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I HATE BEING PREGNANT!! I am so done with this! My everything hurts and the barfing... I mean come the fuck on!!! I'm pretty sure I broke some sort of record of throwing up! Ughhhhhhhhhh!
My day started out blah then ok then super blah.
345am wide awake.
530 finally falls back to sleep
1000 get up for the day did some reading and a lot of cleaning made roast with baby carrots red potatoes and onions for Phil n I.
Ran to the bathroom to puke half way thru supper!
Had a shower with Phil and lost more mucus plug.. It's really quite fucking sick!
Took Charlie to the dog park waddled around and got some BH!
Came back mood settles in... My hormones took completely over.. Then the baby moves so it literally feels like he is splitting out of my stomach! I'm grouchy and extremely frustrated at this point!
Ask Phil for a back rub.... Fucker says no! Uhm Howwww do u say no to your preggo lady for a 5 min back rub!? 'I don't feel like it, but i definitely do it before the weekend!' uhhhh you should do it now ANDDDDD on the weekend! After all the crap I've been thru and most of it alone bc he works away... I wanted to spit in his face but settled for a Dutch oven instead! (farted and pulled the blankets over his precious sleeping head) I laughed hard... Now feel more like puking again and can't sleep! YAYYYY!!!

Its 2 am... I just barfed aaaaagain! Lost a ton of mucus... Phil at least got up to rub my back lol! Sigh! I need some prayers ladies! I'm having a rough go here!!!
Tainted, you deserve a medal. Your boy is low and ready to go right? Can you ask your doc about inducing b/c you are STILL throwing up? Honestly, I've never heard of someone being as sick as you have for the entire time. As for Phil, you showed remarkable restraint only farting on him. It's law that you cannot turn down a backrub request for the woman you knocked up - EVER!!!

ER, I can see what you're saying about your belly, it's not that big! It's hard to believe you gained 40 pounds, I don't see it! :)
Tainted... I'm so sorry but he should be volunteering to rub your back AND your feet! I'm reaaaaaaaalllly happy that you got to dutch oven him though... I would have done the same thing except after eating ice cream (lactose intolerant farts are vile). Good job on that one!

Blessed... The 40 pounds went to my upper arms aka bingo wings, my thunder thighs and badonkadonk ass... I can't pull my pre pregnancy jeans up past my thighs lol
Tainted- id wish ya 'happy' due date, if you weren't so miserable :hugs:
It'd be much happier if you'd go into labor already huh?
Well hope things change today and he decides to make his appearance or start on the road to doing so.
OB and Kev says no to back rubs all the time...I've stopped asking :( love your reaction though, lol. If I complain sometimes he just says 'I'll trade with ya and you can go to work all day for me'. No netter what getting a man to understand what it's like wont happen, they just feel that going to work is tougher even though that ends by 5-6pm.

ER- yeah see what you mean, it's kind of even throughout instead of to just the bump, well that should change, but take it as you've done well controlling his weight gain :) he'll pop a tiny bit more in the next couple weeks hopefully, mine sure as hell did!
I gained 14 lbs, and there is 5 weeks left. I think I'm fine there though I know I'll hit a couple more. Still no real appetite :(
So... Up at 6 am to barf again! And losing more mucus... Hopeful you are the only one who has done this... How frickin much is up there! Lmao!!!
Oh Phil's not bad... Just last night he was a douche! Lol! He says all the time he wishes he could take over for me(however if he actually could would he really?!? Lol)
Sighhh... At least I know the furthest I can go is 2 more weeks, right?!? Lol

Er girl I'm like you! The 22 lbs I've gained is everywhere but my tummy! I wish I could update pictures from my phone... Maybe after I get up from my nap I'll try sending some from the computer! I sent a picture to my friend in Ontario who just had a baby and she said I look like I'm 6-7 months... I actually look smaller since the baby dropped!

Ohhhhh Kay! Gunnar try a nap since I slept about 2 hours last night! Gonna try not to woof my cookies anymore... My teeth are taking a beating!! Lol
Well tainted, it was different for me. I lost my mucous plug like two weeks before and all at once. It wasn't a ton, came out in the bath. I think it depends on the person, size and length of cervix...sounds like your got lots.
Get angry and get stubborn, it's what made me go walking for two days and get things going, even though I was too tired and sore. I was friggin determined!
I never had to deal with puking though.
I'm so sorry your dealing with this. It's not going to last two more weeks! Two days max common power of thought!
Ya I agree! Tonight I'm gonna do my relaxing and mediation after my
Walk with Charlie and Phil! We are seriously gonna walk a hundred miles! After that
I'm coming home to ball bounce and drink raspberry leaf tea by the bucket loads! Lol then Phil and I are gonna sport fuck! And I'm gonna stimulate my
Nipples all at the same time! Lol jk
I am just really done barfing! Out we come little bundle of joy!
As for the mucus it's every time I wipe the tp is full of it! But I read it also replenishes like your water! How great!
Geez I can't believe you are still pregnant, Tainted!! That little guy does NOT want to leave his nice warm home! I have been at my parents cottage the last few days but came home early because I pulled a muscle in my side...painful when I am getting up or sitting down...hopefully it will get better soon!

