"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

Wow seaweed you are really trying to go all natural huh? Good for you hun!! Much respect for you hun.
good morning favorite pregos :) i like hearing about the rules on counting movements! keep talking and dont let me derail the conversation. i just wanted to make a quick note that i'm pretty sure i o-ed and am two week waiting now. i dont have my hopes up very high because i was so moody around o time - i've been getting really annoyed at my other half and i do think it matters and might decrease the chances of sperm and egg getting along too...maybe that is bullhonkey though, or maybe i will plain get lucky and knocked up! steph how you doing? seaweed eater, gorgeous, just gorgeous!

Hey, I know how you mean regarding being moody around O time. I wanted to DTD as often as possible and OH wasnt having any of it so i was sulky most of hte time, it worked for us eventually. Unfortuantly when TTC its all we think about 24/7 and for the OH its not as much. Lets hope the moodyness helped and we see a BFP for you soon xxx
Saw your FB post Shante...hope you are doing ok! :hugs: Not long for you I bet!

I'm ok, thanks. It's not the fact that I want this pg to end, even though I am uncomfortable. It's more knowing that I have to give her away. I want to spend some time with her until it's time for my move, which is 4 weeks postpartum. But I don't know if my family member would like that. It's just so hard, even though I know it's for the best. I just want to get it over with, the emotional part. But thanks for the concern.

Hun, what you are doing is amazing and very brave. Perhaps talk to the family member and explain what your feeling, I do not think its unreasonable to ask for time with the baby once she arrives, it would be good for you and her as she has been growing inside you all these months. I do feel for you and the emotional aspect however you seem very strong and I am sure you will work out the best way to deal with things. Were all here for you if you need it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm gonna say in order its going to be....

Shante, MrsMcD, c1403 then seaweed

I agree with you Jewelz...Shante first (in the next two weeks i think) then I think the rest of us from 6th-20th September somewhere inbetween.

I have predcited 8th September for myself lol
When does everyone else have their first cervical exam? I'm thinking I'm going to decline exams unless/until we start talking about inducing...or at least ask the doctor not to tell me how things are going. I feel like either I'll be disappointed with the lack of progress or, if things have progressed, get very impatient, and either way I might as well stay in the dark. But maybe curiosity will get the better of me!

The exception is if we start talking about induction, because I plan to ask for a Foley induction and/or a sweep before scheduling an induction involving chemicals.

No idea when I have a cervical exam, its never been mentioned so far. Got my next appt with midwife on 21st and ill be 36+5 so maybe she'll mention then.

We dont talk about induction here until I am 40+ (overdue).
They do membrane sweeps for the first week your overdue and then if you go into the 2nd week they book you a bed for induction. Hope I dont end up induced. My SIL was booked in for her induction at 9am and luckily went into labour naturally the night before at 3am so she avoided it.
Good morning ladies! :flower:

Man things are getting so uncomfortable! The crotch pain has only gotten worse. I'm used to the crappy sleep, having to get up every hour to pee and switch what side I'm sleeping on. And to make matters worse, it's been getting up to around 108 degrees here for the past week, and my house has no central A/C, just swamp cooler which IS NOT cutting it! It's so damn hot and miserable! I am ready to get baby out, but I don't feel ready for baby yet! I'm also starting to worry about labor. So far this pregnancy I've been feeling like "eh, it's going to hurt..no big deal" but now I'm like OH CRAP IT'S GOING TO FREAKING HURT HOW AM I GOING TO DEAL WITH THIS?! My goal is to go without an epidural as I'm scared of all the possible side effects but I just don't know if I'll be able to handle the pain. I asked my husband last night if he'll be disappointed in me if I give in and he said no, and wanted to know if he should try to talk me out of it when the time comes or just let me get it. And I just don't know anymore!

But, today is going to be a good day and I'm going to focus on that for now. I have an hour prenatal massage at 11, and a dr. appointment at 3:30 that I've been looking forward to. I'm looking forward to hearing the details of that last growth ultrasound I had done a few weeks ago.

