From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

Star I was really sore aswell and that was without stitches so I really feel for u. I'm still too scared to look down below, God knows what it looks like there! TMI but my first poo was an experience I never want to have again lol

My blood loss was bad the first day but I'm assuming it's because the midwife never stitched me ( i was bleeding a lot but she didn't think I needed stitched so just left me to see how it was) it calmed down and is almost gone now but a few days ago I passed the biggest/thickest clot I've ever seen in my life. Was actually really worried about it but bleeding pretty much has stopped since then

It's lucky our little bundles are all well worth it xx
Thank you for the advice first, I'll see how I get on with the lanolin if not Will ask midwife, my left one today is so painful it makes me cringe!

I'm in so much pain down below all I'm doing is feeding and cuddles
During the night dh has to get her in and out cot and just pass her to me and if he doses off while I'm feeding I wake him up to wind her and put her back to bed as at the moment I'm struggling to get in and out of bed with the painful stitches and bruising
Also blood loss is quite bad today, I've phoned midwife and she said to put a clean pad on and call back in two hrs to see how it is
Apart from that were doing well lol

How is everyone else?

I'm so sorry to hear this. That sounds a lot like me after DS#1. Are they sure they got all the placenta out? I had a little retained. And had a couple clots the size of a lemon within the week after delivery. But was fine after about two weeks. However, I did visit the emergency room, as I was concerned about the blood loss after the big clots.

This time, my retained placenta was much worse, resulting in hemorrhaging immediately after delivery, and emergency surgery (a D&C). Ironically, my recovery has been much easier, probably because the surgery stopped the bleeding. And because I didn't tear this time (second baby!).

Anyway, you should definitely talk to someone to make sure the blood loss isn't a problem.

As for down below, last time, I had to sit on a pillow for a couple weeks. I feel your pain! You will be better soon. Baby will sleep longer soon. And you will slowly forget how difficult these first weeks were.
Thank you rosina :)

Cmo, my first poop was ok but I was so scared! Went the next today so should be ok now lol, definitely good job they are worth it!

First, spoke to midwife again andst them know bleeding isn't as bad today then they phoned back again to check, they said the same about the placenta as you so I will defiantly keep an eye on it
I've made my v pillow into a circle and sitting on that and soaking in bath regularly

I need some breastfeeding advice, my nipples are so sore when she first latches on I dread it, after a min or 2 its more bearable but still uncomfortable
She's latched on fine and all looks good
Midwife said the latching on pain will get better but in the meantime it's horrible
I couldn't feed on the left all night and this morning it was like a watermelon! I expressed some outto make it feel better, ddidn't know if this was the right thing to do?

I managed to feed her for 10 mins on that side earlier, could have done longer but she stopped

I've bought some nipple shields to try, do you think this is the right thing to do or can it make things worse? I don't want to use them, I want her to have my nipples but can't to on like this

My nipples aren't sore as in red or cracked, just sore and sensitive if you know what I mean

If I use the shields to give them a break will I then be back to square 1 with the pain if I start again? Should I perserve and try and bear it or use the nipple shields every other feed?

I don't know what to do for the best?
I think using the nipple shields is fine, if it helps. It might be time for prescription nipple ointment. I remember it being excruciating when my first son latched, but the ointment made it better in 24-48 hours.

You should express the milk somehow, even when it hurts. If you don't, your supply will go down. But worse, you could get a clogged duct that could turn into mastitis (very painful infection). Sometimes when it hurts, I take a hot bath or shower and massage the milk out so I don't get clogged ducts.

If you're able to get past these next days or weeks, it will get much easier. But if you have to stop breastfeeding, that's okay too. I read that only 17% of babies in the US are breastfed.

Good luck!
Not sure star as I've expressed from day 2. My nipples hurt when I start expressing but stop after a minute or so.

At the start my boobs were so hard and very lumpy. Midwife told me to massage them before expressing and there not too bad now. Because I'm topping up with formula and not pumping as much as I should as it takes so long, my supply is dwindling by itself so it's not as sore now if I go a while without pumping.

My midwife says to keep feeding/expressing thro the pain to keep supply up which is easier said than done. Don't put too much pressure on yourself tho. You need to be happy with what your doing and you don't want to be in so much pain that your not able to fully enjoy your little girl xx
Congratulations star!

I can't give you breastfeeding advice as we are utterly hopeless here (I have the "flattest nipples" lactation consultants have ever seen, Henry will not latch, he has a receding jaw which makes things worse, etc, etc) but I've pumped 24/7 so he is exclusively breastfed.

