
Hey ladies :)'s a..........are you ready for it?
We get one of each right off the bat :) so lucky, maybe I should buy a lotto ticket.
Got tons of ultrasound pics. Foot, hand, profiles, legs and bum, even got 3d pics done, but she wasn't too cooperative, didn't want to move from her facing with her back too us for majority of the time. I will upload them when I can. Perhaps just a select few as it takes flipping forever to attach pics on here.
So I guess I should've gone with my initial instinct that since things were very different that it was a girl.
Hope everyone is well and talk to you soon :)
Aww exciting!! I am so happy for you!! :) You must be thrilled!!!
Blessed - good luck on your exam today!
Aww, thanks Sugarlys. How are you? Today is the last exam I take for school so I'm really excited!!! I take national boards June 11th but may move that sooner if I think my studying is going well. We'll see.

Last night was my last birth control pill so now we're waiting for my period to show to get this show on the road! :thumbup:
Blessed- it's nice that you have the flexibility on when your testing/exams are. I am getting super excited for you and your IVF journey. You have so many to work with but I'm praying you don't need em, only the ones they put in this time. It's going to work out :) you are so close now.

Sugarlys- we don't hear much from you now. Is everything going well? Pregnancy, no more scares? Hope you are well and feeling fabulous with your pregnancy.
Things are going great with the pregnancy...really showing now. I'll have to upload some pics - ppl can't believe I am only 15 weeks. It is a weird feeling having your stomach grow but it is also very cool. No more scares...the only "pain" I am having now is some sciatic pain down one leg...I have a massage booked.

Yes, I haven't been on much...I am barely keeping my head above water with work. Lots of kids in crisis mode and I have been so exhausted by the time I get home tonight it is taking everything in me to get dinner on the table.

Only 5 weeks to go and then summer vacay!! :) Talk soon!!
Oh I totally understand how you feel. The exhaustion was aweful this time. So glad to hear your doing well and not sick :) and I can't wait to see that bump pic! I'm growing less than I did last time, and it's lower and a different shape. I was rounder and higher with my boy. Funny, I'm short wasted, didnt think there would be much room for a difference there.
Sorry to hear of all these kids in crisis mode, hope you and they are coping.

DH had his second interview today. It was two people interviewing him, one he knows as he was in management the entire time my husband has been working in this field (15 years now). He first was told he was overqualified, which just made him work that much harder to change that woman's mind during his hour with them. By the end she admitted that he had changed her mind and that perhaps he is the right fit. She said either way, if he gets this or not she is in his corner for whatever position comes up at the company, as his experience in the industry is what they need. I really hope he gets in. At least when the other positions open up he can move with ease as it won't be much change. Saying someone is overqualified is a horseshit excuse as far as I'm concerned. It'd be pretty stupid to not hire someone for being too knowledgable about the field. We won't find out for two weeks now as they have 12 ppl in total they are interviewing down from 40.
Ugh, I get the overqualified excuse all the time... I'm always like wtf? That's less training you'll have to do... Instead of training a dumbfuck to do the job. Ugh.

My belly button is getting much more shallow! I used to be able to stick my finger in up to just past the first digit, now it's like half of the first digit. Weird!

So I officially put an offer in on the house! They want 24k, I offered 25k in exchange for them to completely replace the roof, not just repair it. We shall see...
Hopeful, sounds like DH handled that interview exactly as he should. I think sometimes when people say they're overqualified, the fear is that they won't stick around when something better comes along. Your K took that doubt and changed it to the woman wanting someone with his skills to be part of their team and that is a great thing. FX'd he gets the job!!!!

ER, good luck on the house, let us know what they say.

SO, my 'real' exams are finished! I have a four hour practice exam for the boards today but I'm relaxed since it's not graded. It feels great to be done with my second year and done with the classroom! Yay!
Hopeful congrats!!!!!!! I love girlsssssss misssed u so much girls m sooo sorry and upset about not having enough time to login here often! So the iui cycle is here!!i just started taking puregon shots to stimulate the folliclesi have an echoe scheduled for next wednesday i have ny fingers crossed that i respond well to the drugs!!!! Wish me luck girls i have sooooo much of a baby fever m feeling its sooo close!blesseddddd i need updates which cd r u? M on cd3
Everything is crossed for you! I hope everything goes perfectly.

Got off work early and the ex landed today so we met at his parents house....

Still cluttered and his mom smokes! Omg! Okay hanging out the door to smoke? You know there's still cig smoke on you? Yeah, they WILL NOT be babysitting the baby, no way. Plus they've been buying stuff for the baby at their house and it's filthy, I understand that they pick from the trash and yard sales, but for fucks sake! I do not need my kid to get sick! Ugh. Just so tired.
Hi all! Trying to get going this morning but struggling to do so. Lupron shuts down your hormones and I have NO energy. It's really not fun and I'll be on the stupid drug until the beginning of June.

