Frustrated TTC #1

I'm sorry about the BFN :(

That could be potentially dangerous having access to tests at work haha. You could become a POAS addict easily!

Sorry I've forgotten, what's your plan if AF does come? Another IUI or IVF?
im use to it by now lol. you are so right. I use to bring them home n just poas just because. Im going to be doing iui. Me and DH decided we will give it a try until Jan. If im not pregers by Jan we are doing IVF. Trying since Oct.2014 I couldn't imagine going into 2017 still with noting.
@Kaybear I keep trying to track temping and I gave up. I totally forget then I remember about 30 mins after I get up. Even me tracking O I don't O on my own too often so its an extra stressor and waste of time. I think doing the test strips will do the trick for you. Just give it a little time.

I'm the same! Temping was way too stressful for me. And I kept forgetting to do it and I get up at different times in the morning. I don't think it was very accurate because my temps were all over the place. I plan on using some OPK's around CD 10.

I'm currently on my AF but it is EXTREMELY light, that it's actually worrying me. My other two AF's were normal but this one is super light. I hope nothing is wrong.
The FS said to give up on temping, but it's become such a habit haha. It'll be hard to break.

Kay, it's hard to take a more relaxed approach when this is something you want more than anything. OPKs should be good if you don't think you've got any problems with PCOS. But keep in mind they don't confirm you've ovulated, they just detect more of the LH hormone in your wee. You could be gearing up to O but not actually release an egg.

Have they given you another ultrasound to make sure everything was clear after the D&C? :(

AF should be here for me around the 11th. What about you ILoveMe?

FX we will all get our BFP together!

I haven't been diagnosed with anything. In my head, I tell myself that I could have PCOS but if I read enough about something, I convince myself I have it, which isn't a good thing. You're right about O'ing. I was thinking the same because last cycle, I had a blaring positive and I BD'd and everything and nothing.

They haven't done an ultrasound since my D&C. I also thought about that - possibly having scar tissue but I don't know if I should call my doctor yet or try and wait it out a little.
@KayBear I had I extremely light period last month. I barely needed a panty liner. but it did last for 5 days so its def AF. I was trying to read up on light AF but couldn't really find anything too much. I say trying naturally for 6 month and nothing then maybe ask your dr. but that is up to each individual. If you feel more comfortable asking your gyn they will do testing just in case. If everything is okay you have nothing to worry about. you did get pregers before hopefully you get BFP sooner then later.
Iloveme, I refrained from being a POAS addict for months. But then when I got my BFP I couldn't help myself. Last cycle I tested way more than I ever have. Of course BFN :(

Do you get free IUIs? I guess that's good you've given it a deadline before you'll try IVF. FX it happened before and ASAP!

Kaybear, I had a really light AF a few cycles ago. Just like Iloveme, it was hardly enough to need a liner. I did some googling and found that it seems normal every now and again but it could indicate a thin lining.

I'm not sure how long you've been trying for but like iloveme said I'd go and get tested if you want after 6 cycles. Definitely 6 if you're tracking ovulation and getting timing right. But if you've been pregnant already, it's likely that you'll get there on your own. My FS said the other day that for a healthy couple, there's only 30 days a year that you can actually get pregnant. So not that many!
@Sarah Yes my insurance covers unlimited iui's. im praying I don't have to go as far as IVF.

CD28 no sign of AF, so im guessing shes just a little delayed. I doubt very much I will get BFP on my own so I haven't taken a hpt.
That's nice to not have to think about the money side of things.

You never know! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Hello Ladies

Just and update, I know ppl are wondering why I keep this thread going, well reason is its for others who can relate and need a go to place just in case of having any questions on my journey. So I will be sharing my journey to all. I have found it quite bit horrid after looking for answers In other threads and then you get to the point where it just cliffhangers.

An update AF got me this am. so I will finally be able to start my clomid cycle this month, in the past it didn't work for me but im being hopeful. Im waiting on my nurse to call me back with instructions as to what steps should I take throughout these next two weeks before scheduled iui.

SN: how do you change the name of your thread?
Yup good idea keeping it open. I find the same, read through pages and pages and then the OP hasn't come back and updated. I try and working out what must of happened by the due dates in their signature.

I'm glad AF is here, we may be only a few days apart in our cycle. I've got 2 more days of provera and hopefully AF will be here. I've had some skin break outs and in the last 24 hours so cramping. I don't even know if you can get PMS with a provera bleed...?

In terms of changing the title is there something on your first post that might say edit? Or something similar?
ILoveme- Well, I went camping for the weekend and of course, the day I leave my AF gets really bad and I am literally gushing blood. That lasted for about 2 days, thank goodness! I think I'm done with my AF now, or at least I hope so, I've been spotting/bleeding for the past 10 days now. It's getting annoying! Sorry about your AF! I hope you get answers soon and get your BFP very quickly!

