"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

GL to Horsey and Stef in their 2WW! Have everything FXd for you girls!

Glad your thrush is gone C, What else can happen in pregnancy to make you feel sooo uncomfortable hey? Awesome that the meds they gave you are working so fast.

Jewelz...Glad you are feeling better with the lump in the throat, now bring on morning sickness! lol :)

Hi Mrs. McD!

Hope you all have a great Tuesday!
Good morning ladies! :flower:

Man things are getting so uncomfortable! The crotch pain has only gotten worse. I'm used to the crappy sleep, having to get up every hour to pee and switch what side I'm sleeping on. And to make matters worse, it's been getting up to around 108 degrees here for the past week, and my house has no central A/C, just swamp cooler which IS NOT cutting it! It's so damn hot and miserable! I am ready to get baby out, but I don't feel ready for baby yet! I'm also starting to worry about labor. So far this pregnancy I've been feeling like "eh, it's going to hurt..no big deal" but now I'm like OH CRAP IT'S GOING TO FREAKING HURT HOW AM I GOING TO DEAL WITH THIS?! My goal is to go without an epidural as I'm scared of all the possible side effects but I just don't know if I'll be able to handle the pain. I asked my husband last night if he'll be disappointed in me if I give in and he said no, and wanted to know if he should try to talk me out of it when the time comes or just let me get it. And I just don't know anymore!

But, today is going to be a good day and I'm going to focus on that for now. I have an hour prenatal massage at 11, and a dr. appointment at 3:30 that I've been looking forward to. I'm looking forward to hearing the details of that last growth ultrasound I had done a few weeks ago.

Hope all my preggo ladies are staying as cool and comfortable as possible, hope the two week wait goes by fast, and hoping you get your crosshairs Stef!
MrsMcD, Seaweed and myself....Its a race to see which of us September 13th ladies are first to go into labour :)

Who do you think it will be? :p I still say not me. Which one of you wants to claim the distinction?

C, I'm so glad the thrush is clearing up! What a relief. :thumbup:

Shante, :hugs: I can't imagine how hard and complicated this must be, but it's good that you still know it's for the best. Do you think you'll talk to your relative about getting to spend some time with the baby? It might be a touchy issue, but it seems reasonable for you to at least bring it up given that you are the one carrying and giving birth. Maybe your relative won't have any problem with it. :hugs:

Horsey and Stef, YAY for TWW!!! :happydance: Let's get those BFPs going!!

Jewelz, glad you are feeling better! :thumbup:

Krippy, how are YOU feeling? :hugs:

Thanks for all the bump comments, ladies. It seems like the baby has in fact dropped (his hips seem to be like 3" lower in my belly) so now I'm fooling myself into seeing a drop in the photos. :haha: Anyway, it's pretty uncomfortable! I don't wish him out of there -- I know he could disengage at this point and I don't want that since he's in a good position (head down facing my right side) -- but it's not terribly fun for me! My hips feel different and my butt hurts whenever I stand up. :p Hoping the heartburn gets better at least.

Hope everyone is feeling well today :flower:
MrsMcD, I'm sorry about the anxieties about labor :hugs: remind me, are you guys taking any sort of class? Learning some techniques for relaxation and knowing DH is on the same page with everything has helped my confidence a lot.

He better not be disappointed if I get the epidural, but who cares. :haha: I really, really want to go without one, but I can imagine situations where it actually makes things go more smoothly instead of less, like if I'm feeling really panicky about the pain or need some sleep before I have the energy. I don't think it has anything to do with being tough or brave for me personally, just with avoiding the risks and being able to stay active, so I hope I won't be too let down if I find myself in a situation where it makes sense to get one.

I hope your appointment goes well! Prenatal massage sounds wonderful! I bet you will feel so much better afterward.
Good morning ladies! :flower:

Man things are getting so uncomfortable! The crotch pain has only gotten worse. I'm used to the crappy sleep, having to get up every hour to pee and switch what side I'm sleeping on. And to make matters worse, it's been getting up to around 108 degrees here for the past week, and my house has no central A/C, just swamp cooler which IS NOT cutting it! It's so damn hot and miserable! I am ready to get baby out, but I don't feel ready for baby yet! I'm also starting to worry about labor. So far this pregnancy I've been feeling like "eh, it's going to hurt..no big deal" but now I'm like OH CRAP IT'S GOING TO FREAKING HURT HOW AM I GOING TO DEAL WITH THIS?! My goal is to go without an epidural as I'm scared of all the possible side effects but I just don't know if I'll be able to handle the pain. I asked my husband last night if he'll be disappointed in me if I give in and he said no, and wanted to know if he should try to talk me out of it when the time comes or just let me get it. And I just don't know anymore!

