
Oh BH contractions..... I hate them! I'm floating in the pool to try to calm things
IF I HAVE ANOTHER CHILD... It will be in the middle of winter! Who cares about clothes! I won't need them BC I am sooooo hot all the time!
It was 30 degrees today! And tomorrow is supposed hotter! Kill me! Seriously! This is too much for me!
This baby needs to be out now! I feel like I'm getting a yeast infection please I definitely do NOT want that! Itchy McGee is what I do not want to be! Lol
It's so hot I'll never sleep tonight! I'm gonna go have a really cold shower! Night gals.
Sounds rough tainted!
I know I need to go grocery shopping... But nothing sounds good. Like I don't want to et because i get so full soooo fast. Baby is being a wiggle worm, he's been getting hiccups a lot.
ERgirl... When the baby drops you will want to eat everything in sight! I was the same as you until about 2-3 weeks ago!
Once I could eat again I was so happy I didn't know what to eat first, BC at first i couldn't keep it down and then I would eat and get full in like 4 bites! Lol
Hot again today! Of course the hottest summer we've had here in 4 years!!
Tainted- sounds as though you hit the 'get this baby the hell out of me' stage :) told ya it would happen. I had it too and it was snowing out during mine. I'm sure snow sounds good in the hot weather but really it wasn't. I felt like the abominable snowman who couldn't move, lol. Hopefully baby cooperates with you as each weeks appointment I was so pissed at my OB for letting me go another week. The day of my due date I could have killed people, the day after till I went into labor after 4pm, I was much worse.
I hope I go early this time, fx
ER- Braxton hicks are that regular for you? That's odd they are usually few and far between and not daily.

Went to another zoo today. And stopped at the falls again since it was only a half hour away. Saw loads of big cats (leopards, tigers, lions, cougars, bobcat, linx, black panthers, etc.) do they had petting zoo animals, monkeys, bears, birds, just loads of stuff.
The falls was so busy and hot! Rediculously so, we stopped at east side Mario's for dinner on the way home, they had a guy making balloon animals for the kids so Xavier got a lion, he popped it when we got home but it was cute and fun for a bit :) I cannot do waking like that anymore! Being 31 weeks is nuts to be doing it. If anyone has ever walked up that hill on the Canadian side you know what I'm talking . about.
When I wake tomorrow it'll be the seventh of august. I'm due the seventh of October just crazy!
Hey guys!
I had a great long weekend at my parents cottage....Saturday was a killer though....I didn't sleep all night I was so hot. Its nice now that things have cooled down a bit. We are getting ready for our big camping trip - we leave Wednesday. I won't be near a computer so don't be alarmed if you don't hear from me for 12 days or so!! Keep your fingers crossed that our trip goes okay and that I am not too uncomfortable. I haven't been sleeping well between bathroom trips, restless legs and charlie horse-like cramps in my legs....FUN. Should be real fun times in a tent ;)
Hope you are all doing well!
Hopeful... I'm at get baby out stage but not quite to the point of anger yet... Phil is home in a week so I'll bet the anger starts shortly after he arrives BC I really want him to bethere! He truly is my rock and it would mean so much to me if he was there! It's just the heat here is totally ridiculous!!!like yesterday was 35 degrees.. That's a little excessive! Lol
Today starts the weekly OB appointments! I have a funeral to attend afterwards.. One of my clients from work passed away extremely suddenly with a blood clot to her lung... The office is pretty shaken about it because she was the life of the party kinda gal... Just had sustained a traumatic brain injury a couple years ago! I seem to have lost all emotions lately minus happy.. It's weird kinda I'm going to miss her but I don't feel sad.. Now that may change once I see a casket.perhaps shock lol! I just hear about women who have crazy mood swings when they are pregnant and cry for a long time for no reason or tear up watching tv commercial... I don't do that! Perhaps I'm just way happier I'm not barfing my face off?? Am I broken??? Lol oh I do feel hate for the birds that wake me up daily around 530 am!! Lol
Anyways... Lol supposed to be hot again today! And for the next like 5 days! Wee! Let's see if I can make it without melting

Have a great day ladies!!!
That's sad, Tainted. But I have heard that you can have pretty adverse reactions may hit you at a later time.

