"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

Men! They mean well but they can be pretty useless!

What are you doing on here? Isn't it like 5:00 or something where you are? Insomnia. It's 10:00 here.
Yes they can! And right when my oldest was about to make his debut, I told hubby to get the camera. He looked at me and laughed, and didn't move! I was like, "Um, GET THE CAMERA!" He kinda jumped and said, "Oh, you brought a camera?" (It had been in my purse thank God!)

On Mondays I hubby has to be at work very early. This morning was 3:45 am, so I've just been up since I got home. I have to take DD to the city later to have her tested to see if she can go to kindergarten early, and I'm afraid if I go back to sleep now I'll feel even worse having to get up later!
GOOD MORNING ladies!!! :sleep: :coffee:

Well I had an interesting weekend. Like you all know we traveled this weekend to go visit my family in Dallas TX. (5.5 hr drive with a dog in the car) The drive wasn't so bad but the purpose of the visit was to go see my estranged biological mother. I had not seen or talked to her in more than 5 years, almost 6. She has some mental health and addiction issues so I have separated myself from her. Well, to say the least she is declining very fast and I'm almost certain she will pass in the next few years. She is down to 85lbs and looks about 80 years old. My Aunt (her oldest sister and my husband went with me). We are attempting to try and find a full service care nursing home for her to go live in because my brother can no longer handle her. The visit did not go the way I thought it would. It was a disaster. :nope: Needless to say I'm going to separate myself from the whole thing once again after what I saw. It is just too much for me right now. :cry: I love my mom, but I am going to have to do it from a long distance away. I did my Christian duty by going to see her and telling her I still love her. But I'm done.

My nausea is starting to kick in a bit I think. In the car mostly and when I get up in the morning. :sick: I got out of the shower yesterday and had to sit on the bed for a moment until I felt a bit better. I feel full very quickly when I eat due to bloating. but more than anything I am plain ol' exhausted most of the time. I wish I could take naps at work. :haha: The hunger has gotten a bit more than normal. :munch: Yesterday I ate terrible as we were traveling most of the day but oh well, today is a new day.
My cramping has calmed down a little bit now. Still there but not as much as before. Or maybe I’m just getting used to it now. :haha:

How are all of you ladies?
jewelz, good for you staying strong and making the visit. as painful as these things are, it's good to have done what you could and be at peace with it. big hugs to you. it's too bad we cant force our family members to do what we want - i guess everyone has their own path and there's not much you can do but set healthy limits for yourself. it sounds like you've got a great lil' nuclear family there with your other half and lo. how exciting for you, i'm still so happy for you! oh and YUM in and out. :p

this month at my house, we're not eating meat - because DF likes to suffer :p i could REALLY go for a cheeseburger!

everyone, i'm on cd14 and expecting to o anytime between now and cd20 (more likely cd20, but here's to wishful thinking!) sprinkle ur prego dust on me, i'm ready for my bfp, and i'm bvetting either this cycle or the next will be the one that leads to mommyhood. Positive mental attitude! I'm doing reasonably well on that this time around. Another thing is while trying to conceive, I havent been takign any kind of medicine for anything and it's been hard! No ibuprofen or tylenol, and I've had a few big headaches and of course CRAMPS this cycle. I'm not really looking forward to another unmedicated af, much less 2. Hopefully I will soon be rewarded for roughing it, and DF will get to ehar me whine about somethign new :). ArggHH!H I wanna baybeeeeee!! :)

I think I might have mentioned this too, but my neighbors are all prego or have new babies, and by xmas, (when my due date was supposed to be) i really want to be looking forward to my rainbow baby, not hearing the neighbor's newborn baby crying during xmas and new years and generally feeling jealous and morbid and like a failure. Oh wow. Ok back to PMA.