Hope all my preggo ladies are staying as cool and comfortable as possible, hope the two week wait goes by fast, and hoping you get your crosshairs Stef!

You know today is the first day I have sat back and thought holy moly I will be going into labour soon and I will have to give birth. So far i've had the same attitude as you that yeah ill go into labour, have a baby etc.
It was my mum that made me realise as she said she is starting to take her mobile to bed with her every night and keep it on 'just in case', and I havent even thought about all that yet.

I have no idea how i'll cope with pain, so I am trying to keep a open mind and see how it goes at the time, if I try to plan it to much then I know it will not go that way and I may end up stressed/upset.
I am feeling well, Thanks Seaweed! I am sooo ready for summer to be over and the heat to go away. I think I am really going to enjoy being pregnant in the winter, not looking forward to figuring out what I am going to wear when I am huge! Lol Been feeling lots of aches and pains but I am sure bubs is just going through a growth spurt and I have also been really active. I bought a maternity support belt but it is kind of uncomfortable so we will see if it helps! :) Ready for December to be here, having a bit of anxiety about everything twinge and feeling but I think that is totally normal for me. I just have to acknowledge all the feelings that I am having and deal with them as they come!

It is my 2 year wedding anniversary today but DH is at work. I think that we are going to celebrate it on his next day off so that he can at least feel rested and awake! :)

Happy Anniversary xxx

Being pregnant in winter is a good thing as you can get loads of lovely jumpers to show off your bump...the only thing for me would be coats as it gets so cold here in the UK you need a good coat that doesnt end up making you hot and I struggle with that normallly let alone when pregnant.

I am not enjoying our heat too, summer here is so strange, at the moment its humid but with outbreaks of rain and warm sun...so never feel comfy. Plus I have now been bitten by mosquitos which NEVER happens to me in the UK, I guess they love a pregnant lady. Like I need another thing to make me uncomfy lol xxx
Can someone please explain to me how to multi quote, I have just flooded one page with my individual replies lol xxxxx
you just click muti quote under each post you want to reply to, then press post reply and it will add all of them into the box for you to reply to :)

if that makes sense lol
Wow seaweed you are really trying to go all natural huh? Good for you hun!! Much respect for you hun.

Thanks hon :hugs: it's funny how set on it I am...I just think it works with my personality since I hate not being in control :haha: and I feel like I'm up for the challenge. But I like to think I won't be upset if I end up changing my mind...it's not like it's an important part of my identity.

We dont talk about induction here until I am 40+ (overdue).
They do membrane sweeps for the first week your overdue and then if you go into the 2nd week they book you a bed for induction. Hope I dont end up induced. My SIL was booked in for her induction at 9am and luckily went into labour naturally the night before at 3am so she avoided it.

I really don't want to be induced either. :nope: My doctor said if everything is going well I won't have to be until 41 weeks, but if my BP stops behaving I don't think we'll want to wait too long past 37, so I'm aware that it could be earlier.

I think it's great that in the UK you are offered a sweep automatically before pitocin/prostaglandins. I don't think that's the case everywhere here. I'd rather avoid a sweep too since I have read that it increases the risk of waters breaking, but I'd definitely do that before pitocin.
Sorry not to sound dumb but what is a sweep?

Ladies, I seriously ate like a preggo today!! Oops!!
Kolaches for breakfast, frito pie for lunch and pizza and cereal for dinner. All junk!! I don't feel bad about it since I don't eat like that very often. Back to fresh fruit and veggies tomorrow. :haha:
A sweep is when they stick in a finger and separate the membranes (i.e. the bag of waters) from the cervix. I think it is supposed to release prostaglandins. You can even have it done multiple times since it's not supposed to break anything, but you do need to be dilated enough for them to get in there.

