
Soooo I'm either cleansing my body for labor or I'm getting a stomach bug!! I cannot stop pooping and I'm so nauseated and I have gas and I'm bloated and I feel terrible! Someone kill me! If I have the flu and I go into labor I will not be happy! :(:(
I am a very unhappy camper! Please help!
I'm sorry you're so feeling so "poopy" Tainted! ;) I guess the only positive would be if you pooped everything out and went into labor, then you wouldn't poop while pushing.... Other than that I got nothin'. I hope you feel better real soon.

Hopeful, they're not changing anything. I think in their minds I got pg so just try again. I will make sure that when my lining is about 11, we're doing this. Last time doc went on a little vacay and I had to wait a week and my lining was around 14. That may be too thick and the embryo may have had trouble implanting but who's to say??? I don't know of any success rate differences. Natural is just waiting for your body to ovulate and doing FET then. So no bcp, no lupron shots (which I hate, makes me zombie-like), no estrogen shots in my ass, no vaginal suppositories of progesterone. But they refuse to do a natural FET w/o following my regular cycle for a month to see if I'm a candidate for natural FET. I am, I ovulate like clockwork but they said since I had surgery and a miscarriage, they won't do natural w/o checking. I can't wait b/c that will take me into my surgery rotation where I'll be at the hospital by 4 am everyday. So it's back to the dumb-ass meds. BLECH!!!!

Hopeful, what's on the schedule for the weekend? Packing?

What's everyone else doing? Besides Tainted, she's stuck on the pot! :(
Blessed- how'd ya know....yeah thrilled.
It makes sense that the lining could have caused the problem. But that's crappy cause it was in their control not yours. Makes you wonder why the doc would take a vacation without an experienced replacement to cover as everything is time sensitive :(
I hope things go smoothly. How long did the protocol to transfer take last time? Two weeks or less?

Tainted- sorry you feel Gross :( what have you been eating that could have caused it?
I'm feeling slightly better! My tummy is less upset mostly better and my pooper has stopped!!! AMEN!!!! I got crappy sleep but had to get up an hour ago to make some tea and toast BC I was starving I had no food left in me anywhere! And tea and toast always make me feel better! I'm gonna go have a cat nap for a bit, my girlfriends are having a baby shower for me today so here's hopin I feel ok for that! Lol
Have a great Saturday girls! :)
Awww have a great baby shower!

Yeah that's dumb that the docnwent on vacation... I understand that vacations are needed occasionally, but damn, get a replacementnon staff a few weeks before! I'm praying this time works!

I woke up with super swollen feet and hands and nausea. Good thing I have the doctor appt on Wednesday....
Hey ER, you were just in that chat. What was with the grumpy woman who was telling the other girl 'if you really are a scientist' underlined. I took offence to it and I'm not even the one who wrote it. I hate the childishness that goes on in these discussions. I stand up for the those gals just asking someone to be respectful and then she turns to my opinions and says it's insulting. Ugh. Don't know why I let know it alls like that bug me but it does get under my skin. It's sometimes just better to walk away and let them rant.
Yep 18 days to go and I have morning sickness... This is rotten! Lol
So yesterday was the shower and it was so nice! My sister was there and none of my work friends had met her ... So she was sitting where they could see her first,... And they all thought she was me til they noticed she wasn't pregnant! Lol it was funny! We are four years in age difference but we look like identical twins! And it's really funny when people see us in public with her identical twin boys... It's like stare city!!!lol
So yesterday I got everything else I needed minus a baby bathtub! And Phil's mom n dad said they are going to get one! I have enough clothes for his first year of life... Lol seriously! My 'work mom' (she's my best friend from work but the same age as my mom... She calls me her first born 3rd child) got me a swing that matches my theme! Someone got me a mobi wrap... Which I was going to buy... Someone got me the breast feeding pillow I wanted lol. The host of the party made me an awesome diaper cake! I for gift cards to the best clothing stores in town! I needed more hooded towels and got them! Someone even bought me a thing to take a print of his hand and foot in like plaster or something! Soo sweet! Mom and dad bought me a glider rocking chair and ottoman and that arrived 2 days ago! My sister and I went to pick out the stroller Carseat combo the other day! We have all the furniture and a playpen. We are set!!!! Lol
So today daddy is putting up the shelves and curtains in baby's room and all we need now is baby!!!:) everyone has been very kind to us! I feel very blessed!
Last thing we need is a breast pump... But we are waiting til he arrives BC I know some women can't do it or can't produce enough... So if things run smoothly we will get one! :)!!!!
18 days to go... And my house smells of baby I love it!!!
Hope you ladies have a great Sunday!!!:):)
Sorry to hear you are sick again tainted, but I do hear it can happen at the end of things, hormones are gearing up all for labor and breastmilk production.
Sounds like you got some great stuff. There is nothing like feeling ready :) so is Phil thrilled?
As for the breast pump I got mine before as you need to steroids it all plus it can be used to get labor going (nipple stimulation) and to get you producing milk faster. I was weirded out about using it at first so I waited but I'm glad I had it there, allowed me to get started saving up bags for a wedding we had to attend when he was two months old. The funny thing was going to the car to pump out the extra full gals while at the wedding :) that was an experience :)
As for that thread? I have no clue... I think its just a bunch of hormones. Lol

