Not to be a downer but I just need to vent...
Today was the shift bid at work. I am second to the bottom in ranks of seniority among the female PT workers. Of course all of the AM shifts are gone, leaving only PM shifts. Obviously, I got stuck with the pm shift... Which ends at 830, so I won't be home until 930pm. My dad was like... Okay, it's not like you had a choice. My mom gets home and she starts bitching up a storm..."well looks like you'll have to put him in daycare! I'm not giving up my weekends.... You can't expect dad to watch kids from 7am to 10pm!". Just going on and on and on. Great. Like I have a fucking choice when I can work!
Why can't she see that... 1. Ill be home from 7am to 230pm to help my dad watch my nephew while I'm also watching my own kid. 2. My days off will be Thursday and Friday so I can watch both kids then too. 3. I can have my son on a schedule where he goes to bed at 630 or 7pm, leaving my dad to watch him for only a few hours. 4. He's going to be little for a while... Food, diaper change, nap... That's all there is to it compared to a toddler who is running around.... Put the baby in his bouncy seat while you play with the toddler! 5. My mom... All she does when she comes home from work is sit at the desk in her bedroom, play online games, pops pills (the doc will only giver her ibuprofen 800s, but she flies through about 50 a week?), and drinks almost straight vodka, she wouldn't have anything to do with my kid as she barely interacts with my nephew when he is over!
For fucks sake, it's your grandchild! You bitch cuz you only see your grand daughter once or twice a year saying they keep your grandchild from you, but here I'm giving you the opportunity to be in your grandsons life and you don't want it....
Fuck you you ungrateful pill popping alcoholic.
/end hormonal rant
(edit: I just looked up the licensed day cares in the area, all close at 6:30pm... What a joke)