Just one day of junk food is not a big deal at all! I ate nothing but junk food all of first tri, more or less. Much easier to focus on healthy food when you're not feeling sick! :hugs:
Krippy- I gotta say, I'm jealous that you'll be heavily pregnant in the cool months! I was thinking I'd hate it because any pressure at all on my belly hurts, even maternity pants but I have found that yoga pants are perfectly comfortable! I know you can't really plan on when you'll be heavily pregnant, but it would sure be nice if next time around, I get the cold months :)

Seaweed- I'm totally with you on wanting it natural and no induction! The idea of induction kinda freaks me out, I know that being induced almost doubles your chances of c-section, and even if not, I've heard pitocin induced contractions are waay worse than natural.

So I had my appointment today, had the GBS test which wasn't nearly as bad as I thought! He didn't even have to use a speculum. He asked if I wanted him to check my cervix and I said sure. So he tried, but he said my cervix was so anterior that the babys head was blocking it! He was able to feel where it was but couldn't feel enough to tell me if I'm dilated or anything. That's so crazy to know that he was able to feel the babys head! I wonder if baby felt his fingers lol :)

I also asked about the growth ultrasound a few weeks ago, he said he was measuring at about 6.5 lbs and was in the 78th percentile. He said he'll be a big baby, but nothing to worry about :) He also let me know that they actually don't allow inductions before 41 weeks unless there is a legitimate problem which made me feel really good. He also said that they do not schedule c-sections for large babys, they give mom a chance to do it on her own first. Another good thing! On my due date (if I make it that far) I go in for an NST and we'll go from there. But just to know that they won't induce or schedule c-sections unless absolutely necessary makes me feel so much better :)
Wow girls, wow... So the doc called me at 5 this evening, with neg results. Next she wants to do betas. I have never gone through this before, so could someone maybe explain to me how betas is going to help them? I honestly would just like an ultrasound to make sure I'm not ectopic or have any tumor or anything and be done with this.
Wow indeed, Jcombs :hugs: I have no idea. I can't understand this at all...really hope everything is ok and you get answers soon :hugs:
Wow girls, wow... So the doc called me at 5 this evening, with neg results. Next she wants to do betas. I have never gone through this before, so could someone maybe explain to me how betas is going to help them? I honestly would just like an ultrasound to make sure I'm not ectopic or have any tumor or anything and be done with this.

Wait- they said the blood test came back negative??? I don't understand how that's even possible with how many positives you've gotten! Even on the digitals! And if the blood test came back negative, why would they bother doing betas?

Or is it possible that she meant that it was "negative" as in they didn't think your number was what it should be at?

I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this :( :hugs:
Wow girls, wow... So the doc called me at 5 this evening, with neg results. Next she wants to do betas. I have never gone through this before, so could someone maybe explain to me how betas is going to help them? I honestly would just like an ultrasound to make sure I'm not ectopic or have any tumor or anything and be done with this.

Wait- they said the blood test came back negative??? I don't understand how that's even possible with how many positives you've gotten! Even on the digitals! And if the blood test came back negative, why would they bother doing betas?

Or is it possible that she meant that it was "negative" as in they didn't think your number was what it should be at?

I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this :( :hugs:

That's exactly what I was hoping one of you could tell me. What is the point in doing beta's at this point? She said, "It came back negative." I have no clue how it's possible. Wth is causing positive hpt's? And certainly if there is enough hcg for an hpt to pick up, how is the blood neg?:growlmad:
That's exactly what I was hoping one of you could tell me. What is the point in doing beta's at this point? She said, "It came back negative." I have no clue how it's possible. Wth is causing positive hpt's? And certainly if there is enough hcg for an hpt to pick up, how is the blood neg?:growlmad:

Something seems fishy. When are you betas scheduled for?
That's exactly what I was hoping one of you could tell me. What is the point in doing beta's at this point? She said, "It came back negative." I have no clue how it's possible. Wth is causing positive hpt's? And certainly if there is enough hcg for an hpt to pick up, how is the blood neg?:growlmad:

Something seems fishy. When are you betas scheduled for?

I don't know. She had called after office hours with the results, which may or may not have been nice of her. I have to call in the morning to schedule it. Hopefully can get it done tomorrow. I am so beyond confused!

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