Anyway ladies, the car is packed and we are heading out tomorrow morning at 5:30 so I will talk to you all when I get back!! Hope you all continue to feel good :)
Have a great trip Sugarlys!!!:)

Today at the OB.. The dr said he is doing beautifully and is quite low! Had my stage b test done Cept I didn't know it was going in my bum!! Lol he's growing well and next week she said they will start cervical checks!
I'm exhausted today I didn't sleep well my tummy was really upset for no reason!!

I want the process to start soon... Come on! Lol
How is everyone else Feelin??
Sugarlys- you are a brave one. No way in hell id be camping pregnant. At bare minimum cottage with washroom, tent is too roughing it. Hope you have fun though! Don't eat those hot dogs not good for baby :)

Tainted- so, really low huh? I wonder if that means he likes the roominess of the pelvis or is on his way out sooner rather than later. When exactly did he drop again?

I went out with a friend tonight. Actually I totally forgot I had made plans with her again (the baby brain is killing me) and she texted me asking if we were still on at like 3 pm, than god she did. So I met her at the mall for 7 we walked and shipped then stopped at Crabby Joes for a bite. Got some BBQ chicken tenders and fries, with a milkshake. Well I finished the shake and a quarter of my plate and I am soooo full. Hubby is happy he has a lunch for himself tomorrow out of it :) I can't bring myself to buy any baby stuff for some reason. I have only got one onside and a cute fleece outfit for her so far. I know I need to get on it, but I just want to move first, then get baby ready
Yeah, so I'm laying awake, angry, sick, and with a massive headache. DH opened the door without looking tonight and led our dog outside strait face to face with a skunk! He calls me paranoid cause at night I turn on every light out there and search before she or myself are allowed out. Does he do it? Nope, and guess what finally happened. I want to kill him. He let her right back in and acted like, 'she didn't get sprayed.' He can't smell it??? I had to show him online when he already went and laid down in bed that it smells like burnt rubber up close as its too potent for your nose to smell just skunk. Then he's like 'well what do you wan to do about it now, just to to bed and deal with it tomorrow'. Yeah okay, you go to work and the baby and I will deal with skunk on everything, good plan moron!
So I made him come to the basement and help me deal with her as the longer it soaked in the worse it is. We scrubbed her in the laundry sink with peroxide, baking soda and dish soap. It helped a bit but the smell in the house is making me I'll.
My eyes are burning, I think I may just puke, I just feel like crying. I can't deal eith this now, not with the packing and moving, and toddler and being pregnant...I can barely keep up with meals and housework! What am I gonna do ladies?
Oh to top it all off, my mom called and told me that her seizure did end up getting reported to the ministry of transportation and her licence is suspended for a whole, could be like 6 months. So now I have to drive her around too? Oh god, stop throwing challenges at me cause I'm st my breaking point now!!!!!
Well miss hopeful it sounds like you've had a shitty day. When I have bad days it feels like a tumbleweed of shit hits me... And keeps going til I wake up the next morning! So hopefully you wake up feeling refreshed and without illness!
If the dog still smells tomorrow I heard soaking your dog with mouthwash and letting it soak for 5 minutes... Rinse then wash with canine shampoo and conditioner! There is a mixture u can do... But u shouldn't use it cuz being preggo n all and if u do it wrong it can be explosive!! Hope that helps!!!

AFM I have had a tonnnnnn of fetal movement in the past well 24 hours now.. I also have become a pooping machine! Lol I dunno where it's all coming from! Lol Phil comes home in a week and I cannot wait!!! This has been the longest 3 weeks of my life I think! Cuz I'm waiting for him and the baby! Next week I have the OB appt and an ultrasound!
Ok I'm totally exhausted so I'm off to bed! I miss not working life is kinda boring without my clients! Lol
Night gals.. Get better soon

Mirna and blessed I think about you ladies often! Hoping you all are well!
Thanks Tainted :)
I did see the mouthwash thing. Unfortunately most of our stuff that isn't essential is packed away. But I did find the peroxide, bakings soda dishsoap and Kev was able to do the work with that. Things smell better today, however, I think I may just be slightly desensitized to the smell so I think it's still there. If I have energy this house is getting steralized with vinegar today! I'm just worried even if things weren't touched by it that they'll still smell. I really don't want to have to wash all of our clothes that are clean, it'll take me a friggin week!
As for the poop, can happen later as them being low can affect your bladder and bowels both. However if you almost have the runs could be a sign things are happening soon. It's your body's way of clearing all that out before delivery. Hopefully hews its for Phil huh? I think maybe he'll come early, give you a bit of a break since your puking hell in the first half.
I am calmer today but still faced with all the same crap :( going tobe a lovely few days.
Leelu (the dog) will be spending her day outdoors airing out while my house gets a break from her. Okay time to brew coffee (96% of which is decaf) and get to work.
Wow so sorry hopeful, that really does stink!

