
What a mean woman. Is she a childless cat lady? I swear some women forget what's its like to be pregnant. Unless your going to say I look great then keep it to yourself!
You almost feel like saying to these people, 'oh so we're discussing weight? Well in that case I was thinking you could stand to lose some. I'm pregnant, what's your excuse?' imagine the look you'd get, lol.
^^^ omg love it! I'm totally going to use that one lol

The crib is built!!!
Hooray for baby having a place to sleep :)

It is a pretty good one isn't it ER- not sure id use it cause I'd feel like a bitch, but hey, what plays in my mind is funny and makes me smile.

I go to the OB in the AM. Please hope my test results were fine for me. I really don't want to go through all that diet change crap, especially at this stage while tring to feed my fussy toddler. I think id just end up not eating much as I've got no time to prepare separate meals for everyone.
Anyways, enough worrying. Hopefully my measure is on track as I feel I've gained more this time, I'm excited to hear baby again and get registered at the hospital.
It's freakin freezing here!!!! Only 12 degrees! What the heck!
I'm completely exhausted! I did nothing and I wanna fall over and just sleep! My sister and her kids are here until Phil comes home from work and they exhaust me just watching them!
I am not officially uncomfortable! Mister boy is sitting right only sciatic nerve and every time I take a step I feel like I am going to fall down! Le sigh!
I can however eat a full meal now bc he has dropped down even further... I really hope he comes sooner!
It would be lovely if on Tuesday when I go to the OB she says your effacing really well and could go anytime! Lol
How are you ladies coping?
I've had the sciatica pain since the very beginning. I'm okay, ready to be on maternity leave. Looks like I'll be working up to the day before I'm induced... Somewhere between 7 and 9 more weeks.

Hopeful, how did today go?
Great, passed my sugar test :) baby is wonderful, right on track. I have gained 10 lbs total so far this pregnancy, I'm thrilled about that as I'd gained double to triple that with my last one by this point. I spoke to the OB about the heartburn today as I had the worst sleep of my life last night and this heartburn is killing me. I am now having one of the most comfortable evenings due to this lovely Zantac she said I need to take daily. I'm in heaven :)

Tainted- no pattern to them? Or are they timeable and increasing?
Only 10 pounds?!?! Damn! I thought I was lucky for only gaining around 20 so far lol

Tainted, go drink some water and relax! That will stop the BH contractions... It won't stop real ones ;)
10 pounds?! Wow!! I thought my 17 was lucky :) Glad to hear everything is going okay.

Tainted - I hope you are okay - glad you aren't alone!!!

I'm doing good! We went to the movies today (saw Batman) and I guess the loud noises bothered baby because he/she was rolling around like crazy! I can't believe how fast time is going!! Night all!

Mirna and Blessed - we miss you!
So they are braxton hicks I have had them before they are just intensifying as I go along! And I'm relaxed... I'm not at all scared for labor I am totally ready.... Bring it on!!!!!!!!!!! Lol
And yay everything went so well at the OB! I'm happy!
Sugarlys.. Every single time I go to the movies he gets like that! I think it's the intensity of the sound for him! He like moves NON stop!
Was that movie good??
What do Braxton Hicks feel like? Not that I think I am getting them or anything..just curious! I am up early again...can't seem to sleep past I wake up for a bit and then I go back to bed. My Mom says its God "training" me to get up for feedings...good times..haha.

The movie was AMAZING. I am not a huge movie fan...and when I found out it was 2 hours and 45 min I was not looking forward to it...but the time flew by...such an amazing movie.
I want to go see that movie. Sugarlys, 17 is great, you started lighter than I do you have the room for more gain. As for how BH's feel, it's like the real thing just not so intense. It feels like your tummy goes rock hard across it and ya know when you do a sit up and you can feel muscles tightening? Well it's like that feeling but different. It's weird but you know it's a contraction as it isn't a fleeting second...but lasts a little. If you get more than 4-5 in an hour your supposed to call the doc. Having a bath and drinking lots of water and laying on your left side for 5 minutes could stop them.
That's what mine feels like, minus the fact that I don't get it across my whole stomach its at the bottom of my stomach and my back.. Yay back labor! Lol

I love movies too Sugarlys.. Much more than tv!
My sciatic nerve is REALLLLLLLLLY bad today! I've done exercises and stretching and a hot bath and pelvic thrusts.. Whatever.. Not working he is settling in there! Bah!
Get baby out mission starts tomorrow! Lmao! Raspberry leaf tea.. Bouncing on an exercise ball walking (waddling) and lots of sex when Phil gets home! I'm sure he won't complain.. Haha!
I had hip/back labor mixed with regular with Xavier. It was aweful. They couldnt freeze the hip and back no matter what. Oh well.
I am having crazy weird dreams lately. Some are funny, some scary, and some just don't make a lick of sense. I am so ready to get moved. A house with only one bathroom is just not cutting it. Once the hubby goes in there for his half hour poop (what is with that anyways???) of course even if I went just before about 15 minutes in I've gotta go. So I spend the next 15 holding it and harassing him to just hurry up in there already! I'm sorry but when you have to go number two you shouldn't have to sit there waiting for action, am I right?
Also I'm so excited to take a bath in that nice roomy corner tub!
Swapped to a single nap for my big boy today. So far so good :)
Ok... Hopeful! I think this happens to every man! My brother growin up.. Like the longest time ever in the bathroom! I don't go til like I NEED to go and spend less than 2 minutes in there! Haha
And then there is Phil who will read magazines... Whoooooo has time time for all of that!
Braxton hicks continuing today.. Moving up my stomach more than yesterday... Ouu I'm getting Sooo excited!
Crazy tainted! Maybe it's a sign things are to happen soon? Have you taken a bump pic of your dropped bump yet? We want to see!
Ya I have a picture I just have to get on my computer... I'm never on that thing!! I'll go later today if I think about it!
My entire pelvic girdle hurts today.... Very uncool! Ok little boy! Time to make a grand entrance!

I've been ball bouncing a lot it really helps with the sciatic pain! So try it out if you get pain!
Don't have one of those things, but might go get one.
Pretty crappy weather here this morning. The sun just popped out though :) we have out city's annual ribfest on at the park so may go check it out. It's a rip off to eat but just the sights and sounds are fun. That is if DH's mom doesn't come by. She refused yet again to give a time, so I'm not sitting here all day waiting for her. My boy gets cranky cooped up all day. Today is day two of new nap schedule. He used to take two one at 10:30 or 11 AM and one at 3:30 pm or so. He started taking an hour playing before sleeping for the first one and downright fighting and refusing the second one, so it was time to change it up. All is well do far, if he'd just learn to stay asleep longer for the single one.

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