
Hopeful... Do u think this is just because of being pregnant? Like all of the hormones? I know some women change so much with the hormones. And everything levels out after the baby is born?! I know I certainly have changed lots since pregnancy and I'm hopeful to go back to 'me' afterward! If not I know u are a strong woman and u will work thru this! And I know u will make the best choices for you and your children!

Love ya girls!
Hi all! I'm back from the biopsy and so buzzed from drugs that this should be fun! :) The biopsy was painful but only for about 20 seconds and that's totally worth it. It was so cute b/c the nurse held my hand and at one point I really did squeeze! But it was quick and then no lingering pain so now I'm just riding out the buzz on my couch. The nurse, Sue, said K was in the waiting room smiling b/c he didn't have to have any blood draws. :wacko: He was very sweet and supportive though. The Estrogen shots will start tonight and they're only twice a week, Tues & Fri, for this week and next. Then we pick a day for the transfer! I'm getting excited, especially right now b/c I'm stoned!!! Heehee.

Sugarlys, K has no trouble with blood or shots or anything. Just having his blood drawn, something to do with the needle in his vein. It's just that one thing. :shrug: But he's been great giving the shots. One thing that was really funny coming home he asked if I had ever looked at the baby book in the waiting room. It's the photos patients send in and I never did look b/c I was afraid it would make me too excited and hopeful. Anyway, he said that there were a lot of twins and once in a while triplets. There was even one set of quads!!!! This is a very big book and I laughed and said we can just put two back instead of three but he's cool with the odds. He'll be fine with twins, it's the idea of triplets that is just too much and I completely agree. But since the odds are soooo low of that happening we'll still be putting three in.

I'm getting excited that we're getting close.

Sugarlys, a weekend at a cottage sounds lovely! K & I are hoping to spend some time in a cabin on a lake after I take boards. We can't go too far in case I need the doc but we're excited to get away for a bit. It's been so hectic...need time to relax and sleep in! :) ALSO, yay for sex! I hope the desires are back and keep going. It's amazing how much sex can help you reconnect w/ DH. :hugs:

Tainted, quit beating your poor body up! I'm beginning to think you're naturally clumsy. Broken tailbone, sprained ankle...slow down and take care of yourself mommy! You're going to make me worry and then I'll start nagging... I can really nag too, just ask K. ;)

A coconut light sounds so sweet. Phil is so lucky to be able to come home and see what a lovely home you're making for all of you. I'm sorry your back is sore, if your mom had the same maybe she can give a few tips on how to help?
Jett is a wonderful name. Love it and can't wait to hear what the middle name is. Love that Charlie is watching out to you. What a wonderful companion. Ohh, come on normal glucose! Gestational diabetes is just no fun so FXd that you're good.

Hopeful, yeah I'm kinda expecting the butt shots to hurt. THANK GOODNESS it's only Tues & Fri this week and next. I can handle that. Of course, I'm saying that while I'm buzzed but I really do think it's not a big deal to get my baby!!! My boards are June 11th.

Hopeful, I really wish there was something I could say to help w/ K. I don't know the two of you all that well but it sounds like you love a man that doesn't appreciate what you do for him and your family. It's like he takes for granted that you're there and so he doesn't need to make an effort. I'm sorry. You don't deserve to be treated this way and yes, absolutely feel free to vent when you need to. I can't make it better but I can offer lots of :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Ok, time to try to nap off this buzz...Love you ladies!
Thanks ladies, you are the best !!! As for hormones, nope, I thought that, but he's been on and off doing this for a long time. We always talk at the point I'm fed up, he apologizes and changes for a short time, then we go right back to the same old crap. My hormones this pregnancy only make me cry. So when something is a bit sad for example, I cry even though I know it's not the end of the world. I'm pretty good at keeping sane, surprisinly. I realize days when I am off, usually that day if not the one after.
The whole reason my friend said that remark to me was that she has heard a lot of this from me for a few years and is sick of it I guess. Though I've supported her through all her problems over the past five years. She thinks he's a lost cause, will never change.
He was always a bit lazy, but when he could afford to be. Now it doesn't matter if it's for the kids or me, it's going to take forever to happen, maybe not at all. I am talking to him later, let ya know how that goes.
:hugs: ladies, I really appreciate it!

Blessed- go sleep and recover, hopefully you didn't feel it :)
:( Hopeful, I am sorry things are not good right now. Anyway the two of you could go out for a date without babe and have some time alone? I know your problems go deeper than that could fix, but it may be a start?

Blessed - glad you did well! I hope the buzz is gone :) This is such an exciting process and I can't wait to hear about it as you go. Can you imagine quads?!?! Oh my. Twins would be hard enough!!

Tainted - glad you are doing well. I can't believe you are in week 25!! Crazy! Post pics of your nursery and your bedroom when you are done - I'd love to see it!