I'm laying in bed with my feet up, like really up. My feet and ankles are swollen to the point I can barely walk because I can't flex anything! My hands and face are all swollen too. I got my blood pressure checked at one of those machines at the pharmacy, 158/86, so a bit high. Couldn't find the urine test strips to see if I'm spilling protein or not... But I fear it's officially pre-eclampsia :(
Oh no ER! I'm sorry. It sounds like it. I'd go in and let them know your pressure is high and about the swelling. Definately need to take more frequent breaks at work, put your feet up throughout the day. Yeah hormones make us say crazy things I guess. I'll brush it up to that but can't help but feel she was enjoying that. Ah well , I'm too happy and busy to let it get to me.

So today is officially 32 weeks for me. I feel huge now, 8 weeks left! Unless I go early or late. Fingers are crossed for early! But not more than a week to two.
Hi all! ER, what did the doc say about the bp? Hope you're able to relax more like Hopeful suggested. Hopeful, yay for 32 weeks! :) Tainted, glad you got a lot of stuff but sorry you're sick AGAIN!!!!

AFM, I hung out on a friend's deck Sat night and my legs are covered w/ bug bites. I had to get up at night to cover them w/ cream. It's so miserable, hope I can make through the day. I got about 4 1/2 hours of sleep so fingers crossed that today is a quiet day. Also, it's raining. Happy Monday all...yuck!!!!
Blessed- sorry that you have to deal with the itching maddness. I hate Mosquitos too. I'm a fanatic about bug spray, but that's cause every year they push west Nile maddness down our throat.

This morning I was woken from the weirdest dream. It made no sence at all but it was about lots of things ive been dealing with...then to find my son in the dream I was listening for his cry, then I heard 'mama' through the baby monitor for real. And so my day began
Ugh... Blessed! I hattttttte bugs! I'm super thankful we don't get bad bugs here in Calgary!! Get some calamine lotion for them or afterbite! I'm not a fan of afterbite so I always use calamine lotion! Lol
Hopeful... I hear ya on the dreams! Ever since pregnancy dreams have been soooooooooooo messed up for me! Last night I was dreaming something about vampires and it woke me up around 5 am I got up to pee and went back to sleep and I dreamt that I was playing in Big Brother! It was really odd... And yes I was still pregnant in both of the dreams! And I have a ton of sexual dreams too! Crazy dreams was my first pregnancy symptom. Before I even got the positive!

How are you holding out ER!? I hope some of the swelling has gone down.. Keep drinking water! my feet and ankles swell really bad when I stand on my feet too long without my sneakers on!

Phil comes home in 2 days! This three weeks away feels like it is killing me! It seems soooo long! Man I can't wait for him to get here! I can't wait to wrap my arms around him!!!
I love that silly man!

The house is SPOTLESS!! My brother in law got a rug doctor and washed all the carpets in the house... Dad was here so he put shelves up in the nursery I got the curtains up finally! The wood floors were vacuumed and washed! House was dusted.. Bathrooms cleaned kitchen polished.. :):) I think I was nesting and I got everyone else involved lol all that is left to do is the windows on the outside and Phil can do that when he gets home!

I am ready for fall this heat is stupid! I hate it! I usually love it but also at the same time we haven't had a warm summer like this in like 4 years... Of course!
Ok ladies happy Monday!
Tainted- I got confused with you writing dad and thought Phil was home already, lol oops.
Glad he will be with you very soon as who knows when baby will decide its time. I always liked afterbite, just don't ever use it on one you scratched open, yeeoowch!

AFM- my hubby got up at five am, as he had to get in early then drive out of town for work. He knew he'd be overnight one night, possibly more, but he just told me he'd prob be gone for 3 nights now :( its a two hour drive so if he really wanted to come home he could, but it's a waste of time and gas to see us for 30 minutes (as Xavier needs to get to bed) and then get up extra early every morning. First time he's been away from Xavier overnight, they both are probably going to have a hard time with it. So all is on me with no breaks this week! Should be fun, and tiring. I wanted to get my hair done to feel a bit better about me in this round state, but I really have no one to watch him. Maybe my dad? Or if I could get in evening then Kevs mom.

Hope everything is going okay for each of you.
So the ex's mom called last night.... I wasn't arsed to answer it. I called her back today and it was the biggest waste of my time....

Basically she called to complain that his side of the family wasn't invited to my baby shower... Right. I'm not going to have my parents pay for your ass to be at my baby shower, especially when you like to take over events and do them your way.

