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Still nothing?? Fingers are crossed that it is soon so that Phil gets time with baby!
Sorry tainted. I douBt that though. Under 6 weeks left for me.
By the way it's perfectly normal to be late with first child. Hope that isn't the case but if you are, it's okay, he just wanted to spend a few more days in momma's awesome jaccuzi :)
Not long until you'll miss being pregnant, yep you will.....but only the enjoyable parts, like feeling him move.
Maybe it's because you want him out so badly... He knows this so he is staying in longer! Lol
The last few days I have been waking up with horrible side cramps on my right side (just below my belly button)...they go away after awhile but does anyone have any idea what they are? I can't stand up straight, that's how strong they are.

Tainted - can't wait to hear some good news!
Sugarlys- I get cramps too if I don't support my belly enough. Make sure you get a wedge pillow to place under your belly and a pillow between your knees. They make great pregnancy pillows now, or I have a super long breastfeeding pillow that works great.it could also be round ligament pain, but generally that is a sharp pain when you move too fast. Also could just be stretching pain.
Well... Good news!!!
I'm still pregnant! Lol the last couple days have been a little bit like hell for me! Braxton hicks on and off and so much pressure on my pubic and tail bone that I cry BC
Of the fracture earlier on in the year! I went to my OB clinic yesterday I met a dr I had never seen before... She hurt me! From the second she touched me inserting her fingers it hurt! She said she couldn't FIND my cervix and and wasn't gonna try again! I told her she could BC I wanted to know my progress! Woman had no clue what she was doing! I'll die if she ends up delivering! It was horrible! It felt like she scratched the inside of my vagina to pieces! Anyhow I have no clue where I am in the labor world right now!
I've decided to not give a crap... Take my evening primrose oil and tea... Have sex when we feel like it and just fuckin wait!
Mom comes Friday!

Phil is helping a buddy out this week... He has a window company and it's really busy at the moment so Phil is helpin him install! So Charlie and I are stuck alone again!

Hope you're feeling better Sugarlys.
Tainted- I just love your sarcasm, you make me smile :) as for baby, wish I could help, but they really do come when they want to unless you induce, and if you do then you risk c section.
Sugarlys- call your doc and explain over the phone, perhaps she can shed more light on it.

AFM- my morning sucked. Had quite the flat tire this am. Had a look over it and see an old rusty flat nailhead. Go to the dealership and get it removed and sealed and it's 3fn inches long! Anyways car is is great shape now, they checked everything over, corrected pressure in all tires (something Ive been meaning to do anyways) and its sparkly cause they washed it for me :)
So now back to packing and cleaning. Ugh, can't this be over with? Just want to fast forward to Saturday night, (kinda like tainted wants to fast forward through labor :)

Blessed- tell us your amazing story :) busy weekend??? When is your ultrasound?

ER- how's life with the 'rents going?
Hopeful... If I didn't have sarcasm I think I could fall apart at times!

For the love of God!!! Why does it have to be sooooo hot! Yesterday 34 today 29 or something dumb like that! Maybe I'll go swimming! Lol

Le sigh!
Swimming sounds nice :) then then again anything that isn't packing sounds nice.
So my dad watches my nephew during the day...

He decided to feed my nephew a whole cheeseburger and half a small fry! He's only one! Then when his mom's twin picked him up today he's like maybe we'll go up to mcdonalds tomorrow!

Omg. I'm freaking out. My dad yelled at me telling me to relax ... Hello, you are obese and giving a 1 yo fast food!

I'm going to have to make it very very clear I'm raising my child vegetarian and gluten free. Or else I'm afraid I'll have to put him in day care when he's able to eat solid food in fear of my dad feeding my son fast food.

Everyone was like don't tell his parents.... And grandpa can spoil him... That's fine when he's like 5!
So my dad watches my nephew during the day...

He decided to feed my nephew a whole cheeseburger and half a small fry! He's only one! Then when his mom's twin picked him up today he's like maybe we'll go up to mcdonalds tomorrow!

Omg. I'm freaking out. My dad yelled at me telling me to relax ... Hello, you are obese and giving a 1 yo fast food!

I'm going to have to make it very very clear I'm raising my child vegetarian and gluten free. Or else I'm afraid I'll have to put him in day care when he's able to eat solid food in fear of my dad feeding my son fast food.

Everyone was like don't tell his parents.... And grandpa can spoil him... That's fine when he's like 5!