Sarah - I know AF's after a MC can be a little whacky so I'm trying to hold onto hope that that's what it is. I keep telling myself the same thing. I had no problem conceiving the first time. Maybe I'm just being hard on myself.
@Sarah how is it going did AF come yet? .. I have no idea how to change I will just leave it as is

@Kaybear What CD are you on now, and will you be checking with opk's and BBT this cycle?

AFM CD5 and day 3 of clomid 150mg. ive been taking them everyday at 5:30pm. so far only mild hot flashes. ive never taken this much of a dose before so im just praying it helps my follies grow. I will be going in on Monday the 19th for a scan to check if there is any growth. so hopefully I will be having iui next week sometime.
Well AF is kind of here, I think...

Saturday: Last provera tablet (thank god!)
Sunday: Started spotting at about 10pm.
Monday: Maybe light AF? Maybe spotting?
Tuesday: Maybe light AF? Maybe spotting?

I rung the clinic and spoke with a nurse. She said that they say CD1 is the first day of proper, heavy flow, not spotting. But I'm not sure if I'm spotting or it's just a light AF. I don't want to start Clomid tomorrow thinking it's CD 3 and then end up having a heavier flow later in the week. But I also don't want to miss CD 3 if this is AF!

The nurse said to see if it gets any heavier tomorrow. If it does, count that as CD 1. If it doesn't, then to ring and they'll get me to do some blood tests to check.

TMI follows!
It's probably been heavy enough to change a liner every 2-3 hours or (if I was to leave it) maybe a tampon in 1 day (of course I don't leave it a day!!). It's a dark colour and a little sludgy.. Eww. My usual AF has an obvious CD 1 and my flow is usually medium but still dark in colour. This is the first time I've ever taken Provera, so I don't know what my normal is. Also, my AFs since the MC have been lighter.

Any ideas?
Well AF is kind of here, I think...

Saturday: Last provera tablet (thank god!)
Sunday: Started spotting at about 10pm.
Monday: Maybe light AF? Maybe spotting?
Tuesday: Maybe light AF? Maybe spotting?

I rung the clinic and spoke with a nurse. She said that they say CD1 is the first day of proper, heavy flow, not spotting. But I'm not sure if I'm spotting or it's just a light AF. I don't want to start Clomid tomorrow thinking it's CD 3 and then end up having a heavier flow later in the week. But I also don't want to miss CD 3 if this is AF!

The nurse said to see if it gets any heavier tomorrow. If it does, count that as CD 1. If it doesn't, then to ring and they'll get me to do some blood tests to check.

TMI follows!
It's probably been heavy enough to change a liner every 2-3 hours or (if I was to leave it) maybe a tampon in 1 day (of course I don't leave it a day!!). It's a dark colour and a little sludgy.. Eww. My usual AF has an obvious CD 1 and my flow is usually medium but still dark in colour. This is the first time I've ever taken Provera, so I don't know what my normal is. Also, my AFs since the MC have been lighter.

Any ideas?

Sounds like you are gearing up to a full AF but also remember that if you had to miss CD3 for some reason, you can also take Clomid CD5-9 with the same effectiveness. Alternatively if still confused, rather take the clinic up on their offer to do the test to confirm...either way its excellent news that its AF or heading that way!
@Sarah I hate those type of cycles. that's similar to mine last month. but 29 days later AF showed her face again. so I believe it was in fact AF. it lasted about 5 days then turned to brown spotting. I did blood work prior to that cycle and was just told I didn't O that month.
If I was you I would wait for full on, make sure your lining is nice and ready. With provera AF usually will come as soon as you stop taking it. so im sure It will be here full on soon, your body is probably gearing up for it.
Thanks ladies. I had the blood tests today so I'll wait and hear tomorrow. ILoveMe, I've had light AFs before but never spotting or light before it gets heavy. But then again, I've never taken provera. Today there was the tiniest bit of spotting in the evening, but nothing else all day. Maybe my lining just didn't have a chance to build up? I haven't taken my first Clomid yet, I'll hopefully hear from the clinic tomorrow.
@Sarah I hope you get good news and will be able to start this cycle.

AFM today is the last day that I will be taking the clomid 150mg, also started temping today, hopefully I can stick to it.
Iloveme - I am on CD16 today and I received a positive OPK this morning. I have not done anything with BBT. I started using OPK's on CD12. I am way less stressed this cycle! Best of luck with your Clomid! Will you be doing iui?

Sarah - I wish I had answers but I am still new to all this. I can say that after my MC, I started spotting before and after my AF - like 4 to 5 days before it would arrive. My body has very weird. I'm praying that you get AF very soon!
@Kaybear Thank you and good luck with this cycle for you get to BDing!.. and yes hopefully next week.
Thanks ladies. I had some blood tests and the doctor wants me to start Clomid tonight!

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