From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

No all's still quiet this end cmo! Been trying to enjoy our last day as a childless couple. Packing bags into the car this afternoon becoz we'll either need them last minute overnight or when we go in for induction 2mrw morning. Really can't believe I'll be in labour 2mrw lol! Feels quite surreal. Just hoping he'll be born 2mrw and not make me wait till Monday! Oh and that he's sorted out his back to back problem!

Star, how's your cold now? I don't know my bishop score as never been told it before x
Good luck 2mo bump. Let us know everything is ok when u get the chance xx
I'm feeling much better today thank you
Even had a shopping day and managed to buy some uggs, 2 cath kidston bags and a hoody, was very tempted by the Cath kidston changing bags that were on September but couldn't justify that when I haven't even used the one I've got yet!

I also
Went to work for 2 hrs yesterday to pay everyone's wages so I've been keeping myself busy to pass the time
I'm not having any other signs than period pain on and
Off so not expecting anything to happen, fingers crossed maternity isn't too busy Mon but it's a small unit so I won't hold my breath!

So excited for you bump, were nearly there! Sending you lots and lots of luck xx
Thanks ladies. OH bumped into our community midwife in our local shop just now and she said our maternity unit has been manic all afternoon so she's expecting to be called in 2nite. Really hoping I can hold out til 2mrw now in case I can't get a pool room if it's busy lol! x

Star, good luck for Monday if I don't get a chance to pop on here before you go in x
Hi ladies, our little boy Darcy was born at 7.56pm on Sunday night and he's a gorgeous cutie weighing 7lbs 8oz.

Was 3cm with tightening contractions when arrived for induction so waters were broken around lunchtime to properly get things going...and going they did! Couldn't use the pool room as had meconium in waters and he needed a trace on his head throughout labour anyway so I was stuck on a bed with machines and wires. Escalated through 5cm and 7cm with some co-codomel and the tens machine at which point I requested epidural. By the time the anesthetist was just setting up, I suddenly surprised everyone and got to 10cm and just had to crack on with pushing. 1.5 hours later he was born with help from ventouse and a 2nd degree cut.
Still in hospital at mo after suffering dizzy spells every time I got up and they finally put me on an iron drip y'day so hoping to be well enough to go home 2day!

We are so in love and I'm really glad to be feeling well enough to start helping look after Darcy properly after a difficult few days.

Star, I hope you're doing ok and all went well on Monday x
Huge congrats bump. Enjoy it ad it goes so fast my little one 8 weeks now and feel like I only just blinked.

Good luck star X
Congratulations bump! So happy to hear your little man is here safely. Enjoy every minute xxx

Star - any news??
Well done bump! lots of congratulations, love his name too xxx

Can't believe we've all made it now

My little cutie madeleine hope was born tues 1st at 5:50am weighing 8lb 2oz
in disbelief she's finally here

I went in 1am mon after waking up at 6:30 as they said to call them first at 7am but then asked me to call back at 9, luckily it went ahead

I had the gel at 12pm and they said to leave it 6 hours to soften cervix then they would break waters
spent a long 6 hours walking about with my dh and sister then went to labour suite at 6pm to break waters. They were gong to wait 2 hours to see if contractions started before putting up drip but her heart rate kept going too fast so drip went up after half an hour and dose doubled every half an hour 3 times.

They said I would probably need an epidural due to being induced and the contractions not starting slow and steady but I said I would see how I got on. In hindsight I probably needed it but for some reason forgot about it, I don't know why as I was in absolute agony

Started on the gas and air at 8:30 and a few hours later had diamorphine injection.
They checked cervix at 12:30am and was 6cm
at some point after this I was sick a lot too at the same time as having a contraction which was one of my worst moments but think it was due to the meds as I don't often react well to pain relief

I must have started pushing about 3:45am, about the time I shouted I was pooing myself lol which apparently I wasn't but was her head , wasn't the only time I said this either even though my sister kept saying I wasn't I didn't believe anything anyone was saying

after nearly 2 hours of pushing I had to be cut at which point I just wanted them to do anything to get her out, I kept falling asleep in between pushes too then would come round with the contraction and start again

Like you bump I was strapped to wires which didn't help, had 2 straps around stomach for heartbeat monitor, drip and the one on the end of your finger, did not help moving about

I felt so relieved when they took off the heartbeat monitors near the end and out a towel on my chest as I knew it would be soon, her head kept coming out a bit then going back in again

when she arrived and put her on my chest I was so relived, dh and sister were crying and I was just in a daze as was madeleine, she took a minute to cry as was quite shocked

the midwives cut the cord due to my blood loss they had to get on with it
I lost a litre of blood which I dint really know about until I looked around and saw the state of the room.

dr came straight in to do stiches so I had more gas and air, whilst still holding her in a daze, I then knew I would be sick again so midwife quickly took her while dh helped me with sick bowls which is completely missed anyway!