One is pretty young for fast food, my son was 16 months, and only allowed chicken nuggets and like 3 fries. It's a very rare occurrance, I make all of his meals usually from scratch, adding blended veggies in it.
I think if you expect him to be vegetarian and gluten free then you'll have to have premade stuff there for all meals and snacks. Your dad prob did it out of convenience. Also you won't have to worry about it for 6 months at least as baby will just be on breastmilk/formula only.
ERgirl, you may just have to pack meals and lunches for your son to ensure he is getting what you want him to eat!

When do u move hopeful?
How was the weekend blessed?
Sugarlys Didja get a stroller yet?
Hi everyone! So sorry baby is stubbornly comfy Tainted! I started neurology rotation, should be okay. Kevin leaves this afternoon for Michigan to go mountain biking with his buddy. I learned yesterday that I get Monday off so for the first time in months I have a 3 day weekend but no husband!!! I'm trying to decide what to do, so many options!!! Do I have a girl's weekend? YES, of course, but do I have it here or should we go somewhere????????????????????????????????

Blessed- take advantage. I think spa weekend sounds nice. Get pampered. You'll realize how much you needed it once you get so busy with another rotation and you are exhausted.
Either that or do something in nature. Who knows how long we'll have nice weather for, might as well take advantage.
Tainted-Saturday is the big move. Friday is cleaning at new place since we get the keys. Fx everything goes smoothly as this deal has been so hectic that's all we need. Been having like four crazy dreams every night. Last night had a zombie dream, lol where I begged them not to change my son into one, weird I know, since when do zombies listen to reason?
Hopeful, a spa day sounds perfect!!! Your dream made me laugh that you tried to reason with zombies...I'd probably do the same or run in place!
Oh trust me, that's one of the mild dreams. They get pretty weird and intense!
So I had my OB appt today. Waited forever! She was on holiday so she was playing catch up. I felt super sick today, nausea, dizzy, not wanting to eat a thing, tired as hell, in pain. Not sure what is up, but baby is now head down and dropped so we are good to go in 3-6 weeks :) asked my questions:
1.) evening primrose oil? Sure, you can take it but it won't induce you. From her experience it doesn't do much of anything, could help soften cervix but not proven.
2.)growth scan? she wasn't planning on one but if I want it she will schedule it. She says I'm measuring and weighing fine, it could make me worry for no reason as they can be off by 1 1/2 both ways.
3.) seizing up pain in rib age every morning? Simple answer, I need more support, time for a new mattress. I knew that
4.) moving and what I can do? No moving any boxes or furniture since baby has dropped. Just watch your son, unpack a bit, and fit in a nap or two (lol)
5.) continuous monitoring or can I have them use a handheld Doppler for a while? They want continuous when you are in active labor, it needs to show any dips as that can be the sign of fetal distress due to a tear in incision (which you may not feel when in labor)

I'm glad I had her as she took her time to answer everything in detail. baby was kicking as she listened in so nice and active. Blood pressure normal so I guess I must just be having an off day or fighting an illness.

Hope you are all well!
Blessed-you should come to Michigan too... But hang out with me instead! Lol
Tainted- c'mon baby.... Get your cute little head out! We are all waiting!
Hopeful- I'm glad you got your questions answered... And was also placed on "light duty" LOL
Mirna- where are you?

Today was fun... Went out to eat with my sisters. My sis is a professional photographer so after lunch I laid down for a bit, sice I'm supposed to be on bed rest, and then we took some professional pictures in a local park of my belly/baby booties/ultrasound picture. I can't wait to see them! She said that she will have to take more within the days of my c-section because I don't really have much of a belly to work with... Which is true. So she's hoping that within the next 26 days (and counting...) that my belly will pop.

As for the food... It all blew over. My sis found out from her twin and talked to my dad about it. We have plenty of baby food here... But my dad just decided to get mcdonalds on the way home from the grocery store (he takes the LO everywhere... And the LO loves waving at everyone lol). So yeah, my sister was pissed but it's done and over with. Besides my breast pump, the next purchase is the baby bullet. I already have the steamer/sterilizer from my baby shower. In the diabetes magazine I get it said something like kids/babies get 80% more sodium than they need from the prepackaged baby foods. I'm not having that. At times I feel like I'm a weird control freak/typical first time mom but with childhood obesity and childhood hypertension on the rise, Im really determined to give my child the best nutritional start as possible. Especially since diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and cardiac issues run in the family.
see what I'm saying? no real big rounded bump... still looks like a beer gut. the 40 so pounds ive gained went right to my ass and thighs and arms lol

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