
That's it with men ladies, they just don't think before acting. They have a hard time considering someone's feelings until its too late. At least we have each other to vent to :hugs:
As for my K, things have been better and he realizes he f'd up. As always it's a sorry then screw up again I'm sure. Next thing we get invited to for his family I think I'll pull the 'I don't think I want to go'. He'll ask why and I'll say ' cause remember the last time you didn't lift a finger to help me? Well I bet you'll do it again.' it may make him make some promises he has to follow through on and keep his mind on not screwing up.

Blessed- omg Wednesday? It's sooo soon ! Yeah! :happydance:
Sorry about your K pointing that out to you, not nice at all making a hormonal woman insecure in any way.

Mirna- you'll get your chance to move, I'm sure of it. Once you do there are plenty of ways to have a yard here. We've got house, townhouse/condo, rent a main floor apartment in a many ways to have your greenspace for your munchkin to play in.

Sugarlys- I only have tomato plants this year. I've plented many things before but never got to enjoy them, lettuce peppers, something (including neighbors dogs and bunnies) always eats it first. I do have chives, and not far from me on city property there is free rhubarb! Yummy! About K, maybe stress is getting to him but he better learn to deal with it better. You can only push your wife so far before the elastic band snaps!

Er- water aerobics is a wonderful idea! It's good for your heart and to keep active and anything in water is what my doc keeps telling me to do as its easier on you and your joints. I wish I had the time and money right now, I'd so be doing that!
Mirna - in Canada there are TONS of homes with yards...not a strange request at all. I am so thankful to live where we do. I love the space!

Hopeful - glad things are better today. Are you finding the heat bothering you today?

ER - I'm not sure where you are in relation to the Detriot river, but we are about an hour east of Georgian Bay (the bay off of Lake Huron). Yes, it is still hot here today.

Blessed - will definitely be thinking of you Wednesday! Are you getting nervous?

Not much new was busy today. Still feeling great. When did you guys here back about your ultrasounds? I had one Wednesday and haven't heard anything. Do they just tell me at my next doctors appt? (Which is june 21)?
Mirna, water aerobics is amazing for pregnant women because it allows all the weight to be taken off of your joints and makes moving much easier :) heck, just floating in a pool feels amazing... Until you have to get out :lol:

Sugarlys, you know where the ambassador bridge is? I'm about 20 minutes west of it :)

As for the water aerobics, I won't be doing it :( because....

I was turned down for a 17k mortgage due to my high student loan debt... About 62k in debt. So tomorrow I'm going to try one more bank and if not, then I'm going to look into section 8 housing... It's a gov't program for lower income families. I may make too much money (only barely tho!) and if that's the case, I'll be stuck here with my parents. No good. It seems like the people who stay home, don't work, pop out a million kids get waaaay more help than the people like me, who has a job, worked very hard for an education... Etc. I work for the federal government for hecks sake!
Oh here's something interesting and tmi...

Okay I'm single, but I still have needs (lol) and when I give myself an orgasm my uterus gets all tight and my stomach gets super rock hard! It freaked me out but it has happened every time so I dunno... Time to ask the doctor on Thursday!
Morning all! I hope everyone's week is off to a good start.

Hopeful, at least he knows he screwed up and I think discussing what you want from him before the next time you guys go is an excellent idea. It makes him a bit more aware of his actions.

Mirna, I would like to make an argument for moving to the US... we have lots of green space too!! :) How are you?

Sugarlys, I envy your garden too. I do not have a green thumb but I love fresh veggies!

Tainted, are you in NS now? I hope you're doing great!

ER, hope the housing thing works out. Water aerobics sounds great.

AFM, I'm getting excited! This morning I have blood work. K's coming with and then we're going to go run some errands. We're also going to get all the funny movies to watch since I'm on "couch rest" for Wed and Thurs. Then Thurs night my mom is coming in for Friday since we were going to visit my parents but the doc said no traveling. My dad can't make it but I'm excited to see my mom. It's almost here and I'm getting excited. :thumbup:
ER girl... I get the same way! Only when I give myself an orgasm! When I have one sexually it doesn't happen! Weird eh! I freaked me out too but the dr said it was a ok!

Sugarlys... I don't have anymore ultrasounds unless I go for the 4-D!

I passed my glucose intolerance test flying colors! Everything else is good minus my iron is borderline anemic:( and I'm already constipated! How boooo! Baby is the right size, OB said he will turn in about 2 weeks to head down position! Ahhhhh lol blood pressure is 121/73 so it's all good in this department!

Hopeful I leave Monday eeee... I have 3 shifts of work left! And I'm ready to fly the coop! Lol
Hey and the Alaskan highway is torn apart from the flood! Phil can't get back to work but they are paying him anyways until he can get there BC they don't wanna lose him! How neat is that? They say it won't be fixed for at least 2 weeks! We love this company!
My stomach feels huge today! And I have 2.5 month to go! I'll upload a picture for u fellas on my computer later today! :)
I have to start packing soon! Eeee!
NS and then baby! Wooo I'm Sooo excited!!
I'll make sure u guys know when I start labour.. Who knows how long it'll take my mom was 3 days and my sister was 4! But in small towns! They wouldn't let me go that long an Phil was like 18 hours of labor or something!

