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I totally get you and I support the thought of not wanting to see them at the hospital. I don't want lots of visitors either. I was more just referring to the rest of the time, an if he could bring out the baby for a quick meeting. I don't know, I'm just trying to think the best of people. Saying that you should let her(the other woman) be involved after they met her like once or twice, I didn't know and really that is not their business at all. You being so open to letting him be a dad is a generous effort in the first place. Truthfully there is anger and hurt feelings to work through, and vent away Hun cause you've been wronged!

As for these people, I guess it's a day at a time situation. I'm sure you'll know in your heart how to handle things for the sake of your boy and his best interests. As for her, she has no claim to this child and having a criminal past (what is it) should cancel her out for sure. Good for you on that!
Hey guys.

ER, I hope everything calms down for you. Sounds like you're staying strong and that can't be easy. Good luck!

Tainted, yay for possible early and probable not late delivery date!

Hopeful, I'm just chillin' on bcp until the 23rd. Then the fun w/ injections begin. My bites have been awful, I react really strongly so it looks like I have diseased legs. Oh well! Sorry K is gone for so long, glad Facetime allows for some family time. Work is fine, I'm ready to be done with internal medicine, I'll finish next week.

Take care all!
ER- hope I didnt make you upset by playing devils advocate. My mom always believed it was the right way to make a decision. :hugs:

Blessed- it's okay he's gone. I've dealt with this before, and for longer periods, my biggest concern is this is the first time my son hasn't had daddy there to tuck him in. He's just still young, and I feel it's important. He's doing good though, so far. Today I'm taking him to the park, maybe shopping to kill some time. Keep the days full we are less to notice daddy gone.
1 week still of internal huh? Good luck and hope it flies :) how's K?

Spent my morning cleaning up garbage. Stupid skunk thinks its a five course meal out there. At least I think it was him again.
Nope, not upset. :)

Had an ob appt today... Which led to more monitoring in the hospital.... Which led to me being put on complete bed rest. I'm pissed.
Uh oh, had a feeling that was coming. With you luck in the health department it was a matter of time. So the BP is still up and stuff? All the other stuff/stress too could be contributing. Well I guess now you have to relax. What you gonna do about work? Money?

I had an OB visit today too. Since mine was on vacay I had another one. He was personable enough, but rushed and not happy about where he works now. We used to have another OB and neo-natal at the other hospital but they closed it and combined it all at one hospital. I arrived at 1:25 for my 1:30 appt. finally after being shuffled from waiting room to waiting room to exam room, he came in at 2:40 for 5 minutes or less. Saw vbac on my chart and spoke to me about why I needed c sec last time. He sounded sarcastic about saying 'good for you'. Then my son was fussing to which I said, he doesn't want to be here, he goes 'well he's not the only one and I'm stuck!' interesting. Baby is still high so position doesn't matter till 38 weeks he said. Blah blah, didnt bother asking him Q's as I didn't feel he cared much
That's crap! I'm sorry you wasted your time like that :( I'd def write down the questions and bring them next time or call in to ask them.

Yeah, I have every sign of pre-eclampsia, minus the protein in the urine, but some people never get that I guess. Maybe later I'll post pictures of how huge my feet are... It's beyond scary. So my sis came over and helped me bake 120 cookies for part of my party favors for my baby shower this Saturday... And now I'm making thank you notes to attach to the favors and tying and curling ribbon. Taking it kinda sorta easy. I have a follow up with my ob tomorrow to discuss this whole bed rest situation, I'm hoping to convince her to allow modified bed rest so I can go to work as long as I'm sitting down. My blood pressure is sky high if I'm up walking but as soon as I sit down/relax, it goes back down to the 140/85 range, which is still high for me (I'm usually at 110/70) but it's lower than the 159/100 they saw today!

I'm really scared if the ob says no because I don't qualify for fmla until 9/11/12 so I'd have to use up all of my "maternity leave" time I've saved up (aka paid time off) before baby even gets here :(
Yep, absolute bed rest. Except I can go to a training class tomorrow at work because I'm sitting and it's the only time it's going to be offered. I will have to use up the 4 weeks of paid time off, then jump onto unpaid fmla leave time until December 1st when the doc will allow me to go back. So far the doc thinks that I'll be required to have a c-section on sept 24th, but it could be sooner depending on how things progress.