I then had the stiches then had madeleine back for her first feed as had been searching for it before I was stitched. She fed for an hour which was the most tiring hour of my life. dh had to keep wiping my face and eyes to keep me awake as I hadn't moved from the bed I was on which was still in a state and was trying to feed her

when she finished dh took her and my sister helped me shower whilst I sat on the chair as couldn't barley stand, never felt so ill which was mainly due to blood loss

they were going to keep me on the drip for another 4 hours to help the bleeding but it was all leaking out my hand so they let me off it as long as I had a wee

went back to maternity ward at 10am and stayed overnight til yesterday afternoon

after first feed I struggled with her latching on, did feed her a few times during first day but with midwives help, I was scared I wouldn't be able to do it until tried with her laying down during the night and we got it, now were doing different positions and she's feeding well
yesterday she fed constantly from 11am til 9:30pm with an hr at the most off the breast on and off

latching on is painful at first until she settles into it but midwife said its normal and she's latched on properly but should get better in a few days, any tips in the meantime? I think I have sensitive nipples anyway which doesn't help

she slept really well last to the point I had to wake her up to change nappy and feed her so I had a good catch up on sleep after getting 2 hours in 3 days

hope you and babies are well, sorry for the long post!
I've just written the longest post and its disappeared!!

Congratulations bump, so pleased for you and love his name!

Madeleine hope arrived tues 1st at 5:50am, did post more but it went so I will do tomorrow
were doing well, I'm sore after being cut, having stitches and blood loss but were doing ok

speak to you soon ladies, hope you and babies are all well? xx
just to edit I went in at 11am mon not 1am!
Ah star massive congratulations!! I keep checking to see if u had updated yet. Glad she's here safe and sound!!

I had exactly the same conversation about pooing myself lol midwife kept ensuring me it was just her head.

Glad you're persevering and finding feeding better. I gave up quickly as I just couldn't get her to latch on and she wasn't feeding at all. I'm still expressing but not getting as much milk now so we're topping up with formula aswell and it's working well for us now.

Hope you're recovering well. Enjoy every minute with your baby as it flies in. Can't believe Orla has been here for 2 weeks already!
Thank you, I would have updated sooner but had harldy any network at hospital and could barley send a txt, so annoying!

Glad to hear you're doing well too cmo, breastfeeding is hard so it's understandable you do what you can to make sure lo feeds
I never thought I would get her to latch on but with the laying down position she done it straight away so practised that before moving onto different positions
The latching on does hurt tho so I'm using lanolin
Star: Congratulations!

For nipple pain, get a nipple cream and apply after every feeding. Start with lanolin. If that's not strong enough, in the US, we have prescription "all purpose nipple ointment" which is a combination of 3-4 different medicines. It basically cures whatever the issue is. The midwives will hopefully know the equivalent.

For low production, pump after every feeding, even if nothing comes out. The stimulation tells your body to produce more milk.

Breastfeeding is harder than bottles for the first few weeks, but easier after, as you don't have to clean bottles, remember to bring milk with you everywhere, etc. Plus, baby gets faster and faster at draining the breast. And once you're past the pain and supply issues, it's really nice to feed baby. (Even though all my friends and family have now seen my nipples. There's only so much a nursing cover covers!)

That said, it doesn't work for everyone. With this second baby, I'm having a much easier time. Last time, I had to suppliment with formula for 1.5 months. I guess my boobs are well practiced now.

P.S. - I can't believe you were able to shower! I waited a couple days.
Thank you for the advice first, I'll see how I get on with the lanolin if not Will ask midwife, my left one today is so painful it makes me cringe!

I'm in so much pain down below all I'm doing is feeding and cuddles
During the night dh has to get her in and out cot and just pass her to me and if he doses off while I'm feeding I wake him up to wind her and put her back to bed as at the moment I'm struggling to get in and out of bed with the painful stitches and bruising
Also blood loss is quite bad today, I've phoned midwife and she said to put a clean pad on and call back in two hrs to see how it is
Apart from that were doing well lol

How is everyone else?

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