AFM, I had my dr appt today. I have gained 2 pounds since my last appt (7 all together). Last time she had a really hard time hearing the heartbeat and I didn't really even know what she was hearing when she said she heard it. Anyway, today it took awhile to find again (apparently I have a long uterus?) but once she found it it was the coolest thing ever. Then, in the middle of her using the doppler, we heard this loud noise and the doctor said it was the baby kicking right near the doppler. So cool. Up until now I haven't really been excited because it still feels unreal (especially since my only symptoms have been tiredness and a growing tummy)...but after today I really am realizing that there is a human life there. Wow.

Anyway ladies, talk soon!
Sugarlys, that's so cool that you got to hear the heartbeat and a kick! I could see how that makes it more real now. So happy for you.

K gave me the shot in the butt and it wasn't nearly as bad as I feared. I'll definitely be able to handle it once more this week and twice next week. YAY! :thumbup:
Well good news and bad... They accepted the offer... 19k and I fix the roof myself. Just waiting for all the paperwork to come thru for me to sign my life away then it's the waiting game on the bank to approve the short sale.

Another good... The ex is coming around after I texted him that donating his sperm so I can make him a baby isn't what being a father is about... Then I bitched about helping me with the medical bills... Today he took me out to lunch, mall walked with me, then wrote me a check for $200 to cover some of the expenses. About damn time!

Bad news.... I got home to my dad telling me that my black lab Zeus or zeusie goosie as I tease him, jumped the fence to try to get to the little dogs a few yards over... He hates little dogs. My dad is scared he's going to do it again, so I have to get rid of him... I'm heartbroken. I can't stop crying. I love my little puppy dog. So I asked on fb if someone would like to adopt him... I can't believe this :(
Haha blessed... I love that u got to enjoy a little buzz... I wish I could have a glass of wine buzz every once n awhile so double enjoy it for me;) but all of this is so exciting and I'm glad I get to know someone who is doing it BC I had no idea what the process was! And Sugarlys... Quads??? No I could never imagine that! Lol I hope none of us have to have that experience... Here's my luck(BC yes I am a klutz) I will have the baby and accidentally get pregnant right away with 6 babies or something dumb lol!
I am so glad u got to hear the heartbeat! I'm in the same boat as you! I didn't hear what the dr was hearing either the first time and was all like... Yaaaa I totally hear it! Lol
And kicking I cant wait until you can feel the little butterfly wings! Then the distinctive slams and banging! Lol
Hopeful.. I'm praying for you and the whole situation! :)

Night ladies! Enjoy the buzz blessed;)
Oh no ergirl... I totally feel for you!!!! If I could take him I would! What a sinnn:( I hope it all works out, and congrats on all the goods! Especially the house!:)
Hello my lovely ladies i missed u sooo much.
well i took puregon injections for 5 days and went for an u/s today and i got a good endometrial thickness 10mm on cd8 and i got 20 growing follicles which is too much i think i oversponded so today i will skip the injection and tomorrow i will do it to get only 2 mature follicles.
even though i did overrespond the doc told me that this can be fixed through playing with the dosage and ive got another u/s on saturday to check my follicles wish me luck ladies!!
blessed so glad ur biopsy went well. i will read later all about it!! im in a hurry!! im hoping to get some time to spend around here on the weekend.
love u ladies!
Wow, I've missed a lot.
So we had a chat, after a fight. After he sucked up for a while through text while working yesterday he decided even though we are on the rocks and I've been telling him he's been selfish and I need time too, he says ' what day after work would be better to go fishing with a buddy for a few hours'. Are you f'n kidding me? Well that didn't go so well, when we finally talked I told him a lot of it is things like that. My personal time is spent doing something for everyone else as always and he gets to have all the fun and do what he wants. Well I think a lightbulb went off and he's promising it won't be like that. We shall see.
Enough about that.

Sugarlys- that's great news about the kick. I love those, sounds like 'whomp, or whoosh' on the Doppler. My son used to do that at every appointment.

Blessed- thrilled to hear the bum shot wasnt too bad :) you are strong, you can handle any of this stuff. Soon you will be talking about pregnancy complaints, then about heartbeat(s) kicks etc.

Tainted- I too miss wine. There is a bottle sitting in my fridge mocking me. Wish hubby would just drink it already.

Ersurgeongirl - yeah for house! Hope the sale terms are accepted from the bank and relatively quickly. Is there nothing you can do about your doggie to work just for the meantime until you get your house? Lots of people set up the long leash on the close line trick for escape artist pets out back. I will say one things though. Babies are tons of work, once little one arrives you will not have the same time to spend with him. You'll also need to keep him and baby separated for safety unless fully supervised. I know all this from experience, 2dogs (now 1) and 2 cats, they are a pain looking after. Thank god my dog doesn't mind hanging out back alone a fair bit. Good luck, either way it's never easy as they are like pre-kids.

