
Blessed so glad u enjoyed ur day with ur mom.and hey babies beat travel any day!!!
Sugarlys r u leaving work or what??
Er girlll thanx for reassuring me about the levels the problem with my levels is that its 90 instead of 100 it should've doubled at least!! Nyway m gona try to relax and not think about it until tuesday..wish me luck i neeed ur prayers
Hey ladies, just a quick hi before crashing. Things are moving along, but still so much more. I feel like crying but no time for that!

Blessed- how nice to be able to share this with your parents. It's good to have someone else to lean on than just your man. It can be stressful, but should be enjoyed too :) we probably go starting next week. Will talk to the realtor tomorrow or Monday to confirm.

Mirna- I'm sure if I looked back in my posts I would see what my numbers were. I went to have my first beta at 15dpo (153 or so?) then two days later I had another (464 or something close to). I remember it rose over 60% in 48hours which my doc said they like to see. Don't panic though. Lots of people have strange occursnces with their HCG rising slowly at first, or having them almost drop then rise again. Your doc will keep a close eye on it now. First real appointment if your numbers are rising without issue is between 6-8 weeks (ultrasound to confirm heartbeat) least that's how it worked for me.

Sugarlys- your done work in nine days? Wow! Enjoy!
Yeah they scanned me early due to the diabetes... My levels were slow rising, but as long as they keep rising everything will be okay!
thanks girls thats such a relief!! if my levels rose from 50 to 90 thats more than 60% rise..which is ok! im praying for tuesday!!
blessed any symptoms yet?
Hi ladies!

Hopeful, I'm so excited for you. I know that getting a house ready and moving is soooo much work but it's also so exciting. Wonderful new things for your growing family. How close is your family? Mine is 9 hours away and I am really looking forward to the day K& I can be closer. You're absolutely right about how nice it is to share this with my mom (who then passes on the info to Dad). She also took copies of the embryos home to show my dad.

Mirna, I'm sending lots of positive mojo your way. I'm trying not to symptom spot, especially since I'm only 4dpt. No matter what, I'm going to try and remind myself that I'm taking so much progesterone, it could be the cause of anything. Just going to hope for the best! :flower:

Tainted, hope you're having a wonderful time with your family.

ER, how's everything since you had the scare?

Sugarlys, what are your summer plans once work is done?

Okay ladies, it's Father's Day here in the US so I need to call mine and then get to studying.
Hopeful - that is very exciting!! I know it can be exhausting. We moved last summer and I will never move much work and so tiring...and I wasn't even pregnant! Good luck with all the work and know that it will be worth it in the end.

ER - hope you are feeling okay and that baby is moving around lots for you!

Mirna - definitely thinking of you for's so hard to wait!!

Blessed - I can't believe you were able to keep all this a secret from everyone all while doing so much work in! Must be hard to be away from your family especially during times like this. Both my in laws and parents are within 20 minutes of where we are and I definitely take it for granted!

Today was the first day that I could feel the baby moving around on the outside of my stomach. I have felt movement for a few weeks but today I could feel it with my hand...very cool.

Mirna, I am a teacher so our summer break starts on June 28...can't wait. No big plans for the summer...I think I am going to just stay off for Sept, Oct. I don't think I will really feel like working that close to the time. We are eligible for 1 year of maternity benefits in Canada so I will take those September to September....makes it easier to go back the following year at the beginning of a new school year.

Anyway, hope you all have a great week!
Hope everyone is well.
Your right Sugarlys moving sucks, and I'm not even at that stage yet. This is just decluttering and home improvements to sell! It seems so daunting thinking of selling and finding a new house in the right time frame.
Blessed- it is so exciting but right now I'm just tired and stressed. I'm frustrated my body won't do what it used to, but need to realize I'm preggers and slow down. K is frustrating me but what else is new. He's starting to drop things off the get done list cause he thinks they aren't important. F- that, we told the realtor it's getting done, it WILL get done! I will hire someone if he can't follow through. Anyways I gave him slack today cause of fathers day and all, made a nice French toast and bacon breakfast, got him DQ when he was complaining he was hot. Things are looking good here. 4dpt huh, how many is test day?

ER - how's the diabetis going. Are you apartment hunting now? You could try a townhouse /condo rental, has a small yard and bigger space. Good luck

Mirna- good I'm glad we eased your mind. When are you doing a third beta?
Morning guys!

Hopeful, OTD is this Sunday, I think that's 11dpt. FX'd! I go in this morning for a blood draw just to monitor my progesterone & estrogen levels.

What's everyone doing this week?

