
Sugarlys, hemorrhoids are a common occurrence with pregnancy. I'm not saying that's what you have but it's a possibility. I'd talk to your doc. :hugs:
Yeah agreed Sugarlys, when it comes to pregnancy better safe than sorry. I would call and mention it to my doc and let them deem if it's nothing or worth being seen. Could be the starting stage of hemmeroids, and if so its better addressed earlier rather than later. Fiber and stool softener. If it came from your 'hoo hah' then it could be more. I never had that, not a spec of any blood so call to be safe :) lots of love, hope you are well :hugs:
I have a doc appt on Thursday so I will definitely mention it then. It did not come from my "hoohaw"...I determined that later on in the evening when I wiped.
I am going to drink some metamucil before bed to prevent least before I see my doctor.
Thanks helps so much to chat! :)
Anything new with any of you????
My realtor was here today and took the pics so I guess I can relax till Friday when showings may start. God it felt good to take a bath and just do generally nothing this eve.
I moved almost everything out of his house today... Except the desk and wardrobe. I'm talking him into paying for my new model insulin pump in exchange for those because shell need a place for her stuff.
Sugarlys take it from the constipation queen!lol I could eat prunes til I cried them and I'm sure I would still be constipated! Do whatever u can to get fiber!! Hemmeroids can be the case or you could have a small fissure! If it gets worse start having a sits bath afterward it will help either of those things heal faster... And soothing too! I eat sleep breathe prunes else I don't poop! Yay!
So I'm in NS! Tired as heck! It's 2 am here and I can't sleep my schedule is messed up even tho I'd still be sleeping at home lol!!! The red eye was the problem BC I can't sleep on a plane! But it went smoothly no problems with baby at all! I miss phil so much I could cry! I love seeing my whole family but as it seems I'm starting to get pregnancy mushy! Lol and I miss my sweet little Charlie boy! Oh well soon enough!
K girls gunna touch base in a few more days.
Love love!
Morning ladies! It's 5:30 am here and I'm trying to be wide awake for my 8 am exam start. I am sooooo happy to be getting this thing done with. Hopeful, so glad you were able to relax last night. Do more of that!!! Sugarlys, any more blood? Tainted, I'm on so much progesterone right now I'm weepy too! Commercials make me cry. :wacko: Mirna, hope you're relaxing a little bit after that wonderful beta number and enjoying the fact you're knocked up!!! ER, glad you're stuff is all out of his place. On to bigger and better things for you and your baby.

Okay, I'll talk later. Probably going to spend the whole night just hanging with the hubby since I'll be FREE!!!! :happydance:
GOOD LUCK today Blessed!! You deserve to relax once it is have worked so hard!!

A bit more bleeding this morning after a bowel movement...not as much as last night. Baby is still moving around lots. I am glad I have a dr appt for tomorrow anyway.

Supposed to be a hot one here today...43 with the humidex. Yipe!!

Anyway ladies...enjoy your day!
I hear ya Sugarlys! Hot as hell here!!! We are trying to stay indoors enjoying the fact we have a/c but prolly paying a boatload for it. Me and my sis went shopping this morning, I got a couple of mat clothes. Two pairs of shorts on sale 2/$39, a dressy tank blouse for $19 and a tshirt with rueshing(don't know how to spell it). 4 pairs of shorts will def get me through, got sick of washing a pair each day while wearing the other.
Our Realtor popped by and did the key in the lockbox deal. He told me its been up on the realtor only access for a bit and he has one request for a showing already, he anticipates much more. So showings on Friday then Friday night we go look at properties. Should be a busy day.
Just found out my high school best friend is pregnant (12weeks), so thrilled, babies 3 months apart!

Blessed- I just know you'll do great! Kudos to packing all this into one, hmm sounds like someone I know, lol :winkwink:

ER: move on from that guy and drop as many ties as you can. If I were you I would have him pay you money for the furniture and you pay for the unit directly, it'd lesson his 'I paid for this and that' later in court.

Sugarlys- don't know how you are so calm, I'd be visiting the hospital so they can take a look at baby. Glad you see the doc tomorrow though.

Tainted- glad you are safe and sound, but not sleepless after your flight. Once you relax sleep will come. Hope weather is good over there and not sweltering like here.

Mirna- how are you doing? So far so good? Are you telling everyone right away or waiting?
FEEEEEDOOOOOMMMMM!!!! I'm done, I'm done, I'm done! Last night I was a zombie, it was soooo hard. I had been doing practice exams that are exams from previous years and doing okay on them so I thought I'd leave the exam feeling okay. I didn't, I felt like it was harder. Not to mention 8 hours of harder. BUT today I'm feeling great just to be done. K & I are going to a little town on a lake that has a wonderful little downtown for a day trip to get me out of the house I've been stuck in for months!

I was feeling down this morning, like this didn't work b/c I don't feel anything. K reminded me that there is a whole tv show about women who didn't know they are pregnant until they give birth! :haha: Love that man!

Hopeful, you're are right about cramming everything in at once. Yes, it reminds me of someone too! :winkwink: Of course, this wasn't how it was originally planned but when is anything!!!!????

