"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

ladies r u noticing an increase in discharge? i am having quite a bit, doc said its normal but i do see an increase here.

Yep, I would say I've noticed a discharge :blush: I read that it's supposed to increase all the way through so I figured it was normal. I keep looking out for pieces of plug though!

So how are you all doing on your nurseries? Me and hubby have been working on it a little bit every day. I've done SO MUCH WASHING over the past week! We got an insane amount of clothes from the baby shower, plus towels, blankets, crib sheets and so on. But it's all paying off, the nursery is getting closer and closer! I can't wait until it's done! I also got my hospital bag packed for the most part today, save for a few last minute things. Next step is to get hubby to install the car seats!

We're ready for baby but not really organized yet...still need to get a new dresser, a rocker/glider, and the crib and accessories (!), plus some peripheral things like play mat and monitor that I don't think we'll need for a few months. Oh and no pump yet, but I'm waiting until after my milk comes in for that.
But we have a bassinet, travel system, everything diaper-related, and plenty of NB and 0-6 clothes (I hope), plus blankets, bath, swing, bouncer, etc. Carseat is installed and hospital bag is packed! We may need more diapers actually...planning to wait and see. (Anyone else in this group planning to use cloth?)
GOOD MORNING ladies!!! :sleep: :coffee:

Well I had an interesting weekend. Like you all know we traveled this weekend to go visit my family in Dallas TX. (5.5 hr drive with a dog in the car) The drive wasn't so bad but the purpose of the visit was to go see my estranged biological mother. I had not seen or talked to her in more than 5 years, almost 6. She has some mental health and addiction issues so I have separated myself from her. Well, to say the least she is declining very fast and I'm almost certain she will pass in the next few years. She is down to 85lbs and looks about 80 years old. My Aunt (her oldest sister and my husband went with me). We are attempting to try and find a full service care nursing home for her to go live in because my brother can no longer handle her. The visit did not go the way I thought it would. It was a disaster. :nope: Needless to say I'm going to separate myself from the whole thing once again after what I saw. It is just too much for me right now. :cry: I love my mom, but I am going to have to do it from a long distance away. I did my Christian duty by going to see her and telling her I still love her. But I'm done.

My nausea is starting to kick in a bit I think. In the car mostly and when I get up in the morning. :sick: I got out of the shower yesterday and had to sit on the bed for a moment until I felt a bit better. I feel full very quickly when I eat due to bloating. but more than anything I am plain ol' exhausted most of the time. I wish I could take naps at work. :haha: The hunger has gotten a bit more than normal. :munch: Yesterday I ate terrible as we were traveling most of the day but oh well, today is a new day.
My cramping has calmed down a little bit now. Still there but not as much as before. Or maybe I’m just getting used to it now. :haha:

How are all of you ladies?

so sorry to hear about ur mom hun :hugs:!!! but u r right, u have to do wut is best for u n ur fam right now n u did do the right thing by visiting her n letting her know u still love her!!! yay for symptoms returning full force, man i remember i didnt have any except fatigue at ur stage n it would drive me crazy :haha:
jewelz, good for you staying strong and making the visit. as painful as these things are, it's good to have done what you could and be at peace with it. big hugs to you. it's too bad we cant force our family members to do what we want - i guess everyone has their own path and there's not much you can do but set healthy limits for yourself. it sounds like you've got a great lil' nuclear family there with your other half and lo. how exciting for you, i'm still so happy for you! oh and YUM in and out. :p

this month at my house, we're not eating meat - because DF likes to suffer :p i could REALLY go for a cheeseburger!

everyone, i'm on cd14 and expecting to o anytime between now and cd20 (more likely cd20, but here's to wishful thinking!) sprinkle ur prego dust on me, i'm ready for my bfp, and i'm bvetting either this cycle or the next will be the one that leads to mommyhood. Positive mental attitude! I'm doing reasonably well on that this time around. Another thing is while trying to conceive, I havent been takign any kind of medicine for anything and it's been hard! No ibuprofen or tylenol, and I've had a few big headaches and of course CRAMPS this cycle. I'm not really looking forward to another unmedicated af, much less 2. Hopefully I will soon be rewarded for roughing it, and DF will get to ehar me whine about somethign new :). ArggHH!H I wanna baybeeeeee!! :)

I think I might have mentioned this too, but my neighbors are all prego or have new babies, and by xmas, (when my due date was supposed to be) i really want to be looking forward to my rainbow baby, not hearing the neighbor's newborn baby crying during xmas and new years and generally feeling jealous and morbid and like a failure. Oh wow. Ok back to PMA.

