
I'm sorry to be so MIA too, just kinda hectic. This weekend was our first anniversary so we I actually took a day off of studying and we visited his family. It was wonderful but now I'm back to studying. I go to the RE this morning for an US to make sure the lining is growing well and blood work. Hopefully, we'll do the FET next week. I'm just taking it day by day, pretty damn stressed that I'm not learning enough for the boards.

Tainted, prune juice (I mix it w/ grape juice for taste) worked wonders on my constipation after the egg retrieval, hope it helps for you.

Hope everyone had an awesome weekend!
Well I've been hugging the toilet the past few days... Ugh. So that's where I've been
Hey everyone! Sorry, things are so busy at work right now. The grade 3s and 6s write EQAO which is our board standardized tests that they whole province does...anyway, I am in charge of coordinating and administering. It is 6 days long all is day 5 of 6 and I can't wait until its done! So much work.
Anyway, I will come back soon! All is well with me and babe! Talk soon!
ER- sorry your sick. Virus? Seems late for morning sickness.

Blessed- glad you finally had a break! Did you decide about moving your boards?

Sugarlys- I am familiar with the testing and it sounds not so fun getting it all in place.

Tainted- hi, hope your work wrap up is going well so you can jet outta there.

AFM - well, yesterday I was at emerg for my stupid allergies taking over my eyes. They else's glued shut in the morning and so red and swollen I could hardly open them, let alone watch my son. My mom came to the rescue and made me go. So 2 1/2 hours there and I got a script for 2 new drops to use as the others did nothing. If I wasn't preggo I would have gone to walk in clinic but they would have sent me the hospital route too as you gotta be careful with meds in pregnancy. Better today :) thankfully, but just want this wave of what I'm allergic to to be over already!
Pregnancy is good, she is moving lots now even Kev got to feel it, so that was special. Xavier used to play she when he tried to feel, so this was different for him.
Okay, errand catch up today since I can see again. *hugs*
Had a prenatal checkup today. Was so nice to hear her heartbeat again. I am measuring deal on for right now, and I've gained a total of 3.5 lbs since I started. Looks like morning sickness and running after Xavier has worked wonders for keeping the weight gain under control. I had no preteen or sugars in my urine, so so far do good there too. Got my blood don't for prenatal (I've been putting off going) and had my doc add a screening for toxoplasmosis as K isn't keeping up with the litter and I can't take it anymore. If I'm clear/immune then back to a clean urine free smell in the basement. If not, he's gonna meet a whole new version of nagging!!! Lol
Hi Hopeful! Glad you got to hear her heartbeat, have you picked out a name yet? Studying for the boards I have to look at pics of toxoplasmosis and all I can say is K better get to it! Don't go near that litter box and go ahead and nag all you need to. :hugs: have you guys picked out a name yet? How are your allergies? I can't believe they got that bad, you poor thing. Hope it's all better now.

ER, hope you're feeling better.

Sugarlys, hope the work load is lightening up and you can enjoy your summer!

Hiya Tainted! Hope you're feeling okay and enjoying every second with Phil and your little one! :hugs:

AFM, I'm not moving my boards, I'm never going to be ready. I keep studying and then take practice questions and do terribly. :dohh:
I go in Monday and should be able to pick the day for FET. I'm hoping it will be a week from today! (Thursday) i feel like I'm just trying to keep my head above water at the moment.... I miss chatting on here w/ you guys, i hope all is well!

Mirna, how are you?
Blessed- no name yet, Ive been looking and having a hell of a time with it. Got a list but who knows. You can't be doing that bad with the boards. All your other tests have been great, why should you do any differently for this? So exciting that you get to pick your day for transfer! I can't wait...don't know how you are keeping yourself calm.
Yeah, toxoplasmosis scares me. That's why I asked the doc to do this as I heard if you have been a cat owner who cleaned the box you are generally immune from repeated exposure. I'd rather know than have to rely on his crappy cleaning job. Plus I'm super sensitive to the amonia smell do if it's not scooped its all I can smell!!! As for allergies, they come and go but thank god the new meds are working a bit.