Alright ladies! K & I are headed out to our favorite breakfast place and then it we're off! Have a wonderful day!
Ladies missed u!!!
Blessssed congrats ur finally done!!!! Soooo happy for u.u need that getaway trip enjoy it!!
Sugarlys ive been there!!! Soooo sorry i know how painful it is.i had a microscopic fissure and i used to see bright red blood when i pooop and it felt like stones getting out!! Dont worry this can be dolved with hot sit-ins and vaseline and a stool softner mine was 'parapsyllium' hope u feel better soon

afm, well im very happy but still worried i have no.nausea whatsoever and its worrying me i know m gona regret saying this but i need some symptoms to feel pregnant.
well i told w of my bedt friend and i was super happy.not telling anyone else until at least sfter i hear the hesrtbeat thats in 3 weeks!
Holy crap on a cracker it's hot here... And humid... Living in the desert province of Alberta we are definitely not used to humidity! I don't wanna be here at the moment! Almost 8 months pregnant and this heat is ridiculous! Lol
We have had non stop company pretty much since we've been here! Lol the days are flying by! before I know it I'll be flying back to NS!
I'm constipated again yay! Lol
Congrats blessed on the exam I bet that is the biggest sigh of relief!
Mirna... Remember some lucky women don't get sick once during pregnancy.. You may be one of those blessed people!
I hate kids tv... I guess I need to get used to it!
Ok I need to have a cold shower before I melt! Love ya ladies.
Blessed, congrats, you did it! I bet you did fine, you are just the super critical of yourself type. I had to laugh at your friend posting to have a glass of wine :) so now it's just keeping sane till sunday!

Mirna- your lucky, relax. My sickness didn't start till like 7-9 week region, I can't remember, lol. Must be baby brain. I've got it bad these past few days.
Mirna, don't worry about no sickness! I never really got sick except for maybe 2 times? I mostly had food aversions, sore boobs around 7 weeks, and major fatigue starting at 6 weeks
Ready to laugh?

So the ex... His plane from PA was supposed to land yesterday. He decided to try to get 2 hours of sleep before his flight... Missed his flight by 3 hours because he overslept. Got on the next flight. That one was delayed 3 times or so, not allowing him to leave until845ish last night.... His connection from Philly to Detroit was long gone. So now his connection doesn't leave until 330pm today, meaning he wont be home until 530-6ish.

His new gf.... Her flight from VA left this morning at 730am. She will be here around noon. He's not here to pick her up...

The plan was to pick her up and give her time to get ready to meet his family tonight over dinner, but now his parents will be picking them both up from the airport.... Lol rude awakening!

He changed his relationship status on Facebook and only two people like it, one being her.

He told me last night that he's starting to have second thoughts.... Lolololololololol
Hey ladies!
It's pouring cats and dogs here! Which I don't mind! Im kinda having a blah sort of day anyways! I miss the country now that I'm here! Id love to buy a house here it's Sooo much cheaper than Calgary!
My friend is getting married today... Outside and has no backup plan... I'm not sure who does that but I think it's silly! I can't go BC that's the last thing I need is a cold from standing in inclement weather! I've been sick enough with this baby I don't need a cold on top of it!
Im 30 weeks... Can you believe it? Only 10 to go and hopefully no more than that! Im really working on my relaxation and meditation that I was taught a couple years ago,.. So hopefully those places will help me when the time comes!
Mom and I made a pact yesterday! She's a nurse and I was in the room when my niece was born and she was right down there ready to push the doctor out of the way! Lol I told her she can be in the delivery room if she promises not to go past my waist and the first time she does she gets kicked out! I told her Phil and I would both be watching her for that! Lol so she agreed! And I'll kill her if she does! Lmao!

Anyways I could nap! But I won't!
Hey ladies :)
So today was interesting. Been in and out of our house today. One showing yesterday, then went to look at four houses with our realtor (only one being a contender) Two showings today, one being at lunch so we packed a picnic lunch for the park as we have to have the stupid dog in tow. Then one a bit later afternoon, so we wasted that time checking out open houses just our of curiosity. Tomorrow, we have three showings! Pretty much all afternoon, through dinner. It's going to be interesting as my little man takes a nap before dinner but we can't be here. I'm sure we'll end up at Kevs moms. Then we get to come home for 5:45 to meet our realtor, as he's allowing offers as of 6pm, and he seems to think we will get at least one then. I hope he's right, he's done his job well thus far.

ER-haha, what a goof, no alarm clock I take it? He's having second thoughts about her? Well he is obviously a committment phobe and he'll prob run from her too. He's not ready to grow up, that's obvious.

Tainted- I hate rain, but love thunderstorms or short downpours. The ones where you feel the electricity in the air. I wish houses here were cheaper too. At least mortgage rates are low and we can lock in at 5 years for that, by then l be working again and it'll be easier to handle.

Blessed- is Sunday not the magic day????? So are you testing yourself or going in the am for a blood test? I can't wait to hear your news!!!! I'll say congrats now as I don't know if I'll get to my phone with all the chaos tomorrow.

Sugarlys- are you enjoying the break in the heat wave? I know I am. Though we've still had to keep up with a/c as we are showing the house. All the lights on, a/c, I think DH is going to lose it once the hydro bill comes. He hates wasting electricity. Hey, if it sells the house I don't care.
I'm antsy for you blessed!!! Im gonna hold my breath til u tell me! Lol
Good luck good luck!!!
I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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