But, today is going to be a good day and I'm going to focus on that for now. I have an hour prenatal massage at 11, and a dr. appointment at 3:30 that I've been looking forward to. I'm looking forward to hearing the details of that last growth ultrasound I had done a few weeks ago.

Hope all my preggo ladies are staying as cool and comfortable as possible, hope the two week wait goes by fast, and hoping you get your crosshairs Stef!

I am so jealous that you are going for a prenatal massage! That sounds glorious MrsMcD! :) As for being uncomfortable and not sleeping, welcome to the end of your journey. It is training you for the discomfort of childbirth and lack of sleep, at least that is what I told myself last time lol.

Don't stress too much about childbirth. I know that it is scary but you are tough and you can do it hun! :)
I am feeling well, Thanks Seaweed! I am sooo ready for summer to be over and the heat to go away. I think I am really going to enjoy being pregnant in the winter, not looking forward to figuring out what I am going to wear when I am huge! Lol Been feeling lots of aches and pains but I am sure bubs is just going through a growth spurt and I have also been really active. I bought a maternity support belt but it is kind of uncomfortable so we will see if it helps! :) Ready for December to be here, having a bit of anxiety about everything twinge and feeling but I think that is totally normal for me. I just have to acknowledge all the feelings that I am having and deal with them as they come!

It is my 2 year wedding anniversary today but DH is at work. I think that we are going to celebrate it on his next day off so that he can at least feel rested and awake! :)
Good morning ladies! :flower:

I'm also starting to worry about labor. So far this pregnancy I've been feeling like "eh, it's going to hurt..no big deal" but now I'm like OH CRAP IT'S GOING TO FREAKING HURT HOW AM I GOING TO DEAL WITH THIS?! My goal is to go without an epidural as I'm scared of all the possible side effects but I just don't know if I'll be able to handle the pain. I asked my husband last night if he'll be disappointed in me if I give in and he said no, and wanted to know if he should try to talk me out of it when the time comes or just let me get it. And I just don't know anymore!

You poor thing, I'm so sorry you are having a hard time thinking about painful things. I wouldn't beat yourself up about it at all if you end up getting an epi. Child birth is no joke, it's going to be painful. You are squeezing a watermelon out of a lemon for crying out loud!!! Its like trying to put a camel thru the eye of a needle. LOL Hun, in all honesty I would just worry about controlling your pain more than anything. If at the time of birth and dilation you can handle it, then Yay!! If it hurts to much and you are wearing yourself out from pain, then I would suggest an epidural. Listen to your body. Only you know how much you can handle. Best of luck hun!! Remember the reward for all the pain through it all though.
it is my 2 year wedding anniversary today but dh is at work. I think that we are going to celebrate it on his next day off so that he can at least feel rested and awake! :)

happy anniversary!!!
Good morning ladies! :flower:

Man things are getting so uncomfortable! The crotch pain has only gotten worse. I'm used to the crappy sleep, having to get up every hour to pee and switch what side I'm sleeping on. And to make matters worse, it's been getting up to around 108 degrees here for the past week, and my house has no central A/C, just swamp cooler which IS NOT cutting it! It's so damn hot and miserable! I am ready to get baby out, but I don't feel ready for baby yet! I'm also starting to worry about labor. So far this pregnancy I've been feeling like "eh, it's going to hurt..no big deal" but now I'm like OH CRAP IT'S GOING TO FREAKING HURT HOW AM I GOING TO DEAL WITH THIS?! My goal is to go without an epidural as I'm scared of all the possible side effects but I just don't know if I'll be able to handle the pain. I asked my husband last night if he'll be disappointed in me if I give in and he said no, and wanted to know if he should try to talk me out of it when the time comes or just let me get it. And I just don't know anymore!

But, today is going to be a good day and I'm going to focus on that for now. I have an hour prenatal massage at 11, and a dr. appointment at 3:30 that I've been looking forward to. I'm looking forward to hearing the details of that last growth ultrasound I had done a few weeks ago.

Hope all my preggo ladies are staying as cool and comfortable as possible, hope the two week wait goes by fast, and hoping you get your crosshairs Stef!

Like the other ladies have said, don't beat yourself up about it. The key to having an unmedicated birth is to be mentally and physically prepared. If you have an attitude that it will be so painful and you won't be able to handle it, then you probably won't. I would like to encourage you to see labor in a more positive light. Yes, it is naturally painful. But at the same time, it had been done plenty of years before pain meds were invented. You have to be able to relax. And learning as much as possible about it would help as well. Say to yourself, "I can do it. And even if I end up with an epidural, I am in charge and will give it my best." It is not impossible, even for a first baby. Hubby is there as a support and will help you through it. But ultimately, you know how much your body can handle and no one else can tell you otherwise. I wish you the best of luck and encourage you to focus on what you want. You can do it!!:thumbup:
Krippy, Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby!!