Blessed - did you decide about your weekend? Enjoy every second - you deserve it!!

ER - hope the bed rest is not killing you too much!!

Hopeful - how goes the moving??
I hate this :( had a tad of a meltdown today. Dropped of a bank draft to lawyer this morning. Supposedly it was the last thing he needed, then I get frantic calls and texts from Kev at 4:20 saying call him he needs more. All for a fax from insurance company proving fire insurance, so I call him, he explains he needs five pieces of info and he called her but she wasn't answering. So I call her, it's 4:25, office closes at 4:30, no answer. So I cry, and I cry some more. Put my son down for nap, wait on hold with the after hours number and finally my call waiting goes. It's her and she sent it. She called at 4:55, lawyers closes at 5. F$&@ me! Anyways I sent Kev a text, went and took a bath and couldn't stop crying, damn hormones. The bath sucked!!!! Now that baby has dropped I just feel I have zero room to move, can no longer see what I'm shaving downstairs :(
I'm okay now but I sent Kev to the final walk thru alone as I am too wiped and stressed.
Before he left his mom called, then all of a sudden he's telling me he's picking up the stuff from her place tomorrow instead of Saturday. I knew she would try to pull this. We get the keys tomorrow and I told Kev we need the time as a family to explore our new home and celebrate. So now she thinks she's coming with her boyfriend. Wtf??
I broke down again while making dinner and told him its not okay. I asked that the Friday be our day, no one else allowed as saturday and sunday we are going to be overwhelmed with family and friends, not cool for him to switch it like that.
He went in the bedroom came back out and said he fixed it and he's sorry :) don't know what he said to her but he realized he was wrong to just agree to what she said. It's not her moment, but ours. She needs to back off sometimes.
Okay I'm done with my rant.

Sugarlys- sorry you pulled something. Avoid sudden movements as round ligament pain will get ya too! I hated that part. The turning over in bed was the worst.
Sounds like a rough day :hugs:
But I'm glad he fixed it.... You got him trained right, or at least you have him afraid of your hormones :haha:

Yesterday I had a quick ultrasound, a bpp.... It looks for fluid around baby, baby's movement, baby's heart/umbilical connection, and baby's breathing. Usually it takes 10/15 minutes... Yesterday it took 30. He was really really quiet... Kicking only 3 times between 8am and 1pm. The ultrasound tech said that the umbilical cord pressure is a bit high and that they will recheck it tuesday.... High cord pressure is associated with placental failure and the baby not getting enough oxygen or nutrients. I knew this would happen because of my diabetes but when he is really quiet... It's scary. :cry:

So I ended up at the hospital for more observation.... He's fine, just no room to move.... Prob because my belly is so little
Pffttt.. Just means I have been in bed all day with a book and my
Barf bucket.
Stilllllll nothing!
My back is toast :( got the keys, went there with some stuff and tried to clean, my son drove me mad. Would not let me get stuff done, even so still think I overdid it. Tomorrow is going to be so much worse. I really hope things go okay, be nice to get appliances, and start unpacking in the new home. Worried about Xthough, he had fun but at the end he was tired and hugging me from behind while I scrubbed. I said you want to go home? He's like 'allright' with his head going up and down wildly. Gonna be strange for him that's for sure, hope he adjusts fast.
Happy moving weekend, Hopeful! Try not to overdue it! Hope your back is feeling better today!
Hopeful, try not to get too stressed about the new house. You guys have a great new house, it's a big deal. Try to enjoy the success and not worry if things don't get done. Deep breaths and congrats to your family. :thumbup:

I went out and played poker last night. Kevin doesn't enjoy it and you play for 4-5 hours so I hadn't been in years. Had such a good time, I'm tempted to go and today! :) (After I study of course!!!)

Tainted, I just keep hoping that you'll go into labor! FX'd for you.

Sugarlys, what are you up to?

ER, how are you feeling? I'm sorry you had to spend time in the hospital but I'm glad things are okay. :hugs:

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