Mirna, I'm not on a specific CD b/c they mess with my cycle so much to have complete control. I'm waiting for my stupid AF which should have come yesterday. Hopefully it'll be here today so I go into the RE Mon or Tues. I'll have a 'cd 3' scan and the doc will actually do a tiny biopsy of my endometrium. Injury to the area increases blood flow and improves implantation rates. It will hurt so I'll be drugged up. So if you're starting your shots, when will AI be? two weeks? We may be in the TWW together!!!! :hugs:

ER, I don't know what to say about the ex's family. Hope it all works out okay. Have you heard anything on the house?

How are you guys, Hopeful, Sugarlys, & Tainted???
Hey girls! Feeling lonely today... And also I'm in the stage where I feel like I could eat non stop! Hey Hopeful did u ever get there?
Glad you're almost there Blessed!

So ya I'll update tomorrow more. I feel like crap:( boooooo
Oh yes Tainted. With my son I ate good sized meals and was hungry frequently. But I ate healthy foods and the odd treat. Even so I still had to follow a strict diet later on as I was borderline for problem carb handling, but not gestational diabetic. It was controlled by diet. Sorry your down, you hit all kinds of highs and lows during pregnancy, the trick is figuring out if it's truly issues or just hormones. :hugs: hope you feel better

Blessed- wow I didn't know that about the trauma increasing bloodflow. Sorry it had to hurt :( I'm sure you'll do fine flying high on the meds though! Get used to the lethargy as first trimester will be very similar.

Mirna- soo exciting that you are getting things going with ai. I will tell you it's still a rollercoaster each month as its not a guaranteed first try win. I hope in your case it is but if not please don't let it get you down. We are your support so talk to us at any time :)

Ersurgeongirl - I too am lost for words or advice. I can tell you in my shoes I ban cigarettes around my child, and around me being pregnant. It's simply irresponsible of someone to expose a child/fetus to harmful substances. There are many studies that show second and third hand ( on items and clothing that have been around the smoker) smoke are just as harmful. Good luck :)
Hi everyone!

Tainted, I hope you're feeling better. Phil will be home soon and he'll love on you like you need. :hugs:

Hopeful, How are you doing? It's so weird how we all started trying to get knocked up and you guys are so far along now! Are you wearing your maternity clothes?

Mirna, hope you're still with us and doing well. Feel free to vent if you need, the hormone shots can do such a number on you!

ER, hope all is well and you hear positive info on the house soon.

AFM, AF came this weekend (YAY!) so my ultrasound and biopsy are scheduled for Tuesday at 10 am. We will most likely begin shots of estrogen that night and since K has to give them to me in my butt, he practiced tonight by giving me my Lupron shot in my belly. The needles for the butt (intramuscular) are much longer and I though it be better to start him off small. He did great and I think it'll help a lot.

Okay, back to relearning the cranial nerves for about the 6th time. Yes, it would be much better if I really learned them so I wouldn't have to keep re-memorizing but....:shrug:
Hey everyone!!

Mirna - welcome back!! I am so happy you are back! Wow, good luck with your endeavor...looking forward to hearing all about it! What are the benefits like where you live - do you have to pay for all of this?

Blessed - yay to the AF! that is very exciting. Good for K to give you your! How did he manage since he has such a hard time with getting his own blood taken?

Hopeful - how are you doing with this hot weather? Hopefully you are staying cool!!

Tainted - sorry you are feeling crappy :( How much longer till Phil comes home? I am sure you are getting excited to go back home!!

ER - gah, that just sounds like drama. Smoking frustrates me as well...people have the right to choose for themselves but I get angry when their choices also impact others. Hope you are still feeling good.

AFM, doing great!! I was at my parents cottage for the weekend since it is a long weekend here :) It was the most gorgeous weekend ever! HOT HOT HOT and sunny. Today hubby and I did a bunch of little jobs around the house - he put in indoor/outdoor carpet in our screened in porch (where I am you NEED a screened in porch for May/June because of the blackflies and mosquitoes). AND for the first time last night we had sex since I got pregnant...I have not wanted to AT ALL until yesterday, so that was great :)

Anyway, back to normal tomorrow....a very busy week at work. Talk to you all soon!
Glad to hear everyone is well :) I enjoyed the beautiful weather. Birthday BBQ Saturday, swimming pool sunday, and beach today. All the activities were fun for Xavier which made me smile lots. I am feeling good pregnant, getting more kicks now but still very few. Allergies are killing me! I am normally so bad in spring as i am officially high allergic response to grass and most trees (try to avoid that, not happening), I generally get my eyes swollen shut and can hardly breathe but for when I sneeze. So since I can take regular stuff, I have been taking benedryl when needed at night, as it makes me so sleepy. I also have special drops for my eyes, but they aren't helping enough. I'm struggling but I keep telling myself it's only for a couple weeks generally then settles down a bit. I won't let it stop me from getting my son aquatinted to the outdoors, he loves it!
As for K, we are struggling. I'm finding it hard to enjoy spending any time with him, mostly because he's rude, insensitive, self absorbed, and angry/grumpy all the time. I'm so sick of it, I've become apathetic to the whole situation. I know it's bad but I'm tired of telling him this over and over. It's sad but I've given up :(
Sunday was the best time because he took off fishing for most of the day, and X and I went swimming on our own. It was peace and quiet and positive.