What happened to everyone else?
Mirna - how goes the IUI process?
ER - head still in the toilet, or dealing with the sperm doner?
Sugarlys - I know you are busy with the testing, hope to hear from you this weekend. Relax and put your feet up. Soon you won't have the chance to do much of that.
Tainted - having a good time with the hubby? How did the final touches in the nursery come along.
hi beautiful ladies!!
well i did 2 iuis after the ovulation shot on wednesday and thursday i had 2 follicles on the right side that measured 19.5 mm i hope its good enough!! i have my fingers crossed it will work im officially now in my 2 weeks wait!!i feel sooooooo bloated m gona explode!
ill come back tomorrow and check up on u all! blessed whats going on with you?? explain more about fet i dont know what that is!!
Morning all!

Hopeful, did DH step up and clean that darn cat box? Names can be tricky, you'll figure it out. Maybe you'll be able to narrow it down and then wait to meet her and see which one fits.

Mirna, Hooray for two IUIs! I have everything crossed that you get your bfp! Are you going to test or wait the two weeks?

FET is frozen embryo transfer. I did IVF but couldn't have the embryos transferred back into me b/c my body over-responded to the hormone injections. It was very unpleasant and my ovaries were about 8 cm! One more cm and I would have been in the hospital! So they had to freeze the embryos and out of 13 eggs they got from me, ten fertilized and then nine survived the freezing. They are in tubes with three embryos per tube. I've been taking shots (Lupron) that shut down your own hormones/ovaries and then for the past two weeks I get an injection twice a week of estrogen to build my lining up. Monday I go in for blood work and an US to check my lining. If all is good, they'll defrost one of the tubes and hopefully all survive the thaw. If so, they put all three back in me on Friday!!!! If this works, this will be the last weekend for a long time that I'm not knocked up!!! :happydance:

Ladies, have a fabulous weekend! :flower:
Glad you are all doing well! :)
Don`t have tons of time...we are having friends for dinner. Quick question though (and it may be a dumb one!!)
Earlier I was sitting on the couch and my dog jumped up had one leg on my leg and the other landed on my stomach...she is a Australian shepherd (like a border collie)....should I be worried? Hopeful, have you had anything happen to your belly in pregnancy #1? I feel fine but am just being a worrywart.
I will write more later on when I have more time. Thanks girls!!
Talk soon!
Sugarlys- not a dumb question, and as a pregnant mom to be, it's so normal to be worried about every little thing. I had stuff happen like that. The worst was when my cat got scared of something outside the window and jumped from the top on the couch on my belly where I was laying down to the floor. Hurt for sure, got scratched too. Asked my doc and she said it would take quite the blow to affect the baby as they are very well protected in their fluids, and nestled in you. She said a major trauma like a car accident or being thrown into a protruding object are one thing, and normal bumps and accidents are another. Try not to worry. Your baby is quite safe in your belly armor :) enjoy your dinner with friends :)

Blessed- no he's a goof and letting it go again. He scooped a bit but it needs a change and to have everything rinced out with new litter! Can't wait for my doc to call with my antibody results, see if I have already had an exposure. I just can't leave it alone much longer.

What the hell is going on in the world right now with cannibalism? Just the past while there as the mother in Texas with her 3 1/2 week old baby, the guy in Florida eating a homeless guys face off, a guy in Maryland killing and eating parts of another guy, and now the Montreal killer still at large who murdered ate and sent body parts by mail! Is it something toxic in the air? I want to move to a little strip of beach somewhere, simplify, and run a little caffe/bar. Get away from this crazed society!
Hey girls... Sorry again that I'm MIA! I just like to soak up all the time that I can when Phil is home! And I have on call right now for the whole agency so I've been busy! 10 shifts left at work and I can't believe it! Lol shitting my pants a lil actually! Everything is going so smoothly that something is gonna just blow up in my face I just know it! Lol
Blessed I don't know how you are doing all this! But I'm so super excited for u to do the FET!!! And I know that u are going to do just great on your boards!
How are u doing Sugarlys??? Any movements yet? How's work and everything else!
Er girl.. How's the nausea? I hope you having been praying the the porcelain gods this long! Mine is finally tapering off to about once a week!
Mirna! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy TWW!!! I remember hating the wait and being poas crazy!!! And I have such good feelings about this!! :)
Hopeful how's the little girl doing?!? Glad all your checks are going well! Im going for my glucose test and blood work on Monday... And lol just BC I live in Alberta I have to do another syphilis screening BC so many babies are bein born with it.. Isn't that nutty?!?
I have another OB appointment on the 13th just a check.

