Hi oliv, If I've ov'd it's only just yesterday or the day before. I've been slightly cramping since and still there today. My cervixs is high and firm so assume I have know ovulated.
Just wish this was my cycle for a bfp, I don't know how much longer I can go on like this.
It's heed excactly 1 year since I came of the depo injection so will be going back to doc's soon if I don't get pregnant.
How are you? And symptoms? When is AF due for you?
I hope so to I'll be going to the doc's arm'd with my charts sk they can attempt turn me away and say oh try this and that.
I would love to conceive naturaly tho tbh! This DH would prefer that aswell
Il just waiting on my chart making a move so I can relax knowing I've ovulated although I had EWCM and positive opk on CD 16/17 my temp stayed the excact same from yesterday till today FX'd.
You could have still caught the eggy I had EWCM a few days before I assume I've ovulated. DH and I didn't bed much at all this cycle either, just both been shattered with work and working diff shifts. But there's always hope till he witch shows.
Hi oliv, your signs look promising for pregnancy, have you tested??
Yes DH and I bed'd but not as much as I would have liked.
I seen to be symptom spotting already at 5dpo..
That my cramping just gone lastnight which was there since before ov,
I've been feeling so dizzy the past 2day and very sickly, last night as I showered I throw up in the shower disgusting I know but it was so out of know where..
And today I've noticed that my nipples look realy dark brown, only at the very center??
Hi ladies, sorry I have been missing the last week! The move went ok just been so busy! I'm out this month AF turned up on Friday as suspected! I have ordered a thermometer and opks and some concieve plus! I really want a december bfp!
Hi amz, so sorry that AF has arrived at your doorstep.
That brill that the move has went well and you settled. Hope the luck of your new home brings you that well deserved BFP
I'm feeling very weird, I actualy feel pregnant?? Totaly weird since I'm only 5dpo..
I'm not thinking of it just know tho far to early and I don't want together my hopes up..
I got my first BFP on Dec 16 2009, I would love a repeat. It was so wonderful and put us both in a fantastic mood for the holiday season. Super hard not to tell the whole family, but worth it for sure.
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