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So I am taking a break. Good point blessed! It'll get done when it does. I just feel bad for hubby as along with the dirt I have to clean up, he has to clean up a pile of trash (old broken furniture, scrap pieces of lord knows what, etc. just what he wants to do, make a run to the dump when trying to move in.
Anyways things are going well. I am just waiting for the trucks arrival while I clean clean and clean some more. Xavier is napping in his new room! (success! I brought his mattress and comforter and toys so it was familiar and he went to sleep :)
My one cat is hiding in his litter box in the basement, the other is hiding behind the dryer and won't come out. Oh, and there is a stowaway cricket who is in the garage and it's all I can hear! Got to find and evict him :)

How's everyone else today. Did you all get up at five AM cause you couldn't sleep too? Lol
I'm doing great! Hubby is off this weekend so today he put together all of the nursery furniture! I love it...it is so great. Now I just need to figure out how to arrange ... I am so horrible with anything design/decorating..wish I had that gift!

Hopeful - glad you guys are in and that you are going to take Blessed's advice - couldn't have said it better myself. Hope you find the cricket! Those things can be quite annoying indoors!

Blessed - did you win any money at poker?? Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

ER - hang in there! You are not far now!!

Tainted - anything??

AFM, we are headed to a friends house for a bonfire tonight...gotta make the most of these last few nice nights...and the last few weeks of freedom!! Enjoy your weekend gals!
So I went to target today... On their website a few days ago their medela titty pump (hahahaha) was on sale for $256. Okay cool... I have $108 in gift cards for there. I went to the store and the price said $299. I asked if they could adjust the price, they said no... The online price is different than store price. Oh.

I went home to buy it online... It's on sale for $225! Plus free shipping over $50... And they gave me a $25 virtual gift card. So between the new sale price, the virtual gift card, A 10% off coupon for my baby registry,my gift cards and free shipping I only paid.....

$101 and some change! For a $300 breast pump! That includes the mini cooler and ice pack and everything! I can't believe I saved $200! My sister was in shock because by the time they bought the pump and accessories and bottles they spent somewhere between $500-600 dollars. I got the accessories and bottles from my baby shower already... The plan was to buy new tubing and stuff for my sisters pump so I could use it, but she plans on having another baby in 2 years and I'd hate for something to happen to it so we'd have to buy a new one... Or what if my blood sugar is high, causing sugary milk, and the milk gets into the motor accidentally somehow... I'd rather just buy my own...

And if I don't open it and for some reason I don't need to use it (my cousins milk never came in! I'm hoping I have my moms side genetics instead of my dads side... They have lactating issues lol) I can return it in store.
Hi guys! Kevin came home late last night, YAYYYYY!!! I gave him his bday present, I got him a new computer. His was 7 years old and smoking!!!!!! I think we're just going to hang out today but I'm just happy he's back. He showed me pics of their cabin in Northern Michigan and it was gorgeous. I think we'll go there sometime with others.

ER, good for you to get such a good deal!

Sugarlys, I'm glad you love your baby furniture. It's really exciting. :)

Hopeful, how are you? Did you get a good night sleep in your new home?

Tainted, hope you're doing okay. Just sending good labor vibes your way.

Take care all!
Oh boy! Am I ever tired of barfing! Sigh!
I was up at 3 again with my head in a bucket.
Today if my tummy will work with me we are gonna go for a nice long walk thru the mountains to get this baby rockin!!
Yesterday we went to see the movie hope springs! It was really cute! I think all men should watch it! Then we met up with some friends for a later supper at the olive garden! It was really nice! Wish I coulda had a glass of wine tho! However that will come soon enough!
Mom comes today! Should be fun!

Er that's a fantastic deal! Lucky devil!
Hopeful.. I hope you are enjoying your new home and soon to relax and focus on baby
Blessed! Glad u have k back with you! Enjoy him! :)
So unpacking is no fun, I'm so exhausted. Last night I slept well till about 3:30 when my male cat was walking all over us and meowing. Didn't know what his issue was. Kept pushing him down and readjusting. Then at about 4:30 he climbed under the comforter on top on the sheet and laid on my leg. Then he friggin perd on my damn leg! Nice surprise in the wee hours of the morning. It only hit the sheet and pillow, nothing else but me of course, gross! So he got banished to a room in the basement. Now we have to keep him out of our room! Stupid cat!!!
Anyways everyone slept well besides that. Working on baby gates and unpacking now. Oh so there was a spot on the tile floor yesterday that was extremely slick, like someone dumped grease. Of course I slipped and fell yesterday. Everyone was so concerned but really I didnt hit my bump or even really jarr it. Just kinda sat hard and my arm took the brunt of it against a box. So I now have a black bruise on my upper arm and an almost burn looking scrape on my lower arm that stings. Fun stuff. Ah well least I'm fine.
Gotta run, hard to watch my son without stair gates up...
So last night I made use of my beautiful new tub :) love it love it love it, could give birth in that thing it's so roomy!
Tainted- I am so sorry things haven't progressed :( how much longer is Phil around for? Yeah for your mom being there! Maybe emotionally she'll be the kickstart you needed so you needn't suffer any longer. Come on baby boy, we need a birthday!
Blessed and Sugarlys- thanks for the kind words. Things are going better now, just felt very overwhelmed, and with pushiness of Kevs mom and such I was starting to melt. She didn't come here yesterday thankfully but she did call twice. My dad showed up to mow the lawn and pull weeds for us. So nice of him to do, and was out of the way. I unpacked like 12 boxes and helped DH with his sanity as the baby gates, and fridge and dishwasher hookups were driving him mad. We have ice and water on the new fridge, dishwasher needs one more part (but stores are closed) so gotta wait till Tuesday.
Pretty sure I'm in labor! Started around 630.. About 3-4 mins apart not going to the hospital til 2 mins apart cuz they will just send me home! I'll keep y'all posted best I can
Woo hoo! I k we that baby couldn't hold out too much longer! So excited for you tainted!
Cmon baby boy! Get your cute little butt out now!

I'm so excited for you!!!!
WAHOOO! Good luck Tainted...will be thinking of you guys today!!
Yahoo Tainted! Really hope this is it and you'll be holding your son soon!
Feeling for ya hun! Take it from someone who's last labor wouldn't progress fast enough. The only lucky thing was that my water broke so they had to keep me in and get things going. Too bad in ended in c sec, but at least I had a healthy baby the next day!
Come on little boy, stop toying with your momma!!!!
So I'm going in tomorrow for an induction... The contractions continue but my cervix is a tight assed nun! Lol

I'm exhausted! I have the shits like u wouldn't believe too! Holy moly! Pray for me girls I totally need it!

I'm going to bed now so I get a really good sleep the fun hopefully ends tomorrow! Lol
Night ladies
Praying things to well. Cervadil my be the answer to ripen your cervix! Or perhaps that ball they inflate to stretch it. Watch out for pitocin, you'll contract and hard, but it won't affect your cervix. Make sure you ask for those other options as pitocin without a ripe cervix is what leads many ppl to a c section (like me for one).
Wishing all the best and can't wait, I keep checking in to see what's going on :)
Praying for you Tainted...it will all be over soon and you will be holding your little one :)

I had a good chuckle over tight assed nun lol

I feel like I'm going to vomit... Too much garlic and basil pesto sauce

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