Mirna- wow 20! Let's hope his messing with dosage does the trick to only have a couple develop. Did he say what his limits are in terms of follicle amounts and sizes? My doc never allowed more than 4 in the 16-30mm range, as that could mean too risky for multiples. Some will continue but only of you sign a selective reduction agreement if worse case were to happen. Don't let it freak you out though, I had 3 both successful IUI's and only 1 baby each time :)
I patched the hole in the privacy fence where he sticks his head in and barks at the other dogs and I also roped up some chicken wire to deter him from jumping... and I gave him a bath outside today... I think its helping to buy us some more time.

thats my picture heavy blog post summing up the past 20 weeks :)

Tainted, I knew you were a klutz b/c I recognize myself. Yes, I'm a huge klutz too and sprained my ankle yesterday jogging. It's pretty bad and I feel like an idiot. I'm doing fine after the biopsy, it really only hurt while it was happening and then no pain so I'm happy. :) Ladies I'm getting so excited for the transfer, about two weeks away. I may even take my boards early to get them out of the way. Heehee!

The idea of multiples is something K loves to say all the time to freak me out. We're okay with the idea of twins but that's it! Anymore than that and I wouldn't be able to enjoy a second of the pregnancy just worrying about their health. One would be perfect but we'll take whatever we can get...

Mirna, WOW you really respond to drugs. I hope they can get two or three mature eggies and a great big BFP! When will the transfer be? I think we may be going through this together again but this time I want us to be KNOCKED UP at the end of it!

Hopeful, :hugs: Hope you're doing okay, good call sticking up for yourself.

ER, yay for the house! I really hope you can keep your dog. Does your new house have a yard? Can you take the dog there when you move?

My friend just sent me the purchase agreement for the house!!! I just need to print it out and sign it... Then take it to the mortgage lady.... Then get the home inspection! The sellers agent already submitted all the paperwork to the short sale negotiator... So that will save some time... It could still be a good 60-90 days until I get the keys but it's a start!
Hopeful no honey he didnt explain that much he just daid that i do one more injectioon and come back in 3 days i will get more info on saturday i will ask him about the size and everything..i hope that it will work out! i have to admit im super excited and optimistic about iui .but i wint be disapointed if it fifnt work the essential is that m getting closer to having a baby...
Blesssseddd sooo happy wer going through this together!! I have my ffingerss and everything crossed for both of us being knocked up.
I dont know the exact day of the iui im expecting early next week.for now he's monitoring myfollicles.will update u on saturday!!
Hopeful no honey he didnt explain that much he just daid that i do one more injectioon and come back in 3 days i will get more info on saturday i will ask him about the size and everything..i hope that it will work out! i have to admit im super excited and optimistic about iui .but i wint be disapointed if it fifnt work the essential is that m getting closer to having a baby...
Blesssseddd sooo happy wer going through this together!! I have my ffingerss and everything crossed for both of us being knocked up.
I dont know the exact day of the iui im expecting early next week.for now he's monitoring myfollicles.will update u on saturday!!
It's great news Mirna, and you should be super excited! Even though it didn't work first time for me, lots of ppl have first round success, and it did work for me, both times! It's a great way to give the swimmers a head start at the prize :) can't wait to hear how it went! Lots of love and :dust:

Blessed- two weeks! That's so close :) and yeah for feeling confident and moving up the boards! I think that'd be great, less stress post transfer, as they want you to relax a bit and put your feet up! Hope your ankle is improving and not hurt too badly.

Ersurgeongirl - I'm confused, do you want him and his parents involved or not? Before it sounded like you didn't and that you were going to ensure ur was just minimal, now it sounds like you want him there through everything. Are you having second thoughts about being able to do things alone? :hugs: if you need us for support you know where to find us :)

Sugarlys - as things progress to you feeling kicks without a Doppler telling you so, you are going to know how much more real it is. My poor DH was so jealous the first pregnancy, will probably be the same this time, that I got to feel and experience everything. He was excited to hear me talk of kicks and wiggles but it was always bittersweet. The funny thing is the majority of the time when Xavier was kicking I'd tell him to come over, and then it wouldn't happen again. No matter how long he sat there. He did feel it a few times but not often.

Tainted- how's the last work time before jetting out of there for a while? What's you EDD again? Sorry baby brain kicking in here, was it late August early Sept?

I'm getting into get things done mode, but my allergies are killing me this spring and really putting a damper on it. Not to mention a busy toddler is a great prevention of progress :)
Got a new furnace filter today (for the allergies) and some better ceiling vents for the basement, as the old ones were ugly and falling out due to improper fit. Got three put up myself, including punching new screw holes and such. DH can do the fourth as it's over the 50 inch big screen on glass stand. With my balance and clutziness I'd take em out. Yep me too, always hurting myself. Broke my toes last week ( for the gazillienth time).
Hey girls sorry I've been MIA! Phil came home and we spent some well deserved time together! He LOVED the space and the baby's room and thanked me for working so hard!
So he took me The fairmont hot springs... And it was great minus ive been getting sick again.. I dunno how women can do it twice? Lol and omg I'm soooo constipated! Sooo I'm on a high fibre high cherry high bran high prune diet! Lol

What's up with you ladies?!? You all dropped off the face of the earth too!!!

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