
wow so nice to hear all of your preggies giving us some headstart on whats to come! i love it!! today at work i spent the whole day with my preggy workmate(someone i adore!) she's in the 8th month and her baby girls keeps on kicking and stretching inside her belly..omg i get so excited when her belly goes horizontally stretched then suddenly goes up in the middle when she kicks.omg thats soooo magical!!!
tainted sorry for the vomitting! yay for sleeping alone again!! when is phill coming back again? u have us in the meantime!! i promise i wont disappear this time if i got a BFN im prepared for all options and most ppl say that IUI dont work the first time...
my testing date will be next thursday if AF didnt show before that on Friday i have my hubbby's birthday and i will test on thursday that way IF i got a BFP *fingers crossed* i will have a whole day to prepare for the surprise on his Birthday i got a whole scenario in my head!
hopeful your family day seems peeeeeeerfect :) u made me even more BABIES sick at this point i dont mind to be the next octomom!! lol
sugarlys thank you honey!! HOW CAN YOU HOLD UP FROM FINDING OUT THE BABY'S SEX???? you have so much willpower i admire that!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay for the ultrasound keep us posted!!
blessed im soooooooooo excited for you!! you have so much going onnnnn i have my fxed for both of us :)
Had the ultrasound! Of course they don't tell you anything but I got some pics...I will attach them!


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Awwww hi baby! I think it's a little boy too :)

OB appt today... Just a check up. Apparently I've been having Braxton hix contractions at work... All due to being on my feet all day and lifting heavy objects I'm sure. Time to slow down! And I guess my fundal height is measuring 25 weeks instead of 21.5 weeks, so next Thursday I have yet another ultrasound to make sure baby isn't growing too big, common for diabetic mommies, butnsince he measured 8oz last week and this week he should hit the 1 pound mark, I think he's right on track. I kept telling her I'm measuring big because I'm fat... I think fundal height is a crock of crap because everyone carries differently! But hey, another look at baby.... I cool with that!

So I usually wear a continuous glucose monitor, as it reads my glucose every 3 minutes so I can stop my blood sugar from going too high or too low (love technology!) but the receiver broke and I haven't been able to afford to replace it ($100, I know... I could have spent baby shower favor money on it... ). So I texted FOB asking him to call me ASAP. He wakes up (working midnights) and intell him about the ob appt and how I'm measuring almost 4 weeks ahead. He asks me what it means and I told a white lie... I told him I'm measuring big and if I continue to do so they may have to take baby earlier, which he may night survive or might have to spend months in NICU. He asked what can be done to stop this. I told him that I haven't been able to afford to test my blood sugars as often and my cgm broke... And the docs prefer me to wear the cgm all the time. I explained how much it costs to replace it (1year warranties suck y'all) and he told me he's not home to give me cash. I explained that instead of using his credit cards to fly his mistress all over the US and put her up in hotel rooms that he could use his credit cards for actual needs instead of wants.

So tomorrow I'm calling the company to order a new one and explaining that he will be calling in to pay for it using his credit card... And I have to email him my account number with the company and their phone number so he can pay it.

Finally. I had to tell a big white lie for him to do something. Ugh.
Hi ladies! Sugarlys, love the photos, thank you for sharing them. K says he wouldn't want to know the sex either. I'm cool with that if we get pregnant w/ one. If it's two, I think I'm going to want to know so I can be as prepared as possible.

Mirna, I think you have a great attitude and am so happy to hear you'll stick around. We miss you when you're gone!!! How's everything else going?

Tainted, love hearing how the baby is moving and how well you are. (Aside from the vomiting of course!) I think that you'll have a much easier go the second time around b/c you'll be prepared for the sickness with the proper meds from the get-go. Not saying you won't still get sick, but it won't be the 30 lb weight loss type! :hugs:

ER, good luck with getting a new glucose monitor. Hope the scans next week go well.