Luckily, December starts a lot of overtime for us part timers, which can help when it comes to catching up on the bills.
Wow that's the pits, but hey at least you can focus on resting up for you and little man. What your 'rents' think about all this?
I don't know. My mom is trumps McGee about everything though, so I could care less about her opinion. I'm doing what I have to do to keep baby safe, as the doc said I'm at an increased risk for placental abruption.
Ah crap!
I ate a strawberry while cutting some up for my son. My lips got all itchy, my tongue bumpy and my hand I tossed them with got crazy itchy. Wth. Just googled if you can get new food allergies while pregnant and bam, ya can. Once the itching settled my lip has a spot that looked like a cold sore starting from the irritation. Great, now I can eat flippin strawberries!
No comparison to your situation ER but sucks non the less.
Omg that does suck! Wth is right! Good thing it wasn't major like throat swelling, food allergies scare me big time... Same thing with choking.
Wow lots to catch up on!
ERgirl.. That's the shits that all of this is happening to you, but the dr knows best for you and your little bambino!! I hope all turns out for the best for you and him! And maybe with the bed rest your Bp and swelling will go down lots! Does the government have any kind of LOA employee insurance plan? In Canada you can take an extra 15 weeks off during pregnancy for EI at a 60% of your wages I THINK is what we get! I was reading up on it BC I almost had to go off with how sick I was!
Hopeful... I knew about attaining new allergies when you are pregnant and it's not just to food... Medicines, anything really! Something's may stay with you post baby and some things go away, here's hoping it doesn't stick around with you! When does K get home? Are you making it through ok? And eff the skunk!! I'd be so pissy at that ass! Lol
Blessed... How's your last week going? Hopefully well and something new to look forward to! When do the dreaded injections start!?

Afm.... Everything seems to be in order! Phil arrived home last night and let me tell you how happy I was to see him this time round! It honestly seemed like he was gone for months and I talked to him for about 15 minutes a day... IF THAT!
Everyone finally left my house Bc he is home so they don't have to worry about me being alone lol!!!
Today we went for a sizing ultrasound! Omg I got to see his little face! I can't wait to kiss those cheeks off! He is approximately 6 lbs 6 ounces at this point! So if he came now all would be well! I got to watch him practice breathing and he's a champ! And he is FOR SURE a boy do my dreams don't have to scare me anymore! Lol
Phil and I are now on mission baby out! I'm throwing up often from the heartburn... And that sucks but I'll get thru it! My throat and ears are hurting since yesterday and tonight feel like there is a chainsaw in there! I need to get my tonsils out I have such problems with them but obviously that's not happening soon! Lol I'll go to my dr tmw if it's worse to at least get some ear drops. If there is one ailment on this earth I cannot handle is ear infections or mouth pain! Anything else...meh! Broke my arm 3 times and didn't even know it happened! Lol
Alright girls... Wish for baby soon for me BC I'm getting uncomfy now... It's hot I'm tired and heartburn is taking over!
ER, that sucks about the bed rest. I hope you take advantage of it though and really relax. Let your body and baby enjoy it even though it's not at all what you planned.

Hopeful, that sucks about the strawberries! I love strawberries, why couldn't it be something like cabbage or something you don't want to eat anyway? Hugs!

Tainted, HOORAY for Phil being home! BOO for puking. I'm so glad to hear that all is well and ready. Now just come on baby!

No news from me, I'm off to work and I'm on call tomorrow...which just means longer hours....SOOO over this rotation. Have fun this weekend for me! ER, you rest for me!
Tainted- I sincerely hope your right, and mine will simply go away. It's sounds like my oral allergy syndrome (I have it for kiwi) that's caused by my birch pollen allergy, strawberries are part of the same grouping. I don't know wht it affected my hand but whatever, probably the direct contact. Just going to be fun trying to feed Xavier, gotta keep giving them to him as he's picky and that's one of the acceptables.

Blessed-may this weekend be quick and painless for you. If not not long left, then you get to try something new! That's exciting :)

ER- how's resting? Bored yet?
Well my doc let me go to work today as it was a training class and I was sitting all day. So bed rest starts now officially. My baby shower is tomorrow :)

So ask if I'm bored Sunday lol

What peeves me off? Sending out invites that say regrets only, no one calls, but I get a card in the mail with a check worth less than the lunches for the two people invited... That's sooooo rude!
I was so super pissed, and really upset at my family (dads extended side) we have a huge Dutch family, not a single one of them came to my shower. Only 3rsvp'd (out of like 15) saying sorry with a valid excuse (one out of country). I went to most of their showers as did my mom and sister. Anyways lots of hurt feelings there. My cousin on that side is due one week after me this time and I'm not going to her shower. I will send her a gift. Her and her sister and moms reason for not going to mine was 'it's her birthday weekend' (her bday was in the Friday and my shower on the Sunday afternoon). I received a gift card frin the 3 of them for $100 at a family gathering a month after as well as three others gave me a gift for baby then.
Whatever, obviously my friends who all came cared more about me than my family.

How much did they give you? If it was less than a hot dog/burger lunch can't be much.
Well ladies I think it's the real deal... Started having contractions at 10:13 had another at 11:03 another at 11:37 and the last one at 12:11... So stay tuned! I'm gonna try to sleep while I can BC it isn't intense! If it's not these are very good pranks lol
Blah! No deal! We are gonna go walk around the mall today for a couple hours see if we can get this party started!!!

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