So what are everyone's birthing plans???
Epidural? Or no? At home? Hospital? Who is gonna be there etc!
Blessed and Mirna you guys join in too cuz you must have an idea what u would prefer.

K back to work!
Good news tainted! Yay!

I'm going to be induced due to diabetes, but I'm hoping for no epidural. :)
How about you?
Oh my gosh I haven't thought of any of that. I think that if I keep putting it off that it won't happen ;) I am so deathly petrified of anything to do with hospitals. I have panic attacks just sitting in waiting rooms so the thought of childbirth was seriously almost enough for me to not have kids at all. AH. I do know I want a hospital birth and my mom will be there with hubby. I don't think hubby will be able to manage to be there for the actual birth...he will be in the hospital but I don't think he would stay upright if he stayed in the room. I am TOTALLY okay with that because I don't want to be there either..haha. He has gotten a lot of slack for that from many but him being stressed will make me more stressed. Plus my mom is super calm and amazing so it works out. I would like to say I could do drug free but I have a low pain tolerance so I can't see it happening. Oh my gosh only 20 weeks away until this is a reality..thanks for freaking me out, Tainted! :)
OMG OMG!!! M OVER THE MOONNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blessed im praying for you!!!!! i hope you get your BFP really really reallyyyyyyyyyyy sooon i have a good feeling about this!! goood luck for today!! :hugs:

ok girls u need to get onlineeeeee come onnn
im calling my doctor today to see whats the steps to take maybe blood test and all...ok soooooooooo excited :happydance:
Mirna! Holy, it worked first try!!!! :happydance: I'm thrilled for you!

Blessed- good luck tomorrow! Such exciting news for everyone :) I'm loving coming on here tonight. Keep us posted as soon as you can since you'll be laying around in pjs :)

Sugarlys- you should really read a book or two on your hospital options, writing a birth plan, and what to expect. Being prepared by being informed is your best bet as when surprises happen they can be very scary. Good to hear your mom the rock will be there.

ER- sorry that happened. Didn't you get pre approved? I don't understand how they can back out like that. Do you have anyone who would maybe co sign for you?

Tainted- only 3 days huh? Wow, so exciting for you. Get that last minute packing done. Not to scare you, but what if you go into labor early there? Do you have a backup plan? Can't wait to see the belly pic. I need to take one too, just finding time is hard.

AFM- well lots going on, that's why ive been a bit MIA lately. We signed with a realtor last night, house will be listed on June 18th....not much time to pack up and move half the house to storage and finish all the little projects. Stressful week it's gonna be! Going to see houses next week to see if ER can find a great fit. Court for the stupid roof crap is on the 27th, got my first OB appt on the 5th of July. K didn't get that job :( its disappointing as he was a shoe in for a position like that, but apparently too overqualified for them. Goofballs, makes no sense to me. Ah well, he still has a good job and will wait for the actual position he wants opens up. Things are going good, got fond of boxes and have been packing stuff and cleaning while trying to manage my toddler. He's making it a big challenge.
Needless to say, I'm a bit overloaded And stressed, but it's all for the greater good!
Yayyyyyy.... Mirna I'm soooooooooo happy for you I knew you'd get your BFP... And did u test early?? Lol I thought u were waiting til Thursday!!
Ok I'm partying over here for you in the last time zone but gotta sleep love ya and congrats!! Only 40 weeks to go!:)
haha thank you so much both!! i did test early!!!!! im testing since sunday and getting faint lines yesterday was darker though so i thought id take the digital today since i was feeling a tiny bit nauseous and some weiird pulling in my uterus!! i just didnt tell a soul about the testing i didnt want to jinx it like last time!!
love you girls this is a luckyyyyy thread!! im just praying for blessed!!!!!!! i want all of us to be pregnant at the same time before tainted delivers lol
Omg mirna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Omgomgomg yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im soooooo exciteddd and nervous i just came back from the clinic had some blood drawn for beta test im praying so hard it confirms my bfp!! I will get the result in the afternoon..will update u girls as soon as i find out
m now at work and of course didnt get anything done. m awake since 4 a.m. its now 11:30 am.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Mirna congrats!!!! So happy for you :) Isn't it a surreal feeling?? I remember wandering around that day in complete shock. So excited for you! :)
I'm just getting ready for work so I will write more tonight but I couldn't pass up not posting something to you Mirna!

And I'll be thinking of you today, Blessed!
Blessed- sending you love and :dust: :dust: :dust: and countless :hug:
Can't wait to hear about how well things went!

Mirna- it'll confirm it! It's just so nice hearing those words, and a number. Then you go for another test in a couple days to watch it rise. Everything about pregnancy is still testing and waiting. Lol, welcome to the bump club :)
haha hopeful!! so true!! they just called and said its positive and i have to go on saturday to do another blood work to see the rise then schedule the echo.yayy im sooo happy i dont know how this day went by but im just shocked and daydreaming all day lool didnt even unlock my pc at work lol
sugarlys thank you honeyyyyyyyyy its soooooo surreaaaaaal and fascinating and unbelievable!! i hope this little munchkin sticks!!
blessed, im thinking of you!!!!!! i hope everything goes smoothly!! pls restttttttttttt and update us whenever u dust your wayy
Tons and tons of baby dust to you blessed!!! I will be thinkin and praying for you all day today!
Love ya sweetie! Rest rest rest and let us know when u can!

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