On a bright note, i've recently seen some pictures of your bumps, and my, you are all looking gorgeous and glowy!! :kiss:
:hugs: Jewelz, can't say it better than Horsey did -- sorry it didn't go better but it's great that you made the visit and won't have any regrets. And it's also great that you are staying detached and not keeping yourself in a stressful situation.

Horsey, love the PMA! :) I bet you are right that your baby is coming soon!! Hope that egg doesn't keep you waiting too long this week. Keep us posted, ok?
ya, i;ve got a good feeling about this cycle. If it's not this one, it's the next one for sure :dance:. I think by the weekend, I'll be in the 2ww. Steph, where you at?
Ahhhhhhh so :sick: today. I keep needing to eat something to make it stop. Im going to weight a metric ton if this keeps up.
Poor Jewelz :hugs: I had the same fear but I barely gained any weight first tri...and then started gaining much more despite eating a lot better. :haha: Your body is doing some hard work right now! Don't worry about it, just do what you need to do to get through the :sick:.

Feeling a bit grumpy this morning, perhaps ironically, because one of my mother's friends has just offered us a travel system with an extra carseat base, and what sounds like a nice pack n play (he isn't sure what it is exactly...not the most involved dad). I know I should be grateful but we just finished buying, assembling, installing everything :dohh: why couldn't he have thought of this a month ago? And then I feel mad at MYSELF for feeling annoyed about this because he's just trying to be nice AND it's not like we have tons of money to just buy new stuff when someone we know is willing to give us nice used stuff for free, so I should really just suck it up and return our stuff...but...I don't WANT to :brat:
I'm telling you, this extremely nice gesture has ruined my day! Oh preggo hormones.
Poor Jewelz :hugs: I had the same fear but I barely gained any weight first tri...and then started gaining much more despite eating a lot better. :haha: Your body is doing some hard work right now! Don't worry about it, just do what you need to do to get through the :sick:.

Feeling a bit grumpy this morning, perhaps ironically, because one of my mother's friends has just offered us a travel system with an extra carseat base, and what sounds like a nice pack n play (he isn't sure what it is exactly...not the most involved dad). I know I should be grateful but we just finished buying, assembling, installing everything :dohh: why couldn't he have thought of this a month ago? And then I feel mad at MYSELF for feeling annoyed about this because he's just trying to be nice AND it's not like we have tons of money to just buy new stuff when someone we know is willing to give us nice used stuff for free, so I should really just suck it up and return our stuff...but...I don't WANT to :brat:
I'm telling you, this extremely nice gesture has ruined my day! Oh preggo hormones.

You poor thing. I don't blame you. Its a lot of work to put all that stuff together. It's like starting all over again. :haha:However, I think I would really like to have my own stuff too. I'm so picky.
Thanks for understanding. :hugs: I picked our stuff out myself and it's cute, darn it :growlmad: we did budget for it, so maybe I'll permit myself to just say thanks but no thanks!
Hey, you have every right to do that unless you really would like to get your money back and have some extra money for what ever else you might need. It's up to you. It's your baby, your choice.
jewelz, good for you staying strong and making the visit. as painful as these things are, it's good to have done what you could and be at peace with it. big hugs to you. it's too bad we cant force our family members to do what we want - i guess everyone has their own path and there's not much you can do but set healthy limits for yourself. it sounds like you've got a great lil' nuclear family there with your other half and lo. how exciting for you, i'm still so happy for you! oh and YUM in and out. :p

this month at my house, we're not eating meat - because DF likes to suffer :p i could REALLY go for a cheeseburger!

everyone, i'm on cd14 and expecting to o anytime between now and cd20 (more likely cd20, but here's to wishful thinking!) sprinkle ur prego dust on me, i'm ready for my bfp, and i'm bvetting either this cycle or the next will be the one that leads to mommyhood. Positive mental attitude! I'm doing reasonably well on that this time around. Another thing is while trying to conceive, I havent been takign any kind of medicine for anything and it's been hard! No ibuprofen or tylenol, and I've had a few big headaches and of course CRAMPS this cycle. I'm not really looking forward to another unmedicated af, much less 2. Hopefully I will soon be rewarded for roughing it, and DF will get to ehar me whine about somethign new :). ArggHH!H I wanna baybeeeeee!! :)

I think I might have mentioned this too, but my neighbors are all prego or have new babies, and by xmas, (when my due date was supposed to be) i really want to be looking forward to my rainbow baby, not hearing the neighbor's newborn baby crying during xmas and new years and generally feeling jealous and morbid and like a failure. Oh wow. Ok back to PMA.

