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OOohh there is nothing like new appliances!! What colour did you get??
Not to be a downer but I just need to vent...

Today was the shift bid at work. I am second to the bottom in ranks of seniority among the female PT workers. Of course all of the AM shifts are gone, leaving only PM shifts. Obviously, I got stuck with the pm shift... Which ends at 830, so I won't be home until 930pm. My dad was like... Okay, it's not like you had a choice. My mom gets home and she starts bitching up a storm..."well looks like you'll have to put him in daycare! I'm not giving up my weekends.... You can't expect dad to watch kids from 7am to 10pm!". Just going on and on and on. Great. Like I have a fucking choice when I can work!

Why can't she see that... 1. Ill be home from 7am to 230pm to help my dad watch my nephew while I'm also watching my own kid. 2. My days off will be Thursday and Friday so I can watch both kids then too. 3. I can have my son on a schedule where he goes to bed at 630 or 7pm, leaving my dad to watch him for only a few hours. 4. He's going to be little for a while... Food, diaper change, nap... That's all there is to it compared to a toddler who is running around.... Put the baby in his bouncy seat while you play with the toddler! 5. My mom... All she does when she comes home from work is sit at the desk in her bedroom, play online games, pops pills (the doc will only giver her ibuprofen 800s, but she flies through about 50 a week?), and drinks almost straight vodka, she wouldn't have anything to do with my kid as she barely interacts with my nephew when he is over!

For fucks sake, it's your grandchild! You bitch cuz you only see your grand daughter once or twice a year saying they keep your grandchild from you, but here I'm giving you the opportunity to be in your grandsons life and you don't want it....

Fuck you you ungrateful pill popping alcoholic.

/end hormonal rant

(edit: I just looked up the licensed day cares in the area, all close at 6:30pm... What a joke)
Wow ER, I am sorry that you are dealing with that. And don't ever apologize for sharing true emotion...we all go through different struggles at different times. Unfortunately there are many people who are affected by your mom's behaviour: her, you and your son (as well as the other grandkids etc). I can only hope that she will get a wake up call and realize that her life is passing her by and she is missing out on the true joys.
The appliances are stainless steel. Almost wanted black but the kitchen is bright and cheery and I think that would be too dark. Hopefully my kids don't scratch em all to hell, but hey, shit happens.
ER- that sucks. When you spoke to your dad was he okay with watching him in exchange for you dealing with both on your days off? I would say if she isn't involved then take it in stride. Wait till her mood is better and tell her you have an agreement with your father and nothing is required of her. it's such a touchy situation as its her home and she is really entitled to do what she pleases in it, although I don't condo e the excessive pill taking and drinking.
Oh and just so you know, most babies/toddlers are best when fresh in the morning, so you get the best time to spend with your boy :)
My dad was cool with it because I would be helping him every single day with both babies... He would only have my son on wednesdays, Saturday's, and Sunday's, as those are my sisters days off... Then I would have both boys on Thursday and Friday... Leaving my dad to care for two kids on Monday's and Tuesday's for 2-3 hours max, because my nephew goes home around 5-6. And by 7 mine will be sleeping.
Don't let her get to you. Just pull the walk away smiling and knowing differently routine.

Tainted- what's up? How are things progressing ?
ER- sorry your mom is giving you such a hard time. As long as you, your dad and sis are on board I think It will be okay.
Hopeful- that's exciting you're getting new appliances!
Tainted, thinking of you!
Hi sugarlys! :)

K & I are headed downtown for a party since I am DONE with internal med. we both hate traffic so much but it's to see friends. We are looking forward to living in a smaller city. Night ladies.
I need a baby update!!! Cmon baby tainted!

She apologized once she started drinking.... Meh.
I'm gonna guess tainted went to the hospital. Sending positive thoughts and can't wait to hear !!!
Nope she didn't! This little boy got comfortable again! The contractions were so strong and 4-6 minutes apart...now nothin! Ugh!
Lost some of my mucus plug and had some bloody show... I'm gonna nap again to make sure I'm rested! I'm totally frustrated! Lol
Gah, I was hoping to wake up to news about a baby :)

On another note - have you guys bought a stroller yet? I am soooo unsure about what to buy. I want a combo with a car seat and I want it to have big enough wheels so I can push it through our fields but I DON'T know which one is good! What do you guys have/are getting???
Sugarlys- I went with chicco as it was compact and lightweight. I never go through fields though. For that I would seek out something with shock system. It sounds silly but trust me, pushing one without across grass is not smoothe at all. My sister always liked her graco. If you are thinking ahead for a second child they have those3 wheeled more expensive ones that another seat can attach to later.

Tainted- aw I'm sorry Hun, he's just building the anticipation isn't he? I hope it starts up for you again soon. :)
Awww Tainted, he's just as stubborn as his momma!!! :)

Yay for the weekend! A real weekend! The party last night was lame but that's done and now we're trying to decide what to do with ourselves. Do we take the train into downtown and walk along the lakeshore and play tourists or go shopping and then seafood? I want it all!
That's sounds fun Blessed. I would do it. Enjoy your downtime and relax :)

Tainted- news? Did you get rested up?

This is the stroller I got...
Ah crap, I just sneezed, and peed a little, lol. To be fair I was holding it cause my son is sleeping and the route to bathroom is creeky floors by my sons door.
The joys of third tri!
Hahahahahahahaha I hate when that happens!

Did some light cleaning and started working on the thank you notes. I got accepted to the paid leave donation at work! So people can donate their paid time off hours to me to help supplement my income while I'm off work.... Yay!
Hey girls! Bad day for miss tainted! Woke upto barfing my face off and basically haven't stopped since! I have heard (from my mom who is a nurse) that it is very common to start vomitting and get the shits right before baby as a way of cleansing the body in preparation for the big eviction! So it's hopeful! Lol I haven't lost my spirit but I'm sure that's the next thing to blow! Lol sigh! Poor Charlie knows something is up and won't leave my side! It's so cute!
Phil is pacing! He is anxious he wants to be able to spend sometime with the baby before he goes back to work!
Sugarlys we bought the newest of the line for safety1st it's green and the wheels are awesome because they have double wheels in the front and really big ones in the back which we can still go to doggy parks with Charlie! Also the chariot is a great stroller but it's not combine with a Carseat like the safety 1st one! :) but is does lots of other cool things like attach to a bicycle at the back. And can run with it using one finger!

Hopeful I did that yesterday and told mom and made her laugh! She's upset BC she is coming out on Friday in hopes to be here for the birth and she's bummed out all this is happening now without her!

And so the journey begins for another long depressing day without child!!
Thanks for being my strong backbone girls!
We are always here for you tainted :)
He's coming, and your mom is right about the cleanse going on. So it's happening soon!
When will Phil be leaving again?
So update this far...
Had more bloody show late last night... I wiped twice and both times the size of a quarter third time nothing! No cramping no contractions.... Maybe soon! Lol
I woke up at 4 am wide awake! Haven't been able to sleep since! Everything I close my eyes I see that little boy and I get so excited I can't sleep! But don't worry my boys can... Phil Charlie and the baby! Lol

Phil goes back the 5th we can potentially push it another week but his work kinda frowns on all that!:S any how! Pray contractions come and stay! Please!
Love ya girls!

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