I've been... Slightly ill? I've been having pains in my right rib area for quite a few days now and it's not baby. I've also had floaters in my vision, so I went to go get checked out... Blood pressure was high, so I got sent off to the ob floor at the hospital for monitoring. My hands and feet remain really swollen, but my blood pressure is relatively normal except for a few random spikes.... And my urine is negative for protein, so they can't dx me with pre eclampsia right now... I'll be closely monitored even more so from here on out :(

But hey, my nephew turned 1 yesterday!
I think the dog is 90 % fixed up now. Since I last washed her you can only sme a hint of skunk from her front left leg, not too bad considering she was blasted in the face :) poor thing, here eyes and nose must've stung so bad last night. I felt really sick from the smell and it wasn't even on me, dog was in the basement.

That sucks ER. Could it just have been one of those situations where you overworked yourself? I've done that and paid the price, let me tell you....
Hope things are okay.
Well I'm glad it's 90% done! As for over working myself, it may be possible but even on my off days I'm still having issues!
Hey guys. I've gone back a few pages, glad to see everyone is progressing along nicely. I'm off to the RE for our first US to get our final FET started. I tried to say I wanted a natural cycle, no drugs shutting down my ovaries but we can't do it b/c of my schedule and how it works. So I'll be back to shots and vaginal suppositories. Not looking forward to all. I don't think our results will be any different but we need to use the last 3 embryos we have. (If they all survive the thaw.)

One thing I'll do different is I'm going to be testing a lot. I don't want any surprises this time. I don't want to wait to hear "you're pregnant" and get all excited just to be told days later, "never mind". Thank God I'm so busy with work. I'm on my internal medicine rotation so I'm up at 5 am 6 days a week. It has shown me that I don't want to be an internist and only see sick people that I don't know well in the hospital!

So, I'll start posting again but please bear w/ me if it's pretty damn negative. I'm sick of all this effort to get freakin' pregnant. One of my patients is 22, homeless and pg w/ her third. I know life isn't fair but dammit, I just want to be pregnant!!!!!!!

I've missed you ladies but have been keeping up with how y'all are doing. :hugs:
Blessed- it's good to see you back on here. :) you have been missed. We still have nada clue where Mirna is again but the rest of us are here :)
As for being a bit negative, it's totally justified, and that's why we are here to be there when you have the down moments.
Is it better to do a natural cycle than the drugs? I don't know what the evidence supports. Are they changing anything from the last time?
Yayyyy!!! Hey blessed!!! I've missed you so much! I'm really glad to see that you are back!! Totally understandable that you needed a break from us and totally understand bein negative! That's is why we are here, hopeful is right! I don't think I could get thru a day of this without knowing I can unwind here if I need to!! Yay!!! I'm happy youre home!

Yesterday I bought a stroller/Carseat combo.. I love it! Its new on the market and I lovvvve it! It collapses really easily with one hand and the Carseat rocks! And it moves really easily with just one finger! It's a safety first and I loveeee the colors! Today I'm buying my glider rocking chair and then I'll be all done. Everything else is bought! I'm ready for this I guess! Lol

I was walking around the mall yesterday my tummy got really heavy so I was hanging on it! I had to stop often b I was getting the electrical shock feeling up thru my cervix! Weird feeling but really only 20 days to go and I'm getting him out early!ahhhhh
Ok I can't sleep and Charlie is snoring at the end of the bed!
My daddy is coming for a short visit today! I havent seen him in awhile so perhaps that's why I am wide awake! Lol!

Ok gotta go! I'm starving! Glad to see u back blessed!!!:):):):):)
Blessed! So glad to see you! I understand the negativity... That's why we are here... To vent and get it all out because we all know we would explode if we kept it all in ;) fingers are crossed that everything works well... And yes, I understand the testing part, I was a test a holic because I didn't want any surprises either lol.

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