On a bright note, i've recently seen some pictures of your bumps, and my, you are all looking gorgeous and glowy!! :kiss:

Hey hun, I was the same as you, when we were TTC all my friends, neighbours etc were expecting or having babies and I said to OH I really wanted to be pregnant by christmas. We started trying in August 11 and I got my BFP New years Jan 12 (although I also had a early loss in November 11) so keep going with that PMA and I really hope you'll have a BFP by Christmas :dust: :dust: and more :dust: x
Poor Jewelz :hugs: I had the same fear but I barely gained any weight first tri...and then started gaining much more despite eating a lot better. :haha: Your body is doing some hard work right now! Don't worry about it, just do what you need to do to get through the :sick:.

Feeling a bit grumpy this morning, perhaps ironically, because one of my mother's friends has just offered us a travel system with an extra carseat base, and what sounds like a nice pack n play (he isn't sure what it is exactly...not the most involved dad). I know I should be grateful but we just finished buying, assembling, installing everything :dohh: why couldn't he have thought of this a month ago? And then I feel mad at MYSELF for feeling annoyed about this because he's just trying to be nice AND it's not like we have tons of money to just buy new stuff when someone we know is willing to give us nice used stuff for free, so I should really just suck it up and return our stuff...but...I don't WANT to :brat:
I'm telling you, this extremely nice gesture has ruined my day! Oh preggo hormones.

I know what you mean...We have had lots of people offer us things and my OH takes them and tells me off when I turn my nose up...even though I have said I really want all new stuff for our baby....I know that makes me a bit snobbish but thats just me....were girls and we love new pretty things lol.

I do feel rude not taking the stuff though so we have taken it and we will see if we get use out of it, maybe some of the clothes can be used for 'messy play etc and if I get no use then Ill just give them to charity or something.

I did put my foot down on a pram though, I said no way did i want a second hand one... Ive been playing with dolls since I was little and now I get to have a grown up pram I wanted a new one :)
ya, i;ve got a good feeling about this cycle. If it's not this one, it's the next one for sure :dance:. I think by the weekend, I'll be in the 2ww. Steph, where you at?

i just don't know anymore hun. everything pointed to ovulation a few days ago but now it seems it failed yet again. its now looking like it may be trying again but i've lost pretty much all hope for this cycle.

i discovered something interesting though, i finally received my less sensitive opks today and wanted to share the difference in them. The green one is the new 30miu/ml tests and the blue one is the old 20miu/ml tests.


so when the old ones look positive, the new ones show that isn't right.
How are all my ladies today?

I am good...preparing for my baby shower this weekend and I have major nesting instincts going on.

I keep cleaning and no matter how much I clean the house still isn't clean enough and I keep stressing its not ready for a baby...OH is trying to calm me down and say there is plenty of time and all she needs is her crib and food....but that isnt working on me, I want my kitchen cupboards clean, my windows cleaned etc etc...turning into a right nightmare I bet hes glad to be at work and leave me to it.

Started packing my hospital bag today, I done babies bag and then realised I forgot a jacket and blanket duh! My stuff is in a plastic carrier bag lol until my sister brings over her travel holdall tomorrow. I keep googling lists just incase i've missed anything.