On a bright note, i've recently seen some pictures of your bumps, and my, you are all looking gorgeous and glowy!! :kiss:

hey horsey i remember feeling like that wanting to get preggo b4 my angels due date, i know it was gonna be hard enough to get through that day but at least if i were preggo with my rainbow it would make it easier to bare, i remember hun :hugs:!! cant wait to hear about ur bfp, i know its coming :D!! you can take tylenol while ttc since its safe to use in pregnancy, dont suffer if u dont have to hun!!
love the names jewelz :D!!

stef i had my name of my 1st baby picked out long b4 i ever knew of a baby lol!! i seen ur latest opk test n it is a bit confusing with the positives so i would say to def wait on the temp spike n others signs, they really dont work for all women n i know u will make sure not to miss that egg in the meantime, dont ever give up hope hun :D!! did u ever get a date for that scan?

im still reading but catching up n so happy to see all our bfp's r doing well n our ttc ladies r still :sex:!!! cant wait for the new bfp announcements :D!!
hey do u guys remember what i looked like at 6 weeks (i believe)? i was looking at both pics n comparing, whoa wut a difference, whew i gained alot :haha:!!


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i think this was week 8, man i cant fit any of those clothes now :blush:


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ladies r u noticing an increase in discharge? i am having quite a bit, doc said its normal but i do see an increase here. i took a pic of the bump last friday so i will post that now n go get caught up on u ladies post :D!!

I can't tell, but that's because I've been needing to wear a panty liner for the past several months. I discovered if I didn't wear one, I'd get a heat rash right there from all the moisture and heat, ouchie!

Bump is looking good! :)

So how are you all doing on your nurseries? Me and hubby have been working on it a little bit every day. I've done SO MUCH WASHING over the past week! We got an insane amount of clothes from the baby shower, plus towels, blankets, crib sheets and so on. But it's all paying off, the nursery is getting closer and closer! I can't wait until it's done! I also got my hospital bag packed for the most part today, save for a few last minute things. Next step is to get hubby to install the car seats!

I can't believe the end is SO CLOSE!

i have been in nesting mode also only for me i am making everyone else do stuff since i am still on bedrest :haha:!! all her clothes r washed n put away but more stuff is coming this week so OH will have to go wash again lol, her bedding is on its way so they will all be put together this wknd, i still need a few odds n ends n have to take back stuff i dont need from the shower but as long as necessities are there i will do some afterwards..gonna organize her diapers n wipes n toiletries this wknd too, making a place for everything :D!!

glad u enjoyed ur shower, the pics were lovely, u got alot of stuff wooohooo!! who else has a shower coming? my job was gonna do a shower for me this friday but so many ppl is on vacay til next mth so i told them to wait til after the baby gets here n do it for me then!!
sorry i been running on n on lol but so much to catch up on lol!!

seaweed i lost my mucus plug since week 25 in the hospital but the docs says lots of times it grows back so i been looking for it too lol, least i know wut it looks like, not sure if i lost the whole thing b4 but i know it was some of it.

somebody needs to come have a talk with this lil gurl n tell her to shift to the middle so my dang right hip can get some relief lol :wacko:
Love the pic comparison! As I was posting new bump pics on FB I was looking through my old photos and thinking, I can't believe I used to look like that...will be interesting to see how things change after the babies come, huh? At any rate I'm excited about being able to buy normal clothes again, I see all this great stuff at Goodwill that I can't buy...

Sorry your girl is still on your right! Mine is on the LEFT now but still with that darn foot on my right. It's pretty funny to have him on the other side now! Hiccups usually just above my left hip. It seems like he is facing the exact same way so maybe he just got big enough that he doesn't fit all on one side anymore :haha:
lol u crack me up with that foot :haha:!! u know its funny i will lay on my left side to get her to shift over n all i feel is this wiggling like she is trying so hard to get to the right so she wins the battle n i lay on my back so she can find her corner again ha ha!! i cannot wait to buy reg stuff again too but i not gonna buy nothing til i loose this dang weight n it better be snappy too lol!! im thankful though my mom will watch the baby to give me some time to go to the gym n get it back together, i dont plan on going back to work til the new yr so i have a lil time :D!!
Yeah when he comes out I'm definitely going to ask him what was up with that foot all along :rofl:
I'm so excited to see all your LOs. If I'm still not pregnant by then, then I'm expecting to feel very jealous as well as happy for you.
me and DH have our names decided already too and I'm not even preggo yet lol.