Well, I moved my boards back to June 22. I think I haven't been focusing very well b/c of all the other stuff going on. Since we can't travel anyway, I'll be able to study during the day. I'm still taking like five days after the transfer on Wed to relax. My mom is going to be here for a couple of those days and I can't wait. I feel better about this schedule. I wish I could take it on Monday but I want to do better than just pass and that's currently where I'm at. Take care ladies, I'm off to study. :)
Oh my night just got better... So this girl that he cheated on me with, I messages her on fb a while ago and it was pretty snarky. She "accidentally" sent me a friend request, then took it back. I called her out on it. We ended up talking for 3 hours over fb messenger and I actually feel really bad for her. The ex fed her so many lies, then lied to me about her... We realized that he's a lying sack of shit. He told her that he didn't plan this baby, that I just stopped taking the pill.. Well, considering I haven't been on the pill in years and he only pulled out or used condoms, and he decided to ditch the condoms... Yeah she's pissed that he lied to her so many times. Of course, I played nice and was like "look it's not my position to say break up with him but you deserve the truth... And I'm so sorry he's been lying to both of us" lol.

I'm glad she knows the truth. I hope she's not as dumb and nieve as she seems and uses the information wisely.
ER- very interesting. Personally I'd stay away from it as he would hold you responsible if anything goes wrong. But for liars they usually get found out in some way, told on or not. Anyways hope you are feeling better.

AFm- I am having some pretty bad back pain, and I know it's cause I don't know how to rest and take it easy. Today it spread from my back to the sides of my stomach. It was like constant tension and I got worried. Did some reading and it said if you rest and curl toward the pain and it doesn't go away then call or get checked. I've had no bleeding, nothing like water is broken, I went and sat outside and curled in toward my belly and it did subside. It's better now that I had a bath and am relaxin a little. Lesson learned, take it easy and get the friggin massage booked already. Just so so much to get done.
Open houses to attend this weekend, see what our new place could look like :)
Agent comes Monday so only two more days to declutter and get this place is reasonable condition for him to evaluate, god I hope it's gonna be good news.
How can u ladies do babies and houses at the same time. We were planning on moving but decided to wait til like jan feb to do so, cuz I don't wanna be moving around Christmas either lol! Props to you both
And to u ladies out there who are iui'ing transferring etc... This feels like a good month for someone! :) but I have you both in my prayers! :):)
AFM... Phil can't come to NS now and we've been planning forever but his 'ma mere' is sick and he is going to visit her since she is the only grandparent he has left! I was mega disappointed but I understand at the same time!
TMI time... My labia is mega itchy without discharge... I definitely don't think it's a YI BC I usually get discharge so I researched it... Apparently lots of women get it from all the extra moisture down there. Lol so I have a dr apt Monday if it doesn't change I'll get her to check it!
I had my glucose tolerance test today... GAG!! It's should be grape flavored! But I think all is well! I had to get a needle and I did ok!! Yay me
Hey thanks for the tip hopeful, however my tummy isn't really big! We were actually talking about this a couple times at work... I'm pretty small for 28 weeks pregnant! The ultrasound tech said that the baby likes hanging out in my back... So maybe that's what's happenin! Lol none the less... I feel really good lately! Just uh bigger than I usually do!
Sugarlys...look at that strings of lovely pearls of spine that baby of yours has! Yay!! Does it feel more real seeing that? And way to go holding off on the gender!
Ok sleepy girl! Loves ya ladies!
Hi guys!

Hopeful, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!! How is your back today? :hugs: I love open houses! Really, we can't buy for a while but I would go to open houses every weekend if I could. I hope you find a perfect home.

Tainted, we are staying put for another year but if we have multiples I'm going to want to move. We have toooooo many stairs. Thank you for your prayers, keep 'em coming!! :thumbup: Sorry Phil can't make it to NS, hope his 'ma mere is better soon. I also hope your itchyness goes away, that is NO fun! I've heard the glucose tolerance test tastes horrible. I think a man must design it b/c a woman would have made it taste better a long time ago!

Sugarlys, what's shaking? What are you guys up to this weekend?