Ladies I ONLY have 13 weeks left!! I remember saying I'm 5 weeks pregnant... Where has the time gone??? Oh my oh my... I'm super excited to be a mom now howeverrr labour still scares the holy Jesus out of me! I'm sure I'll do fine!
Started mega lactating today.. Like my shirt was wet.. Groan guess I need to start bringing nursing pads with me all the time! Lol
10 days of work left then the 18th I head to NS for a month then back for a few weeks and due on August 30th!! Haaaa oh man!
Ok signin off for now.. Phil and I and Charlie are gonna go get some I've cream!

Oh and now that I'm closer to the end of this.. I totally wanna try for a girl too!;)
Blessed im soooooo excited for you!!!hope everything goes smoothly and i know it will!!! have major fun this weekend!! my ovaries are kinda swollen too the right one actually i had around 20 follicles growing at first then the others shrunk and i got 2. blessed did it hurt to take the follicles out of you?? and what do they say about the transfer?? do u have to be under anesthesia?

Hopeful!! tell me about ur IUIs!! how many follicles do u usually have?? do u feel EXTREMELY bloated afterwards?? im feeling like m gona explode!! m very excited still not getting my hopes up trying to be open to all options! i will try another 2 cycles if this one doesnt work then we'll do a laparoscopy to see whats going on...and then ivf if i had to!

tainted omg i cant believe your due date is almost there!!! just yesterday u were telling us u preggers!! definitly try for a girl right after u deliver!! i would do that for sure if i was in ur shoes i will never wait again to start ttc and waste time!
oh and my next period is due on june 13 or 14 and i promised myself not to test until june 15th my hubby's birthday!! i hope the witch wont show and i get a BFP!! omg it would be an awesome birthday gift for my huby!
Hopeful, the world is a crazy place full of crazy people!!! I don't know what story you're talking about the mom and the baby but I don't think I want to!
But if you want to set up a tiki bar in the Bahamas, I'm in! We'll be the Bahama mamas! :haha:

Hi Tainted! Of course you're busy with man...getting busy!!! I don't know how I'm doing this either, just one hour at a time. Actually, I can't believe this is all happening at once. FET on Thursday and my boards on Monday, are you KIDDING me??? You just can't plan things like this. My sister-in-law is also a doc and had to take a boards days after giving birth. She literally had her baby on her lap/with her b/c she was breast feeding!!! :wacko:
I no longer want to do GREAT on my boards, an average score will be just fine! Ummmm....if a lot of people are being born w/ syphilis may I suggest you not shake hands with strangers. One thing I was shocked to learn was that after the sore on your genitals (stage one) you'll get a rash, especially on your palms and soles of your feet and it's contagious!!!! Ewwwww.....

Sugarlys, how are you? Sorry the dog scared you, I'm sure baby would kick back rather than just take it! :hugs:

Mirna, all I do is study right now so a fun weekend isn't going to happen. BOO! I was under general anesthesia for the egg retrieval, it was afterwards that I was so uncomfortable. If you are really uncomfortable you may want to ask your doc about OHSS since you had a medicated IUI. I'm sure you're fine, but best not to take chances. I won't be under anesthesia for the transfer, just under the influence of a sedative.

I'm not going to be testing early either. I though a lot about this and even talked to my mom about it. If it's negative, I'd spend the remaining TWW miserable and just hoping it was a false negative. My TWW is during the only two weeks off I have and K & I are going to be traveling and enjoying our time together. I'd rather just enjoy my time with him and the idea of maybe being pregnant. A BFP for DH's bday is wonderful!
Yeah, blessed you just solved my healthcare issues, I'll have a doc with me :)
The story made me cringe at the thought. They are saying post partum psychosis is to blame and because she claimed the devil made her do it. As for the marksx so long as you pass it should not be an issue, your good marks should suffice. Getting closer to FET day! Woo hoo!

