! I know I have been, I have been nesting like crazy, mainly because I have a lot to do before June 15th, because then we are off to Nova Scotia and we won't be back until the first week of August and I won't have much time to finish up ends before the baby comes, and with Phil being gone, its been tough.

Hey Hopeful, sorry things are going kinda crapola on you! Man I have no idea what I would do without my Charlie, so I totally feel your pain and sympathize with you completely. When you wrote about your DH being a jerkbutt, I was thinking that he was taking the doggy out on you, even though it isn't fair.. I will never be able to understand how the male brain works I dont think. Here's hoping that you had a better day, since its Mothers day, and you got lots to smile about. I've said a prayer for your son, so I am confident that he will heal with ease.

BLESSED..... I am sooooo excited for you! You must be busting at the seams without bursting at the seams. I have no idea how you are focusing on your studies. I know how I was so scatterbrained when we were trying. I was not getting documentation right on crap at work, and I could NOT imagine having to actually sit and study! But again, if anyone can do it.. IT would be you!

Sugarlys, how are you feeling with all these wonderful changes in your body. Are you excited for the end of school, or would you prefer to do what you are doing year round?

ERgirl... where do you live???? HOLY crap a cheap house in Calgary is about 250 000$!!!!! We are totally not going to buy here. We don't own the house we are in now, because we are unsure of staying here since Phil is so far away, we may move closer so its lesser travel time for him. But in the mean time we are here because its a great part of the city.. and the topic of moving back to NS is thrown up in the air every once in awhile.

I have been really busy. We moved upstairs the last time that he was home so that we could avoid using the stairs with a newborn, since I am VERY clumsy!! remember I fell down the stairs in January and broke my butt. So this time around that Phil is gone, I am trying to make our space really wonderful so that we don't get overwhelmed with BABY... he really worries that I am going to change once the baby comes, because I guess I am pretty bubbly, and he doesn't wanna see that happen. Soooo anyways I got new decor for our room, took the old blinds down that I hate, put up new curtains, got these cute photo frames that look like film strips that holds 7 photos, and put 2 up. I got us new sexy lamps, that have mood setting.. I am getting new pillow shams that match everything, bought new flameless candles so I can light them when I go pick him up at the airport last time and have them lit when we get back. I really never wanna lose the spark with him, because he is wonderful, and I don't want him to worry about it either.
I have also been going nuts with the baby's room.. today I sanded and painted a dresser so that it matches the crib and change table.. since it was 25 degrees outside. Bought the crib mattress yesterday and this really cute vibrating chair with giraffes on it. since the theme is going to be giraffes.. well safari, but mainly giraffes, because I LOVE them!! I also picked up the bumped for the crib.. GIRAFFES! lol
ANNND I picked up some plants, because I want to have my pots made by next weekend. My neighbour is going to water them while I am gone, and I will pick her up something special in NS.. :) I am so excited.. Im like in organization heaven! LOL

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY GIRLS... if you all actually read all of my rambling! lol
Sleep like the queens you all are! :)
Ohh.. and my OB appointment is tomorrow for the cervix check... this will be my first one.. little nervous!!! LOL
Girlsssssss m backkkkkkkk!!!!! Was thinking about u the whole time especialy blessed...
What happened with the ivf?
M sorry m at work cant read backwards...
As for me after 2 months of break we're going for ai next cycle sooooo excitedd nyone has done ai here? Tell me alll about it!!
Hows the pregnancy for all of u? Missed u allll sooo much!!
Sorry for not being around was in dubai the past 2 months
Yayyyyyy Mirna!!!!! Welcome back! I was gonna ask about u yesterday then I just figured you were never coming back! We have MISSED u soooo much!
I'm almost 25 weeks things have gotten better too!!! It's a BOY! I let everyone else fill u in! :) yay so glad u are back and doing AI! :)
Goooood luck!
Mirna- so pleased to see you have returned :) we have missed you but gave up that you were coming back, glad that wasn't the case.
AFM- I am just over 19 weeks now, things are going well, I was sick a whole but it's much better now. I have an ultrasound tomorrow and will update you ladies later tomorrow, soon as I can. As for ai, should I assume you mean IUI (intrauterine insemination), well yes I did and was successful twice with it now. It's not a guaranteed bet but it has helped speed the process for many ladies. Any questions ask away, I am an open book.

Tainted- thank you very much for the kind words. Things have sorted a bit. I told him I'm tired of his attitude and trying to put it on me. He never said much but sorry. We had a good day and I'll leave it for now. Hope all the decorating looks amazing. Cant wait to see pic of that nursery all done.

Blessed- we miss you, but know you have to study. You are going to do amazing :) as for getting your babies put in, time is flying!

Ersurgeongirl - hope you are well and the house thing works out. That's so crazy houses are that cheap. Maybe I live in the wrong place.
Wow! Lots going on.

Mirna, so happy that you're back. What's your process/steps for the ai? IVF went well in the way that we have nine frozen embryos but I over-responded to the meds and was quite sick. It took about a month and a half to feel normal again. But now we're doing a frozen embryo transfer at the beginning of June. I'm talking 'finals' last week and this, I had one today and my last one on Wed so I'm just studying ALLLL the time.

Hopeful, I love the butterfly farm at Niagra Falls. So nice that you spent the day there. I hope all is well, do you find out the sex tomorrow?

Tainted, love that you're getting everything ready for the baby. Maybe you can take a pic of the nursery when you're done. I love giraffes. :) To be honest, I have so much going on with school that I'm not even that focused on the FET. I think it's a good thing b/c I would just drive myself crazy waiting. Now I have my alarm set to remember and do my Lupron injection at nine pm, then it's back to studying! I think it's helping the time go by faster. When I think of how much I've gone through to get to this point, I'll be so upset if we don't get pregnant. From a million blood samples and ultrasounds to an HSG to a hysteroscopy to a million injections to being overstimulated and in pain for a month to now more injections with an additional big one in my butt starting next week!!!! Crap this has really been a process. :wacko:

Ok, K's home and we're going to go for a walk before I start studying for Wednesday's exam. SO good to hear from all you ladies, you keep me sane. :hugs:
Mirna you're back!!!!
Tainted, you sound awfully busy... Had to laugh at the mood settting on the lamps lol
Hopeful, I'm so excited for tomorrow for you!

You should all move here and be my neighbors... Tons of houses for $25-50k! Some really really nice ones for $50-80k, but that's out of my budget and those houses are 1200 sq feet+... the one i want is only 900 sq feet. Small, but it's only me, baby, and the dog....and the bigger the house, the more work lol

I felt the baby kick from the outside for the first time today! It was a little foot! And I pressed on it and he moved again lol
ER, that's wonderful you felt the baby! Houses here are so $$$ we won't be buying anything until I'm done with residency. We can't afford to buy something we may have to sell in 3 years. The market is too bad here is risk it.

Hopeful, thinking of you today. Can't wait to hear the news!!! :)

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