Then she asked me if it would be awkward if they threw me a baby shower... Hmm, yes! Let's see... Your son left me when I was around 8 weeks pregnant for a whore who has no job, no college education, no car, and a criminal background... And decided to move her up here and support her. I can only imagine the "pity" that everyone will give me and the snarky comments from me on how moral-less he is. So of course I told her that I'm not able to get the time off, which is true, and if everyone is so willing to support me (and where was everyone during the hardest parts of the pregnancy?) then maybe I'll consider a get together after the baby is born.

But it pretty much led to me biting my tongue about everything except telling her that I want to be left alone with my son... That the only people welcome at the hospital are my parents, as they have been caring for me and welcomed me back home, my sisters (I was there at the hospital when my sis had her kid), and the ex. She's like "and us.... Right?". Sorry, but I don't want to entertain people as blood is gushing out of my crotch, I'm exhausted from pushing a baby out, and I'm exhausted from the lack of sleep... Plus, I want to be able to bond and breastfeeding my child as I please, not having to push people out of the room because I'm whipping out my titties!:growlmad:

This led to hysterical crying... "but I won't even see you, I just want to see my grandchild on the first day he's born... I'll look through the glass in the nursery". Um, no. Baby is staying in the room with me no matter what. I do not want people up there, how hard is that to understand? You will be welcomed to visit us when we are home and when I answer my phone to say yes, you can stop by.

Your hysterical crying over the phone proves to me that you can't control your shit and if you can't control your shit over the phone, how can I predict how you'll act in the hospital? She's a very controlling person, so I can imagine her trying to change my kids diaper, feed him, etc. No way.

So today I was at the dr! She said I'm effacing a bit and 1 cm dialated! The baby's head is engaged also!
My vagina muscles are sore like someone was deep tissue massaging them yesterday or I was having hard core porno sex... Neither is true! She told me he should be on time or early and shouldn't be late which is totally exciting! Lol
My back is in misery today feels like its on fire sorta!
My Bp is low still... Which is good!

Sorry you have to deal with all this craziness ERgirl! If I were you I'd be so mega stressed out! I hope it isn't affecting your pregnancy too much!

Hopefully this won't be long now!!
Sorry you are butting heads with the ex's parents. It's going to be hard but when you and the ex decided to have a baby together, I guess his side of family came with that a bit. He may have blown his opportunity but have they? Just food for thought ER. I'm not trying to push or even say what you are doing is right or wrong. I am simply suggesting that they are having a hard time with the situation too. They must feel like ass' for their son's actions. Too bad they didn't show that prior to now. I hope you guys can figure out a good situation with no fighting.

Sugarlys- I've been thinking of you camping and still think you were mad but I really do hope you enjoyed it :)

Blessed- so how's the bites? Easing up a bit, on the mend? Where are you for your protocol? Hope the work hours are t killing you.

Tainted- my wish is you don't have your head in a toilet and that your reunion with Phil is wonderful.

Mirna- ??? We still think of you but not sure why you don't speak with us. Hope all is well with your pregnancy.

Me? Well, Kev just found out he's there until Friday, so a whole week alone plus he may have to back next week too :( we used FaceTime today (thank you iPhones) cause Xavier was able to video chat with his daddy as a phone call. He kissed the phone, waved at him and I think it was perfect for both of them :) tomorrow OB appt, not my reg as she has vacation time but we'll see if he's any good. Gotta remember to ask some Q's. I keep forgetting.
Hopeful- I understand that aspect. I'm not even having my friends come up there. My parents will be in the waiting room awaiting the news (they have every right to be worried... Especially since im diabetic and all...) and they know they have one hour or less to hold him, but while we had our head butting moments, they never turned their backs to me like his parents have. I mean, who tells their sons pregnant ex that his new girlfriend will be a perfect step mommy to her kid and that I should just let her criminal history be history and that her sons could never do wrong? That's shitty. And she kept saying "my baby" the entire conversation, which sends red flags of her uber controlling ways. The situation wouldn't be any different if he never cheated and we never broke up. I firmly believe in a very calm birthing process and moments of peace and bonding for a few days after... If we were still together, my sisters and my parents wouldn't be present, he would have driven us there and back and be my birthing partner but instead my sisters are my birthing parters and my parents are transporting us.

I told him about the situation and explained my logic behind it, he doesnt see it that way. He says that his mom had two kids, so it should be a rite of passage that she be there in the room while im pushing and after....uh, she's not my mom... I don't understand. I suggested that he pack himself a hospital bag with pjs, pillows, and snacks he blew it off... He told me he will be going home to sleep in his bed with his gf.

Unfortunately I know I can't get rid of his family or him, but I'm tired of them all being there for me when it's convenient for them or when they will receive credit for something. I may have reconsidered my stance on my birthing plan to allow them up there if they actually wanted to be a part of the entire pregnancy, and not just the birth. It's like that feeling of having everyone but one person work on a group project and yet that person still gets credit for the's not cool.

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