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Tainted- how uncomfortable are you? Just enjoy the ride. Go our for dinner take a nice walk in the park. All will happen soon :) (I know, I remember I hated waiting for X to make his appearance)
Ya Phil and I are totally going on a date tonight because we know we won't get time together alone again for awhile! We are going for Vietnamese and then a movie!:) I love that little turd! He's so cute, except when he falls asleep when I wanna get laid! Haha!
Haha Tainted..you're hilarious. How long is he home for now? I am sure you will not feel like getting laid shortly so you might as well do it while you can! I seriously can't believe how close you are to having your babe....it feels like you just had your BFP!
Tainted it really does feel like yesterday you were wondering what was with the BFNs but no AF!!! Sad that I'm still trying to get knocked up. I feel like we're doing this FET just to get it over with. I have absolutely no faith in our last three embryos. I am also so sick of our inflexible, insensitive clinic. If we do try another round of IVF it will be with another clinic. One with multiple docs and a more accommodating & pleasant staff. Whatever, I go in tomorrow to and begin the Lupron shots that will further shut down my own hormones. On the plus side, I am doing neurology next at the VA and I emailed the coordinator about needing two days off for a medical procedure in Sept and she couldn't have been nicer about it. That's a worry off the mind.

Last day of internal medicine today. YAY!!!!! (Have the big IM exam on Fri...Booooo)

ER, how are you doing w/ the bed rest? Figured out anything that is entertaining???

What's everyone doing this weekend? I actually have it off since it's between rotations and I can't figure out what to do!!!
Bed rest can suck it! Lol I'm not completely bored because I have soooooo much stuff to do that I never got done before due to work and exhaustion, so I'm okay so far.

I hope that these three last ones work for you, fingers crossed!
Sooooooooo.... These last several days have seemed to be the longest days in the world! I have a yeast infection and that sucks! I haven't had one thru my whole pregnancy and I get one right before delivery! It's healing quickly for how bad it was to start! I am not feeling well today I have been awake since about 430ish this am.
So now I just wait! And wait!
ER I imagine I am acting like you right now! I'm home BC my pubic bone feels like snapping and I dunno....I'm just laying around minus walking a bit and bouncing On the ball! I hope u are keepin your sanity BC this is difficult lol
Blessed I'm praying for you and your last 3 eggies. Its a shame that this clinic doesn't understand the need to have human sympathy and sensitivity! and you're right... There should be more than one doctor or at least have another in line if he is going on holidays! It's time for a break for you!! I hope this works.
As for the weekend I hope I'm at least IN active labor by then lol if not I'm not sure!
Love ya ladies!
Hi ladies :)
I've been feeling off for the past two days. Just a bit off. Also my little girl here has been very minimal on movements, making me nervous to say the least. She is finally back to herself this aft, not sure what was up but glad she finally got squirmy, I was ready to go have them take a look and make sure nothing was up. I know I'm fighting something as both X and I have had snivles and I woke with a cold sore which is an indicated I'm fighting a temperature. I hope it passes quickly. We get to take a run by the house tonight and get measurements for appliances. At our inspection our related pushed us out the door as he had gone and booked himself another appt. we finished the review with the inspected on the deck in the yard, lol. Anyways then we get to make that big purchase. I'm excited for new appliances.
Tainted- I too hope things happen for you soon. Trust me I know the frustration of waiting. I can't imagine some ppl having to go overdue up to two weeks! I was one day past and freaking out, lol.
ER- blah to bedrest, hope the 4 month old at least filled some time for you.
Sugarlys- how goes appt's for you?
Blessed- I agree that you should feel more comfortable and be able to rely on the clinic staff. More than one doc is a normal thing for these clinics nowadays to properly cover a woman's cycle. It's like an OB, when they leave someone must cover as the point is to care for a mother in pregnancy, shouldn't those who specialize in fertility follow the same premise? Sorry to hear your faith is failing for the last embies. I sincerely hope you are wrong and it works out but understand where you are coming from.
Blessed - I am sorry you are frustrated. I know nothing I can say will help, but know that we are here for you. I hope that you and K have a wonderful weekend together - do something fun!!! Good luck on Friday - I know you will do great!!

ER - hope the bed rest is going smoothly...how much longer do you think you will go until they induce?

Hopeful - sorry you guys aren't feeling well. Hope you are on the mend!

Tainted - hope everything is going good with you!!

