
Congrats!!! How exciting :D can't wait to see pictures!!

We chose the same girl name!! Hope that is okay....!!!! Hope you are feeling okay :)
I'm okay :) I love you we have the same fabulous taste in names :) it was a rough ride but I'm thrilled :)
I bet...and how great that you could do natural this time instead of a c-section!! How is she doing???
YAYYYYYYY CONGRATS!!! I'm so happy you could go naturally! :):) and such a lovely name for a little lady!
Can't wait for pictures and when I get home I PROMISE to put Jett pictures up!

What a thanksgiving present for you to be thankful for!

Congrats again... You're next in line sugarlys!
Thanks ladies. Will post pics soon :)
She is doing great besides cluster feeding which means mommy gets no sleep and no rest for the boobs. Ah well.
:) Are you still in the hospital or are you home?

I go in for my dr appt today - hopefully I will find out more about what I will be doing!! I'll let you guys know when I get home!
Good luck Sugarlys :) hope things are changed

I'm still at the hospital just getting all ducks in a row for discharge. Better sleep last night, she finally let us have a 4 hour stretch of sleep.
Oh good..hope you get home okay today!!

So....good news! I was at the dr and he said that when he was reading the ultrasound report something didn't look right, so he asked the radiologist to re-read the us...turns out he read it wrong...placenta has been fine all along!

The only thing the us report said was that the baby's kidney's should be checked at birth - dr said this is a common request...anyone else have this?
Yep! My little man had an enlarged kidney all through my pregnancy. We just had his kidney ultrasound yesterday. It still looks enlarged, but the doctor will discuss it with me on Thursday at his office. There's a great chance that he can outgrow it and it can correct itself before toddlerhood, but on the rare occasion he doesn't, he will go through corrective surgery when he's an older toddler (like 3ish). Common treatment is antibiotics for a year or so to prevent urinary tract infections/kidney infections. I guess it's super common in little boys and the majority outgrow it, so no worries.

4 hours of sleep? Lucky duck! Mine only sleeps for 2 lol!

Today was a big day for the little guy... We drove out about an hour to go get his birth certificate... Then drove another 30 mins to give a copy to the attorney, then drove another 20 from there to HR to get him added to my health insurance. He loooooooves the car rides. Doesn't surprise me, my car is getting older (2006 with 130,000 miles...) so the ride can be pretty bumpy and I guess soothing, as he slept for 4 hours in the car (why couldn't it be while I was home and also sleeping?). Tomorrow I go back to the attorney to sign all the paperwork and get everything ready for court. That should be fun... Especially when the ex asks to come see the baby, I tell him sure be here by 6pm. 545pm comes around and he texts me telling me he can't make it at 6, but he can do 7 or 8. At that point I tell him to not come over because... 1) he knew about this all day, so to tell me you can't make it at 6 when u got 15 minutes... That's disrespectful, 2) he obviously has no respect for my time, or the baby's schedule, 3) the world does not revolve around him. He did this 3 days in a row. He threatened me saying that he's going to tell the courts that I'm keeping his child from him. I laughed because I have proof via texts that I've been accommodating in giving him 3 chances in a row to see his son.

He's just a bastaaaaaaaaaaaard. But he finally came over yesterday to see him for 30 minutes... And that's only because he said he had a check for me for over a week and I got fed up and told him to bring it over before he leaves for his next project, as baby needed a winter jacket, diapers, and warmer pjs.
Thanks ER! I'm trying to not think about it because there is nothing I can do at this point!

Wow, I don't know how you manage with such drama! Good for you for being on top of things and keeping records of everything. How are you feeling? Is everything healing okay?

I started having Braxton Hicks today...(I think!). I haven't had them up until this point but my stomach goes through times of being super rock hard and then it stops....they aren't hurting or anything. Crazy to think that I am due in a little over 3 weeks..>AHH. Hope all you ladies and your babies are doing well!!
I had some nagging uncomfortable pain a few days ago, but yesterday and today I've been exclusively nursing him during the day instead of nursing every other feeding... Well as a result I've been bleeding heavier compared to the spotting, so maybe that was the pain? Not sure. Follow up appt on Monday for me, tomorrow for him. But other than that, I'm feeling good :)
First full day at home with everyone :) going okay...just trying to keep up with home, food and toddler. K stresses me out as he cannot relax or give me a break without me telling him what to do so I'm tired. I just told him to take our son to the park to let him run around do I can get dinner going and feed Ella. He did it so thank god. Not looking forward to sleepless night but Ella has been really great all day. No trouble at all! Knock on wood lets hope it continues. We ventured out for pads and which hazel wipes for butt kills, lol, but still feel much better than I did after the section, sorry ladies :hugs: I do know what that's like!

Sugarlys- wow 3 weeks!!! So exciting :) and that sounds just like Braxton hicks to me. I am thrilled for you that the placenta is fine! It's really exciting to not know when you are going into labor, and feeling the changes.

ER- such drama is just draining. Sorry you have to deal with that and a newborn :(
Glad you are home, Hopeful!!

I wasn't dilated at all yesterday at the dr but it feels like the braxton hicks are coming every 15 min or so...of course I am probably overreacting...when should I be concerned?
You'll know, it'll hurt not just be tight. Every15 is fine. It's every 5-6 that you need to serif it continues and head for the hosPital. I had to sit or lay down to handle mine once I really knew they were contractions. The other stuff is more just prepping to strengthen your uterus.
It's blessed bday today.... Happy birthday girl!!! I miss you! Phil goes back to work Tuesday so ill be more back here then .... Bad wording! Love ya ladies
Happy birthday blessed! Miss you!!

Yay 3am feeding!

It's my due date today! My baby is 19 days old! And it's also my grandmas 90th birthday!
Jett sleeps from 10-6 or 7. We don't have middle if the night feeds anymore! For about a week now! Yay! But I also give him formula at night bc I can't keep up with piggy. Lol we went to get a check! He is 21.5 inches long now and weighs in at 8 lbs 9 ounces! He isn't gaining weight really fast but he's still doing well! The dr suggest a supplement thru the day to help pick it up!

We are heading NS next week for a quick visit so he can meet his grand parents and great grandparents. I don't wanna fly alone with him oh well! Lol
Ok bum change!
Wow...sleeping through the night!! That is great! A reward for the horrible pregnancy/birth perhaps??

I am 37 weeks today...yikes!! I can't believe how quickly it has gone...I'm officially SCARED of childbirth. The only good thing about the idea of a planned c was that I would have known I just have to sit around and wait. Oh well..! I just hope it doesn't happen when hubby is on night shifts. I am going to start staying at my parents when he is working nights, just in case!!

Here is my latest belly shot!!


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