Mirna- not sure what you'd like to know but our story was we tried for over a year with no luck and then went to a fertility clinic. After the routine tests (to make sure my tubes were clear and DH got his premise checked) we were told that DH had low motility (slow swimmers). They put him on a 'sperm cocktail' of l-carnatine, multivitamins and wild fish oil omegas, and I took clomid to help speed things along. After two months no luck still, we asked our RE for the next step as we were tired of waiting. So IUI it was. We had our first IUI (back to back ones) done with clomid. No luck. The next month again we did IUI (single this time) with clomid and that one worked. They detected my surge through bloodwork done in the am, they called in the afternoon to tell me to come in the next morning for iui.
This pregnancy we went right to the same protocol that worked after we actively tried for 4 months once my cycles returned. The first one was a single IUI with clomid, no luck, 2nd one was again the same but instead I used a trigger shot to bring on ovulation once follicles were ready. Each IUI I had 2-3 mature follicles in the 18-30 mm range. Hope that helps.
Oh yeah. I had bad bloating and cramping this last IUI too, I think it was also caused by o that started like an hour after the IUI.
I'm still here.

Such good news to come back to :)

Let's see, no word on the house yet. My dog has jumped the fence too many times and today he sat on the neighbors porch and growled at them through the screen door, so my parents are foxing me to get rid of him immediately. The sperm donor is still the same... He's getting more excited and more supportive as my belly grows. The pukes have stopped, so that's good. I got my 2 degrees in the mail a few days ago... Also good.
ER- I'm sure the house answer will take time from what I hear of short sales. It's exciting but nerve racking waiting though isn't it?
That's too bad about your dog, but if he's chasing down other animals and growling at people I would be hesitant that he would be okay around your baby. Perhaps this is for the best? :hugs: it's never easy getting rid of a pet
My dog doesn't growl at people but can get agressive with squirrels. As for other dogs she barks at them solely if they bark at her ( as if saying 'hey, they started it'). She has never shown an angry bone in her, and if someone yells at her she rolls on her back and shows her stomach. Very submissive. My point is, I still will not let her spend time around my son unsupervised as any dog can turn on a child in a second and do irreparable damage. I would never take that risk. A child is close to the size of a dog and at their eye level wvich they can see as a challenge. I still want to find a home for her. She deserves more, and it's best for everyone.
Well the rescue agency contacted me and they will be picking him up tomorrow while I'm at work. I'm so sad and upset. I can't stop crying, especially when I look at him... I failed him. All I wanted was a hug and a shoulder to cry on and instead my drunk mother flipped out on me saying I was a horrible mom to the dog and I'll be even worse of a mother to my kid, which the only reason she wants me to have the child is to get my ex's money... I could care less about the money, there's welfare worse case senario, then she decided it wouldnbe awesome to tell me that my 3 degrees mean nothing to her, it doesn't prove hard work or that I'm smart or anything and she then continued to tell me that I'm a whore for getting pregnant before we got married. Funny, as she had my brother in high school and left her child's father... And she keeps rubbing it in my face that she's happily married and not a whore.

I can't stop crying. I can't raise Leo here. Isn't this supposed to be the happiest times of my life? Why am I so depressed? I can't keep my man happy, I can't keep my family happy, and I've failed my puppydog when I promised him a good loving home :(
Wow ER.
You did NOT fail your dog. And you will be an amazing mother - you have been so far by getting yourself and your baby out of the situation you were in.
Your 3 degrees DO mean something - they mean you are a hard worker and want more for yourself. You are NOT a whore for having a baby before you get married.
And it is most certainly not your job to keep your family or your man happy. The right man for you will be happy on his own but happier just by being with you not because of anything you do.

The best thing for you will be to raise your baby on your own (any word on the house?) where you can do what YOU know is right without worrying about what the other people in your life think or are saying to you. Those words can be toxic.

Stay strong my friend. We are here for you.

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