AFM, still getting unpacked from camping..its taking longer than it should, but I am trying to not get too tired doing it. I had my appt yesterday and all was well. I have to go for the glucose screening tomorrow. Now I am up to a dr appt every 2 weeks instead of 4.

Have a good evening :)
They are c-sectioning me around September 24th... That's approximate.

Take your time unpacking... It's not fun anyway lol
My clinic is so full of bs. I go in today and all is fine so I should begin the stupid Lupron shots tonight. They tell me to start tomorrow night and do five days of Lupron w/ bcp. I wondered why they'd tell me to start tomorrow until I realized it was to make sure that AF doesn't arrive on Th or Fri next week b/c then they'd have to see me over the weekend. Of course, mess with my schedule so it better fits yours. I'll only be driving an hour to the hospital M-F and am supposed to be there by 8 am so every 8 am appt during the week my clinic makes for me will make me late by an hour & a half. But whatever works for them...

I'm starting the damn Lupron tonight and will time my last bp pill so that they have to see me over the weekend. So tired of all of this. It's really starting to get me down.
My clinic is so full of bs. I go in today and all is fine so I should begin the stupid Lupron shots tonight. They tell me to start tomorrow night and do five days of Lupron w/ bcp. I wondered why they'd tell me to start tomorrow until I realized it was to make sure that AF doesn't arrive on Th or Fri next week b/c then they'd have to see me over the weekend. Of course, mess with my schedule so it better fits yours. I'll only be driving an hour to the hospital M-F and am supposed to be there by 8 am so every 8 am appt during the week my clinic makes for me will make me late by an hour & a half. But whatever works for them...

I'm starting the damn Lupron tonight and will time my last bp pill so that they have to see me over the weekend. So tired of all of this. It's really starting to get me down.

So sorry they are being like this blessed. It's not right and I'd call them on it. Have you pointed out to them you are unhappy with their service/care? Sometimes it's like if you don't start pointing out what they are doing wrong it just keeps going on, almost like you have to threaten to get properly treated.
Its so unfair this practice is like that. I was pissed that my clinic actually began shutting down for two weeks over Christmas as when I first began going they were only closed on two days, christmas day and Easter. The gal doing calls (who was only there 6 months) said 'it's always been this way', to which I just let it go but said 'no it wasn't, but either way that isn't going to change now and I'm not happy'. She said it was their way of forcing patients to take a break from drugs and have a natural cycle. Sure and the holidays didn't have a thing to do with it, and for those who just happened to o before the shutdown, they didn't have to take a med break. Other than that the place was wonderful and very accommodating. Sunday's, most holidays, plus they got me preggers twice so they are doing something right.
I hope all works out for you, and screw em, accidently start taking it a couple days late, lol.
So I am just researching EPO with a VBAC situation. Wasn't sure it was safe as I know prostaglandin gel (cervadil) is unsafe as it increases risk of rupture of scar, but EPO only encourages the body into creating its own natural prostaglandins which don't seem to induce labor, only soften ripen the cervix. I think it might be worth a shot since my last labor I wasn't effacing and dialating fast enough, which led to pitocin, which led to stronger contractions, which led to decels in his heartrate, which led to c section.
Wohooo!! So excited!! (And glad its you not me..haha)...I'm not ready yet! Good luck and know that we will be thinking of you today!
Contractions are still pretty dull but still there and consistent! I got a nap in which was great... Ohhh
I should start with.. I was sent home to be comfy until I can't handle it anymore or my contractions are 2-3 mins apart or my water breaks! Pretty just I just had my bloody show... This is all very real now! Lol the contractions aren't too bad! I'm gonna shower and Phil and I are gonna walk to get this show on the road! Lol
Nope I'm so pumped to not be pregnant and to see this little boy I've been making!! The girl in the hospital room next to mine scared me for a second but then I thought everyone is different.
It's funny how for so long I was terrified of labor and delivery then bam at like 37weeks I wasn't I just tried to get head wrapped around it and became really zen!
Well that is good to know!! I am glad you are ready. I can see how I will also be excited to not be pregnant anymore and I have had an easy pregnancy compared to you.
So happy for you tainted!!! I will be checking in lots. It's great that you are doing so well, I just can't wait for you to lay eyes on your little boy and fall in love all over again :) there is nothing like it!

Appliances are coming to our new place on move day. I can't wait! Samsung 4 door fridge, samsung stove, boche dishwasher and panosonic genius micro. So pretty and shiny they will be. Now back to packing :(

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