Seaweed, you look great!
MrsMcD, Seaweed and myself....Its a race to see which of us September 13th ladies are first to go into labour :)

I believe it will be Seaweed, MrsMcD, and then c1403. :winkwink: But of course I could be wrong. It'll be exciting to see who goes first.
Just in from my OB appt. BP is good, 114/80. Urine is clean, no protein or glucose. Had GBS test taken. Hopefully will have results next Tues. Cervix is a fingertip dilated and 50% effaced. Woohoo!! Braxton Hicks getting closer together, but not a sign of immediate labor. Soon though. :happydance:
I'm gonna say in order its going to be....

Shante, MrsMcD, c1403 then seaweed
Well, I am at least on the road to answers. I went to the new place today and she sent me for a blood test. She said with all my tests, the most recent one being yesterday, I am more than likely pregnant. She said she didn't know what was wrong with the other place, and said when I get the results of the blood test, to go hit them over them head with them. She wants to confirm pregnancy before doing anything else. They are supposed to call me around 12 tomorrow with them

I know some of you may think I should have demanded a scan or beta's, but her plan sounds good to me. She said my spotting doesn't sound like anything serious, I have no fever or pain, so she's okay with waiting for the results before moving on.

If I'm not, then of course there will be lots more tests, and if I am, she's going to refer me to a good ob/gyn. I like that she cared, that she listened to me, and made a plan. I feel so relieved that I'm going to get somewhere with this.
Woooohooo! Great news all around, Shante!! :yipee: I really hope the GBS is negative, then you'll be even more able to move around during your labor -- even if the nurses want you in bed, they can't use the IV as an excuse!

Jcombs, I would have loved to hear about a scan but I think the lady at the new place sounds very reasonable. Especially the part about hitting the other place over the head with your blood test results. :haha: Soooo glad to hear things are finally moving forward for you.

Krippy, happy anniversary!! :happydance: Hope you guys get to celebrate soon. I bet you're right and it will be fun to be pregnant in the winter. My friend who was due last Dec got a big kick out of not feeling cold all the time even when everyone else did. Sorry about the aches and pains but glad you are feeling well overall :hugs:
Woooohooo! Great news all around, Shante!! :yipee: I really hope the GBS is negative, then you'll be even more able to move around during your labor -- even if the nurses want you in bed, they can't use the IV as an excuse!

Jcombs, I would have loved to hear about a scan but I think the lady at the new place sounds very reasonable. Especially the part about hitting the other place over the head with your blood test results. :haha: Soooo glad to hear things are finally moving forward for you.

Krippy, happy anniversary!! :happydance: Hope you guys get to celebrate soon. I bet you're right and it will be fun to be pregnant in the winter. My friend who was due last Dec got a big kick out of not feeling cold all the time even when everyone else did. Sorry about the aches and pains but glad you are feeling well overall :hugs:

Thank you! Yes, she seemed very level headed, and she was absolutely magnificent at making me feel at ease. She made me laugh several times, which I haven't done in a while.She seemed pretty convinced that I'm pregnant. Very reassuring!
When does everyone else have their first cervical exam? I'm thinking I'm going to decline exams unless/until we start talking about inducing...or at least ask the doctor not to tell me how things are going. I feel like either I'll be disappointed with the lack of progress or, if things have progressed, get very impatient, and either way I might as well stay in the dark. But maybe curiosity will get the better of me!

The exception is if we start talking about induction, because I plan to ask for a Foley induction and/or a sweep before scheduling an induction involving chemicals.
Well, I am at least on the road to answers. I went to the new place today and she sent me for a blood test. She said with all my tests, the most recent one being yesterday, I am more than likely pregnant. She said she didn't know what was wrong with the other place, and said when I get the results of the blood test, to go hit them over them head with them. She wants to confirm pregnancy before doing anything else. They are supposed to call me around 12 tomorrow with them

I know some of you may think I should have demanded a scan or beta's, but her plan sounds good to me. She said my spotting doesn't sound like anything serious, I have no fever or pain, so she's okay with waiting for the results before moving on.

If I'm not, then of course there will be lots more tests, and if I am, she's going to refer me to a good ob/gyn. I like that she cared, that she listened to me, and made a plan. I feel so relieved that I'm going to get somewhere with this.

Glad to hear you are on the road to getting anwers. I know you are so excited about tomorrow. Best of luck to you, and hopefully you will be holding a new LO in about 9 mos.

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