AFM, I stopped the Lupron shots last night and began the Crinone this am. The lupron had been keeping my ovaries shut down and Crinone is progesterone. K & I had a lovely dinner date. It was so beautiful outside we sat down on a bench and watched everyone go by. We talked about whatever, he would point out every sports car that drove by and I would point out every minivan. I tease him that it's his future car/van if we have multiples since he'll be the one taking them to daycare! :haha: Ok, off to studying, have a great weekend all!!!!
Blessed- I will start taking it easier. It started last night after dinner with bath, and I went to bed super early. Today we watched Netherlands lose to Denmark (I'm a depressed Dutch girl), then hit 3 open houses which kind of disappointed us, then came home for the second half of Portugal (Kevs team) losing to Greece. Now he's grumpy, we have to go to his moms for dinner (from his birthday on Wednesday) and be social. He'll prolly drink too much and I get to drive two kids home.....grrrrrreat.
As for the open houses, the first one was great for space, lousy for cosmetic condition (scratched wood everywhere, stained carpet and grout, basement needed residing for more lighting as it was so dark, and the house itself needed lots of repair with brickwork cracking, also downstairs bathroom with shower was not completed. It reamed like smoke(big turn off for me as third hand smole is difficult to get out of a place).Too much work to be done, we need move in and maybe painting or carpet.
The second one was small, nothing fancy, and the second bath was a water closet only (sink and toilet), we need a second shower.
The third one was in great shape. Had beautiful bright airy feel, decent space except for kids rooms (big downfall for me), all new north star windows, but the basement was tiny and choppy (I want big rec/play room). Ugh, why is this so friggin hard? It just dashed my hopes of being able to get stuff done quickly, gonna be a challenge finding a good fit. 3 or 4 more on our hot list that the agent can show us once we speak to him on Monday.

Tainted- we wereoriginally going to wait but I can barely get stuff done with one kid, let alone two ( one a breastfeeding newborn), I couldn't imagine the craziness,so at least if it gets sold in four months we can find something I'm sure,even if we. Need to rent temporarily.
Update- wow, what a craptacular evening this has turned out to be. I'm just venting ladies. So DH was crabby before even leaving the house for dinner at his moms. His bro sent him a text saying he wouldn't be going to his birthday dinner as he was too busy getting ready for his garage sale the following day (not like it hasn't been planned for over a month and common dude, it's your fn brother!). Anyways he was bummed his bro doesn't want to be bothered with him (nothing new really but it stings all the same). So we are there. They start doing shots (his mother is the instigator) and we realize we forgot my sons booster, so being momma I offer my lap so he can eat and eat my dinner cold after. The rest of the night was spent with me chasing my son around a tiny townhouse yard with loads of cement and stone figures/steps/benches/rose bushes (basically hazards) and no one, not even my damn husband lifted a finger to help. I took him inside to play a few times as it still wasn't child proof but was much safer and more spacious. Then I get to the point where he almost injures himself, my MIL tells me to 'relax', too bad preggo's can't drink seven shots to do so and not care about a toddlers safety, and I have to give DH the angry 'let's go now before I kill someone look'. I drove home for obvious reasons, then as we pull in the driveway my DH decides its a great time to chastise my standard driving skills in some way, cause even drunk he's an expert. I am exhausted and sore and pissed the hell off.
Okay rant over. Going to bed :(
Aww, get some rest! Doesn't sound like a fun time, sounds a lot like my family though so I understand.

So the ex isn't speaking to me or texting me or anything. It's kinda nice. I walked laps in my parents pool tonight... It was amazing to feel weightless.... Until it's time to get outof the pool and it hits you really hard on how much weight you're carrying.
Hello lovelies!!
er girl way to go swimming!! im already chubby wonder how id look like when im definitly have to pay extra attention to what im putting in my mouth!
hopeful sorry for your hubbys birthday :( and GET YOURSELF SOME REST!! you need to take care of that little bun inside of you!
tainted sorry about the itchiness and phill :S hope you feel better soon! thank you for your prayers im so veryyyy excited!!
blessed glad your over with lupron! things are going so fast for both of us!!!! i really hope we BOTH get BFPs this month together!! :) that would be so much praying for u!!

as for me, well girls, my af is due on wednesday!! hubby's birthday on thursday!! im 10 dpo today!! im getting very impatient but gona wait...i wish i get BFP and get my hubby the most awesome birthday gift. im planing to make him a frame with a positive test and some nice words....pray for me girls!!
Ohhhhh good luck! That's so exciting! I'd be testing already though.... Hell, I tested at 5dpo and got a bfp.... Then tested every day for two weeks lol :)
Morning ladies. Got some rest but not enough. DH snored more than normal due to the drinking, so once he came to bed it was aweful. In the morning he got pissy with me and got out of bed for 6:30 or so. I texted him as he was playing games in the basement saying, I'm not getting up and there are pancakes in the fridge, and to have fun. Did he let me sleep in? Nope, he stormed in and out of the bedroom 3 times slamming the door on the way. Needless to say we are not talking right now. I'm dealing with the baby and laundry and cleaning and he decided to begin a new project outside of parging cement instead of finishing what's started in the house. Whatever. Least he's doing something finally. Relator comes over tomorrow and we are not at all ready for it cause he has done nothing to help me the past four days. I'm emotional as hell right now and crying up a storm since 5:30 am and just trying to keep it in check. I don't know how this will all pan out, but I am not going to let him get away with it this time.