The Newman centre which is probably the leading breastfeeding centre in the world (Dr. Newman is the one who "invented" APNO - all purpose nipple ointment, which you can google) is deadset against nipple shields, though I have used it with some success. The problem with them is that baby will not fully drain and if you are prone to clogged ducts (which you may be given your description of painful lumpy breasts) that is a bad thing. I have had clogged ducts about 10 times and I've had mastitis once already. It is horrible, I'd rather have a c-section again. I have an oversupply which is a big part of the problem, but I am a bit reluctant to decrease it at this point because I am building a fairly massive freezer stash as I know full well that I won't last with pumping forever. But I will have nice reserves so that Henry doesn't have to move to supplementing with formula when I start dropping pumps.

The best way to prevent is to pump each time you get engorged if the baby is not hungry or not draining your breasts. Apply moist heat (a hot shower works best), massage before and during pumping, then cold compress (a cabbage leaf from fridge works best). I will tell you what works better than absolutely anything at unclogging a duct, it may sound funny, but get yourself a vibrator if you don't have one. The cheapest Pocket Rocket works and massage with it by pressing into the lumps. They will not only all instantly disappear but if you do it while pumping you will just see the milk pouring out. This has saved my life, I have not had a single clogged duct since I started massaging with the Pocket Rocket. I do it every time my breasts get super heavy just to prevent clogs.
Sounds like we've all had issues with breastfeeding! Star, I've been there with the pain.

Did you try the nipple shield? It made things worse for me. :-(

I had to take antibiotics in the hospital, it wiped out all the good bacteria and I got a yeast infection.

My midwife and a lactation consultant were both confused by my symptoms so sent me to a breastfeeding doctor. She said it was a yeast infection causing Raynaud's phenomenon. After two treatments of gentian violet and now on flucanozole, it seems to be clearing up now.

When it was extremely painful and I couldn't bring her to my breast, I called our public health line for new mothers. I was crying and so disappointed in myself. She just said to pump until we could figure it out the next day. That's when I went to see the lactation consultant. I got the APNO that 3c mentioned to hold me over until my appointment with the breastfeeding doc. The APNO was enough for me to at least bear the pain and put her back on my breast.

I hope you can find some relief. 3c seems to have a lot of experience here and great tips.

The only thing I'd add is to keep an eye on how your baby comes off your breast. This is where my little one sometimes hurts me. When she starts getting restless, I take her off by breaking the suction by putting my pinky finger in her mouth between her gums. If I miss the moment, my nipple really hurts.

I love cmo's last comment: "You need to be happy with what your doing and you don't want to be in so much pain that your not able to fully enjoy your little girl xx"

Hang in there
3C: the vibrator trick is hysterical! I've never heard of that one.

And yes, I love me that APNO! I think it clears up yeast too. Im using my old container, which expired 1.5 years ago, but still does the trick.

Everyone: If you're having issues, as long as your baby is fed, that's all that truly matters. Your sanity is more important than breastmilk. Good luck mommies!
Thank you so much ladies, I tried the nipple shield last night and it still hurt a bit at first but a lot better and now I'm on the third time of using it on my bad side and didn't hurt at all this time so I'm so relived!
I did have a small blood spot on left breast pad earlier so wasn't helping the situation, I doubt I would be feeding her now without the shield

Its 4am and she's just woke up for the first time since her 11:30pm feed so we've had a good sleep
Thought I might have to wake her to feed as midwife said don't let her go more than 4 hrs at the moment due to looking a tad jaundiced but she looks better now

Were off to maternity in the morning for her heel prick test and to be weighed, be interesting to see howmuch she is now

Thank you again ladies,breastfeeding is harder than what I imagined!
Hi ladies how is everyone doing?

Thought it was about time I posted some pics of my little pickle while dh is busy with a particularly grim looking nappy! (he also called me earlier when he went out to work to say he had poop on his jacket lol)

Hope you're all well and babies cc


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She's gorgeous, Star! I love the pic with her eyes open!

How's everything going?
Thank you first, were doing well thank you, think I'm sleeping better than when pregnant! We get a good 6-7 hrs a night so I'm not needing to nap during the day

How are you?
Ah star what a beautiful little girl! Has it sunk in that you're a mummy yet?

I'll post some pictures of my little lady so u can all see her
Thank u all, I don't think it has sunk in, even though you're so busy looking after them it still hasn't. Sunk it, loving it though!
We've been out for dinner twice which was fine, I worried at first about feeding etc but I don't worrynow
Doing well! Thanks :) How about you? The Fluconazole finally treated the yeast infection I think. I never knew that could happen to nipples! So breastfeeding is a lot more comfortable now.

This little preemie is not so little anymore. I'm worried she's gained too much weight. She went from 5 lbs 12 oz to 12 lbs 6 oz at her 8 week appointment. Purely breastfed (I have an oversupply in my right breast).

Everyone busy with the holidays coming up? It's so hard to get things done!


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Ahh rosina what a little cutie!

Madeleines 15 days today and weighs 8lb 6oz so out on 4oz since birth

Can anyone give me advice on how to go about freezing breast milk?
Do I pump throughout the day into the bottle then freeze the whole lot together or do I have to freeze each individual bit every time I pump? <-------Clueless over here!!

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