What are your name?? Do share...

I don't know if I want to share yet as I'm stupidly worried that it might jinx it or someone might steal them lol. I know that's silly.

Every time I share names I'm thinking of, someone steals them! One of my husband's cousins always gets pregnant at the same time as me, and she has taken every single girl name I had put aside!:sulk:
Sunkiss I was starting to wonder where you had gone. Was kinda afraid you went into labor early or something.

I'm so excited for you ladies that are almost there!!!
All my Sept ladies I am starting to get so dang excited for all of you. You ladies are so close!!! I can't wait to meet all of your little ones. Such exciting stuff going on in this thread. We are all very blessed.

Babies: coming soon to a hosptital near you!!! Yay!!!

Sunkiss I was wondering where you were too. I was hoping you were still cooking Fayth and didn't go into labor. I was gonna put your face on a milk carton for a bit. :haha:
ladies r u noticing an increase in discharge? i am having quite a bit, doc said its normal but i do see an increase here. i took a pic of the bump last friday so i will post that now n go get caught up on u ladies post :D!!

I can't tell, but that's because I've been needing to wear a panty liner for the past several months. I discovered if I didn't wear one, I'd get a heat rash right there from all the moisture and heat, ouchie!

Bump is looking good! :)

So how are you all doing on your nurseries? Me and hubby have been working on it a little bit every day. I've done SO MUCH WASHING over the past week! We got an insane amount of clothes from the baby shower, plus towels, blankets, crib sheets and so on. But it's all paying off, the nursery is getting closer and closer! I can't wait until it's done! I also got my hospital bag packed for the most part today, save for a few last minute things. Next step is to get hubby to install the car seats!

I can't believe the end is SO CLOSE!

I have had to wear a panty liner since week 26/27, I have so much extra discharge but midwife said its normal. I am also getting the nasty heat rash thing so am having lots of warm baths and sometimes having a cool compress down there helps soothe it.

Our nursery is coming along slowly, all the furniture arrived today.... I just need to convince OH to build it after work, although I know he will be sooo tired and hungry. Maybe ill bribe him other ways lol

Hospital Bags are packed, although need to add a few things like camera, cash, phones etc nearer the time.

Are you ladies washing everything? I have sooooooooo much and most of it is still in a packet. It will take me ages to wash all this stuff. I guess ill wait a few weeks and wash a bit a week.

sorry i been running on n on lol but so much to catch up on lol!!

seaweed i lost my mucus plug since week 25 in the hospital but the docs says lots of times it grows back so i been looking for it too lol, least i know wut it looks like, not sure if i lost the whole thing b4 but i know it was some of it.

somebody needs to come have a talk with this lil gurl n tell her to shift to the middle so my dang right hip can get some relief lol :wacko:
Lol hun, my girly is laying on my left, but i get the odd kick to the right, shes head down and hopefully ready to go soon,

Any of you ladies doing perinial massage to help prevent tearing? My midwife suggested I start doing it....i've had a go and not really sure what im supposed to be massaging lol
Hey Ladies

Been playing catch up again hence all the posts.

Hope were all doing well....my fellow sept ladies we havent got long at all now, I am hoping to keep this one inside for a few more weeks then once iI hit 38 its operation get her out of me lol

Had a midwife app yesterday and my sister came along as she was visiting, got to hear the heartbeat (nice and strong) and she was so excited bless her....she cannot wait to become a auntie.

I have my baby shower this weekend, I am looking forward to it but also nervous as its at my house (as its bigger than my mums) and I've never had 15+ people in my house before, I am very particular about things too such as hands on my walls etc...my OH is the same so it works well for us but other people think were crazy lol.

I am still in my mad nesting phase, today I cleaned all my lounge and afterwards was exhausted and my tummy hurt a little so i've decided to try and knock it on the head a bit as I dont want to push myself too far. I have my mum coming on Friday and she is great at sorting things out so she will do it for me and ill give direction lol.

Stef, I really really hope you have that BFP soon, lots of baby dust your way.

To the other preggo ladies, enjoy 2nd tri when you get there as its true the 1st and 3rd are the hardest. I am sick of not being able to bend down to pick things up....the floor is my enemy right now lol.

Lots of Love


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