Lol! I am currently at my sisters in Edmonton and we catch the red eye to NS tonight! Her 3 children have never been on a plane before and nana and papa live in NS so they are literally bounding off the walls! And I'm getting questions like this...Is the baby moving ? Can I feel it? Is he sleeping? I've never felt it before... Can I have a hug? Lmao! It's like crazy seriously! Two 10 year olds and an 11 year old! And my sister asking me 4938282 questions! I wanna sleep the day away! Lol I also am not looking forward to the red eye BC I can't sleep on a plane I dunno why! I'll probably end up getting sick from lack of sleep! Lol

You gals have been busy! Mirna I'm so positive for you! Your levels are rising just fine!:) and blessed its getting close! Are you just so excited?!?

Blessed I don't envy you! I hate with a passion packing and moving like you wouldn't believe! I moved twice a year for 5 years while in university and I never wanna move again but we will be doing that after Christmas this year! Blargh! Good luck with it all and I'm so happy you have someone to help u out! How is the little girl doing? Beating u up yet???

Sugarlys! YAY it's Sooo exciting to be able to feel the baby move on the outside! Mine is slowing down now because he's getting too big and running out of space in there, but when he kicks me now it can hurt! And yay for you taking the extra time off! I'm doing it too and everyone is like... Why are u taking off so early.. Well I have a year off work and I am going home and I don't wanna work being the size of a house! So there! Lol
Anyways we are off to finish up last minute tail end stuff like buying magazines etc!
Have a great day and I'll touch base in a couple days once I catch up on my sleep and time zone change!
Hi ladies i did the blood test in the morning and m waiting foe the results.
Soooooo scared!!
Heyyyuuu it went up from 90 to 350 weeeehaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

But my first appointment is july 12th :( too far for me!! Ill then be at 8 weeks and 1 day
what do u girls think?and i have a question once u conceived did u change from the fertility doc
or u stayed with him i wonder if i should change doctors
Whoohoo Mirna!!!! Congrats, that's wonderful! :happydance:

I know if we're pregnant we stay w/ the FS for the first trimester then he sends us off to a regular ob. I'm so happy for you!!!
That's wonderful Mirna. My FS did my first 3 ultrasounds and all bloodwork , but my regular doc did my prenatal appointments. I was referred to an OB for 27-28 weeks or so.
I'm so thrilled for you!
Well... He told me that she is moving up to Michigan for him this weekend. He is flying her from her home state to here in Michigan to live together in his new condo.


So I'm packing like crazy and trying to disassemble a wardrobe and a desk. I also made it a point to take an extra long shower here and uh, skin the cat... Since you know, I can't really see it anymore... So I took a really long nice shower to take care of that mess too.

But since she's living up here now I told him that Leo will not be going over to his condo... She will not meet my son until they are married. He's like "why are you pushing me to marry her?" I'm not... She's the love of your life, remember?

I need to make sure I get sole custody... No exceptions.
Wow drama ER! Not good. Hope things settle down for you. So you really need to get your own place hunny.

Tainted- I don't envy myself either, was not fun at all. Did many things considered iffy while pregnant and am paying the price with a million aches and pains.

AFM- I was packing the bathroom scale and decided it'd been a while so I stepped on it. Well it was first thing in the morning, but I weighed a pound less than before I got pregnant. Hmm, I think the stress and being so busy have become the most effective diet ever. Lol, naw, gotta focus on getting better nutrition and rest. Past Sunday was Vday for me (not that I like to celebrate viability, but a milestone none the less). I can't believe under 4 months left!

Blessed- wow Sunday huh? Can't wait to hear your wonderful news and them we can all speculate on how many your carrying.
Question friends:
I just went to the bathroom (number 2...sorry tmi)...anyway, after I went I noticed a bit of blood in the toilet and blood when I wiped. When I wiped again there was nothing and it has been 30 minutes and no other blood. I have been having problems going lately..not getting enough fiber I guess. Is it possible I bled because of that? Baby has been very active like normal cramping etc. Advice anyone?
That happened to me when a turd was too big to come out, it was pretty painful. Okay tmi... But I stuck my fingers up there to make sure the blood wasn't coming from my cervix, compared to coming from my butt. It calmed a lot of fears :lol:
Okay, my finger in the hooha, not sticking my fingers up my butt... Wow I need to really read what I write lol
Hhaha!! Hilarious.
Thanks ER for the more blood at all..I'm back to my normal coloured I am thinking it all had to do with the bowel movement....makes me want to amp up the fiber! Hope you are doing well.

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