ER- swimming sounds nice, my son loves it but we have to psy normally to access pools which runs expensive. Hope your mom is playing nice.

Mirna- so excited for you! Can't believe it's 10dpo already! I'd be testing too but I totally understand you waiting this time as that last bought was really hard on you. Keep positive and cute idea for hubby's bday

Blessed- so how is the protesterone treating you? Causing mad symptoms or what? I really dislike the hormone for what it does to us but it supports pregnancy so it's not all bad.

Tainted- hope Phil's gramma comes through okay. I have no grandparents left, DH has just one. Have a wonderful trip! Maybe things will turn around and he can fly out there to surprise you anyways!
Hi all!

Mirna, you're going to look beautiful pregnant! Things are moving right along for us both and FX'd June is THE month. I'm not testing early either, it's just too hard.

Hopeful, how are you? I don't know what advice to give b/c I just want to be supportive of you and I just wanna smack your K upside his head and hope it knocks some sense in him! It is not ever okay to disrespect a spouse as much as he but it's even worse b/c you're pregnant! I'm so sorry. :hugs: The progesterone is better than expected, I think I have more energy. I'm certainly extra frisky, I attacked K earlier! We also took a bike ride around the forest preserve and I wasn't nearly so tired. I think it may also be from stopping the Lupron.

Love to all you girls!
Hi everyone!!
Hopeful - Sounds like the stress of the house is getting to K - doesn't make it fair to take it out on you though. I hope that your afternoon got better.

Mirna - fingers are crossed for you! That would be quite the bday present :) Can't wait to hear all about it!!

Blessed - haha lucky K! I'm sure he's not complaining ;) Fingers are crossed for you too :)

Er - swimming right now sounds is so hot here today!

Tainted - sounds like the countdown is on for you to go home...I am sure you are so excited!!

AFM, hubby had the weekend off so we went to the movies last night (saw Snow White) was actually quite good. And then today we planted our vegetable garden before it got too hot. It looks great! I am feeling good. Countdown is on to finish work...14 more days to go! Hope you are all feeling well!
Sugarlys, youre geographically on the other side of the Detroit river, right? Yeah it's been hot here too.

I'm thinking about paying 120 dollars for 3-4 one hour water aerobics classes per week for 12 weeks, that will take me up to 34-35 weeks, which is close to quitting time.
hopeful so sorry about k!! men are VERY SELFISH and inconsiderate thats what ive learnt!! when i had my b2b iuis the 2 times i went out from the clinic i fought with hubs and cried my eyes out! and he didnt even care i has just done iui for the first time ever and i need to relax!! anyway we need to be selfish as well and learn how to pamper ourselves and JUST RELAX...forget about everything else do whatever makes you happy..

sugarlyssss missed you!! i saw snow white as well i liked it the twilight girl looks beautiful!! wowwww u have a vegetable garden to plant?? u girls make me look retarted lol i always dream of having a house with a front yard instead i live in a tall building :( i have my fingers crossed for my immigration interview to happen soon

blesseddddd just when are you due to do the transfer and test??? im sorry my work is killing me and its hard to follow :( im sooo excited for youuuu!!!! i just had my last pill of progesterone yesterday mannnn i was eating like a pig lol i scared myself now i feel wayyyy better

er girl i never knew u can do aerobics when ur preggy!!!!!!! r u sure its safe??
hi guys!

Sugarlys, your weekend sounds lovely. We saw The Avengers and it was really good. I hope we get to see Snow White too!

Mirna, my transfer is on Wed. Yes, the progesterone makes me eat and makes me frisky! You have an interview or something coming up for work don't you?

K was a butt-head this morning. He took the week off and so was around when I started making my lunch. Now I know I'm emotional from all the damn hormones but he was actually outlining on my stomach where the food was going to go. Outlining my pooch. I was soooo pissed! Never mind the fact it's the area that I've injected a million shots in order for us to have a baby!!! I called him a jerk and asked how he would like it if I pointed out all his flaws. I said it was really mean and he felt so bad he's taken my bike into the shop like I asked him to do months ago. He's a wonderful man but still a man! So thoughtless. I think he thought he was being funny.

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