Tomorrow my agenda is tackling our garden as there are loads of weeds, my sister is coming over to help though and then on Wednesday all the nursery furniture arrives whooooo

Lots of Love ladies, will try and catch up again tomorrow

ya, i;ve got a good feeling about this cycle. If it's not this one, it's the next one for sure :dance:. I think by the weekend, I'll be in the 2ww. Steph, where you at?

i just don't know anymore hun. everything pointed to ovulation a few days ago but now it seems it failed yet again. its now looking like it may be trying again but i've lost pretty much all hope for this cycle.

i discovered something interesting though, i finally received my less sensitive opks today and wanted to share the difference in them. The green one is the new 30miu/ml tests and the blue one is the old 20miu/ml tests.


so when the old ones look positive, the new ones show that isn't right.

Stefanie I really hope you are baby dancing anyways just in case you do ovulate and you just don't know it.
Stephanie - those opks are so confusing! I wouldn't have any idea what to make of that! Do you temp, check CM, CP? I can gauge my o quite easily by CM and CP alone but I know it's not the same for everyone. GL and enjoy the BDing! :dust:

c1403 - how are you doing so much when you are so far along!?! Good on you! Try and get some meals cooked and in the freezer too - you will be so grateful for them in the early weeks.

Jewelz - it sounds like you've got loads of symptoms for this stage! Mine are coming and going - I was a weeping, shouting nightmare on Sunday but the last two days I've been a bit more normal! I'm eating every couple of hours but your metabolism increases by about 20% in first tri so it's nothing to worry about and I imagine that in a couple of weeks I'll be sick as a dog and losing weight - I did with my last pregnancy.

I'm two days late for AF now and starting to really enjoy my pregnancy. I spent all 9 months of the last one paranoid that something would go wrong (for no good reason) and didn't really enjoy the pregnancy. This time I determined to make the most of it and appreciate the last few months with lots of one on one time with DD. I'm still testing though! I had one day of not POAS and rushed out to buy 4 more! I just love watching those lines get darker and I doubt I'll stop until the test line is as dark as the control! :lol:
Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday! :hugs:

C, how exciting about your baby shower and all of the furniture coming soon!! I'm sorry the nesting is getting so intense :p but at least you will be organized...there's still a lot of work that I would ideally like to get done on the apartment, but so far no will to do it! Maybe in the last few weeks I'll get another burst of nesting. :p

Stef :hugs: I'm sorry about the ov confusion. I hope you get a huge temp rise tomorrow and you can say that today was it! I can't believe the number of days of +OPK and EWCM you've had. Don't lose hope for this cycle...your body clearly is trying, and it only has to succeed once in order to release this month's egg, and you just need one sperm cell to catch that egg! :hugs:

Ellie, so glad you are enjoying your pregnancy! :happydance: I didn't really enjoy first tri at all. It was such a difference at 12 weeks when I started telling people and finally allowed myself to relax -- even before the annoying symptoms went away. It would have been really nice to have had a more positive attitude up until that point. Being pregnant really is a blessing! I love your attitude and hope you continue feeling good.

How's everyone else feeling? :flower: I definitely had a grumpy day yesterday...stayed grumpy until after going to bed. Classic hormonal mood swings, just all kinds of little meaningless things getting under my skin. That's pregnancy, I guess. Hoping it's better today! So far so good.
I am having all kinds of symptoms as of late. They come and go as they please though. I'm just now starting to get a bit of nausea which is completely foreign to me since I have never ever felt this with either of my last pregnancies. I'm dead tired and feel like this most of the time now.

Almost like some one has pulled a sleeping shroud over my head and Im in a haze. :sleep: I look tired now. It's sad. LOL

I just started to notcied an increase of CM. I constantley feel wet down there now, which keeps me running to the bathroom to check for blood. :nope:

Seriously, the 27th can't get here fast enough to get my scan. :happydance:

I haven't been having any weird dreams yet, probably because I'm so tired I'm passed the heck out. I'm sleeping like a rock lately. Which is odd for me because I usually wake up a lot in the night.

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