I'll spend some time addressing each of you when I can, but it's bathtime and someone has sand in every crevasse, lol :)
Ohhhh hai girls!
Feeling really good today, minus twisted my ankle not really sure how.. Lol I've been really busy! I just about finished the nursery today! Put the decals on the wall! I just need to pick up the curtains hang them and the mobile light I got in Mexico made from a coconut shell! Phil has to put up the shelves BC I dunno all the stud whatever whatever! Lol
I finishe up 'our' space in the bedroom and it looks really nice! I hope he appreciates why I did it!
Sorry bout the other day I was just feeling really lonely.. Hits me once in awhile! His time away can seem like an eternity!
The baby feels and seems like he is retracting into my back. My belly actually looks smaller and my back and hips are starting to feel like they are about to snap! Funnnn! Mom told me her first was like that and she had back labor ONLY with my sister! So please pray for me BC when I get ba menstrual pain it's in my back and you can't get comfy with it!
WE have decided the first name!! He shall be called Jett! Middle name to come! Lol
Charlie is oh so adorable! He is in protection mode! Lol he lays in front of my tummy always! If I switch sides so does he! He gets in the tightest knot that u could imagine... And sleeps right in front of the baby! It's so cute!

Blessed... I think thats the first time I've heard yay after I got my period! But I'm happy it's moving quickly for you! As for the shots you'll be fine! I wish I could do that to phill sometimes! Lol I'm so excited for you!!! :)
Hopeful glad u had a great weekend in the sunshine! And thanks for the info! I feel hungry ALLLLLLLLLLLL the time now! I'm getting my glucose test next week! Please pray for it to be normal! Gestational diabetes run in my family. I swear u could be be the perfect model of health and still get it lol!
Mirna, glad u are back with us and moving forward! I keep u in my thoughts and prayers that everything turns out how u wish!
Ergirl! Smoking sucks! Especially around a pregnant lady or children! It's frustrating for me...the smell made me so sick in the beginning and yet no one seemed to care to not do it! I hope the situation gets better for u! How's the house coming along?
Sugarlys.. Glad you got a piece!! Lol I wonder if u will go the stage I just went thru... I was not at all sexual didn't want anything to do with it..then all of a sudden couldn't get enough.. Wante it alllll the time!
Are u wearing mat clothes yet!? And how is the end of school wrapping up!

Well farewell long weekend, I have highly enjoyed you! 19 shifts of work left!!:)
Your probably right Tainted. People skinny, overweight and in between suffer from it. It's hard for me on some of these pregnancy threads. In the beginning some of the ladies were talking about eating fast food burgers and milk shakes, grilled cheese sandwiches in mass quantities, it was so hard not to give them a reminder of how your really shouldn't gain much in the beginning and how it can contribute to the condition though. A lot of them have since gained 12-15 lbs already.

Blessed- hope you do well with the muscle shots, I hear they are quite painful, I've only ever had the arm ones, not in the butt. Oh the things we do to have babies :) hope all the cramming is effective and well what day do you start the boards? Yes I wear maternity clothes and some regular still. I'm at the stage where most normal tops look funny, sit short in the front, or aren't designed for the bigger boobs :)

Mirna- i hope things go well for you with IUI. It's a really easy and painless procedure for most, maybe cramping but that can also be from ovulating. Are you monitored for O or do you just do OPK's?

ER - any word on the house?

Sugarlys- bugs aren't too bad here, except for at dusk, pretty much a give-in. It rained here this morning. Was hoping it'd stay nice. Ah well, three days of great weather I can't really complain.

I have to apologise for the depressive moments of comments generally about K and I. Not that anything is different, it's all true. I've spent lots of time trying to 'fix things' with being selfless and thinking of his needs above everything else, then trying to talk to him in which case things improve for a day or two only. I'm just tired of trying so hard and I really want some reciprocation, I think it's about time to focus on what I need. I'm not getting it :(
I am very level headed about this now which scares me as I used to be so emotional and dramatic to me, as it meant so much. I'm thankful I can say this on here freely, as I have no one to talk to about it all. Last time I said something to my girlfriend she told me, 'nothing is gonna change, You'll have to just suck it up and take it, and just do things yourself' and pretty coldly I might add. Sonthat ruined me having a shoulder to cry on in times of need. I do love him, deep inside but how's he's been acting is not that person. Sometimes I see a hint of it come out, but I wonder is he changing? Am I changing too?

Anyways on to happier things. I will focus on my pregnancy and avoid fights with him as stress is bad for me. I will talk to him at the right moment and if he cannot be respectful and calm talking to me, then I will stop talking and re-evaluate. Thanks for being an ear ladies, you don't even have to reply to me, just knowing your there is enough :hugs:

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